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Everything posted by David Grohl
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Crap. I posted my (as of yet) incomplete sign-up before I read this thread. Should I change my sign-up to a new character, seeing as slipheedpilot seems to have sort of reserved Guy Gibson?[/COLOR]
Hollywood Undead - Can it even be considered music?
David Grohl replied to Doc Holliday's topic in Noosphere
They already [i]brought[/i] back the 80's. They called them the Darkness. They got addicted to cocaine and broke up. [QUOTE]Amen. More specifically, bring back Guns 'n Roses.[/QUOTE] They brought them back, too. The Hollywood Undead? Yeah, they aren't very good, but whatever. If they make the scenesters happy than I'm just as happy to let them. Music is music, and just 'cause you can't hear what someone else does doesn't mean it's ****. -
Alright, I've given this some more thought and I've read through this thread, and now I think my theme song is either... [CENTER][YOUTUBE="Where is my Mind - the Pixies"]4zP1IjgSO_E[/YOUTUBE] [/CENTER] (Which I can [i]totally[/i] play on drums.) or... [center][YOUTUBE="Hate to Say I Told you So! - the Hives"]tsm2hSKkH7E[/YOUTUBE][/center] I know the two songs are wildly different, but I think that's part of why they represent me. Duality and such.
[quote name='Kinetix'][size=1]It's nearly impossible to choose a best concert, for most that I've gone to have been quite memorable and meaningful experiences. However, if I were to narrow it down, I'd say that the Bonnaroo Music Festival of '08 was the most astonishing event that I've attended. You're placed on a 600 acre farm in the middle of Tennessee with 300,000 hippies (I've never seen so many white dudes with dreadlocks) and around eight stages (amongst hundreds of booths and various events to partake in). You camp for four days here. Absolutely incredible. [/size][/QUOTE] My god do I wish I was you. I've been to a few concerts in my day. I've seen Rush twice, which was incredible both times, probably the best arena concert I've ever been too. Neil Peart just blows you away with every part of his set, but oh man when he goes into the drum solo you just go crazy. It was amazing. I've been to the Ottawa Blues Fest a few times. It isn't nearly as lame-duck as it sounds. My favourite experience there was George Thorogood and the Destroyers, who played an amazing show. I saw Bob Dylan on the same day, and he was absolutely the worst I've ever seen, so this just made the GT show that much better; he's what live music is all about. At the same show, I caught Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, who are the best jam band ever. Sick alt-bluegrass thing featuring the best bassist alive (Vic Wooten) and the Hendrix of the Banjo (Bela himself), just insane. At one point the horn player played two sax's simultaniously, ran them through a wa-wa pedal and made it sound like a guitar solo. Don't bother checking out any of their albums, though; anything not live is not worth it.
[quote name='Lrb'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]When we're talking a theme song I imagine something really catchy and over the top in all the best ways. I would think I'd hear my theme song once a day, when I wake up. Kind of like the beginning of my episode, lol. I'm going with [b]YYZ[/b] by [B]Rush[/B] mainly for its variety but also because it has no vocals. Take a listen if you like. [center][YOUTUBE="YYZ"]lOGcOYhBKho[/YOUTUBE][/font][/color][/center][/QUOTE] Great song, or [i]greatest[/i] song? I've seen it live and it kicks your ***. My theme song is probably [b]My Hero[/b] by the Foo Fighters. Because every time I listen to this song I feel like kicking some ***.
