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About SachiroUchiha

  • Birthday 06/25/1993

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  1. [quote name='James'] There aren't many rollercoasters in Australia, so I don't know how common this type of thing is.[/QUOTE] I live in Australia... It all depends where you are! I mean, the eastern states with Movieworld and all those theme parks are crazy. But if you live on the other side of Australia, such as Perth (like me) it's not so common. I've been to a few theme parks, and some of the rollercoasters are practically lethal, but most of them are really... not scary. Like, not scream-worthy at all. It's not that common i guess but it all depends where abouts in Australia you are.
  2. I guess I'm kindof like Fyxe too. I can sing and play piano pretty well, and I can sortof guitar and drum. Just a little. But I haven't actually joined a non-school band,although I do compose music occasionally. It would be awesome to play in a proper band... *sigh* I'm so jealous of everyone!
  3. Well... I have to 'eat' breakfast at 5:50 AM every morning. I don't think that just drinking fruit juice and eating an assortment of cherries, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries count? Or does it? It's the only thing I can stomach, anyway... although sometimes if I'm feeling self indulgent I WILL eat icecream... at 5:50 in the morning. Random berry breakfasts are the best way to live!
  4. I have discovered that: The more I train in cold water with rain pelting on my head IN WINTER, the more I have become resistant to the colds and flu. Strange that. I haven't gotten the flu in ages. Still, that doesn't mean I shouldn't be wary. Swine flu's in Australia. I'll just drink more mocha & like Adam, eat more nachos.
  5. Actually I'm at high school right now. I have no complaints... except.. well.... the bread is disgusting. And I wouldn't really know much more than that because I usually bring last night's dinner to school to eat (it's so much better) and I don't buy anything except for icecreams or MOCHAS. Ah, my world would not function well if I was not able to go high on caffeine during math! It's my saviour! I guess I could say, hey, Australian canteens aren't THAT bad :)
  6. well this is an interesting, random thread... congratulations on making my eyes widen in disbelief. i personally just like the good old traditional peanut butter sandwich... I pity those who are allergic. They just don't know what they're missing out on :)
  7. I hope that I don't sound whingy, but I can't create banners very well... so, would anyone like to make me one? Could it please match my avatar, the Death Note one, so I guess you would have to use darker colours. I'm not really fond of the colour pink, so I would prefer if you didn't use so much of it... but it's fine if you do I guess. Can it please have my name on it too (SachiroUchiha) somewhere? Aside from that... I would be really grateful if someone could make one for me. Please? Thankyou!
  8. I read them when I'm feeling incredibly bored... I guess I'm just not a believer in that sort of thing. Sometimes the horoscopes are funny though... apparently, for three months, the Cancer person would lead an average and boring life. Horoscope writers never specify very much, since the stuff they say never specifies to EVERYONE of the starsign :)
  9. (Pokemon- hey, I'm out of Ideas!) "Ash battles Team Rocket. Sends out Pikachu- defeating EVERYTHING." There you go! I'm not a big fan of Pokemon anymore (well I was watching when I was four) but I used this idea because in all the episodes that I've seen, Pikachu ALWAYS wins when it's against Team Rocket... out of curiosity, is Pikachu a girl or a boy? I was never really sure.
  10. At the moment... well... I listen to a LOT of music :) I listen to Papercut by Linkin Park, and My Apocalypse by Escape the Fate and also The Guillotine by the same band. I'm also listening to some of the Naruto themes- Kimi Monogatari and Fighting Dreamers, and the Death Note themes- such as Zetsubou Billy and Aluminia. And then if I feel like going down memory lane I play 'Tears Don't Fall' by Bullet For My Valentine... but I rarely play that song. It is more of a sad song to me :) Then I go and create my own little tunes on the piano which sounds like some strange cross between Sadness and Sorrow (Naruto), and Waking the Demon (Bullet For My Valentine). That might sound like a weird cross but believe me, it works! For calming music, I listen to the Noir Original Sountrack 2... I think Yuki Kajiura and the other composers on the soundtrack are amazing.
