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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare
Top Ten Ways to Freak Out Your Roommate
Angelus_Necare replied to Darkmoon's topic in General Discussion
those sound like some things I do ona daily basis, I'll have to try some of them on my tent-mates, while on councelor duty at girl scout camp ((go on laugh)). I really want to try the hampster one though. -
You're missing one cera, Kevin. and I'm very ashamed to say that I owened more than five barbie dolls in my youth. Now I silently snicker as I watch them melt on the rotissary on a bright autumn afternoon.
what about those bagpacks you used to wear in the front with the baby inside making you look pregnant? What a beautiful marketing tool that was...
hmmmmm.... crappy toys as a child... OH, I know one! I remember as a wee lass having some sort of plastic ring pyramid stacking thing. sure they were fun to throw at the other children but what fun can you get out of stacking things? other than that I can't think of anything else.
Has anyone mentioned Ninnku yet? That has to be one of the best unknowns out there at the time. God how I love that little penguin hiroki...
let's see, I play: Baratone Trumpet Piano Guitar Drums and most importantly..... THE KAZOO!
*The CB radio cracked as a young woman's voice came over it.* hey where are we going? *The voice belonged to Oro a young ambitious girl who had nothing special going for her in life. her green firebird was trailing in the back of the convoy* [i]Weren't you listening to rubber duck?[/i] *a voice scolded her over the CB, followed by others that relayed almost the same thing. Oro growled* Look my radio was turned off! *she barked into the radio, accenting her remark by laying on her horn* [i]We don't know where we're going[/i] *pete informed her* [i]Right now we're just following rubber duck...[/i] well why don't we go to L.A?
Name: Anima Necare Age: 157 Apperance: Short choppy black hair, Jade eyes, and wears a long worn velvet cloak. personality: Anima is generaly friendly but weary of older stronger vampires she comes accross. Anima is also unusualy amiable and energetic for a vampire and tries to help the less fortunate when possible. dark gifts: Fire- A simple blast of fire is realeased from her hands when called upon. Sudden coma- A simple attack that can render the target unconsious for hours. usualy used for escape. Weapons: A long wooden staff and a small dagger. Bio: Anima wanders with a traveling band of misfits, where she as known as "the undead". Anima is perfectly content with her travling family but is offten forced to stay behind the scenes due to the growing fear of vampires. Anima is offten poor, the only clothing she owns is a worn cloak that has little or no clothing underneith. To this day Anima can still not remember how she came to be but cares for the least in knowing.
This is SO wrong...(Mature people only)
Angelus_Necare replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in General Discussion
now I know I'm going to hell for even looking at that thing... -
Good men don't just fall into one's lap, you need to persue, get to know or even stalk (not recomended) someone to get to know if they're a good person. I'm fortunate of having a special someone who's not a complete jerk. The good guys are out there, you just need to look harder.
Popularity isn't a big thing where I'm from. Popularity is defined moreso with the trendy/jock category. I don't consider myself popular, just a face in the crowd. I have my small band of friends and that's all I need. Online I find myself to be more obnoxious and cynical, so either people like me or they don't.
yeesh, this brings back memories.... A few years back I tried to end my life for reasons I'd rather keep to myself. I was just unhappy with life, and I got help before it became worse. Now I realized that what I tried to do was foolish and selfish. I'm much more optimistic now, and a lot happier.
I don't think I could stand a T.V in my room, too much distraction from my work... I love futurama and I damn Fox for cutting it. *Damns Fox*
"very funny scotty, now beam down my clothes"- not really a quote but I say it at very inapropriate times... "Take me to your leader you dirty ignorant human!"- heh, something I shouted while pinning down one of my good friends while on a sugar buzz "The vampire was very happy to meet me, I'd have to say the pleasure was all his"- a quote in a brom book
what was/is your lifelong dream?
Angelus_Necare replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
hmmmmm..... well first and foremost I want to move to england and start a family with the love of my life. next, I want to have I job I enjoy, not something I'm going to hate myself for later... That's pretty much it for now. -
I think this might've been done before, but......OtakuFound.
