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Doc Holliday

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Everything posted by Doc Holliday

  1. [quote name='Metalcore501']I laugh and tell them to back up or ill cut them with my razorblade,[/QUOTE] Ooh big tough guy now! A razorblade, oh boy, better leave this guy alone, he means business... The trend in itself only made a "comeback" because modern society loves gravedigging subcultures that should've been left dead in the '80s and '90s. Take for example, the batcavers, those that still listen to Peter Murphy drone on and on about Bela Lugosi being dead and dance horribly to Joy Division...don't you guys get it? No one's cared about goth music since the '80s. It's just the same here. Emo sucked in the '80s, it sucked in the early '90s, and it sucks now. What do you bet in 10 years all the cool kids are going to be greasers?
  2. I think if I was a porn star, my name would be Buck Naked. [IMG]http://agoldenworld.files.wordpress.com/2006/10/george-costanza.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.debbieschlussel.com/archives/costanzanaked.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://duffboy.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/costanza7.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [quote name='Magus']So I was given homework over the break. (What are these teachers thinking?!) I'm suppose to ask people about advantages adn disadvantages of Windows, OSX and Linux. So... Can any of you tell me the advantages of Windows, OSX and Linux? I've never heard of OSX a day in my life, and I'm just now hearing about Linux although I still know nothing about it. I'm currently using windows but as far as naming the advantages and disadvantages of it, I'm in the dark. I also have some math homework... [size=1]These teachers are crazy giving us homework over a Christmas break.[/size][/QUOTE] Do your own damn homework. Whatever, might as well answer it... [u]Advantages of Windows:[/u] Better supported gaming APIs (DirectX), (usually) better app support...there's not much here... [u]Disadvantages of Windows:[/u] Still uses a filesystem that requires defragmentation (NTFS sucks), more malware and more exploits for apps running on Windows and Windows itself, the NT kernel is huge. [u]Advantages of Linux:[/u] Open source, less susceptible to malware and exploits (actually not really, just that crackers really haven't taken up too much of an interest into breaking UNIX-like systems so far), some Windows apps can be ran through a binary compatibility layer, relatively stable basis for building operating systems around. [u]Disadvantages of Linux:[/u] Open source, OpenGL support blows, you're most likely going to have to work within your shell a lot (may not actually be a disadvantage for some), less support for applications. [u]Advantages of Mac OSX:[/u] Based off Darwin and FreeBSD, so in turn is running a modified BSD kernel under its hood (BSD is...what you could say is a brother to linux), less susceptible to malware and exploits (see the same point above), Boot Camp. [u]Disdvantages of Mac OSX:[/u] Crappy OpenGL support, maintained by the black hole of customer service that is Apple. This is just a rough overview, feel free to add.
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