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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare
OOC: wanted to post a longer version of this yesterday when OB and my explorer decided they wanted to wage war, ah well, here's a summed up version. --------------------- Fayne sat on the curb of the street as the sun climbed higher into the afternoon sky. Her car refused to start, there wasn't a soul around and the gentle song of humming flies was the only thing keeping her company. She was still in shock from what she saw, trying her damndest to wipe the visions of her dead brother and family from her mind. There was a rumble off to the distance, it sounded like thunder yet she dissmissed it. Another vision was comming to her, a large winged black being hungry for blood and the demise of others. It was comming, comming for something that survived, herself. Fayne only shrugged, slipping into a mood of the lowest depression. "no need to avoid it, if it wants me, let it come." She mummbled absentmindedly reached for her pocket, where a pack of ciggaretts would have rested a few months before. Unfortunately for her she had quit only finding a pack of gum. She hissed a word that would have made anyone's mother blush and flung the gum accross the street, finaly cradling her forhead in her hands.
Fayne's car gave a groan lurching a bit on the highway heading south. "just a bit furthur..." she coaxed it, patting the dashboard as if it actualy could hear her. She winced through her sunglasses accrss the barron highway and the rising smoke ahead. Something wasn't settling right inside, yet turning tail and running didn't make much sense either. As Fayne passed a few farms, small homes laying on the outskirts of the small city, a few were on fire, others lay eerily still and dead. She eventualy reached the suburbs not taking note to look around her but keeing eye on her brothers home, wich looked fine for the most part. The front dor was open and a wall knocked out, Fayne walked through the house calling her brother's name, stepping in between the shingles and insulation that had fallen in fron a hole in the roof. Eventualy, Fayne came to her neice's room, gaging at what she saw, her brother, sister in law, nephew and neice were completely massacered. The gentle humm of flies hovered in the air and on the corpses,meddling with the stech of blood rising in the warm morning. fayen backed out of the room dry heaving, a hand pressed to her mouth, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "what the hell is happening?!" She screamed into the empty street, finaly noting the genocide around her. Fayne stood still in the road, listening for cries of help, or even a noise of anything that had caused this. nothing. yet she could see something comming torwards her, something dark and something she predicted would be the last thing she ever saw.
[i]...Deamon, that didn't even begin to explain the creature that hunched, captive in the bowels of hell. A vile, hulking beast, void of words such as 'peace' and 'love', Its purpose was destruction, pain, death, to satisfy its lust for blood. Hellfire eyes, track his prey, studies its helpless atempt at escape. Massive nostrils flared sensing a slight hint of fear, muscles ripple under velvet skin, pitch as night. Claws tear, ripping tendants spreading crimson about in-[/i] Fayne stopped typing, she stood walking to the front door of her small yet cozy appartment. She looked out at the dim hallway, looking torwards the metalic stairs as if she were waiting for something. Moments later a small calico came prancing up the stairs as cats do, Fayne only watched it as it struted into the appartment tail swishing in the air. She closed the door, listening to the mewls of her unwamted gift. Her brother had always inflicted animals upon her wether she wanted them or not, he always complained how she was alone and not having any kind of living contact was bad for her. So now she was stuck with the fussy cat she had named 'Unther', Thinking if she named it she must have cared some. She sighed looking at her desk, eclectic with notes, piles of papers, books, notebnooks and a small moldel of a creature called an incubus that preyed upon young women entranced by his false charms. To any other person it would look a mess, to Fayne, it was her own personal space, her world, her certain form of Feng-shui. A TV in the background was tuned to a news station, talking of a few reaserchers who had gone missing, Fayne dissmissed it, she had no sympathy for people who couldn't keep themselves out of trouble, besides, these accounts weren't good material for horror novels. She shut the news off and walked back to her computer desk continuing her latest work about a deamon released from hell upon civilization. She began to type when an all too familiar sensation came on, one of something about to happen, her ever trusty precog. But this wasn't normal like the others, such as knowing that Unther was comming up the stairs, no, this was something big. Her fingers began to move on the keyboard, typing out the things going on in her head. [i]Hate...death...blood...yes...plan...town...wings...fire...pigs[/i] she snapped back to reality looking at the screen, "pigs?" She asked herself curiously, something deadly was happening, she had to find out what it was.
kinda reminds me of that movie "outbreak" where people just coughed themselves to death. This flu only adds to the list of problems people already have nowadays... So I only have one thing to say to those sitting at home with a what seems like benign fever, live it up while you can.
