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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare
some of the gundams may be pretty bizar but what about the characters? Chibodee Crockett is odd in my oppinion, with his blue/pink hair and being followed by women constantly, plus he's terrified of clowns (put him in a room with Trowa and watch the fun begin!). Domon seems to like him though... Domon: Chibodee Crockett, NICE GUY! Chibodee: THANK YOU. (hear it here... [url]http://dreamwater.org/deathscythe/shining/niceguy.wav[/url] )
ok, you win Mist, your school is smaller.
I don't think thundercats was anime, just the result of a vietnamese/korean sweatshop (just like all the other cartoons from the eighties.) The worst Anime I ever saw would probably have to be pokemon, like every one else has entioned the repetitiveness is unbearable.
I wish it was a class lol. Nah it's just a club where we sit around and argue with the Dm until it's time to go. And of course we only get to use the smallest room in the whole school, I swear i think our playing area was once a very large closet.
sorry about that... I've been writting a new Cb story that will probably see the light of day in the stories section, Maybe I will do a different RPg based off of what I've been writing. But now I have nothing to look forward too.
I felt like the uncle screaming in the back of my head, "Move kids!" suspense is very effective but terrible for one's sanity.
My class is pretty large I'd say about 400+. we're going to have a pretty large graduating class. And I only have to stay in school for about 7 hours, but if I stay for DnD club my day shoots up to nine hours *sigh*...
I could only think that multiplayer in the new zelda game would work the same way as it did in Jet force Gemini, where a second player could play as a little flying robot that hovers around the first player's head. The concept was great when you first use it but it gets dull when you're choices of action are reduced to just shooting. Maybe the bugs wil be worked out and a co-operative character will have a wider range of actions and movement. We can only hope...
let's see... -clowns -Alf -Spiders -Being unprepred -Heights -The noise no one has an explination for -Mist five minutes after she's been called Misty. -Certain members at the otakuboards that will remain unamed ...That's pretty much it.
((Mist out of al the Cb Rp's we did I was waiting for you to do that! *giggles histericaly and hugs spike plushie.* But how did I steal your ending? and when can we do another one?))
I agree with you shyguy on the ittle girl being an alien, it crossed my mind more than once anyway. And it's true, the soda comercials ARE a conspiracy!
((I'm thinking about inching this closer to the end too kouberei, so we can get started on another one!!! j/k, unless Mist wants to.)) [i]Spike returned to the Bebop carrying a large suitcase with his 20 million woolongs, Lare grin and all. spike noticed that jett was out, he had been gone since spike had droped off anima. he entered the sitting area to see that she wasn't where he left her. The blanket he had covered her with was folded neatly atop a pillow he had also given her. Spike headed to the control center to find Anima there looking out at the void of space. Anima turned hearing his footsteps and smiled when she saw Spike, she looked much ehalthier tha she had a few hours earlier.[/i] Spike: how are yo feeling? Anima: fine, just fine... [i]She turned back to the windows. Spike moved a bit closer to her, something was on his mind.[/i] Spike: An- mom....? [i]Caught a bit off guard about the tone in his voice and how he adressed her, made her breath catch. She turned just enough to look at him.[/i] Anima: yes Spike? [i]He moved a little closer holding look of deep thought as he searched for words. Anima's eyes softened at the sight of him[/i] Anima: [i]...just like his father...[/i] Spike: I was really afraid that I was going to loose you today. [i]he stoped and looked at her with his unmatching eyes, waiting for what he just said to sink in. Anima let out a shuttered breath and looked back at him.[/i] Anima: I was afraid too, afraid that I was going to loose a son that i hold very dear to me... [i]She tried to fight back the tears that were welling in the corner of her eyes. Spike was standing in front of her now.[/i] Spike: Mom, please stay here with me on the Bebop, so we can get back the years that we lost. [i]Anima choked back a sob knowing that she couldn't do that, it wasn't her nature to settle anywhere even for her own son.[/i] Anima: spike...I...can't do... [i]With a large sob she pressed forward into him crying. She burried her face into his chest and let out all of the tears that had colected inside all from of the years she spent away from Spike. Spike understandingly wraped his arms around her and held her for as long as she needed him. They stood for a long time together as Anima cried into him and he consolingly rocked her back and forth. After a while Anima stoped sobing and pushed away from him. she turned her back and wiped her tears.[/i] Anima; I'm sorry about that Spike, it's just, after all those years, I- Spike: you don't need to say anything.... [i]She turned to see him smiling at her, he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.[/i] Spike: so then is this goobye? [i]Anima let out a sigh and grinned[/i] Anima: there will never be a godbye between us Spike, you remember that. [i]She moved forward and huged him.[/i] Anima: I love you with all my heart and we'll cross paths again. [i]She let go, Spike looked down at her with a warm smile[/i] Spike: when is up to you... [i]Anima crossed her arms and walked around him, with a smile herself.[/i] Anima: yes that's true, I won't ever forget about you, take care.... [i]And with that she left, Spike looked out the window and watched her go, smiling.[/i] Anima: [i]See you around space cowboy...[/i] ((ok, I just HAD to that last part, ech, a bit long ne?))
