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Everything posted by akemiii

  1. [SIZE="1"]The top red one is more of an elementary school thing. If you're looking to buy one, Lawrara Shop stocks a lot of popular styles. There's one kind of like the one you posted for about $45[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"]I never read this particular manga but a lot of times they can't use real names due to copyright reasons, so they use close substitutes that people will be able to recognize.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE="1"]I don't really download... but I do stream certain series, as well the occasional movie and some dramas. Usually, I just watch it for the first time streaming off of Youtube, Veoh, or something else... if I like the series and think it is worth watching, I'll buy it if it's available. Otherwise, I forget about it and move on. I figure if I didn't like it on Youtube, I wouldn't like it in higher quality images ^^' If it's something that isn't available in America... usually I'm still too squeamish about downloading things and just wait patiently for it to be released. If it never is... ^^;;; I guess that's my fault then haha ;; Regarding m00g's comment, the price of anime has gone down a lot since it first came out. I remember when all box sets were around $150~200 and single DVDs were no less than $25... Now, you can find boxsets of complete series for around $40~$60 at Best Buy and sometimes even cheaper used. There are still certain series that are quite expensive, but I think the price has fallen~[/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I consider myself lucky, I can never tell when mine have started. I feel nothing, no pain, no cramps, nothing. I don't get bloated, I don't get tired. I just get hungry more often. And usually for salt and vinager chips. It's weird that the only way I know I'm about to start mine is I want those chips and they have to be Lays or I pout. I don't mind mine so much cause I don't get testy either. I have no side effects. All it is to me is an annoyance. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]Wow I think I'm just like you~ haha >.
  5. [SIZE="1"]Ahh... if Plastic Tree were there I would die of happiness ;o; It's been my dream to see them live ever since middle school~.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE="1"][B]SaiyanPrincessX[/B] :D I did taekwondo too! Except I quit when I was I think 7 = =;; I was about to go for 2nd dan too before I quit.. haha sometimes I wish I kept with it.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE="1"][B]Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro[/B]! It's a really fun series but only a couple people I know have heard of it. ): [B]Akagi [/B]is is fun too~ kind of took me a while to get used to the style, but after I liked it :3 [B]I'll CKBC[/B] was an OAV based on the manga. It was entertaining but really short. [B]Yakumo Tatsu[/B] seemed like it could be really interesting and I've watched it a lot. But since it is also an OAV it's kind of confusing... it's really hard to fit 8 volumes of manga into a 2 episode anime :x Actually I don't watch enough anime to have much of a list but there are a ton of underrated manga that I love... ;; -Akuma no Ororon -Diabolo -ETERNITY[/size]
  8. [SIZE="1"]Usually, the idea of an A- is enough to keep me alert in class... D: But if I really can't stand paying attention (like in discussions or something~) I write stuff in my planner/diary or doodle around my notes.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE="1"]On JBox, there is a non-hentai for-girls computer game called Yo-Jin-Bo that you might be interested in. Even though the company that makes it went out of business, the site offers a download purchase instead. I've heard good things about it. Otherwise, there are plenty of untranslated for-girls games out there like Tokimeki Memorial (DS, PS2, etc), Harukanaru Toki no Naka De (DS, PS2), and Fushigi Yuugi DS. Good luck![/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE="1"]Ever since I started middle school, summer break was not all that great anymore. But then again, I like to study.... ^^; Anyway, I'm going to be starting my second year in college and I'm just hoping for the best. There's a couple of classes that I have to take that I've heard are really difficult, so my main priority is keeping my GPA up! I didn't achieve my goal of "4.0 for one college semester" yet, so I'll have to try extra hard. (: I don't start school again until September 24, though. Good luck with your tenth grade year! I remember panicking a lot that year because "it was the first year that mattered" and I was taking my very first AP exam (which wasn't really that hard anyway).[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE="1"]It's really weird hearing it called "soy sauce" for me. Actually, I didn't know that it was called soy sauce until I got to middle school.... Anyway, my family uses Kikkoman... the low sodium type, because my mom is worried about blood pressure and such. I like it as a marinade, but I'm not fond of just dumping my food in it... I don't even eat sushi with soy sauce o.x;; But... it's a great ingredient for dips (: I personally like to mix soy sauce, vinegar, and chili oil together for dumplings (?) or soy sauce, sesame oil, and a bit of red chili powder for tofu~[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE="1"]When I was in middle school, I handmade a Fushigi Yugi-themed monopoly. @_@;;[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE="1"]I can hardly even take my hand away from the wheel to adjust the air conditioning in my car (although this is partly just due to nerves), so I think it would be quite a disaster if I tried to text. If I really need to talk to someone, I have a bluetooth earpiece~ >.
