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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare
A friend of mine introduced me to AFI and I love him for it! We went to the warped tour in buffalo but to our dismay AFI wasn't there! Had the shirt on and everything.....damnit. at least I sported a really nice bruise from the Used Mosh pit, and nearly died from heat exhaustion (all black on a sunny day, my am I a bright one....) Anyways back to AFI. I have their sing the sorrow CD and my favorite song was The very last song on the cd, it was like a hidden track. I can't remember the name, but I can definitely sing it for you. If that helps at all :D.
I'm kinda in your situation, I make friends with I guy I like and then he sees me as nothing more than a friend, a little sister, his buddy..... I do this all to offten and it gets a bit frustrating, but it's really my own fault, I want to date a friend, someone I can talk to, not have some sort of relationship based on what we see outside. That's the way life is I suppose, but look meteora, I keep trying so there must be some hope for people like us?
Harru had been on his way back into the school when an odd familiar feeling came over him. As if his insides were being pulled in a certain dirrection. He looked out behind himn in the dirrection of the penguin Playground and paused. "a clow card?" He asked himself, Then with an assuring smirk he dashed off torwards the playground. Upon arriving he saw two girls he knew as Alex and Nisha staring at a large egg on top of a Large Penguin slide that served as a center for the play area. Harru tore his father's necklace from his neck and held it tightly in his fist, letting the sacred words come to him. "Key of twilight, Strong and Bold, Aid my quest, Your power unfold. Release!" The tiny smily faced key grew in Harru's hand untill he held the smooth shaft of his clow wand, a long, and deadly looking scythe wich held an appearance of comical good, rather than an evil air. Harru jogged over to Alex and Nisha, a certain new power surged within him. "I'm here, jump card and all." He said with a certain smugness.
Harru wandered outside, the afternoon was decent enough and he yawned into the slight breeze that circled around him. He looked out in front of him to see the small conflict of a few people he knew and the new kids. Harru shook his head, "They won't learn anything that way." He muttered under his breath. He saw a flash of silver hair and the familiar posture of a boy named Shukuchi. "Not playing with the new kids?" Harru asked sitting down next to him with a small smile, he looked on ahead of him, "The're a strange pair if you ask me, I don't feel anything good from them either..."
Didn't they do something like that with dvd's before? I forget what they were called now, but you had to have a special type of dvd player to run them properly. Supposedly the dvd would play a certain number of times then you could toss it when it expired. I never really saw the point, they went out of fashion really quickly. But maybe disney will pull through with it.
Harru answered his question and sat back down, both hands folded in his lap his eyes hard and staring at one word in his book. His face was still red and he could hear the snickering of other students, he hated it when he was singled out, but hated it even more when he let his shyness overcome him. He brought up his head, shook a lock of his silvery hair out of his eyes and gave Mia a small smirk for her smile at him. Harru then took out a pen and began to write down the assignment Mr. Maka was writting on the blackboard.
OOC: Someting really super quick I need to add here, Harru's hair is a really light blonde (think quatre on GW). I just wanted to state that so no one was confused between my character and Shanghai's character. -------------------------------------------------- Harru's eyes kept darting from his book to the new students. Half of a shiver ran up his spine each time he dared watch one of them too long. His eyes rested on the girl, Siaga, he recalled and felt a small tremor rise inside of him. What was this? He wasn't afraid of anything, and now a new girl was going to make him run with his tail between his legs? It took every ounce of strength he had to keep from grasping the small smiley pendant around his neck and force some answers from these two. [i]"no"[/i] He thought, returning his jade hued eyes to the book once more, [i]"that's not the way I've been taught"[/i] Harru drifted off into his thoughts to a few nights before, when the card came to him. He had been sitting in his window sill as he had so many nights before, looking out into the stars for a sign. His silvery blonde hair wisped accross his forhead in the night's gentle breeze, and fresh tears lay slick accross his cheeks. in his hands he had a picture, frayed around the edges from being handled too much. It held the image of a handsome man in his prime, he was laughing at something off to the left, and his blue eyes sparked richly against his cornsilk hair. Harru hugged the picture closer to his chest, letting out a smal whimper of a sob. "father...." he whispered, "when will you come back?" Harru's mother never spoke of what happened to her husband, he just dissapeared one day when harru was very small. All he had left was the devilish looking clow key that harru had learned to use long ago. He had moved to put the picture away when something bumped into his forhead lightly. He looked down into his lap to see a tarot card, but on closer inspection it was a clow card. "A clow card?" He said to himself his eyes growing wide, The card held the appearance of a small pink furry animal, slightly resembling a rabbit, the words JUMP lay accross the bottom of the card. Harru had that card in his shirt pocket now, a golden rimmed corner poking out of it. He didn't dare use it untill he needed to and he felt his time was comming. The sudden silence brought him back to the classroom, no longer was Mr. Maka speaking but staring at him as was the rest of the class. "Are you going to answer the Question Harru?" He asked impatiently. Harru stumbled to his feet, already flushing a brilliant red. "y-yes sir" ---------------------------------- G2g, all for now.