I went to see it last night and loved it, the audience I was in was pretty full so I fel stupid when I was the only one who jumped and screamed when **SPOILER** the alien first apeared in the home video. **SPOILER** That pretty much freaked me out, I can pretty much say I'm never going outside at night again.
1) I can make a decent phrase.... 2) no. 3) yes, I bought three books. 4) I know quite a few, mainly objects and verbs. 5) yes. 6) nope, I rely solely on katakana. 7) no. 8) yes.
did I also mention it's one of the most steriotypical animes ever? I mean, neo mexico's gundam wears a big friggin' metal sombrero and is called "tequila gundam" (I kid you not). Well actualy, maybe Tequilla gundam would make the show worth watching.....
((I'm ready to jump back in this but I'm not sure where, can anyone help me out?))
I shop at hot topic all the time...... but anyways...... I pulled an all nighter last night, I stayed up and watched every single war movie I could get my hands on, Patton, full metal jacket, apocolipse now, you name it....anyway I was found this morning hiding behind the couch foaming at the mouth and "keeping an eye on the enemy", using my brother's lego's for amo and soley living off of pixie sticks, sliping even furthur into madness. But that's a normal morning for me anyway.
It's not finished I'll post more as I go, some parts of this story will have a "--------" in it beacuse the content is not suitable for the boards, feedback is apreciated. -------------------------------------------------------- Neon Starshine 1 "welcome to the future" The year is 3025, humankind has been spining dangerously closer to extinction with every new "idea" or "invention" they come up with. Earth has become a barron wasteland, a cesspool of criminals condemned to wander its deserts and toxic oceans forever. The reminents of the human race live in a giant space city "monatabius" located just beyond the moon. Dreamers of the human race wander among the stars, looking for hope. Yet there are no more dreamers in Monatabius. People live day to day hoping that a comet would hit the city or the oxygen would run out. Society has taken a turn for the worst, the law matters to only a small percentage of the population now. Large crime syndacates control the people of monatabius like pawns on a chessboard. If you had money or power you were above the law. Children were no longer hearded to schools or looked upon as an esential to humanity. Children offten grow up not knowing their parents, and are put into orphanages or "facilities" as they are called, until they can support themselves and live on their own. These accidents of passion are offten sold to factories on the black market as soon as they learn to walk. If you were lucky your slave driver would go easy on you. Living space in monatabius is a little less to be desired. People are packed like sardines in giant skyscrapers that ascend into the smogy mists. sometimes several families would live together just to pay the rent. Privacy was unheard of, you could always hear a baby crying, or your neighbor having a ----------------------------------. Life was hard, time was short, humans were sh*t. Welcome to the year 3025. 2 "The maddness begins" "Wake up!" came a small robotic voice from the darkness, "wake up! don't be late!" "five more minutes...." came another voice, muffled by a comforter. "no five! no five!" the robotic voice repeated "up now! up now!". Lights flashed to life, sending the person under the comforter to sit up startled. "**damned alarm clock!" she shouted. This is Anima Necare, eighteen, female, mechanics specialist. Anima had lived her boring little life day to day in Monatabius, praying to the good gods that she could leave or die. she looked at the window adjacent to her bed, acid rain dribbled down the glass. "damnit" she moaned throwing herself back onto the bed, this meant that if she didn't want to have her skin peeled off she'd have to take a taxi, which meant a good 35.00 semi wasted on getting to work. With a heave and a heavy sigh, Anima hoisted herself out of bed and to the bathroom. Anima faced the mirror, and stared at herself. "what great things can I accomplish today?" she