Angelus_Necare replied to Genkai's topic in General Discussion
I think I found the OB a year or two ago when I ran a search on "otaku". I Joined The OB soon after under the name Sailor_capricorn, a name that still haunts me, I lost my account when OB upgraded to V4 I think, I took a long break from OB then signed up again with the name Angelus_necare. and here I be.... -
1. I don't beleive they have been lost, just horridly altered to meet today's standards. 2. I think that was answered in question one. 3. the one I don't get is multiple flatware at the table, I mean one fork is enough isn't it?
uh, let's see... 1. (to whatever God there may be) Why? 2. (To Mist, more of a request but who's really going to read this?) could you not stab me with an office product anymore when I damage a spike plushie? 3. (to anyone) paper or plastic?
I've only had one dream about the OB...... everyone gatherd for what seemed like an OB reunion. Things got ugly and and strange when Mods were viciously attacking an irrelovent speaking member. I woke up after that, and I haven't slept since... *resumes rocking in tht corner and humming the "cheers" tune*
you mean this face aries?
I used to love watching the honeymooners, and get smart, I also watch a lot of M*A*S*H, but I'm not sure when that was made, early seventies I'm guessing.
Name: Aris Hero: Lich Abilities: -Frost Nova (What it says. A ring of ice that expands rapidly.) -Frost Armour (Creates a spinning ring of ice that follows one person) -Unholy Ritual (Kills an undead creature to restore mana) -Death And Decay (creates an acidic cloud that eats away all it touches.) EDIT: thanks Aries.
This pic I have attached always makes me laugh, I mean I didn't know vegeta could make a face like this.
Writing something I've been working on...
Angelus_Necare replied to Angelus_Necare's topic in Creative Works
3 Anima shortly arrived at her workplace, a hover car and other space vehicle body shop. Anima steped out of the cab and onto the sheltered platform, the money she left was only the bare minimum, she had nothing extra to waste on tips. Anima's good friend and co-worker Shro stood at the opening of the shop garage front, looking worried. Shro had known Anima for a very long time, one thing that Anima learned over time that when Shro was worried it meant something bad was happening. Once Shro saw Anima step out of the cab she rushed right over to Anima, her eyes flashing almost in anger. "where the hell have you been?! Argon is furrious!" she shouted, her arms waving wildly. Anima caring for the least looked her up and down. Shro was going through another "fashion" phase, she was begining to look stranger every day. Today she had on Bright orange mechanic pants, a flourscent green Tank top with small ornaments hanging from it, a multi-colored wool cap and silver eye makeup, Anima grimaced. "what? It's high fashion." Shro grunted. "you know Shro, one of these days that 'high fashion' will get you caught in one of the engines". Shro ignored her comment, and still had her arms streatched out, "You had better have a good excuse! Argon is ready to fire you!" "and you haven't seen the weather?! beleive me if I could have been here earlier I would have! I don't care what Argog says, besides Simon's here." Shro's gaze dropped and she laughed, "well, you know how Simon is....." she trailed off, Anima finished her scentence, "he passed out again...." her tone was flat, this wasn't the first time this has happened, they were both used to it by now. Anima inhaled, preparing to face the worst. "well, let's go face the music" Anima peered into the shop, there was quite a crowd today, a group more like it. "who are these guys?" Anima asked warily hanging up her coat glancing over her shoulder. "some mafia" Shro ignored them and sat down at a work bench covered with car electronics. "Must be important." "how so?" Shro turned to her puzzled. "Argon is putting on the best ***damned bull**** speech I've ever heard" Anima grinned nuddging Shro to join in on the laughter. One of the mafia men near the back of the group turned to look at them, He wore a black suit and sunglasses, in uniform with the rest. He slid down his sunglasses revealing beautifull blue eyes that accented his Blonde hair, he winked at Anima. She shuddered with delight, Shro threw her a grin. "looks like you've got an admierer Ani." Anima obnoxiously giggled, something she hadn't done in a while, "yeah, I