Name: Fayne Kenra Age: 23 Weapon: Automatic pistol, antuiqe Machetti. Supernatural power: precognition [previously had], pyrokenesis [newly gained] Bio: Fayne knew she was different, even as a child, she spent a lot of time alone, thinking, writing, figuring out the images in her head. She quickly learned that the images were what was to happen in the very near future and kept it to herself for a long time. Fayne graduated college with an english major. She now works for a newspaper but spends her free time working on her horror novels. personality: Although fayne can be morbid and pessimistic at times she can also be amiable and motivated. It takes quite a bit to hurt Fayne emotionaly yet when you do she can easyly slip into a state of depression that can last for days or weeks at a time. Periods when she is receiving a vision usualy result in minor panic attacks that dissapear as soon as they come. Apperance: 5'7", short black hair, lively grey eyes, she usualy dresses in what she feels comfortable in, choosing dark monotone colors. ------------- you did a great job so far deathknight, can't wait for the rp to start!
I had an extra fifty bucks laying around and I decided to buy it thinking I wouldn't like it but it would give me something to do when I was bored. Man was I wrong... I absolutely love the game and I'm getting pretty close to the end, the movies are great and the lip-sinc is pretty acurate for both English and Japanese voiceovers (spare the small cutscenes where their mouths don't even move at all). The only setback is having to level up before going into a high level area, or finding virus cores to get into protected areas (wich I'm doing as of late). All in all I think bandai did a good job I only hope the excitement for the .hack series will stay long enough for them to keep shelling out the games.
what do you love most about your life?
Angelus_Necare replied to Alexa's topic in General Discussion
I love life in general, things are always interesting, while routine bores me to tears. I love my cat too... *looks over at her cat hanging from the drapes and causing havoc* ...he's so well behaved isn't he? -
I'd say my daughter.... and if it's the wrong answer where I head down the road of death than all the better! :D
The japanese version of the ring was called ringu, and I think it was made about ten years ago if I'm not mistaken. I had watched it before I ever saw the ring and kept wondering why the plot was so familiar when I finaly went to the movies to see it. Another one of my favorites was a movie based off of a shakesperian play, I'll be damned if I could remember the name of the play or the name of the movie right now...
*fades back in from the crowd* I used to sleepwalk constantly as a kid, I don't anymore wich is somewhat of a mystery to me but just as long as I don't wake up at the bottom of the stairs again with a broken nose I'm fine... The summer camp where I work durring break still tie my right hand and other campers to the cot just incase it happens.
I'd have to say the best AMV out there (in my oppinion) is MTT's Cowboy bebop put to "yesterday" by Paul Mcartney. Some of the DBZ/linkin park AMVs are pretty decent too. One of the funnier ones you'll have to look out for is the village people's "macho man" put to trigun episodes.
[i]Hours after Oro decided to "free" her ambitions she was sitting on the hood of her ship parked by a busy water way.[/i] "three hours and I still can't find a bounty..." [i]She grumbled with her chin resting on her fist, the radio inside her ship was blaring some new rock-age music that was nothing more than a mixture of noise in the background. When the music cut to an announcement Oro sat upright.[/i] 'have you heard sir?' [i]quirped a hokey cowgirl voice, much like that on bigshot.[/i] 'why no little missy' 'a great big new bounty has been released on James Philip for 94,000, 000' 'well hot dog! where can I find this fella?' 'Philip was last seen on mars, hope to see all you cowboys and cowgirls there' 'darn tootin yeehaa!' [i]The radion cut back to the same droning music leaving Oro with a faint yet determined grin.[/i] "Mars..." [i]She uttered clenching her fists a new fire alight in her. Moments later she was racing ding as fast as she could to the nearest launching station.[/i]
[i]Oro groaned finding herself upsidedown in the backseat of her cab, judging by her position she had found her way 'home' drunk. She couhged and set herself upright checking her watch.[/i] "Nine thirty?" [i]She whined to herself, she was late again and on her last strike. No work today, but a thought twisted her lips into a grin. being fired she now had full time to do what she wanted, bounty hunting. And she knew that royaly screwing her ex-boss over by selling the parts to the cab would suffice as even for long hours and little pay. Oro crawled out of the cab taking what little belongings she had inside of it such as sunglasses and a picture of Elvis hanging from her rearveiw mirror then trotted up the stairs of her small apartment. Once a few phonecalls were made she gathered a bag of things and headed down to the apartment building's garage where her ship 'ding' and a new lifestyle awaited her.[/i]
I find angles and difficult to pull off positions hard. hands used to be a problem for me before I started keeping a sketchbook full of hands and practiced hard. the hardest thing about drawing a comic thouh is placement, this would most likely be easy for someone who has great organization skills but not me! Guess I'll have to start and angles/position/comic practice book now...