  11. I have been playing piano for seven years now!!! I'm doing my eighth grade AMEB; its pretty difficult but I love it. I've got a really good memory and apparently, perfect pitch, so I like to learn songs REALLY fast and then perform them. Music is my escape, I love to play Mendelssohn- the lieder ohne worte (songs without words) and occasionally anime themes.... I taught myself Sadness and Sorrow from Naruto, and others from animes like Noir and Rurouni Kenshin. My teacher's really good, I learn heaps of stuff at my lessons. The only downside is that my lessons are expensive (they're a hour long) and sometimes piano messes with my social life!! And I agree with tokmik, at least it doesn't need to be tuned and you don't have to breathe into it. I was wondering if anyone had any pointers on playing the third movement of the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven; or the Scherzo a Cappricio by Mendelssohn?? They're the most challenging I've played so far, and I was just wondering whether there was any SIMPLE way to practice them. :) I love piano; I hope everyone can enjoy an instrument they really like.
  12. Anime is interesting! The storylines are usually more complex and it's unlike many of the American made shows these days. I don't have anything against them, but when I look at the TV guide, half the shows I see are all American crime shows. I think there's really only so much you can watch. Also, it's an escape. You can relate to some of the characters, and totally immerse yourself within the plot. Usually, after watching any anime, I feel a strong emotion of some sort whether it's depressed/angry/happy/amused. Especially after watching some awesome anime guys, though that's not entirely why I watch it. :animeswea
  13. It's unfair that we people who watch anime get labelled as freaks of nature. I mean, I'm the type of person that only has a few really close friends, but I do have a life. I play sport. I play an instrument. I study. My friend is the same, but just the other day she got asked whether she was drawing hentai in art class!! I swear that some people are just closed-minded. Honestly, I don't draw so much attention to myself at school, people ask if I can draw them cute little chibis... but apart from that my friends at school are mostly labeled as freaks. :animeangr Besides, some anime is educational, and my school (although they don't know it) likes me playing anime theme music when they do school concerts. So, they unknowingly like the anime music. As long as we keep ourselves healthy, I think that people opposed to anime should just mind their own business and let us mind ours.
  14. (before I begin, I'd like to say that I changed the title of this story, and that it's somewhere on TheOtaku. I didn't get alot of reviews so I'm hoping I'll get some here. This is my first attempt at fanfiction, so if you have any comments on how I can improve, please let me know. Thanks!!) ________________________________________________________________ Solitude. This is what I call this...constant loneliness, this endless time to think about the past and the future, my goals. It is good, because if I just let myself become attached to these almost? inferior people of Konoha, they would just slow me down. Weaken me. I don?t want nor need friends, because they just bring back memories from the past that I?d rather forget. Of course, these clueless idiots (like a certain Haruno?ugh?and other fangirls) do try to associate themselves with me, barely aware of the hostile barrier that I have built around myself. Fools - becoming emotionally attached to others. They are so naïve! Naïve of the many dangers of this, the danger of trust. The cost of becoming foolish enough to trust other people, no matter how many suspicious things they do. My own brother, whom everyone had once looked up to, betrayed the Uchiha Clan - my Clan who had dared to trust my genius brother, my Clan who had ultimately paid the highest price with their lives. And now, I alone am the only one left to see the ruins of my Clan, see for myself how trust ruined everything? my possible life. But this life now will someday, eventually give me the chance to destroy that evil man painfully, and to restore my Clan to full power. This pain is the only thing that I?m grateful to my brother for. As I stand alone here in the cool shade of the leafy green trees above me, barely watching the remaining members of Team Seven (the team members that I am forced to be around with), Uzumaki Naruto decides to leave the group. He runs up to me. I coldly glance at him. Stupid, clumsy idiot. How on earth did he ever