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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. I thought veran was tough, it took me a while (and several "choice" words) to finish her off....And I was feeling lucky the day I defeated onox which only proved for one try...
  2. summer fest sound familiar, but I pitty all the suckers who have to work in the heat this summer......I'm working out of the home carring for my grandfather.
  3. I'm in sages situation too, when I try to get to know a guy they seem to think I want to be friends than just more...*sigh* oh well....but goth mog, just act as yourself and you'll have no problems, if the girl doesn't like you for who you are then it wasn't meant to be...
  4. I got out of the hell hole called school last week when I finished my biology regents...*shudders* but I'm not really looking forward to the heat of summer, I prefer the cold, around here in the winter we get too much though...oh well....
  5. well, you hit the bishounen thing on the head......I collect them you know, and store them away in my closet and call them out to do my dirty bidding, and when I'm done with their pitifull little faces I take them to an anime convention and hurl them at developing hormone crazed teenage girls (or boys) and watch the feeding frenzy begin.......*wanders off mancaly laughing*
  6. I'll join due to lack of females.....plus I always wanted to be in a convoy :D Name: Oro Mandel Vehicle: 86 green firebird. Attitude: Care-free, Going nowhere in life and thrilled to death about it.
  7. [i]The same woman from before entered the resturant and sat at the bar, she was still completely enveloped by her cape. The bartender gave her a strange look[/i] Bartender: can I get you somethin'? ???: yeah, hard liquor please... [i]She reached into her cape and threw some money on the counter. Vash and Piro watched with intrest as the locals in the resturant eyed the young woman[/i] Vash: mffffma whafff mfff- Piro: would you swallow before you speak? Vash: wonder what the're all worked up about...
  8. I suppose.....when is she getting back anyway? Anywho I'm trying to get people to join my RPG so i can be the pawn controler :demon:
  9. well, what will the plot be? we could work a title off of that...
  10. well, I've never seen NGE but I probably should, BGC was good but I only have the last five episodes of the series (how's that for a spoiler? :D ) and GW holds a special place in my heart for insane suicidal teenagers....
  11. A sequel sounds good, but what would we call it?
  12. [i]As vash and piro headed into the crowded town they exchanged glances[/i] Piro: so what now? Vash: well I have a huge craving for some doughnuts...((sorry just HAD to do that)) Piro: I guess but is th- [i]Piro was knocked to the ground by a desperate man carrying a brown sack, he looked wildly around then sighed[/i] Man: heh, lost her... [i]unbeknown to the man though a figure in a navy blue cape snuck up behind him and with one blow tossed him into the air leaving the sack on the ground[/i] ???: idiotic humans... [i]The figure kicked the now unconsious man and picked up the sack.[/i]
  13. ((that's what I meant)) [i]Anima watched the whole scene unveil, she didn't feel the least bit sorry for seto, she turned and went back down the corridor where Setsuna's body lay. she knelt down next to him and held his body in her arms[/i] Anima: I'm sorry....
  14. ((how strange....by the way I couldn't help but notice that your last post sounded like a scene from the matrix)) Seto: what? you think you can kill me? you've all done a wonderfull job so far... Anima: he's right... [i]She wobbled to her feet[/i] Anima: he's like me in the sense where he won't die.... Seto: exactly....smart woman, pity you lived so long. [i]spike slamed him into the wall again[/i] Spike: shut up!
  15. ((Ah! so sad!)) Spike: Setsuna! [i]Anima stood at teh entry way of the passage, her wounds had all healed over but she shook her head doubtingly[/i] Anima: n-no, he can't be dead! [i]Spike stood up and wraped his arms around her comfortingly, Anima hugged back for the first time as she cried into his chest[/i] Anima: Spike he can't be dead! Spike: I tried... but seto was too strong, he- Anima: Seto... [i]she abrutptly pulled away from spike and aproached seto's limp figure, she kicked him in the side as hard as she could and pulled her gun[/i] Anima: you will not be forgiven seto! Seto: oh? [i]He swung his legs around and triped Anima over onto her back, he pinned her to the ground and held her own gun to her head[/i] Seto: good-bye anima...
