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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. [i]James picked himself up off of the floor a bit dazed[/i] Spike: you alright kid? James: yeah, I've just never been hit like that before... [i]Seto snarled up at Spike[/i] Seto: this won't last Speigle! you'll find the same fate as your brother! [i]Spike frowned at him and turned to pick up James's glue gun, he took aim and shot Seto dirrectly in the face, covering him with glue.[/i] Spike: that should keep him quiet.
  2. Angelus Necare is latin for angel slayer, My old name a long way back used to be Sailor crimson capricorn, but that wasn't me...And I don't know why I like my Yuffie avitar I just do.
  3. [i]Spike knealt next to Anima unaware of the fast aproaching seto. Just before Seto could reach them Faye's hand clamped around his ankle sending him crashing to the floor. Faye scrambled to her feet recovered her gun and took aim on Seto[/i] Faye: move and you'll regret it. [i]Meanwhile Spike had emptied the vial into Anima's mouth, her paleness began to vanish as did her wounds, she was slowly regaining consiousness as well. Spike turned to look at seto, He was laying flaton his back being held down by Faye, who had her boot planted firmly on his chest. Seto Glared up at Spike not putting up a fight to his capture.[/i]
  4. [i]Spike sat by anima's side nearly shaking with anger, Seto would pay for this. Footsteps could be heard outside of their cell, then the door slowly opened, Seto stood there a grin on his face he was alone, he walked in carelessly leaving the door behind him open. Spike scrambled to his feet and prepared to charge at Seto when he held a gun to a vial holding an orange substance.[/i] Seto: move and her last chance of living gets blown away. [i]Spike stoped in his tracks as Anima pushed herself into a sitting position.[/i] Seto: such a nice family reunion we have here, how are you feeling Anima? not well I presume... [i]Seto laughed, as Spike's anger grew stronger[/i] Spike: Why did you do this?! Tell me!
  5. It may sound strange but I like either one better thn the other depending on what mood I'm in. but in the long run vicious is better. *stabs spike plushie with a letter opener and laughs maliciously*
  6. My favorite book is "the iron dragon's daughter" by Mike Swanwick and if you haven't read this book, you should! I tend to hover more torwards science fiction and fantasy and occassionaly I'll go to fanfic.com to look up a *cough* yaoi fic or two *cough*
  7. they'd probably screw the cast up and cast bruce willis as solid snake...
  8. to make a long list short, I have seen just about every anime they put on television and I own: -Magic knight rayearth vol. 2 -all three tenchi muyo movies -ah! my goddess the movie -princess mononoke -the last five episodes of bubblegum crissis (you figure it out cause I sure as hell can't) -yu yu hakkosho the movie -Ninku the movie as for mangas I have the first volume of magic knight rayearth (for clamp still manages to scare me.) and the first four collections of the pokemon manga, cause I....like....uh...the art, yeah that's it, the art. *runs away ashamed*
  9. [i]Spike moved nearer to Anima, he could see in the dim light that she wasn't in a very good condition. He winced as she turned to him coughing looking very near to death.[/i] Spike: what did he do to you? Anima: h-he gave me a syrum, it's killing me spike..... [i]Anima turned to cough again this time bringing up blood.[/i] Anima: I always dreamed of dying. But not like this.... [i]Spike shook with anger as Anima slumped to the floor again slowly loosing grip of life. He sat close to her on the floor and comforted her until Seto would come to them.[/i] Spike: [i]come on Faye, now would be a good time to butt in...[/i]
  10. [i]Spike followed the hooded man to a large empty-looking building. The hooded man steped aside and opened the door motioning for him to go first, once spike was in the doorway he felt a gun against his back the Hooded man grinned as he moved nearer to him.[/i] ???: just do as i say and you or Anima won't get hurt. [i]Spike nearly jerked around at the mention of Anima's name but a friendly reminder of the hooded man's gun barrel made him stay still. Soon they were heading down a hallway, the hooded man dirrected spike to what looked like a large cell door, he opened it and gave Spike a shove in.[/i] ???: seto will be by to see you both in a while. [i]With that The hooded man closed the door[/i] Spike: both? ????: wh- who's there? [i]Anima coughed from the corner...[/i]
  11. [i]The hodded man entered the bar and looked around casualy, his lips spread into a grin when he saw spike standing there stiff and impatient. With long gracefull strides he approached Spike and Faye, his deep voice greeted both of them.[/i] ???: Mr. Spike Spiegle? Spike: where is she.... ???: you'll know in due time. Please follow me, Seto would like to speak with you. [i]The hooded man turned and Spike followed reluctantly his hands clenched to fists ready to spring. Faye hopped of the barstool intending to follow[/i] ???: not you... [i]The hooded man grunted at Faye, she threw him a dirty look and sat down again planing to folow unnoticed.[/i]
  12. [i]Anima lay in pain in the corner of her cell, bullet holes started to become visible and cuts and burns soon joined them. She tried to cry out but her throat was dry and the copper taste of blood rested on her tounge. elsewhere Seto was making orders seeing his plan fall in order. He turned to a tall man wearing a hooded trenchcoat[/i] Seto: go wait out front for him, if he tries anything funny, kill him on the spot.
