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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. Harru hung up the phone getting no answer whatsoever sighing, he felt he knew what the reason was, but wether he would go and help was another matter. He looked at the clock on the wall having a small familiar instinct to be home before his designated time, even though no one was home to judge him by it. He placed a hand over his chest where his clow key hung and closed his eyes, feeling something out. "there" He said, his inner eye seeking out an area where recognisable faces fought eachother. Harru grabbed a jacket slipped his shoes on and dashed out the door without another thought. He arrived at his destination about ten minutes later gasping with a stitch in his side when he came upon the scene of mia throwing punches at a defensive Evean. Harru watched for a moment before formulating a thought into his head. "Key of twilight, Strong and Bold, Aid my quest, Your power unfold. Release!" Then upon grabing his key scythe his threw his only clow card into the air "Jump card, Release!" Harru strck the card with great force and dashed forwards torwards Evean before the jump could take effect, before he was within three feet of Mia, he sprang forward full force into her, his fist burried in her stomach, then against a tree where he held her in her shocked state. "Nisha!" Harru shouted over his shoulder, "The windy card! Bind us up!" Mia already began fighting his hold, trying to squirm from his grasp.
  2. Aidyn chronicles for the N64 wasn't bad....It was really one of the first Rpgs the console had to offer. Its only downfall was that it was too damned difficult to finish. ...that or I'm loosing my Rpg touch.
  3. I'll probably end up going to a two year so I can save money to go to Pratt institute in New York City for my artists degree, I haven't thought much past college wich I think is not really a good thing. oh well.
  4. I'm not really jealopus of anyone, but if I wanted to be someone, it would have to be Transtic hands down. Why? Transtic has a lot of authority, and people look up to him, I've always admired him in a way. And Babygirl comes in a close second.
  5. I have quite a list of words (seeing as how I can never speak right in the first place) But here are the most amusing, I think. Meh: something I say when I'm indifferent to any sort of feeling. Groovy: I think it speaks for itself, because I don't like to say 'cool' Geet!: and actual recorded noise I make when tickled by surprise. Spock!: another word we sometimes shout when we're mad at something, instead of damnit! it's Spock! I also make up new words all the time because I think faster than I speak.
  6. I was a slytherin student from the harry potter fame last year, and my friend Matt went as proffessor snap, it was a great night, just scaring kids... I don't know what I'm going to be this year, maybe my firends and I will be a gang of vampures but then it's not very orrigional. I do know one of my friends is going as Sean Connery, he does the voice perfect (beleive me we know from all the drive through and random call mischeif). Maybe I'll go with him as Miss Moneypenny, hmmmm, dunno.
  7. It was getting late, the sun began to set and the cold breeze of another night began to blow. Harru sat in his familiar window, knees hugged tightly to his chest as he scanned the skies for the first night's shinning star. A package of still wrapped riceballs with a message from harru's mother rested on the sill at his feet, the note had explained of a sudden meeting in hong kong that she had to attend, and that she wouldn't be home for a few weeks. Harru sighed looking at them, at least she could have called instead of leaving a note on would-be comfort foods, yet Harru understood how his mother worked, she hadn't been right since her husband up and left. "why...?" He asked himself quietly, gazing out to the rising moon, "why did you do that to her, what was more important than a wife and son?" Harru shook his head leaving the thoughts to float out into the night's breeze when he heard something strike the roof with a loud slam. This made him jump accidentaly kicking the wrapped riceballs off of the windowsill and into the bushes below. Harru reached for the pendant around his neck and carefully stood on the sill reaching above him for the edge of the roof to investigate. Before he could pull himself up something seized his wrist and threw him onto the roof. "Aya!" He whelped as he hit the upper part of the roof with a thud, looking back in the dirrection from which he was thrown. A large figure croutched on the awning glaring at him, Harru couldn't tell who or what it was on it being too dark, yet he was not going to stand down to something that he couldn't see. "Key of twilight, Strong and Bold, Aid my quest, Your power unfold. Release!" He hefted the key scythe in his hand and swung it a good distance between him and the person on his roof, as a warning to keep a distance. The figure took in Harru's features and his clow weapon and drew itself up to a normal height that of a man. Harru could just barely make out a smirk, and a soft chuckle as the man leaped backwards off his roof into the bushes below, away into the night. Upon furthur investigation outiside harru could not find the dark man (nor his riceballs). He didn'f have an easy feeling as he stood inside (doors firmly locked) staring at his phone debating wether he should call someone or not. It wasn't long before he had dialed nisha's number and was listening to the ringing tone. "hello?" a male voice picked up "h-hello" Harru answered timidly, "May I please speak to Nisha?" "May I ask who's calling" Asked the voice who harru determined to be Nisha's father. "Harru, this is Harru" "yes, hold on" A few moments later a lighter more recognisable voice came over the phone, "What's up Harru?" Harru paused, going over the words in his head so that he didn't sound crazy, "There was a man on my roof, would it be alright if you and the others could come over for the night?"
