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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. Let's see, Rome NY..... well, there was Woodstock 99 there, not something to be particularly proud of. eerie canal village is interesting, until you've visited it for the 100th time. we have a wal-mart (yay)..... .....and an empty out-of-buisness K-mart (double yay) oh, and we have a rare drive in theater, I forget how many of those are left in this country. that's pretty much it, as far as I know Rome was settled by Italians (surprised?)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] Jet-->Jack Nicholson ([i]Batman, Wolf[/i]) I don't know why, but Jack Nicholson comes to mind...probably because he's such an older actor. [/color][/QUOTE] Well JC, you get an A for effort. But Jack nicholson? I'd be sitting on the edge of my seat that whole movie waiting for jet to pull out the axe and go balistic on a door. The others work out pretty well as far as I can see, but jack nicholson? as for the fatal fury cast, they could go far lower than leo, try keanu reeves...... keanu: I know kung foo Alex: for the last time, no you don't.... (just had to throw that in there....:D )
  3. [i]Anima had made up her mind as she sped off in her ship, she was going to find seto herself and take care of him personaly to save spike from his final fate.[/i] ((that'll get rid of her for a while, and Mist in the last RPG I was aiming for love sick not weakness, oh well I'm sure you'll like the new RPG logo...)) [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/angelus_neacare/images/glassroseslogo.jpg[/url]
  4. I hate the second stunt too, I mean what do the creators do!? sit around and get drunk while thinking "hmmm, what sick stunt can I think of today?"
  5. Faye and julia could work out, but I can only see faye and julia as a thelma and louise situation. (I was quoting lines from that movie the whole time faye was in the car with julia in that episode, just waiting for them to rob a convinience store and drive off of a cliff wahoo!)
  6. ((this is to anyone who cares, I haven't nor will be posting as much as I'd like to because I'm being tied down with the creation of a new RPing site that's also giving e a great deal of writters block. Oh well, you guys should be able to so fine with the absence of anima for a while)) [i]Anima stoped outside the bar where the little blood reign was going on. she sat back in the pilot's chair and watched, absolutely uninterested in seto's plan's with Faye. If it was in her power to do something then she'd do it. Shots diminished as seto's men were falling around him, Anima had a clear shot to the back of his head but she knew taking the opportunity would be a waste of a bulet.[/i]
  7. I think a few anime shows have been put into movies, like dragon ball, but I heard the movie was terrible, I also saw a raunchy sort of live action sailor moon movie in japanese *shudders*. in My oppinion the words "live action" and "anime" should not be seen in the same sentence together unless proved otherwise.
  8. I have AIM but rarely use it...I find myself relying on MSN messenger because it seems more convinient...if anyone needs to know my MSN name is Anima Necare or you could use my e-mail address (Tiffanyranke589@hotmail.com)
  9. ((yeah, sorry about that, I've been a bad inactive member...)) [i]Anima hesitantly crawled out of the "angry bee" and sighed making her way to the sitting room. she didn't know why but she has this warm friendly feeling that runs through her entire body when she saw spike sotting there with one of his smiles.[/i] Spike: nice to see you again. [i]She clasped her hands behind her back.[/i] Anima: same here, so I've been told you've been after seto for quite some time... [i]Anima was greeted by a stone faced expression[/i] Anima: I'd be willing to help, but, there's a slim chance that seto will never die just like me. You're going to kill yourself for him? Spike: what are you saying? that you've forgoten about you son? my brother? [i]Spike became defencive, out of all the times she's been around or watching him anima had never heard that tone. except when he was with julia.[/i] Anima: no, I haven't forgoten.... [i]she turned her back[/i] Anima:......I just don't want to loose another son.
  10. same here, I'm probably going to tape the entire thing because spending 25 dollars on one dvd of the series isn't worth it in my oppinion, neither is staying up till one in the morning....