  14. [SIZE="1"]I usually like to leave my laptop in hibernate or just shut it down for the night if I'm not using it. These days, my computer doesn't like to wake up once it falls asleep -_-;[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE="1"]As long as it still works, a car is a car in my eyes. My dad has a '77 BMW (forgot the model -_-) and my mom drives an '88 Camry that both work perfectly. They aren't exactly showy cars or anything, but they do their job. Besides, even old cars sell for a good amount of money if they're in working condition... Frankly, the kid seems really quite selfish and spoiled. :T[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE="1"]My favorite Japanese band is [B]Plastic Tree,[/B] although I haven't really been listening to their recent stuff. Other bands I like include [B]Ayabie[/B] and the old [B]Panic Channel[/B]. For non-visual kei stuff... I've always been a fan of [B]Asian Kung Fu Generation[/B] and [B]Straightener[/B], but recently have been a fan of [B]Hungry Days[/B]... too bad they already disbanded ^^;;[/SIZE]
  17. I recently cosplayed as Miyuki at Anime Expo. You'll have to excuse how tangled my wig looks, because I was in a rush and didn't have any detangling spray~ ^^ Also, a more "normal" picture... [IMG]http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/9733/cosplaye.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/2515/0a0b97c4a72a81ea0355bdd.jpg[/IMG]
  18. [SIZE="1"]>___< I used to watch Doraemon and Chibi Maruko Chan... haha if that counts. Other than that, I used to like Sailor Moon and the old Miyazaki movies. Oh, and I just watched this last year but definitely Akira![/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"]Well, I'll be at Anime Expo during the day. @_@; But then after, I'm going to go home and have a barbecue with my family. We'll probably watch the fireworks show that the city puts on as well.[/SIZE]
  20. [quote name='Miss Anonymous']I hate when girls trip. Seriously, it's like they can't multitask. If they're screaming, then they can't run properly. I don't mind if it perhaps they're in an environment like a jungle where there's a lot you could trip over, but... jeeeez. Come on, people.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"] I don't know about anyone else, but I trip over myself all the time even when I'm not doing anything else (such as screaming) ._.;; But maybe that's just me being clumsy.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE="1"]I hate it when a character dies and then somehow magically comes back to life without any clear explanation :/[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE="1"]My parents didn't really say anything but always found it kind of weird when I got really into anime. I think they wanted me to have more "normal" and perhaps cheaper interests. My dad didn't seem to mind as much as my mom, though, because we always watched Miyazaki movies and Toshiro Mifune films together as I was growing up. :] However, I think now they wouldn't mind if I got back into it because I like Korean stuff so much now and they find that stranger.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE="1"]I'm currently reading [B]Korea's Place in The Sun[/B] by Bruce Cummings. Admittedly, this is a book for one of my courses, but I actually find it quite interesting. It covers Korean history from ancient times to the present. It's kind of wordy and has taken me a long time to get to where I am in the book, but I'm learning a lot of cool things. For example, my ancestors, as it turns out, might have actually been "Koreans" who moved from Paekche to what is now Japan after the Shilla kingdom took over what is now Korea. o.o;[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE="1"]I really like Namida Drop for Glass Fleet/Glass no Kantai... but perhaps I'm cheating because Plastic Tree was already my favorite band ._.;;[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE="1"]I have final exams this week as well... good luck on yours!! I think the music I listen to really depends on the subject - if it's something along the lines of English, foreign language, etc... I think it's a little distracting to listen to songs with vocals. So I stick to soundtracks or classical. I find Requiem by Verdi particularly motivating to study to. ^^ For other subjects like math and science, I listen to pretty much anything. Sometimes to keep myself from playing with my iPod too much when I should be reading, I just set my iPod on shuffle and see what happens. (Generally I try to avoid songs I listen to all the time because by then I know the lyrics and start singing along... and nothing gets done.) Otherwise, on occasion I've made playlists based on what seemed to work for me in the past (although I don't have them anymore so I can't tell you >.
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