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Everything posted by KariKamiya

  1. My dads boss was in the vicinity of the Twin Towers for a meeting.. I also just heard that they just shot down the hi-jacked plane...
  2. I am in total shock...total! It has been named a terroist attack (DUH!). I saw both towers fall down on tv. They're evacuating Washington DC, and NewYork. All airports have been closed, Europe is canceling all flights to the US, and ones that are already coming in are being rerouted to Canada. I just do not believe it.. My dad says that this could very well end in War.. This was basically declaring war on the US. And, to make matters worse, there is one more hijacked plane that they do not know it's wereabouts!!! This was an extermely well organized attack. They bombed the Twin Towers, which stand for the power and strength of America, and they bombed the interior of the Pentagon, where some of the most important Mili. People where. This has also ben delcared the worst attack in US HISTORY! It's worse than Pearl Harbor...ALSO! The Twin Towers where designed to withstand a Boing 747 impact! We think that there was probably explosives stored in the building. I feel like crying.. This is a great attack on Americas pride!! I think we should all pray for these people...
  3. LOL At least the last sprial-staircase is kaputt. Sorry, I just couldn't resist adding that in... ------------------------------------- Ginny: Come to think of it, we haven't see Block-ToyAgumon since the corrider filled up with water.. Cera: Do you think he drowned? Tiamon: Digimon don't drown, at least I think they don't. And, what [i]did[/i] happen to Kazuya? *cera shrugs* Who knows? Ginny: I'm sure he'll pop up again..he always does. Oreta: What are we doing standing here than?! We need to go find that creep Ben. Amnada: No kidding! I don't have the slightest where to look though...*turns to the other 2* But you do! Cera & Ginny: No...we did before the tunnel got blown up! Oreta: Maybe we should try and sift through the rubble and get down the rest of the stair- Cera: NO! There is no way I am going down there again! Amanda: I don't think you have to worry about that..there is no more staircase anyhow.*points to an open door* Ginny: Maybe thats where Kazuya went! Cera: And that makes us want to go down there? Kitmon: What other choice do we have? There is no where else to go anyhow. Noptamon: Kitmon's right. The only way out is through. Amanda: This is confusing...but lets give it a whirl. *They walk through the door* Ginny: Brr..COLD! Cera: Wet clothes and an icy corrider are not the best combination. Amanda: WHats the deal? Is the central heating system busted or somethin'? Oreta: Wow, your not from around here, are you? This place dosen't have an central heating system! Amanda: Figures.. Cera: Careful guys! Theres a patch of ice right here... Amanda: Where? *slips* Weeell...I take it it's right here. Kitmon: Yeah...yep, I'd say it's there. Tiamon & Noptamon: Yay! A slide! *jumps off Ginny* Ginny: HEY! You two! Be careful! Cera: Ginny! Don't chase them! You'll slide right down that- Ginny: Tiamon! NO! Tiamon: Why? Ginny: You'll slip! Thats why! Amanda: Actually, it looks like theres no other way down!' *Cera groans* I am not sliding down that... Oreta: Well, there is a ledge we could hang onto while we slip-n-slide down that thing... Ginny: Lets go for it.. * * * Ben: They're falling right for my trap, aren't they my evil little minion? *a black unicorn stands by him* Balticmon: Yes. *ben holds up a digivice* If they hadn't been so careless, this digivice would not have been missing, eh? Being evil is sooooo fun! ---------------------------------------
  4. LOL No...I just was exaushted, and in some serious need of sleep. I was alseap @ 11, and woke up at 9:30. I'm usually awake by 8. Lets get the next chapter posts..LOL
  5. *sighs* Zero, I know that you hate chat posts, but I just got home from a show, and its 10:00pm, and can't think for beans. Who's next in line to post? *laughs like those insane little pit-droids* Not mine.....:angel:
  6. *sighs* People, people. C'mon! Lets get this story going... Cera: I get it now! When Amanda hit him with her digivice, the power from it destroyed the virus inside of Blockmon, leaving only the good part! Blockmon: Exactly. Now, can we please get a move on? Amanda: Where do you expect we're going to go? We have no clue where he is, or what he's up to! Ginny: Blockmon, you said he was going to the Temple of Accurssed Crests. I thought this was the place! Blockmon:That is exactly where he has gone! And if we don't get a move-on, your crests are gonners!!! Cera: What do you mean, Gonners?! Blockmon: The temple is down this way. Thru a few doors, 5 steps to the east, and down 2 flights of Spiral Stairs. *cera moans* Just thinking of that makes me sick... Ginny: Isn't there another way to go? Blockmon: Weelll...we could go back the way we came from, swim through the black swamp, run through the huanted woods, and climb [i]up one[/i] flight of spiral steps. Ginny: Whats it gonna be? The long-way or the easy way? *cera sighs* I hate spiral staircases.... Amanda: Is that where he took Z? Blockmon: Most likely. If he twists the power of your crests around, we'll know it. Those digimon *points to gryf and mari* Plus Zaltamon, will go as evil as they can..depending on the power of the crest. Ginny and Cera: Oooh...wonderful. Amanda: BUT I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT MY CREST IS!!! Ginny: Only one way to find out! Cera: Don't tell me. DOWN the steps. Blockmon: Unfortunately, yes. Gryf: Hehe..this is gonna be FUN! *cera shoots gryf a look* Maybe for you..you can FLY! Mari: We could digivolve and fly down the steps! Blockmon: Mari, dear, I think you are missing a point. The stair case will be hardly big enough to go in [i]side-ways[/i], never mind fly! *cera makes a face* That's not fair. Not only do we have to go down the steps, but lets just add a narrow stair case!!!! *sighs* SOMEBODY...pick this up..pretty pretty please?
