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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. Harru Turned at the familiar voice and smiled. "ah there you are" He shifted his book bag on his shoulder again, "listen, I know you're upset about the fight card, but there are other cards out there, you just need to be patient." Harru looked up at him awaiting any kind of good response.
  2. I love the song "lump" it was just so different from it's time, but you know, weird al's "gump" gets a favorite from me, only just. My friend Matt also loved to play peaches as loud as he could in the car, and see how many people would look at us stangely.
  3. Thanks Meteora but I have a question, Can the elemental spells be upgraded, or will they stay the same throughout the game?
  4. turns out that he senior pictures I took aren't going to be developed untill a week after Im supposed to have them in! So now I need to get my pic taken again by my cousin (who's a junior photographer) andput that in ther yearbook instead. oh well, I guess that's what I get for waiting too long.
  5. these two writtings (I'd like to call them poems but I don't even know what the hell they are) have been in my head for the past few weeks. The first was written about a week or so ago and the second was written this afternoon, this is something pretty different for me, hope you enjoy. "Malestrom" I fled from a hallway of manical laughter, greif bitting like insects searching for a good meal. Roads twisted and streatched to the smile on your face, and I knew you could embody light itself. Walk with me my destined one, the others sleep among rubble of great empires. Fear not the fluttering velvet that beats against a crimson stained sky, they only seek refuge in the darkest of places. Curled fingers together against a flesh ridden road, held hands part like the paths before us. Coldness is in anguish as I must leave, the road is yours to the amber rivers and noosed trees where the jackal children play. Do not cry my pretty one, tears of blood mean little in a mortal world, My path has been chosen. A golden cloud crawls by, remember white lined wrists and the smell of a smouldering soul, I am gone. Long as your path may seem, tracks must be made in the charcoal dust. Find strength, for the strings of my heart are tied securely about your wrist. Sing out to the mauled sky that I am yours forever. "Laughter" At the very word my world shatters, falling peices slice flesh, my blood oozing black. I lope down a new path, singing the regret I face, this isn't the same. In due time ones I love are left behind, cast back into forgoten memories, it's best not to dwell on the past so they say. Don't glare at me that way, or tint your voice to your dissaproval. Let this run its course, or see a side I knew too well. I'm told life moves on, ever onward to sweet oblivion, time seems to crawl over hurt. The scars I hoped never to show glow in the light of glory. But what's there to say? Surely one who shames themselves should be rightfully punished? I watch them all stroll through a life of daisies, when a stringy flower struggles to stand in my dismal existance I shall not live to see it.
  6. "well here" Harru pulled a white hankecheif out of his pocket that had the word PAX embroidered in blue on the corner and wrapped it arund one of her hands. Harru always had a nack for taking care of others, and Mia was no exception. When he was finished he let go of her hand. "there, it will do for now, but go home and get it properly bandaged ok?" Harru heffted his pack on his back, "I'll talk to you later, bye Mia." Harru turned and left to walk on his way home, not thinking about much in particular at the moment.
  7. when I saw the title of the topic I imediately thought "oh the song with the cow bell" lol, I guess that's what I remember most about it. I also like their other song "godzilla"
  8. Harru smiled kindly, "Anytime, mia" He glanced down and noticed her red and nearly bleeding knuckles. He imeadiately took her hands and lifted them so he could see them better. "Mia what happened to you hands?" He could feel her growing warmer, why he didn't know, all he knew was girls could act pretty weird.
  9. The final bell had rung, the school day was over, and students filled outside to enjoy what was left of their afternoon. Harru trotted out onto the lawn to look for shukuchi. Harru knew that he was upset, but acting the way he did was going too far, he didn't want anyone to get hurt more than they already were, the grou shouldn't be fighting anyway. his eyes scanned the span of teh school ground but his silver haired ally was nowhere to be seen. "damn" he muttered turning around when he abruptly ran into Mia, accidentaly knocking her down. "oh Mia!' Harru said a bit surprised grasping her hand and pulling her up, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you" Mia blushed profusely then slipped her hand out of his and turned jogging off in the other dirrection, redder than he's ever seen her. Harru put both arms behind his head and knit his eyebrows into confusion. "wonder what that was all about?"
  10. Harru yawned into his hand watching Mr. Maka organize things on his desk when he heard restless panting behind him, he turned around to see Nisha slide into her seat, her cheeks flushed and her forhead slightly sweaty. Harru raised an eyebrow and leaned in her dirrection. "Nisha-chan are you alright?" he asked a bit concerned. --------------------------- Sorry if that's a bit short, I just don't like controlling other people's charatcers, I don't care who controlls harru though, just thought I'd make that clear.
  11. Ari was headed in the dirrection of tokyo square, now wearing a loose sweater and an old faded skirt, yet she still carried her katana by her side. She was now walking away from another police man after explaining why she was carrying a weapon through the city. [i]At this rate I'll never get there[/i] She thought to herself as she rounded a corner now facing the park. She walked closer and saw an array of characters wich stood out more than she did. One woman on teh head of a statue was drawing the attention of those who passed her, but she seemed to ignore them, here eyes close in concentration. Ari walked over to a park bench and sat quietly untill she was needed. ------------------------- My friend had to put this in... :mrt: :wigout: :sleep: :devil: :ball:
  12. here's the resultof hero day, I don't thin I have to tell you who this is as if it's not embarasing enough :sweat: [img]http://www.camdenschools.org/chs/Heroes5.jpg[/img]
  13. Point taken. I beleive the Chokobo game was put on hiatus for whatever reasons, unless there was lack of funding or intrest in the project.