  13. I dont' particularly like keanu reeves anyway because he pretty much depicts the same character in every movie he does. I mean, Toby Mcguire could do a better impersonation of him on SNL, sorry no oscars for Mr. Reeves
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mstyrios WX [/i] [B]YES! They do have out Cowboy Bebop game but it isn't exactly the greatest and it was made in Japan only. There is 1 game a space shooter like starfox.It was made for PS. [/B][/QUOTE] quite right mstyrios, but I read a reveiw on the game that said it was terrible, that's why it never saw american shores. the basic premise of the game is that of starfox, fly around and shot the bad guys basicaly. I think there was a sequel to the game but I'm not sure, can anyone back that up?
  15. ((aries, remind me to strangle you slowly when we next meet, J/K.)) [i]Anima lay in a cell corner wincing at her newfound pain. She hadn't seen any face but she knew who her capturur was and she knew what his intentions were. The cell door on the other side of the room opened with a loud squeal as a sickeningly familiar figure apeared in it.[/i] Seto: how are we holding up? [i]Anima turned her body so she wouldn't have to look at him.[/i] Anima: go to hell seto. Seto: my such language, probably due to your state of body. [i]Anima winced once more at her pain, which should have dissapeared under normal circumstances but had not.[/i] Anima: what did you do to me? Seto: it's very simple you see, I gave you a syrum when you were unconsious that slows your bodys ability to heal little by little, soon you will have every wound you gained in your life and if all goes according to plan..... [i]He laughed maliciously[/i] Seto:...there will be no more you. [i]With that he left laughing to himself proud that he could think of something so clever leaving Anima to her pain and tears[/i] Anima: please, someone find me....
  16. [i]hours later on the bebop.....[/i] James: time to check in on the homing devices, good thing Anima didn't discover the one I stuck on her ship... [i]James looked at his computer screen and frowned, he could still see Spike's signal but not Anima's[/i] James: must have been a dud, oh well... [i]A video message poped up on James's screen[/i] James: what's this? [i]He opened it to start a chilling video message of Anima tied to a chair looking severely beaten, tears welled in the corners of her eyes as she relayed a message obviously ordered to her.[/i] Anima:[/i]To the bebop, spike and anyone else who receives this message, I'm being held in a small barstrip on jupiter by seto, meet the hooded man at the "sun spot" bar to retreave me.[/i] [i]the camera that recorded Anima shook as she lurched forward in her chair[/i] Anima: [/i]Stay away!, please! it's a trap! just leave me please![/i] [i]The video cut there, James was shocked and elsewhere Spike had just finished watching the same message, his hate torwards seto growing.[/i]
  17. Anima: it's just an address, but it's the best thing I've found so far......James. James: yeah? Anima: I think it best that you don't follow me. James: but- Anima: no, I can't promise that I can protect you once we get there, you should go back to the bebop with jet. James: I can take care of myself, I can help you, come on Anima please? Anima: you really want to help james? [i]James nodded eagerly[/i] Anima: go find spike, tell him I'm on seto's trail and that I'm going to finish the job wether he likes it or not, can you do that? James: he won't like it, but I'll do it... Anima: good boy, now go, and keep yourself safe. [i]James nodded as he left the side of her ship. Anima turned the ignition and headed torwards jupiter[/i]
  18. the new austin powers movie, go see it, I COMAND YOU!!!!!!
  19. well, someone had to come out and say it, I agree with you whole heartedly shadowdramon.
  20. [i]Anima turned off her tiny monitor in her ship that was showing Faye's somwhat reckless damage then turned back to her laptop to continue searching for Seto's wherabouts.[/i] Anima: seems that faye is having more fun than I am... [i]She rubbed her eyes and made an attempt to stretch in her small cockpit. Anima pounded keys for a few more hours into the night still unable to get any results.[/i]
  21. Yeah, metalica is great to listen to when you're driving at night (to keep you awake anyways). My favorite song would have to be "enter sandman".
  22. already running, my partner and I have more work to do, but today I'm taking a break, and yes, artwork and banners on the site are my work (unfortunately) you can find it at: [url]http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/hprp[/url]
  23. yeah, friends is alright, my favorite character is phobe's twin sister.......she reminds me of myself...
  24. I know I'm going to see the second movie whether I want to or not, you see I have 'harrypotteridus', a rare disease in which I cannot stop my strange obbsession with harry potter! I'm even making a roleplaying website for pete's sake! if anyone has a remedy, save me!
  25. I'm planning on seeing it, but I know what will happen in the end. They'll kill lil' mike and in a few years there will come a new movie, "halloween: not dead yet!"
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