  11. [i]Anima stood outside Faye's appartment dumbfounded, she didn't remember how they got there from the bar she parked her ship outside of. But Anima had too much dignity to go back and look stupid sp she just started walking[/i]
  12. [i]Anima squirmed on the edge of her seat, desperately wanting to ask faye something, Faye glanced at her dully[/i] Faye: what..... Anima: where, exactly did you see spike? Faye: why? Anima: just tell me. [i]Faye leaned back in her chair and thought[/i] Faye: I saw him about two blocks from here... [i]Anima stood up hurriedly and waved[/i] Anima: great gotta go, thanks for letting me stay, have a nice life.... [i]More words strung together as Anima made her way to the door[/i]
  13. I could see the spike/faye thing only as a one night stand situation........hey mist we could use that in the RPG! j/k
  14. *Anima woke up the next morning with a huge hangover, she groaned as Faye walked in with two cups of coffee a grin on her face* Faye: about time you woke up, you seemed to be enjoying yourself last night... Anima: would have been if I could remember it, where are we? Faye: my apartment, don't you remember anything? Anima: hardly......I rarely drink like that.... Faye: then wh- Anima: just forget about it....so, have you been keeping in touch with the bebop?
  15. *anima seemed more peacefull when she fell asleep, faye just glanced at her out of the corner of her eye* faye: you know you're something else.... *Faye sped off to her place and landed the red tail, she shook Anima awake, she wasn't in such a joyous mood anymore* Anima: what....? Faye: come on we're here... *anima pulled herself out of the redtail and stood, she pressed her palm to her forhead and winced* Anima: this is going to be one hell of a hangover...
  16. Anima: .....and thas...*hic*...how it happened.... *anima grinned drunkenly at the man next to her, he smiled back* Man: that's fascinating, shal we go to my car? *she may have been drunk but she could see where this was leading. genuinely not in the mood she wobbled to her feet and gave the man a wave* Anima: thash nice of *hic* you but I...need to get going... *she turned to leave when a hand tightly grabed her wrist* man: you're not going anywhere.... *anima turned and gave him a dirty look, she then placed her hand atop his and pried him off* Anima: lishen young man *hic* I could be your ganny, sho back *hic* off! *the man a little dumbfounded by her statement backed off as she slowly made her way to the bar door, as she pushed open the door a shot rang out as Anima lurched forward, she had been shot but it didn't phase her, she would heal in a matter of minutes to hours. She ran a finger over the bullet hole* Anima: thish is all I need.....*hic*
  17. I don't like most endings because hence the word: "ending" it ends...my least favorite ending would have to be cowboy bebop because well, HOW COULD THAT HAPPEN!!!!I'm not letting out any spoilers here but those of you that have seen what happened can understand.
  18. yeah I'm still playing but too lazy to look for my old profile, mist's intro descibes me well enough. so I guess we can start now?
  19. Sheesh! I wander off for one day and something important happens! 1.Angelus necare 2.Spike (naturaly :D ) 3.pierot le fou 4.rain
  20. noodle is a girl? never knew that.......well I love the gorilaz anyway and noodle is still my favorite character.
  21. that would be nice if they did continue the wing series, so I could continue to spend my time through the episode screaming "DIE RELEENA DIE!!!" or "I LOVE DUO!!!!" ahem, I'm done now.....
  22. I think we need to sedate Anna....:laugh: Actualy I was little aswell when Alf was on and let me tell you that cat eating [i]thing[/i] scared the living hell out of me! every time I see sepheroth's avitar or those 10-10-220 comercials I shudder.....just shudder......
  23. Char no.-37 Name- Terrin Alderbrook Age-21 Location-Vol-mar town Bio/history-Terrin was rised by her Father when her mother died shortly after her birth. When terrin as 12 her father died aswell leving her alone to run the family buisness, a firearms and explosives shop, by herself. Terrin has learned to take care of herself and runs her buisness well, knowing every trick of the trade. personality-Terrin is usualy obnoxious when comfortable in her surroundings, she keeps her past very close to her and rarely, if ever talks about it. Weapons: sawed of shotgun Items: food, clothing, aid kit and a small bomb, all in a shoulder bag. white magic spells-none Black magic spells-none Ability one- Sharp shooting. ability two-Dissarm explosives.
  24. the comet cursor thing happened to me to but i'm learning to live with it.....
  25. wow, you've got cowboy bebop-idus just as bad as I do! you should check out the Rp section and read the "muddy water aint so bad" topic. Plus you can hop in on our next Rp, I would also like to know the address to your site.
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