actualy it's a he... :sweat: Bishounen is my specialty, and most of my friends think most of 'em are girls anyway. I have another one but it didn't show up as well, I don't think the scanner likes colored pencil, oh well
Art Kenshin vs. Shishio animation banner (semi-large file)
Angelus_Necare replied to Syk3's topic in Creative Works
I love it! It may be a bit slow on this comp, but I can see what you're aiming for. I do have a question, what program did you use? That may be one factor as to the fuzz and grain of the animation. -
thanks for everything everyone, I've had the weekend to cool off about it and things are running a lot smoother now. John and I still aren't talking but I said my peace to him and whatever he decides to do is in his hands.
I'm working on getting one from my highschool. It's great that there's support for it among the student body, the only problem is we have to have teacher supervision in any school clubs. This poses a problem as far as showing uncut anime, it may not fly with some teachers. But I'm working hard, and I'll do it at the public library if I have to. Another problem is that I'm a senior this year, so if the club does get off the ground, It may only last for a year, but like I said, there has to be hope. And for you people who don't have clubs in your school, start one! Thay have to come from someone ;)
This is my first entry on the otakuboards, before now I haven't had a scanner, but now I'm using the one at school. Tell me what you guys think, this image is being used in an Rpg in the adventure arena for a card captor sakura game. Sorry if it's a bit small.
Sign Up Card Captor Sakura:The New Generation and the Neo Cards Sign Up
Angelus_Necare replied to Sakura's topic in Theater
looks like we have two evil captors, heh. and don't worry about character images shanghai I've put up an image of Harru and it should be different from your character. -
I've had an interesting couple of days as far as relationships (or lack thereof) goes. it all started when I met John about a year ago, he seemed to be the nicest guy I have ever met. Knowing me I instantly fell (wich isn't really common of me) for him. This little game of flirtation and denial went on for a good year untill three months ago. John had told me that there would probably never be a chance for us, but that was the problem, he said "probably", and I'm the kind of person who needs to hear "no" or be led on for another three months. John and I are really close and what I found out a few days ago made me livid. It turns out he's seeing some girl over the internet who lives in texas no less named Danna. I wouldn't have had a problem with it if he hadn't gone out of his way so I wouldn't know about it. His excuse was that it didn't seem to be going anywhere so he wasn't going to tell me, yet it was going somewhere alright.... This really hurt me and turned into a good half-hour screaming match on the phone, and then another ten minute fight when I went to his house to get my dvd's back. But we said our peace, finalized things, and I appologized (why I have no idea) for being a complete ***** as he put it. Now things have cooled off and he's being really quiet, I told him to do what makes him happy, but this little fling wouldn't last for long and I would do my best to be there for him when I can. Long and complicated huh?
I'm shocked at some of your dress codes! I mean, we're not that strict as far as wearing what you want goes, except mid-riff shirts and the width of your tank top straps, wich we call the "three finger rule" (stop laughing you perverts!) But we are allowed to wear band name shirts, color our hair any shade of the rainbow and spike it three inches off your head if you please. I even saw a kid with fangs the other day... I suppose our school wants us to have our individuality, seeing as how it's a small school and such. Yet there has been talk of uniforms..... as far as leaving school for lunch, we have a Mcdonalds right accross the street (great marketing huh?) Yet you're not allowed to go anywhere else. And you need to be a senior or have 11.0+ credits to leave. such lunacy, but I'm not complaining.
how many here do some kind of archery?
Angelus_Necare replied to moon-scar demon's topic in General Discussion
we're doing it right now in school, I would have given anything to have been in that PE meeting session... "yeah, lets give the kids something to shoot eachother with" sheesh, but we all go behind the school and shoot at large bull's eyes, I do quite well considering I have never done it before last year, yet my broken/sprained pinky is posing a problem. -
I personaly hate a local commercial in the central new york area. It's of a man named Billy Fucillo trying to sell you cars by screaming about the prices and the parking lot by constantly saying "IT'S HUGE" If I ever met Fucillo on the street dying from a shot to the chest, I'd kick him and complain about how many naps have been interupted. and here's something a little off topic, but does anyone hate radio commercials?