  8. are any highschools having their spirit week? Mine's in progress today here's the run down: Monday- Wacky hair day Tuesday- Dress like your idol/hero day Wednesday- Retro day Thursday- Mismatch day Friday- Blue and White (school colors) day. And friday afternoon will have the pep rally, or prep rally however people see it. Today I'm dressed up but people don't know who I am, I guess not enough people have the taste to watch monty python's flying circus, oh well... It was dissapointing this year that there was no hat day or pyjama day, maybe next year but I won't be here. So what kind of spirit week does your school have, if any?
  9. as a Hardware store cashier I feel your pain. My job forces me to act and think on a different level though wich can piss the customer and myself off a lot, take for example: [u]Don't pretend you're smarter than me[/u]: I know I'm just a seventeen year old girl who can't tell the difference from a 3/4" wood screw from 1/2" roofing screw, please get off my case! [u]Don't call me dear, hun, sweetie or kid[/u]: if it's one thing I can't stand it's that... [u]don't hit on me[/u]: I work with thirty five year old men and older all day, cocky idiots who built stuff for a living, I think this speaks for itself. Plus I also answer phones for the good part of the day, this is what I have to say about it: [u]Please make sure your phone is in working order[/u]: I am not trained to make out the question you're asking of me because you have to yell into your phone or cellphone (wich never seems to have good reception) [u]Don't call me back if I've put you on hold[/u]: I do it for a reason, the salesmen are busy and cannot wait on you hand and foot right away, plus there are people who call back screaming because they think I hung up on them. [u]Don't insult me on the phone[/u]: I'll find you eventualy... And the number one requirement to make my job less miserable: [b][u]Don't look at me when I can't help you and say you're going to go to home depot instead![/b][/u]
  10. I dunno, I don't really like the text but this is the result of me playing with photoshop 7 durring my free period.
  11. OOC: sounds super, and I need to PM you about something Ohkami. ----------------------------------------------- Harru sat at his desk miserably with his chin held in the palm of his hand as he boredly watched Mr. Maka draw math figures on the board. He sighed thinking about dark card and how he had let himself fail on attacking it, not only was his rear-end bruised, but his ego along with it. He glanced over at Siaga, who was paying close attention to Mr. Maka's figures and winced. How could he let this happen? His father would be ashamed at the card captor he had sired. [i]To hell with him[/i] Harru thought, [i]He didn't even raise me, so it's not my fault[/i] He was staring hard at the board when he realized that a recess had been called and Nisha was standing at the side of his desk calling his name.
  12. I bought their CD and now that I think of it, I have no idea where it is now. But I didn't like listening to the whole thing wich was a shame. I don't like "rock the house" either, it just didn't seem to fit with what they were doing, an odd song out so to speak. I loved the animations they used for the gorillaz though, I only wish they would continue working and making videos. .....I was also dissorientated for a week when I found out that noodle was a girl. Just as confusing when I was told that Davey Havoc was gay...
  13. [QUOTE]There is a link with Wizard of Oz. I figure a bunch of potheads with a lot of time just sat there and figured it out. Basically if you start them both at specific times, the music from Dark Side of the Moon basically has a direct correlation with whatever is happening on screen[/QUOTE] Yes this does work (and no I'm not a pothead, just really bored :P), if anyone wants to try it, just start playing the album after the lion roars the [b]SECOND[/b] time. It's pretty neat to watch, just make sure you get it right or you'll be more confused than when you watched pink floyd's "The Wall". I'd have to say my favorite song would have to be "wish you were here" I crank that in my car and sing right along.
  14. There have been a select few who have changed me, maybe for the better, or maybe for the worse. The only person I will say that has changed me was Mist, She showed me how much of an obbsession I have for cowboy bebop, she also made me strive to be a better RPer, god I miss her....
  15. Let's start from the begining.......... Monday night My friends and I were doing our usual rounds of sparring (fighting, and don't ask, long story). It was my turn to fight one of my friends John, wich usualy isn't that bad since I'm shorter and faster than he is. John kept his distance for a long time so I hauled off and kicked him in the hip, Bad mistake. I couldn't walk ten minutes after I did it, yet I chose to ignore it, it seemed to be numbing anyway... When I got up tuesday morning to get ready for school all you could hear from my room were yelps of pain and endless cussing. I went to school for a while hobbling around as if I was drunk, fourth period rolled around and I decided to go to the doc's. Here I am today, wearing a slipper on one foot and hobbling around on a pair of crutches (more like one now because it's easy to gimp around). So my real question is, have you ever had to use crutches? Or have you hurt yourself badly enough that it alters the way you live and move?