  7. It's faith. And nope, I don't have it yet....you 2 lucky ducks have yours. Well..had. Thanks to Ben, you don't. And my poor digimon! :laugh: You just wait...;)
  8. That was cool. Ashley reminds me of [i]someone[/i], I just don't remember who!!!
  9. Sorry 'bout this, but this needs to be in the General Disscussion. It's not digimon-related. There's a move-topic button if you'd like to move it elsewhere.
  10. Ginny: That's mine! How did you get that?! Ben:laugh: That's one of the perks of being a bad guy. You don't have to answer to anyone. Amanda: You wanna bet? Ben: I wouldn't be starting this. Your's could very well be in here too. But, alot of good that would do you. You still don't know how to use that stupid digivice that this place gives you. Amanda: Its not stupid! Blockmon: Shut-up. Zaltamon: Ha! Try and make her. It won't work, believe me. Amanda: Z! Cut it out! This is one time you don't wanna pick on something your size! *zaltamon glares at blockmon before hopping back on amanda's shoulder* Blockmon: That's right little baby. Go hide! Zaltamon: Alright, that's it! Can I go whack him?! Cera: RUN! *blockmon had taken out his hammers* *Ginny still stood rock-still looking at the crest Ben held in his hand, while the 3 digimon jumped on blockmon* *cera grabs ginny's arm* C'mon! We have to go! Amanda: Any idea where we're running?! Cera: Just run! Don't talk! *amanda looks behind and sees the 2 champions "de-digivolve", and stop moving* Amanda: WE have to go back! *cera slowed to a stop* Cera: MARI! *ben walked over and stooped over the non-moving form of her digimon* Zaltamon jumped up(after all, she had done the least amount of fighting), and Ben turnt around and grabbed her. Ben: I don't think so. Amanda: Great, just wonderful. He changed attentin from Mari to mine. LET HER GO!!! Ben: Ha, yeah right. Alright, me done. LOL
  11. Sorry 'bout that! lol My sense of direction is bad. I thought that the steps led [i]outside[/i], not heading right underneath it.:o Got us caught, ne? Hehe...just wait!
  12. Lucky Cera. I hate small spaces. I freak out while cleaning my closet...*that's why it's such a mess!* OH! By the way..the steps are going [i]downhill[/i] (if you would like them to go the other way, tell me so i can edit my post* ------------------- Amanda: Eew...the walls are all slimey! And so are the steps!*slips down a few steps* Zaltamon: Be careful, will ya?! Ginny: Shh! I hear something! *everyone listens* Cera: Sounds like water to me! Ginny: Great. Just what we need. :rolleyes: [i]Water[/i] dripping to make the steps even MORE slimey! Gryf: You should learn how to fly. Then, you wouldn't need to walk! *after walking 20 mins without any sight of the stair landing* Cera: AARRGH! I can't stand these steps! And I'm all dizzy, to add to it all! Mari: Well..maybe we can stop and take a rest. ToyAgumon: We don't have time to stop! The longer this takes us, the more time Ben will have to get to the Temple! *ginny sighs* Well, Marimon's right. We can't just keep on going. We need a break. Amanda: Ookay..yeah sure. Let's just sit on the slimey, icky, moldy stone-cold steps. Gryf: Well, it's better than slipping down them! Amanda: 'Scuse me? *gryf flys down the rest of the stairs* Amanda: HEY! Come back here! You've got a few questions to answer! *gryfmon comes flying back* Gryf: The stairs! They end about 20 steps down!! *everyone starts to rush down the steps* ToyAgumon: We've come this Far. Let's get to the Temple now. *everyone looks around at the barren landscape* Cera: Wonderful. Dusty, the sun is [i]relentless[/i], and there's enough rocks and holes to.. ToyAgumon: It's a bad-guys homeground. What do you expect? Okay, someone elses turn now! And, quick-question. What side is Angel on?