[quote name='chibi-master']Umm...no, I'm just fine with that, thanks. Seriously, SEA KITTENS?! Sounds like these PETA people are smoking something REALLY screwy...:animedepr [/QUOTE] [COLOR="DimGray"][FONT="Garamond"] Yes... sounds like... I don't care what delicious name PETA slaps on, I'm not gonna eat their damn fish. Disgusting water-dwelling flesh mounds. Way to evolve a proper skeletal system, fish... not![/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT="Garamond"][COLOR="DimGray"]Ok, so I've decided I need a sig and avi set, because I want to be cool. But I'm also entirely without shooping abilities, so here's my request: I'm looking for a set from the flash series there she is!!, which, if you haven't seen it, can be found in it's entirely [URL="http://www.sambakza.net/amalloc/tteotta_main.htm"]here[/URL]. I'm thinking something up-beat and happy in general, with some variation of "Why Imagine Paradise?" for text. Other than that, nothing specific. Go nuts, and thanks in advance. (BTW, if this is impossible, please let me know and don't let this thread go unanswered. I'd prefer to know so I can think up something else.)[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT="Garamond"][COLOR="DimGray"][B]Finally, as That Blazing Sun Shone Down Upon Us, Did We Know That True Enemy Was the Voice of Blind Idolatry; and Only Then Did We Begin to Think for Ourselves[/B] by the Red Sparowes. It's incredible.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR="DimGray"][FONT="Garamond"][quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Garamond"] Passion Pit - new band I found via a delightful Canadian PSP commercial. Electro-ish dancey kind of things. Good songs are Sleepyhead and better things. Boards of Canada is a fantastic ambience group. Very chill.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Seconds for both of these. A bit like the Boards of Canada, but more acoustic, are the [B]Red Sparowes[/B]. Check out the album Every Red Heart Shines Towards the Red Sun, it is perfect post-rock ambiance. A bit on the dull side, though, but perfect for relaxing. [b]They Might be Giants[/b] are a pretty well-known indie group, but I absolutely love them anyway and think they should get mentioned here. They're as infectious as they are entirely bizarre. Their early stuff is really cool, unpolished and really raw, while their later stuff is catchy and cool as it is experimental. Check it all out, especially Apollo 18. [b]MC Frontalot[/b] is cool because everything he does is free, endorsed by him and everything, on his website. The best nerdcore rapper on the market, if that's your thing. [b]Foo Fighters[/b] are awesome, largely because of a certain someone. Ahem. Actually, anything I recommend everything that Dave Grohl's ever touched, excluding Nirvana; including that one good [B]QOTSA[/B] album, [B]Tenacious D[/B],[B] the Eagles of Death Metal[/B]... on and on. [b]Israel Kamakawiwo'ole[/b] (I'm impressed that I got that in one shot) the ukulele's 750 pound God-king. Check out his cover of Over the Rainbow, it'll change your life.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]Soft. Drinks. Soda sounds weird to me, and pop sounds down-right grating... I despise the word. Don't ask me why. I call them soft drinks and I always have... and also, I love them. Coke is probably the best, though the coke I had in the States tasted way different and honestly pretty bad. (Huh, something bad brewed in the States... how interesting :P) So I don't blame people for choosing pepsi in the US. I'll drink just about anything though, so maybe my tastes shouldn't be trusted. I drink too much, that's for certain. A case of twelve wouldn't last more than a few hours if I had it my way, and at my apartment you can usually find a bunch of empty 2-liters strewn here and there. [QUOTE]You are aware that many of the people here are underage, aren't you?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] You are aware that you advised people to drink beer not love Dave Chappel aren't you?[/QUOTE] Ah, the Ladies Buzzkill. :P[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]Cats are great furniture, but a dog will save your life, man. Best companions in the world. This coming from a guy with three Labradors and four cats.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]The first two had John Cameron, the David Coverdale of directing (i.e. cool-looking, ultimately shallow, and blows up real good). This one has McG. He doesn't even have a name. I don't think I need to elaborate... Christian Bale, what were you thinking. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]Listening to [b]Imagine[/b] by Brunch a lot lately. It's a far superior response to John Lennon's horrid anthem, and in Japanese, too. You may know it as that song that plays during there she is!!!! final step, the best flash animation of all time.[/COLOR]
Writing Alan Moore: The Genius of Comic Books
David Grohl replied to Doublehex's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR="DimGray"]From Hell is Alan Moore's biggest literary acomplishment. Watchmen is a far better comic book, but From Hell is an incredible novel. It was impossible to understand the first time I read it, though, which is why I think it isn't very highly thought of (Also, it has had the weakest film adaptation of any Moore work to-date, which pains me to say since it stars sentimental fave Ian Holm... anyway). The art-work is that, art; it is a perfect thematic counterpart to the story going on, confusing and dense, dark and mysterious, revealing only what is needed to tell the story and nothing more. Also, anything that includes references to Joseph Merrick makes me think of John Hurt, which always makes me smile. Speaking of which... V for Vendetta is a better film that novel. It's taken me years to admit that, as a huge fan of the novel, but it's true; the novel contains many things which are entirely unnecessary. The acid-trip sequence, for example, is gratuitous and boring, as are some other bits which were cut from the movie. Watchmen is incredible, probably the first thing I ever read in one sitting. I remember that I sat around thinking about it for like two days, it had a real impact on me. The characters were just amazing. They were fleshed out and [i]real[/i] for the first time, perhaps, in the history of comics... I can't honestly believe that Alan Moore is insane, because nobody out of their mind could understand the human condition so perfectly. Alan Moore is just unique. I mean... he did get kicked out of school at 17 for dealing acid. And his wife did leave him for his mistress. And maybe he's a practicing magician. And alright, maybe he does worship a Roman snake diety... But what of it?[/COLOR] -
[COLOR="DimGray"]I think we can all agree that this is a hoax. GodHatesSweden.com and GodHatesCanada.com, however, are not. Oh Fred Phelps, you crazy racist ******* you... (ALSO, does anyone else find it off-putting that these websites are better put-together than 99% of websites on the web?)[/COLOR]
[b]Pilot Can at the Queer of God[/b] by the Flaming Lips. Psyc-a-dellic, baby.