  14. whenever I listen to "we want fun" by andrew (somethingorother) I think about DBZ for some odd reason, maybe it's the beaconing to be made into an AMV. Plus I think about the bad times spent fighting with my friends when I listen to any likin park song.
  15. Regardless it still looks pretty damn cool. Let's just hope they stay true to the FF fame instead of making a complete mockery of that [b]other[/b] movie. *cough*Final fantasy the spirits within*cough*
  16. The kingdom hearts 2 spread looks pretty good, at least it might answer some questions as to what the game is going to be about, but I guess people will read into it what they will. on the other hand why would there be a KH game for the GBA? I mean, isn't Square specificaly for the PS2? I could be wrong...
  17. Society is so diverse and sensitive nowadays that you have to make everyone happy. I guess some non-christians didn't want the Ten commandments in a courthouse (I think this is the matter at hand) Because of the no religion and state thing we have to push everywhere.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] Well, for one thing, 99.9% of the yaoi-fanbase are young woman [such as me. XD]. I guess it's just the opposite of men. Most guys like to watch lesbians, so I'm guessing some ladies like watching two men get together.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Amen to that. I also like going to FF.net just to read the stories they have at that particular time (kingdom hearts being my favorite :p) I'm not into it for the sexual part really, I just think they make better love stories than the average male x female love stories. but that's just me. and remember..... It all about love!
  19. LMAO!!! Oh god Kaede-san thanks for the laugh, and I thought I was the only person who realized that, I guess I'm just weird....
  20. The afternoon sun glared brilliantly all over the city of tokyo, everywhere cars bustled and creeped along the streets while tight packs of people hurried to make their appointments. Numerous sky scarpers reached into the blue heavens as to make their presence known to the gods where lone gulls circled and screatched their solitary song. On one of the sky scrapers stood one woman, her makeshift traning kimono well worn blew violently in the breeze, her short auburn hair whisked around her head, dancing over her deep green eyes. A sword was held to her side, she grasped it ever tighter as she felt the danger nearing, she needed to get to the park, and soon. ------------------- OOC: meh, not really in a writting mood.
  21. Harru walked over to Shukuchi and put a hand on his shoulder. "maybe next time" he said with a small smile, "there are other cards you know." Shukuchi shook his hand off and started walking away from him, Harru understood that he was hurt, as far as pride went anyway. Harru sighed then approached him again, "look, we both need to work on our skills" Harru paused making sure he had shukuchi's attention, "maybe we can train sometime?" Shukichi stopped thinking to take it in, then he nodded. "great" Harru said with a grin, "what're you doing tonight?"
  22. Ssj, there ARE other people out there, but the're not on the internet. You need to get out and find a real person who's going to care about you for who you are, the internet relationships are so fake and they can open the wounds you feel from heartbreak even wider because you are only substituting real love. you need to have hope, faith and a good head on your shoulders to find that special someone, don't expect them to come to you. And another thing, ssj you have your whole life ahead of you, there's really no reason to be fretting about love where you stand now. Good luck I wish you the best.
  23. Looks like I'm going to play another guy for the sake of doing so :D. ---------------------------------------------- Name: Kruz Arweather Age: 18 Gender: male Weapon: two long one-sided blades that attach to the outter sides of Kruz's arms that extend a foot past his fists, they have a black onyx sheen to them with dark red symbols worked into the blades. They can appear and dissapear at Kruz's whim or word. Magic: Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Water, Life. Summon: Shiva from FFX (sorry, I seemed to have looked over that part in your sign up requirement, won't happen again) Description: Kruz has a tall and wiry build with lean taught muscles. He wears the darkest most covering clothing he can find wich usualy consists of a heavy black leather jacket and dark denim jeans with clunky boots. His hair is the lightest thing on his body being a shimmering white along with his pale complexion. His haunting autumn eyes will hold your gaze for what seems like forever. Bio: Kruz leads a solitary life, living alone ever since his mother Arianna died a slow and painfull death to cancer. He trusts very few people and spends his days working at a small bakery, loading and unloading truck or doing whatever the owner can think of having him do. Kruz does well enough fighting on his own, but will emply the help of others when he needs it, but rarely gives credit where it's due, thankyou's being rare. P.S. can the spells be upgraded at all through the game? Ex. Blizzara, Blizzaga?
  24. I'll make judgement once I see it, I saw the old TCM and i loved it. I think that movie had the kind of effect that Jaws and Deliverance had in that if you're out driving with your buds and you hear a chainsaw, don't stop the car! I think TCM was the begining of idiot teenegers being cut up into little peices because they were too stupid to leave the house when they wander upstairs yelling "hello" in eerie silence. Regardless the're funny movies to watch and I can't wait for the new movie to come out. Now I don't want to seem morbid but all I can say for now is: Pretty people being senselessly slaughtered Muahahahahahaha!!!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B] Not one, and I mean not one senior will show up for the "no school" day. [/B][/QUOTE] we have something like that called "senior skip day" it's on the 100th day of school and you're baisicaly excused from all fo your classes, but get in a lot of trouble if you're not a senior.
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