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About d4wood

  • Birthday 11/01/1988

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  1. its gonna be tough down at level 4... as well as the harsh conditions the chief warden now knows who he is dealing with... cos they know he's ace's brother and 300 million belli... so they've sent all the troops down there... it's gonna be interesting.. lol
  2. [quote name='Ikillion'][COLOR=#35160f][SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"] That my friend, would be awesome. While I can't see him joining up with luffy's troop, I can't really see him going into another long drawn out fight with him either. I mean, how many times will you be handed a "get out of jail free card" at Impel Down? Also, am I the only one who's wondering what happened to the other nine of the eleven supernovas? last we saw most of them were down and out, and wouldn't it be a pleasant surprise to find them on their quest for ace?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] with regards to what happened on shabondy archipalogia no one really knows.. did the 11 supernova beat the pacifista and escape??? did silver rayliegh beat kizaru, well after the straw hat crew got blown away i guess he had to deal with kuma aswell as kizaru i have a conspiricy theory about kuma i think he's actually a good guy.. sort of... he know dragon... he mentioned him in the thiller bark saga who know i hope so it would make for good competition when luffy goes to the new world... and trafalgar law seems to be a good swordsman with a fruit ability so zoro needs to beat him as for kidd he has the ability to control metal so i think that would put the pacifista at a disadvantage i think?
  3. 1. be friends - with naruto... (goes without saying really) 2. older sibling... sakato gintoki.. that guy is da man!! 3. younger sibling - luffy... cos he's funny... and he'll help you out when you're in trouble 4. going out on a date - Rangiku Matsumoto (10th division luitenant) ..and not call her the next day... lol ... erm i think i would double date with either roshi or jiraiya.. cos those guys would make me look good.. lol 5. father - goku... cos my dad will beat your dad up any day 6. have sex with -all of the girls from tenjou tenge 7. marriage -erm it would have to be nico robin.. cos it will never be boring in the bedroom that girl can duplicate any body part i think we can have a lot of fun (note - that i have not thought about this much)
  4. just looking for a artist to draw me up a manga.. don't care if your not great as long as they are of a good quality.. i'm looking for the manga to be post modern.. as far as time is concerned i don't care if it takes us several months to finish as long as we have at least finished one chapter... i already have parts of the story in my head i know how the story will begin and end... and i will be very very inventive... lol.. if u want to give cristism on what u think might help.. be my guest the story's main protagonist is a former samurai who left his fighting ways... to have a wife and kid.. so he becomes a rice farmer... one day when he travels to a neighbouring town to sell rice.. when the shogunate arrive at his home village and slaugher/burn everyone (inlcuding wife and kid) over tax issues... the rice farmer now lost (emotionally) decides to take revenge... along the way he meets a younger man (an underground street fighter at night to earn money for himself) who is wild and out of control and needs discipline and is a gifted fighter ( his weapon of choice a katana his father gave him) but needs someone to harness his energy.. the other is a wanted man.. an archor and a very skilled one (this guy is the quiet one and rational thinker)... this manga has a samurai champloo feel but i think it can be better.... and i have a lot of twists to keep readers entertain... i don't want it to be a long manga possibly 50-100 chapters
  5. tbh = to be honest the flashbacks that oda uses aren't a waste of time we learn the history of the character's which is relavent to the story and gives more emfasis to a certain... the bleach mangaka however uses up whole pages on one massive drawing and he doesn't just do it one he does it several times in a single manga... which slows down the story.. this is very annoying especially if you wanna see a good fight ohh and my grammar is bad intentionally...
  6. the story arc to come is gonna be very very integueing luffy has already entered impel down gaol with assisstance and now he's there he's met buggy who helping him.. lol.. but on the last page of the latest manga we see mr.3... all of luffy's enemies helpping him out possibly... but then again u never know wth oda, one of the few mangaka to keep me on my toes... the most intreaging thing is i wanna see the crew reunited.... bad luck for sanji btw.. lol
  7. tbh honest i think the writer has mentioned urahara's bankai and not revealed it intentionally to get us even more interested, could be because he might have an batlle.. although the ratio between baddie and good guys are in the shinigami's favour... they still have the vizards aswell as urahara and yoruichi... i think that aizen has something planned the only problem is that the bleach mangaka is such a time wasterhe uses up whole pages unneccasarily it takes 5 chapters before we get into a good fight thats a whole month wasted also i'm really intreaged with shunsui fighting stark who turn out to be the number 1 espada... tbh honest if anyone could do it, shunsui can he is one of the longest serving captains about ichigo and ulquiorra.. i couldn't give rats ***
  8. Wazzup everybody! just looking for a artist to draw me up a manga.. don't care if your not great as long as they are of a good quality.. i'm looking for the manga to be post modern.. as far as time is concerned i don't care if it takes us several months to finish as long as we have at least finished one chapter... i already have parts of the story in my head i know how the story will begin and end... and i will be very very inventive... lol.. if u want to give cristism on what u think might help.. be my guest the story's main protagonist is a former samurai who left his fighting ways... to have a wife and kid.. so he becomes a rice farmer... one day when he travels to a neighbouring town.. the shogunate come to the village and slaugher everyone (inlcuding wife and kid) over tax issues... the rice farmer now lost decides to take revenge... along the way he meets a younger man who is wild and out of control and needs discipline and is a gifted fighter but needs someone to harness his energy.. the other is a wanted man.. an archor and a very skilled one... this manga has a samurai champloo feel but i think it can be better.... and i have a lot of twists to keep readers entertain... i don't want it to be a long manga possibly 50-100 chapters
  9. hey, my names dawood and i'm an anime/manga fan and new to otaku (i feel like i'm intoducing my self to alcoholics annoymous)... i'm 20, and i'm a big fan of one piece.. i'm what you would call a one piece-ologist... but i like other manga too.. including DBZ... which was the first anime i had ever watched.. it sort of opened the door... i also read the bleach manga but the mangaka of that is really annoying me because if takes forever to get the good part of the story line because he uses up like a page at a time... also naruto... oh and gintama which is the funniest anime ever!! i'm always interested in making friend... so any shy otaku out their who need a buddy message me any time.. ohh any reccomendation for good anime/manga i can watch/read???
  10. i thought it was pretty cool entrance with the 3 frogs... it looks like naruto has gotten alot stronger.. in this condition he could probably even take sasuke ( but we need to see how he deals with pain first). that is true we haven't seen yamato... he could be on a mission like gai's team or he could be that ANBU that was with tsunade
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