  16. some of you may remember this Rpg from a long way back and some of you may not...but here's the back story: [i]The year is 3025, humankind has been spining dangerously closer to extinction with every new "idea" or "invention" they come up with. Earth has become a barron wasteland, a cesspool of criminals condemned to wander its deserts and toxic oceans forever. The reminents of the human race live in a giant space city "monatabius" located just beyond the moon. Dreamers of the human race wander among the stars, looking for hope. Yet there are no more dreamers in Monatabius. People live day to day hoping that a comet would hit the city or the oxygen would run out. Society has taken a turn for the worst, the law matters to only a small percentage of the population now. Large crime syndacates control the people of monatabius like pawns on a chessboard. If you had money or power you were above the law. Children were no longer hearded to schools or looked upon as an essential to humanity. Children offten grow up not knowing their parents, and are put into orphanages or "facilities" as they are called, until they can support themselves and live on their own. These accidents of passion are offten sold to factories on the black market as soon as they learn to walk. If you were lucky your slave driver would go easy on you. Life was hard, time was short, humans were sh*t. Welcome to the year 3025.[/i] -------------------------------------- sign-up goes like this....(I'll add mine later) Name: Age: Occupation: Bio: Apperance: once the story starts a problem or issue will be established and your characters, binding with others or not, will try to handle it. Happy Rping!
  17. [i]Anima did her best to drag Jet s far as she could. In the darkness she bumped into someone.[/i] Anima: spike? Spike: what's going on? Anima: seto's on the ship, go help setsuna! [i]Spike ran off as Anima droped Jet's limp arm, something was sticking in her side, a dagger, probably left by seto before she was pushed out of the way. Anima leaned against the wall as she painfully pulled it out.[/i] Anima: I'll just rest while my body heals...... [i]with that she went unconsious[/i]
  18. ((eh, can't blame me for tryin' :D)) [i]Anima was unusualy tired as she sat up, Setsuna looked at her with a hint of mournin his eyes[/i] Anima: don't look at me like that setsuna... Setsuna: when did you plan on telling him? Anima: Damnit!!! all you people around here sound like a bunch of freiking broken records! [i]she stood up and headed for the doorway[/i] Anima: I have my reasons and thats all you need to know... [i]She left the room and went for a walk around the ship. one particular part was unusualy dark, as Anima walked she could hear glass crunching under her feet, the lights above had been broken.[/i] Anima: what the- [i]She stumbled over something, it was a body.....Anima croutched closer to it and pulled out a lighter. It was jet. He was only suffering a blow to the head, Anima failed to hear the on comming footsteps as she tried to rvive Jet. When she had caught on it was too late. Someone had grabbed the back of her neck and pressed her face against the wall. She could feel someone's warm breath near her left ear.[/i] ???: hello, mother....
  19. Wait! can I still jump in? -------------------------------- (edit) Thanks elite! Kagim Name: Anima Age: 19 Height: 5' 6" Description: Short black hair, green eyes, wears normal clothing with a long black duster coat Weapon: Rapier ("Jade sting") Magic Ability: 7
  20. I got my father a DVd documentary of the doors. And a card.....The nice thing about shoping for my father thought is he loves any kind of sci fi, action, music, thing you can find, not a difficult task if you ask me...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Now AquaMan is taking it too far.... [/B][/QUOTE] Shhhhhhh!!!! their spies are everywhere! I know very little about iron man so I hold no objections.....I just keep asking myself, "hey, i wonder if Ozzy's song 'iron man' will be the main theme....?"
  22. yes, hamtaro should be taken off cartoon network anyway. I think the're showing it at seven in the morning which is fine for small children who like that kind of crap. Just get it the hell away from toonami.
  23. it's the fire temple I beleive, it's pretty simple if you know how to use bombs and the like, much simpler then the forest temple, and don't forget to get the red tunic or you'll fry!
  24. ((ok, ok, Mist we won't be mean to Faye anymore, this little post is just for you!)) [i]Spike saddly turned away as the redtail turned out of the dock and sped off. Meanwhile in it, Faye tried her hardest not to cry, she stared at her trembling hands on the controls[/i] Faye: why am I acting like this? Spike means nothing to me. He and his whole 'family' can rot and die for all I care... [i]Faye set her ship to autopilot sat back and wraped her arms around herself[/i] Faye: but he was never really terrible to me...he always came and helped when I needed it and- Oh Spike why?! [i]She started crying as her ship sped torwards the nearest colony[/i] ((That's my make-up to you))
  25. Try your local media play. Always my best rescource for anime.
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