Cool! If I can find a place to jump in...n/m. I should probably just do an introuductory thing..Oy..This is my first'll get better. I promise!
Amanda:Turn that tv down,would you?!
Brothers:Nope! I can't here it!
Amanda: YOu're right up next to it for heavans sake! *amanda is interrupted by a beep*
Amanda:*whispers to digimon*Where is that digi-vice?
*zaltamon pulls out shiny object*Right here.
*amanda reaches out to grab it* Hey,look! It's blinking! *Computer screen flashes and the 2 look at eachother* Uh-oh.*scream as they fall through the computer and land on the ground*
Amanda:Ouch...that hurt. Where are we?
Zaltamon: Well..judging by what just happend,I'd say the digi-world.
Amanda:Cool..*then looks around her and see what used to be primary village* Or maybe not..
Alright. THat was a really bad try. Just bear with me,please? *prays it'll get better,for her sanity and the rest of the message boards*