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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare
Otaku Big Brother II - Phase One; Entries
Angelus_Necare replied to Flash's topic in General Discussion
it will still be fun to watch and I'm really sure OB will have plenty of things in store....the sad thing is is that I'm still looking in my pm box, lol. *kills her wishfull thinking* -
Otaku Big Brother II - Phase One; Entries
Angelus_Necare replied to Flash's topic in General Discussion
Eh, don't worry about it I didn't make it either, but it'll sure be fun to watch! Now I have the next OB event to look forwards too! *grins left eye twitching* -
Otaku Big Brother II - Phase One; Entries
Angelus_Necare replied to Flash's topic in General Discussion
ok, genkai yyh, we get the message, you're spamming now... -
Otaku Big Brother II - Phase One; Entries
Angelus_Necare replied to Flash's topic in General Discussion
*gives foredaddy a threatining glare* I'm watching you... uh, about the later tonight thing...I'll sacrafice sleep if it's for an otakuboards cause... -
RPG ---------- Pearls of Skyler ----------
Angelus_Necare replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
((well, at least I know where I am...)) *Oro sat underneith deck listening for the storm to hit, in seconds rain lightly pattered the deck then pounded on it feircely a loud claps of thunder erupted overhead. Oro found her hamock and decided to wait out the storm hopping no other ships would crash into hers* -
Otaku Big Brother II - Phase One; Entries
Angelus_Necare replied to Flash's topic in General Discussion
well, how did you find out Foredaddy? -
RPG ---------- Pearls of Skyler ----------
Angelus_Necare replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
*Oro looked up from her nap to light sprinkles of rain hitting her face. She frowned at this* Another rain... *she jumped up from her seat near the bow of the ship and raced torwards Stern. She hauled in what few fishing lines she had (which had no fish) and packed them into a bolted trunk on the deck. She then tied up the sails and took whatever was light enough to blow away down underneith the deck.* -
((I actualy intended Anima to be around 17/18 years old, I just call her young because she hasn't been a vampure for a long time compared to other characters))
well now I have a good excuse for running around going: "gnar kill!!!!"
I was just over whelmed with happiness that someone made a pirate Rp, you see that's what watching "one peice" does to me.
I think we're really here... *continues to poke herself in the face*
*Gives Dragon Warrior a big ol' smooch* you're My RP hero! Name: Oro Barnuk Age: 24 Race: human Info: Oro is the captain of her own, tiny ship. Apart from being A complete spaz at times her excentric behavior comes in handy when she or others are in danger.
((how young do you guys thin anima is anyway...?)) *Anima let her eyelids fall, she knew she wouldn't make it back to the troupe tonight, she was going to let Gavin down, she would probably never be able to return again. this didn't bother her, maybe it was best that she start a new life, away from people. Anima slowly slipped into a long and confusing dream as dawn approached*
((Oh my God safer you posted! J/k...where have you been?)) [i]Anima forced this new feeling away, her fangs grew smaller as she sank to her knees in tears. Kain stood behind her.[/i] Kain: stand up and feed, accept your fate, you're a vampire start acting like one. [i]Anima stayed on her knees trying to force the visions of death out of her mind. Kain grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up[/i] Kain: Did you hear me?! Anima: just leave me alone! [i]She wrenched herself from his grip, only being able to free herself from the cloak that concealed her lack of clothing. She hit the ground bare crying as she tried to cover herself from kain's eyes.[/i]
we just finished spirit week today with a pep-rally, a bunch of friends of mine and I thought it funny to be the only people wearing black on school colors (blue and white) day. anyways, Moday was Pyjama day, tues. mismatched clothes and wacky hair day, wed. be your idol/crossdress day, and Thurs. retro day.
Name: Ani Nantut Age: 16 Location: Neverland Description: Choppy wild black hair, auburn eyes, Dresses a bit like a pirate. Weapon: Dagger and Pirate sword Teams up with: The croc from peter pan Attacks: Ani: Leap (causes her to be able to jump a fair distance) Swashbuckle (a stronger limeted attack) Block Croc: Chomp (has the ability to dismember anythign it latches onto)
[i]Anima could feel his power and already began to close herself off to him, she feared her stronger kind. Her jade eyes looked up at him as she tugged her cloak closer to herself[/i] "why did you kill them?" "who? the humans? bewcause I was hungry you foolish child." [i]Anima cringed at his voice[/i] "have you not fed before? upon humans?" "no, I would never do that to a human."
what boredom will drive people to do... I like coke myself just because it has vannila coke...
[i]Anima stood on the other side of the street, watching Kain walk torwards her she was terrified, such violence was never known to her. Kain looked at her and raised an eyebrow.[/i] "what're you looking at?" [i]Kain shouted at her, he pried into her mind a bit to see who she was.[/i] "a vampire..." [i]He mumbled to himself, he then smiled at the still frozen Anima. Her heart was racing, what were his intentions, she couldn't see, he was obviously much stronger than she was and a lot more dangerous.[/i] "run" [i]Anima thought to herself yet her body didn't seem to want to move.[/i]
:blulaugh: Duo, you owned barbies? or was I mislead by this: [QUOTE]I'm not ashamed to say that I owned them tho[/QUOTE]
[i]Anima watched boredly from one of the traveling carts as her fellow preformers and misfits preformed tricks for the drunk and astounded. She hated these times, when she was forced to stay in the cart. They had stopped outside of a small town a few days before and since then Anima had sat in the cart feeding off of rats when she was hungry, sleeping when she was tired and wonderign what was out there when she became bored. She swung her legs, sitting in the doorway of the cart counting the stars in the dark sky. Her hood hung off of her bare shoulders and her oversized cloak crumpled around her. She heard applauding from the main tent as Gavin, a strapping young man that could bend his body in ways unimaginable, exited the back. he smiled and waved at Anima as she smiled back. She had watched Gavin and many of the other preformers since they were small children. She never had any intentions of feeding off of them like her kind in storys she was told. They were her family and she had never thought twice about harming them. Gavin walked over to her, and yawned.[/i] "well that's the last show of the night, I'm going to get some sleep" [i]he laughed lightly, his blue eyes sparkling. Anima looked up at him.[/i] "I wish I could be out there again, I miss seeing them" "the people? Anima you're not missing anything, just a bunch of drunks and hicks..." [i]She sighed and looked back up at the sky, counting again. Gavin looked at her thoughtfully.[/i] "are you thinking about going again?" "somewhat, will you keep it a secret?" [i]Gavin smiled[/i] "of course, just be back before dawn or Lord Argus will have me for target practice" [i]Anima smiled at him, and hopped out of the cart lightly[/i] "I'll be back just like I always am..." [i]With that she slipped off into the darkness without a sound or a shadow. Her hood and cloak concealed her from the night as she headed for the nearby town[/i]
I wonder if the creator of the show would do anything else? I'd love to see more CB genre shows out there...
I didn't see it last night because my brother insisted that playing casltevania was more important than watching adult swim. *sigh* Oh well, at least I found an old tape I thought never existed where I recorded the last two episodes of CB, I loathe my love-hate relationship with the series ending.
yes, I have very little tolerance for cheaters and liars. The six month relationship I was in ended recently because I found out that he was lieing to me. I'm not being bothered in the least because I knew he wasn't worth the trouble.
POcky makes good on my list of favorite snacks. I haven't had any in a while guess it's time to stock up... another favorite snack of mine are any of the japanese 100% fruit gummies. I lived off of those on a bus trip to chicago once.