guess..." they both giggled turning more heads untill Argon could hear them. Argon pushed his way to the girls through the group he had been entertaining, his face was a bright red and he puffed his cheeks with embarasment. Argon was a rather short round man, his black hair was balding and he was commonly seen spraying 'hair-gro' when he thought nobody was looking. Today he was wearing a cheapy brown suit and he reaked of 'hair-gro'. "miss Neacare...." he started, his puffing cheeks looked like they were about to explode, "would you like to explain what is so funny?" Anima stood straight, if she was going to embarass him further she'd have to put on a good show. "no sir master Argon!" "stop that..." "Stop what sir?" "That!" Anima had him on the run, now to move in for the kill. Anima dropped to her knees and pressed her face into her hands. "oh please master Argon! please don't beat me for being insulent, please!" she cried pitifuly. "Anima.....you...can stop...that now...." he furriously huffed. Anima continued to put on her show, she loved doing this to Argon. "master no! you can't tie me up in your office and beat me again please!!!" At this point Argon was ready to really smack her, but he contained himself as his clients chuckled themselves. A man who was near the front of the group steped forward, his black hair fliped gently as he removed his sunglasses shining dark eyes. "is there a problem Argon?" he asked, his voice was deep and smooth. Argon did about a one-eighty as the sweat slowly collected on his round face. "N-Nothing Mr. Malus, just a problem with one of the obnoxious employees." Argon shot her a look that told her to cut the sh*t or she would be beaten. Anima stood up and maliciously grinned at Argon before he turned back to Malus. "Sorry about the interuption, now to continue the deal..." Argon trailed off back to the front, but not before Malus eyed Anima up and down and winked at her. Anima didn't like the feeling of Malus, he just seemed, evil. The rest of the group turned back when Shro grabbed Anima's elbow, "don't you think that was a little far?" Shro was less amused now more than she was annoyed. "nah" Anima started folding her hands behind her head, "just another showing of mine, nothing I won't get fired for." After the group left Argon barely paid attention to Anima as he headed for a tool closet. "hey Argon?" asked Shro swinging a wrench around in her hand, "what did you ever do with Simon?" Argon lazily glanced at the tool closet as he opened it, seconds later a stoned Simon came rolling out, giggling and all. "Heylo Argon!" he said cheerfully, a large empty grin on his face. Argon walked off to his office shaking his head grumbling about young people today. Simon's glassy stare wandered to Anima, "Anima my sweet" he stood up and claped her hard on the shoulder, "y'know, you and I should get together, start a family y'know? ---------------------". Anima shook him off with a chuckle, "sure simon, whatever you say" she laughed turning back to her work space. Argon returned from his office counting the money that the mob leader had paid him. "alright you three listen up! Mr. malus has paid me a great amount of money to have all of the cars in his group modified!" Argon finished with a large toothy grin, unfortunately he wasn't greeted with the same sort of enthusiasm. -------------------------------- that's all I have for now, sort of in a writes block. Thanks for the feedback! -
Name: Terrin Giko Gender: Female Location: Kinyo Weapon(s): Jewled Sabre, longsword, throwing knives. Skills: bartering, troubador, blacksmith (sword maker), speed, small above average reflex. Apperance: Tied back black shoulder length hair, Light brown (almost yellow) eyes. Wears roughly middle class clothing, usualy dark colors and form fitting. Biography: Terrin started life working under the watchfull eye of her master, a well known blacksmith. Terrin found interest in the craft of the sword and it has been her trade for as long as she could remember. Recently she has been traveling between the Three cities, keenly avoiding bandits and robbers trying to furthur her income. Terrin has settled in Kinyo for a short time running a blacksmith shop and small inn to hild up her traveling reserves. Terrin is rather quick witted and hard to fool when it comes to trading, but a bit unskilled when she's fighting. terrin is usualy friendly but trading on her bad side could cost you.