[i]Oro stood in her driveway smiling. Job quit, large wad of the only chash she owned in her pocket, house up for rent and the open road in front of her. She jumped into her white sedan started the ignition and peeled out of her small suburban town in Arkansas hopping to never return again.[/i]
It's most likely going to be America Lilac, Sorry I haven't been around guys i lost internet connection a while ago, I'll start it now.
Name: Oro McLuthen Alias: Raven Age: 23 Height: 5'7 Build: Taught Ocupation: Taxi driver/rookie bounty hunter Clothing: Brown leather aviator jacket with large cuffed sleves, an English paperboy hat, blue jeans and a small black t-shirt with a penguin on it with text saying "I wish I could fly". Hair color and style: short choppy and dyed a deep blue. Eye color: reddish brown Background: Oro grew up on earth selling postcards with her fellow orphans to tourists in the nicer carebian-like areas of earth. When she was thirteen she saved enough money to live in a colony where she started driving and building Taxies. Always having a good eye for shooting and being one of the best car chasers to boot Oro decided that she would catch small time bounties for fun and extra money. Her trip to mars was caused by hearing a roumor while driving around a couple of shifty bounty hunters, Now she travels to mars hoping to land the big one and never having to work again. Misc. data: Oro is usualy of a lighthearted, playfull nature and has an unartural obsession for mini microwavable pizza. ------------------------------------------------ Ship name: Ding Color: yellow with a black checker pattern (like a taxi) around it. General size: four person description: what looks like a normal flying taxicab, a bit sleeker than most and more speed than normal. Armaments: two side rapid fire chainguns, four homing misilles. Power/armour/speed: 2/1/3
I've had cars drive up and down my road, while I was walking, really slowly before, and seeing as how I live in the country walking alone isn't the safest thing to do. Luckily for me no cars have ever tried to stop, and I carry a pocketknife with me just in case...
heh, there really [i]Is[/i] a god... This will be a great change from the International channel's Anime programing (Dbz, Slayers ect.) which are all in japanese. I don't think hlaf of the shows would be so bad with dubbing, just as long as they keep it the hell away from editors.
*becomes imediately drawn to the word "plushie"* 300$?! That's robbery! I make plushies, not nearly as well as though, but I get the point accross and I GIVE them to people... What is this insanely priced world comming too?
My real name is Tiffany, and I'm not quite sure what it means although I once did... As Far as I know I was named after one of the bond girls, My brother got the worse end of it though being named Sean. My last name I won't reveal but it was changed when my great grandparents imigrated to America from Vonranken.
[i]Ani sat on the shore of neverland cove, watching Hook's ship through a handheld eyescope. The crock lay next to her idly ticking from the clock burried within it. Ani smiled seeing smee getting the better end of the captain's insults.[/i] Ani: Poor Smee... [i]Crock lifted his head and made a blunt growl/bark at the sky. Above the sky swirled and changed an almost evil black color[/i] Ani: what is that! [i]She shouted standing up feeling the wind pick up and the water churn. A portal opened above her with something, someone spinning in it.[/i]
Name: Oro Mcullen Gender: female Age: 23 Car: 73 white sedan alright, this is still open for anypone who want to join, I'll start the topic soon.
I was just sitting here thinking what the boards haven't seen yet and I thought of this. This isn't like the movie road trip, but moreso fun and harmless. There is no goal, interact with other roadies, and have a good time. this is what you need: name: Gender: Age: Car: (if you choose to have one) I'll post my stuff later... *kneels and prays for a successful RP*
((me too!)) [i]Anima felt drowsy, she stumbled through a familiar cluster of tents and pushed into one she knew well. gavin slept soundly on his back his golden hair feathered accross his forhead. Anima crept slowly to his cotside, watching his rhythmic breathing rise and lower his chest. Anima slid her cloak and hood off climbing onto the cot stradling Gavin's chest. She watched him, wondering if she was doing the right thing, she smiled, it would satisfy her hunger. Gavin stirred underneith her. He looked up at her his blue spheres filled with confusion, Anima did the first thing that came to mind. She leaned down pressing her lips to his, imediately she felt his arms around her his eager lips pressing back. Anima pulled away knowing what she wanted now, with one swift motion she snapped his neck killing him, then drew blood from a tear in his flesh.[/i] Anima: [i]blood is good with a hint of lust[/i] [i]she mused things around her becoming faded. That's when she woke up screaming[/i]