[COLOR="DimGray"]Awesome story, Blond[i]e[/i]. [/COLOR][COLOR="SeaGreen"][FONT="System"][SIZE="2"] INPUT... INPUT... INPUT... SEARCH B: ROSTER: [SIZE="2"]Stormare, Henrik[/SIZE] MATCH(S) FOUND: [SIZE="2"]STORMARE, HENRIK [/SIZE] ACCESSING DATABANKS... FILE FOUND OPERATIVE HENRIK STORMARE, HUBRIS AGE 34 MISSION SPECIALIST, CLASS TWO STATUS: ACTIVE, ON DUTY ACCESS: [SIZE="2"]LOG, LOG ARCHIVE, RECORD PERSONAL, RECORD PROFESSIONAL[/SIZE] ACCESSING: LOG Day 365 Elpis II Second Mission Specialist's Log So I've been thinking. This morning - what is morning? Hah, I shouldn't ask myself those sort of questions. I'm rambling. - was the 365th day of our mission. It has officially been one Earth year since we left Hubris. I don't think anyone else noticed. But it means something to me, for some reason. Whenever I think of time like this, y'know, as measured out by a star, or a celestial body or whatever, and I close my eyes... I can see it. I can see the blue sky and feel the sun on my face. Maybe I'm just crazy - shit, what do I know about the sun? But something inside me just feels warm whenever I think of it. Well, [i]shit[/i]. Look at me go on like that. On to the Report: [B] INCIDENTS FOR THE CYCLE OF DAY 358 THROUGH DAY 365:[/B] Day 360, the Glovebox jammed with yours truly inside after returning from routine inspection of the outer hull. Unidentified foreign material found in the gearbox, preventing the inner door from operating properly. After sealing the Glovebox for safety, the material was removed and sent to my compatriot in the physics lab for examination. STATUS: RESOLVED Day 361, restrooms in living quarters 'malfunctioned.' Long story short, I did not sign up for this shit. STATUS: RESOLVED Day 361, later on, communications officer and one of the flight engineers reported a strange taste in the water. I investigated, but everything in the filtration system was business-as-usual. STATUS: UNKNOWN Day 364, foreign object collided with the hull of the ship and knocked the aft comm. array out of alignment. I took a space walk and found things to be more or less a total wash; I preformed some rudimentary repairs with what I had at hand, but I'll have to go out later and make some more permanent repairs. STATUS: ONGOING Over and out, Henrik (And here's a too another year of technical problems, dark corridors, and insomnia!) SESSION CONCLUDED. INPUT... INPUT...[/color][/font][/size]
[COLOR="DimGray"]Man, I don't remember this existing last time I was here... Huh. Anyway: I'm David Grohl. I'm 17, and Canadian. I'm an entirely unflamboyant queer, honest. I'm into pretty-much everything; movies are my dish, but I've also got a thing for music and literature. Art, less so, but noone's perfect. I'd say sci-fi is where my heart lies, especially the works of William Gibson, Dan O'Bannon, early Ridley Scott, whathaveyou. Kit Fisto is my homeboy. I'm kind of all over the place, personality wise. I get down on myself real easy, and when I am I'm quiet and subdued and all that. When I'm feeling it, I'm loud and kind of abrasive. Nothing special, really. I play the drums, poorly. I have an extensive DVD collection, which is my baby. My username? I love Dave Grohl. He's the best drummer without a celestial body for a last name. I'm drawn to everything he's ever done, without even knowing it. Nirvana sucked, I thought, but wow the drumming was awesome; turns out it's Dave Grohl. Only Queens of the Stoneage album I like, find out later that Dave Grohl was the drummer for it. Tenacious D? Dave Grohl. And so on... it's kinda ridiculous. [quote name='Mr. Blonde']my next username is going to be: Priscilla Queen of the Desert[/QUOTE] I approve of this reference.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]LOL! I don't feel right about posting in this thread without letting at least three weeks lapse, haha. Here goes anyway: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkCyEbpuLMI"]I Get By by Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives [/URL] [I] If I had you I'd hold you like a guitar I could slay you with a well-placed F sharp barre If you don't want to hear that tune I'll leave my fingers where they are And every time I see your face I want to touch it And I know I'll never touch it I get by, I get by And I can't tell how hard I tried I can't reveal what I can't hide I said that I was fine, I lied But I can stick around and see you smile from the side I say William Shakespeare had the right idea Put your passion in a poem she won't hear If your heart is whole again you can publish it next year And