  13. Hehe...I'd reply to this, except we need the other peeps to post...'Sides, Boy meets World is on. Yay! Someone answered the question of the place where Ben was headed. That's good... Now, Ben had the Crest of Reason. To him, that was an accursed Crest....:babble: Oh, man..I love this new icons. I wish Aim had ones like this.
  14. *sighs* Ben, Ben, Ben...:rolleyes: Ooh, this gonna be fun! *giggles* Amanda:Turn back?! ToyAgumon: Of course. Peace only lasts for so long. Then...BLAM. Another internation incident. Ginny:He's got a point. We better get a move on. *all 3 girls walk over and pick up there digimon* Amanda:Are they gonna be all right? Cera: Of course they will...A..at least I think so. Amanda: Ooh boy.. ---------------- Ben: Those foolish Children! When will they realize that THEY CAN'T STOP ME?! *walks into another room* Here, now I just pull this lever..and..*wall creaks open* ------------------- *suddenly, the temple starts to tremble and shake* *loses balance* Amanda:What was that?! ToyAgumon: Oh no! We need to hurry and get to where Ben's going! Ginny: ToyAgumon, could you tell us where he's going? ------------------------------- Hehe..I'm done!! Someone else's turn once again!
  15. Hehe! This sounds intresting.Can't wait to see where it's gonna go..
  16. Alright, We're over our daily allotment for chatty posts..ROFL j/k. Anyhow..who's next for posts?
  17. Thank you Cera...Now, where is A_S_H? LOL Crush on Ben..evil...*choose the good path..once you go down bad, there's no comin' back!* No, j/k. Little bro's made me whatch just a bit to much Star Wars......Oy..
  18. *giggles* Now we're moving right along! LOL And, just for the record, I [i]do[/i] know what my crest is...;) Oh, goody-goody gumdrops. I'm just a tad bit heedless... *some one else needs to think what that big bright light is...heaven knows i can't!lol) *kazuya's chasing ben, and he pushes ben into the temple ground..right in front amanda* Amanda: AAH! What the! *cera runs up and grabs amanda by the arm* Cera:Get up and get out of here!!!! Ginny: Just a tad bit late for that..the exit's blocked. *amanda and cera look over, and see ben and kazuya blocking the temple door way* Amanda: Uh-oh.. Zaltamon: We could blast a hole threw the wall! Gryf: No! What are you, insane? That'd bring the whole place crashing down on our heads! Zalta:Well, excuse me for trying to think up an idea! Mari: Enough! We'll just have to wait for them to move out of the way, that's all! Amanda: Uh...yeah. Okay.. Alright, someone else can pick it up now. Just, can someone please explain who Angel is? I missed that part...I think it started way before I joined..or was exploring the G&S forum..
  19. LOL Confused..as the rest of us are..lol. Zaltamon:"I'm Tired" Amanda:"Almost there.." *a huge building looms up in front of them..* Amanda: "What is that place?!" Zaltamon: Looks like a crest Temple to me... *the ground rocks suddenly, throwing amanda and Z to the ground* Amanda: HEY! WHat was that?! *the walls had cracked open and what seemed to be a huge digi-egg appered on the top of the building, a 2 other children come dashing out on the top of the steps* Ben: Finally, I shall re-created my digimon, and destroy those pesky "goody-two shoes" digi-destined!!! Alright, wicked short...But I did better this time!
  20. Hmm...I see. lol So..you guys are at the crest Temple now? Not Primary Village. Uh...how far away is that from PV? If I can figure this out,I can get my post done...
  21. Sorry,firemac. I guess you posted at the same time I did,or I just didn't see it...*i'm [i]famous[/i] for that!*
  22. LOL Yeah,slightly. 'Sides,I"m intrested to see what Ben's gonna do....I got a really confusing PM from him the day before...
  23. LOL Join the club Cera! I don't even know where the current battles are taking place...last I knew PV was destroyed....and I made a mess out of my intro post...and Ben tried to re-create His digimon..and then Zero-Sama posted.....*goes on a horrbily loong list*
  24. *crosses arms* What do you mean,get off the coke? As in the soda *crosses fingers and hopes that's it* Yeah..if that's what you mean,I was a bit hyper..*looks embarressed* Oh man..that was REALLY bad..
  25. My b-day was on the 7thy..Same as Jamvis I think. Ginny's b-day is tommorow,and Renee's was on the 9th...*runs to go look at the calender* Happybirthday everyone!!!!!
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