Has anyone seen this new show? It on tuesday nights, I can't remember the time though. If you haven't seen the show here's the baisic run down, People dress up like their favorite musicians and perform with their own voices, whoever does the best likeness and singing wins twenty grand. My mother is virtualy addicted to this show (after I weened her off of american junior :rolleyes: ) but I've come to like it as well. I only wish that the kid who played as Elton John won instead of The mother that performed as Barbera Streisand. ah well, Tina Tina Turner also beat out Freddy Mercury from Queen (how that happened I'll never understand...) Well what do you think?
I first read about witch hunter robin in Newtype magazine. I haven't actualy seen the series as of yet but it looks quite interesting to me. Supposedly the story is about a witch hunter named Robin (no, you don't say :sweat: ). Anyways Robin was transported to Japan from America, for a while the story is about her coping in a place where she has very few friends and the corporation looking down on her method of killing her persuers. All in all it looks like a well written series that could have a lot of promise for anime fans looking for something a bit darker and more in depth. as for singing for a t-shirt, hey I'd do it too, ;).
Sign Up Card Captor Sakura:The New Generation and the Neo Cards Sign Up
Angelus_Necare replied to Sakura's topic in Theater
yes, I will be a card captor. lol, shanghai funny we made a similar character in appearance, if it becomes a problem I can change his appearance, the personality is all that matters to me. -
Sign Up Card Captor Sakura:The New Generation and the Neo Cards Sign Up
Angelus_Necare replied to Sakura's topic in Theater
First time I've seen an Rpg for this, good job on the story so far! ------------------------- Name: Harru Mokono Age: 12 Key/staff/magical weapon: Scythe key Description: Harru holds the appearance of an ordinary twelve year old boy, spare his shockingly white mop of hair and haunting jade eyes. he attends Atonoyaki school for boys not too far off from where Sakura once lived as a girl. Shy and aloof Harru will fight for what he has to do untill his mission is complete. Bio: Harru comes from a small family wich holds a long blood-line of card captors. His mother informed him of the escape of the clow cards and told him what he must do. Harru has been prepared for this day since he was born, and will stand down for no one, as far as he's concerned he's the only one who can bring the cards back, and being a bit antisocial won't take lightly to teamwork. That's all, hope this Rpg gets off the ground. -
What if life had a rewind button? What if you had a special change to change something that happened in your life, would you use it? Everyone has regrets, some more than others, an event in your past that plauges you, or makes you wince when you think about it. If you had the opertunity to change one moment in your life to do it over what would it be and why? I myself would have tried harder in school, senior year is upon me and I now wish I could have done better, but this is something I will have to deal with. But what would you do?
Does anyone know when outbreak is comming out? I think infection and Mutation were only about four months difference (I could be wrong). But I have already finished mutation, took me about two weeks, I thought it was short, but very well done. *is actualy very honked off that balmung can't be added to the party yet* I guess I have to level everyone up to 50+ before the next instalment comes out.
[b]1) What do you collect?[/b] Milk men, I keep them in a locked room. [b]2) How many do you have?[/b] About forty now. [b]3) What is your favorite?[/b] I like little moe with the gimp, you should see how he claws at the walls... [b]4) how long have you been collecting?[/b] A few years now, it just seemed to happen one day and now I have a collection of milk men....Maybe I'll move to mail men. ((thanks in advance to anyone who gets this ;)))
[b]Are you male or female?[/b] Female [b]How long has your relationship lasted?[/b] it lasted about four months. [b]What was the worse ending to a relationship you've been in?[/b] I think it was the fact that we knew that it wasn't going to work, plus we were a bit too young to begin with. [b]What is the one thing you hope to find in a mate?[/b] Security, understanding, a person I could laugh and cry with. [b]What is the pet peeve with people you date?[/b] petty values and close mindedness. [b]Have you ever used a pick up line[/b] God no. [b]If so did it work[/b] It probably wouldn't have. [b]Have you ever had a pick up line used on you?[/b] Yes. [b]If so did it work?[/b] no, I thought it was pretty funny though... [b]What to men want?[/b] I think it can be narrowed into three groups: 1) To feel important by having someone to care for. 2) Someone to talk to. 3) Someone to release sexual frustration upon. [b]What in your oppinion is the general behavior of women?[/b] I think most women loath and despise eachother when it comes to men, always competing for the better one.