every time I see your neck I want to kiss it And I know I'll never kiss it I get by, I get by And I've been in my head too long To know when what I think is wrong But I can write another song And I can stick around and see you as you sing along I had another set of words to use instead of what I'm singing here The rhymes were intricate and every line was filled with alliteration and the best poetic tricks It demonstrated just how clearly I'm the perfect guy for you to hear But in reality perfection isn't really what we want so we just throw words at the page And we call it a masterpiece if any part of it sticks I've been waiting on another bright idea I've been waiting on another bright idea I've been waiting on another bright idea I've been waiting on another bright idea I've been waiting on another bright idea I've been waiting on another bright idea I've been waiting on another bright idea I've been working on a song that you won't hear I've been working on a song that you won't hear I've been working on a song for you, dear And everybody tells me that I'm fine And everybody tells me not to mind And everybody says just toe the line And everybody tells me that the world was made for me to play in but I don't believe them [/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR="DimGray"]Ultimate by the Gogol Bordello. Steppin' on trail of ultimate, I would never choose to die, DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE DA-DA-DA-DIEDIEDIE DIE DIE DIE.[/COLOR]
So... what did you get for Christmas?
David Grohl replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR="DimGray"][i]Drum set[/i], baby. Ho yeah. That feels good. Also got an amazing Criterion Collection-edition of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, that's big to me. Plus a few Mel Brooks comedies and Anchorman. I'm... diverse. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR="DimGray"]A couple here, with links: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdm5x0BqM80"]"Freeze Ray (Laundry Day)[/URL] - From Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog, preformed by Neil Patrick Harris. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=840B27zYfOk"]"Total Eclipse of the Heart"[/URL] - by Bonnie Tyler. It's a classic. Incidentally, I know all the words. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxzBvqY5PP0"]"Digital Love"[/URL] - by Daft Punk. Good to see someone else mentioned them already. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR8ZRfDPosE"]"Mr. Pitiful[/URL] - by Matt Costa. Yeah, Matt Costa kinda blows. Except on this song. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H0BMfqFP9c"]"Everlong"[/URL] - by the Foo Fighters. This is really more of a love-story between me and the drums on this one, but there's love in there somewhere, so it counts, right? [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sbP8cuxJD4"]"Cheap Like Sebastian"[/URL] - by the Apostle of Hustle. Little gem here...[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DimGray"]Alright, fine. Undefeatable has some moments where it's awesome. Yeah, yeah, stabs his eye out with a hook, whatever. Does it have a scene where someone cuts out his intestines and than attempts to strangle someone with said guts? Are those same innards than run through a projector reel, which by the way would make for the most awesome movie ever? No? Than it isn't the greatest B-movie of all, because it isn't Ricki-Oh: The Story of Ricky [IMG]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HKB0CFXTL._SL500.jpg[/IMG] ... Alright, fine, so that's kinda intentional. And also, it's more than a bit awesome. Real B-movies? This has to go to a little low-budget musical made in the heartland if cinema (Ottawa, Ontario.) by the name of Jesus Christ: Vampire Slayer. [IMG]http://www.headinjurytheater.com/jesus%20vamp%20jesus%20doing%20something%20i%20thought%20Id%20never%20see.jpg[/IMG] Nobody ****s with the Jesus! Don't believe me? I've seen it. It's as horrid as it sounds. Jesus Christ is out for a stroll one day with his two pals, when they get jumped by some vampires. In a scene which is entirely impossible to understand, the twos buddies get wasted, Jesus freaks out, and twenty vampire ******* die. Long story short, there's a lesbian shortage, because vampires keep feeding on them. This angers the Jesus. He calls on his buddy, Santos - an honest-to-god, 300-pound Lucha Dore. The two of them waste *** in confusing, singing-dancing, slow-paced style like only b-movie characters can. Also, Johnny Vegas is there.[/COLOR]