  16. Harru threw his clow card into the air, "Jump!" He shouted and thus began propelling himself in the dirrection he thought the clow card was hidding. It revealed itself to him as dark woman with a ghatsly pale face, she held a sad smile and her palms faced outwards torwards him, as if she wished to be struck. Harru threw his arm back and plunged his scythe into the dark card, wich slid through like melted butter. "Ah?" Harru meeped as he slipped and landed on the cold musty ground, "I can't hit it!"
  17. Maybe she's just being protective, or she really does have feelings for you and doesn't know what to do about it. Surprisingly enough, there can be other people around you who are as emotionaly confused. But I still hope things work out for you.
  18. "well your guess as to how we can do that is as good as mine" Harru said shifting to get someone's elbow out of his gut, "I'm as blind as a bat here." He tried to point his scythe away from everyone else so there wouldn't be any kind of 'accidents'. He tapped the base of the staff against the ground and heard it echo all around him, giving him a good idea of where everything was based on the echo, then he had a thought. "hey shukuchi, I have an Idea, use your clow card to sing so the echoes can show us where to go" Harru turned in shukuchi's general dirrection, although he already knew what the answer was going to be.
  19. I really hope you and your family recover quickly. I was a bit more fortunate in my car accident. My mother, brother and I were heading to the mall one day, we were in the city and my mother took teh wrong lane to turn right. The other car who didn't see us hit my side and completely ruined the right side of the car, miraculously none of us were hurt, especialy me because I was sitting in the passenger seat. The only problem was that I couldn't get out of the damned car. It wasn't scarry or anything, I was just irritated because I definitely didn't want to go anywhere that day, maybe it was like a hidden instinct, has that ever happened to anyone?
  20. Name: Ari Naneko Age: 20 Bio: Ari is running her retired sensei's martial art's class that, oddly enough is located in a dojo in a twenty story building right in the middle of Tokyo. Ari is a humble girl with no family to speak of, and what she does reveal of her past may come with a price. She is highly trained in her sensei's own style of sword fighting called "Himatsukuno" after his own last name. Ari will fight for what's right in her eyes at any cost and will not let anything stand in her way. Ninja or samurai: Samurai Weapons: Katana, Bo, Boken Appearance: I'll attach something later.
  21. Harru kept running deeper into te park, making sure not to get to far ahead of shukuchi. He reached a clearing when she skidded to a halt. he looked around the dark clearing, and felt a shiver move up his spine. "can you feel it?" He aske shukuchi, "It's here somewhere." Harru began to move forward when he froze still, "I don't like the feeling of it either, and I don't think we'll be fighting this alone..."
  22. depends on my mood when I'm in the shower really, sometimes i sing the song i was listening to before i got in, sometimes I quote movies in the shower (monty python's my favorite, "I don't like spam!!!"), sometimes I sing in japanese too, mostly anime theme songs, and I have been known to carry on conversations with myself in the shower (much to my brother's horror, he thought someone was in there with me).
  23. Harru lifted his head in the air, from a distance it would look as if he was smelling for something, yet he was sensing for the card that had tugged against him only moments ago. Harru pointed in front of him, deeper into the park, close to the lake. "that way! And it's moving fast!" He shouted clenching his clow key ever tighter. "Key of twilight, Strong and Bold, Aid my quest, Your power unfold. Release!" Harru swung the blade of his scythe to his side and lowered his head. "let's go!" He shouted to Shukuchi as he took off down an empty stone walk.
  24. Harru frowned at Shikuchi's card. It would have been funny if it wasn't the fact that they only had the jump and shukuchi's card. Harru's forhead wrinked with thought yet slowly dissapeared as his frown turned into a smile. "well, we will get the next card, I promise you that." Harru laughed assuingly hopping out of the tree. When he landed he clutched his pendant in his fist and looked off in the distance. "you know, I feel one now." He grinned up into the tree, "think you can keep up?"
  25. Harru grimaced pocketing his card and returning his clow key to it's normal trinket size, he had really wanted the card, but being with all the others he'd have to 'share'. "Feh!" He said to himself walking by a nearby tree and stopping at the base. He looked up to see Shukuchi's icy gaze peircing into him, Harru grinned up at him. "sitting in that tree isn't going to catch you any cards you know..." He reached up to a low branch, and stuck his foot into a gap in the bark of the tree for footing to hoist himself up on the lowest branch nimbly. "I have a proposition, why don't we team up? I mean, the girls don't need our help, and I'm sure the jump and...What card do you have anyway?" Harru tilted his head slightly with his currious jade eyes alight.
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