muttered loathingly. her 'life-support' councelor told her to say that to herself every day, after she was brought in for a near death suicide for the fifth time in one month. "accomplish my ***..." she groaned splashing water on her face. A message popped up on the mirror that read, 'ten minutes 'till work! be productive!' it had a happy face on it, with a hideous grin. Anima stared at it breifly before looking at herself again, her long brown, braided hair hung low off of her left shoulder and her jade eyes were dull and emotionless. "Time to go" anima muttered to herself, she threw on some work clothes and headed for the door. Anima patted her pockets, "where the hell are my ciggarets?!" she shouted expecting an answer, she got one, "no smoking! cut down for less risk of lung cancer-" "and possible death" Anima droned on, she had heard the message a million times before. She didn't even know why she bothered buying her ciggarets anymore, they were always stolen by her damn robot 'EZ life system'. Anima steped out of the door and turned around to close it, "I hope you enjoy my ciggarets!" she called back into the house slaming the door shut. Later down on the covered street, Anima waved for a flying taxi cab. It was almost imposible at this time of day. She would have ridden her flying motor bike but it had no protection against the acid rain. After mutch determination a Cab stoped and Anima started to climb in when a man pushed her out of the way and climbed in himself. "outta the way *****!" he called over his shoulder. "inconsiderate ----" Anima groaned pulling her nuetron gun, this caught the man's attention as he froze with fear. "it's a little early buddy, and I'd like to get to work..." she said with as mutch attitude she could throw at him. "y-yeah, all yours..." he whimpered crawling out of the cab and sulking away, Anima put her gun away. "feeble-minded ***holes" Anima crawled into the cab and punched in her destination on a keyboard attached to the driver's seat. ----------------------------------- that's it for now, I'll put some up later.
Anime ::Sighs:: Yes I admit to reading a school girl manga.
Angelus_Necare replied to SS Vegeta's topic in Otaku Central
I have read the first volume and loved it. I really like CLAMP's manga work, the series is a bt less to be desired though, because I hate fuu's voice. -
Nice job, I really like the font and the fact that you did that in MS paint boggles the mind.....
I think it's going to air sometime in august or early september, I've seen the series in Japanese, and neo-america's pilot couldn't be more ridiculous, at least he doesn't have an attack where he screams "SHINING FINGER!"
Anime does anyone draw thier own anime?
Angelus_Necare replied to DBZanimeFreak3's topic in Otaku Central
I draw anime and pretty damn well as I've ben told. i have earned the name "anime pimp" amongst my female friends because I'm talented at drawing bishounen for them, go figure... When I graduate I'm going to an animation school and hope I can work on a anime someday (chances are very low thought, very competitive buissness). I would show you all my art, but, alas, I have no scanner! -
What would you do if you had 17 years to live?
Angelus_Necare replied to Sandy's topic in General Discussion
I know my behavior wouldn't change much from how I act now, I pretty much live every day like I'm going to die the next (no that doesn't mean I do something incredibly stupid everyday like drugs). And strange as it may sound I don't fear instant death, just a long painful death. And as for the last fifteen minutes of earth? I'm gonna get drunk with a bunch of friends and sing the theme song to "cheers" ".......where everybody knows your na-a-ame....." -
If you choose to be a wiccan and you mother did disown you what would that say about her? Maybe you should sit down and talk with your mother about this, tell her that you can't follow what you don't beleive and that you have at least found something to place faith in. I had the same problem with my mother the day I told her that I was Atheist, granted she wasn't happy but we talked and she understood where I was comming from. please talk to your mother it's the best you can do.