become a Genin? The only useful jutsu he knows is the forbidden Shadow Clone Jutsu... ?Sasuke, come and practice with me and Sakura! Kakashi?s making us all recap on using our chakra properly. We have to run up trees, again!? Mentally, I sigh. So boring, so annoying. Why must I be slowed down continually by these two dimwits? And what did I ever do to anyone, to deserve being annoyed all the time by Naruto? I narrow my eyes at him. ?I don?t need this sort of practice.? Naruto scowls. ?Yeah, because my name?s Sasuke Uchiha and I?m too good for everybody so I don?t need to practice. Yeah yeah, say something new!? I turn my head away from him, acting like I am bored- which I am, actually. And?although I don?t show it- it would be weak if I did? his words sting me, just a little. Why?would that be so?? ?Whatever,? I say coldly to him. With no sign of the anger directed at myself, for allowing this feeling caused by him shown on my face, I walk away, and Naruto does not follow. Probably going back to Sakura now to complain about me. As I walk off, I think about what he said. What the hell does he know about me? He doesn?t know what it?s like to suffer by losing everything! He knows nothing, nothing at all about me! I do need to practice, but not by walking up trees; I mastered that a long time ago. I need to practice different skills, master new jutsu. Only by doing this, can I avenge my Clan and become stronger. I grit my teeth, temper flaring. Why am I letting his words affect me?? Naruto thinks I?m selfish, and arrogant. What do I care? Ugh! He was alone, from the very start! Nobody at all had expectations of him, nobody at all, unless they were wondering whether Naruto could keep the Nine Tailed Fox inside of him! I, on the other hand, had family at the start. I was stupid enough to grow a little attached to some, was stupid enough let myself love some. I was a fool, a ?weakling?, just like Itachi said. There were expectations of me, always. Whenever I succeeded, I was always told by my respected father that that was what was expected by his son, that that was what was expected by an Uchiha. If I ever failed, then the disappointment in the eyes of my family was overwhelming. I was forever in the shadow of my brother, always known as ?Itachi?s brother?, never known by my actual name. It had frustrated me so much to know that I could never exceed these expectations- that I would always be overshadowed by the genius in our family, my traitor brother. It was so frustrating at the time? I used to feel like screaming at my parents, ?Leave me alone, I?m not my brother!! And I could be just as good as he is, if you would just stop comparing me to someone I?m not!!? That, was when I was.. a child. And even now, now that Konoha knows the truth about Itachi, I am still barely any different, still haunted endlessly by memories. The only difference now is this new pain and longing for someone to?care, that arrived after the destruction. I wish that I still had a home to go to sometimes, wish that I still could feel loved. Wish even now that someone, sometimes, maybe even once, would kiss my forehead before I sleep at night. I was just a child, back then, when it happened?then deprived of love for the rest of my childhood. I want to be accepted for who I am, and I don?t want expectations of myself. I want to be able to love and be loved, yet I absolutely cannot allow myself to be that weak. I will not cause myself more pain than necessary. But I won?t let myself be distracted these wishes, for they can never come true, for my childhood was stolen from me. I can never trust, love again? Because 12 years ago, a boy named Itachi Uchiha destroyed every member of my Clan so he could become stronger? and he ripped to shreds any hope of me loving another person ever again. My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and I am not my brother - I will not gain power the same way he did, either. I exist now, to avenge my Clan, by destroying my traitor brother, and to restore the once greatness of the Uchihas, so that one day I may find inner peace within the hatred and hurt inside of me. This is who I really am.
  15. I have 4 theme songs, one of which my friends told me I was... (that sentence doesnt make much sense) 1. For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic (Paramore) -recommended song 2. Numb (Linkin Park) -love the lyrics 3. All These Things I Hate (Bullet For My Valentine) -once again, good lyrics 4. I Caught Myself (Paramore) -meaningful lyrics, to me. Yeah, some of the songs are depressing, but hey, I can be, too.
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