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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare
[i]Hours passed as Faye's shouts echoed through the ship, then they suddenly stoped[/i] Spike: you hear that? Setsuna: hear what? Spike: exactly...I'm going to check on her, be right back... [i]Spike stood up to leave[/i] Setsuna: at least she's quiet, how lucky, or maybe she suffocated and now she's dead..... [i]Anima was laying on the couch with her arm draped over her eyes[/i] Anima: we're not THAT lucky.....
((Aries, you do know Mist is going to kill us for doing this to faye....:D)) [i]Faye struggled against setsuna's grip[/i] Faye: you three can't run for long anyways! Seto will have all of your heads! Setsuna: do you have something to shut her up as well? [i]Spike returned with the chain[/i] Spike: nah, I've just learned to block it out... [i]Moments later they had faye tied up in chains in the bathroom, alone.[/i]
[i]Faye pointed a gun to spike's face[/i] Faye: you can make this easy or you can make this difficult... [i]Spike raised his hands[/i] Spike: what the hell are you trying to pull here? Faye: isn't it obvious? I'm turning you three in!
Setsuna: I......I can't... [i]he turned his back and walked away[/i] Faye: Come back here and tell me! Anima: Stop....leve him be... [i]faye turned angryly to Anima[/i] Faye: well why didn't [i]you[/i] say anything! Anima: because [i]Valentine[/i] it wasn't supposed to be pubilc! [i]Anima stormed past her not giving anyone a glance[/i]
((dunno who's ship I'm in but here's my post anyway...)) [i]Anima sat back and sighed, this would never stop. Anima reached for the mic. and called over to faye's ship.[/i] Anima: Faye, put spike on..... Spike:[i]Yeah, what is it?[/i] Anima: after this whole thing is over I'm running, will you come with me? [i]there was a silence on the other side, an answer started to come through when their ships were shot with a barage of missiles[/i]
[i]The taunting continued for an hour or so when spike walked into the living room where Jet and Anima were lounging around watching ___________((forgot what that bounty hunter show is called!!! check attachment)). spike was sporting the biggest shiner on his left cheek that either of them had ever saw[/i] Jet: so I take it Faye won? [i]Spike grinned maliciously waving a couple hundred woolongs, Anima just rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the television, what she saw nearly made her knock the chair over when she stood up. Someone had put out a bounty on both her and spike![/i] Anima: what the hell is this?! [i]Jet read off of the screen[/i] Jet: all bounty hunters and assasins needed to bring in Spike speigle and Anima Malus worth 500,000 woolong!? ((oops just edited this and realized that I didn't put on the attachment, well I'll do it in the next post))
it's really best to watch that show in mute, because, as you have all mentioned, the story line really sucks. I don't mind the hampsters though and as far as animation goes it's pretty decent. And now I am proud to sport my "hampster bomb" gif on my website....(hehehe exploding hampsters are cool!!!)
[i]Jet let out a heavy sigh as he could hear Spike and Faye horsing around in the docking bay[/i] Jet: if something breaks down there I'm not fixing it.... [i]Anima rounded the corner nearly running into Jet[/i] Jet: you didn't start that down there did you? [i]A loud shout halfway between laughter and pain echoed through the halways[/i] Anima: I just watch and throw fuel on the fire, but I think I'll stay out of this one.... [i]She smiled and continued walking, jet turned to face her[/i] Jet: this may be kinda personal, but why didn't you show yourself to him when he got mixed up in the clan? [i]Anima hung her head[/i] Anima: I would never have been able to stop that from happening, and it's best for his life to take it's own course....
I agree with Anna, the drummer girl sucked big time...being a drummer myself I too thought she was a disgrace, and was it just me or did she look stoned? anywho I HATED how orlano bloom looked! "please orlando for the good of your fans loose the facial hair and let's see that pretty face!" Ewan McGregor was looking very fine (grrrrrr!)..... And I thought kelley osborne was pretty good, but a cover song for your first preformance isn't always the best idea, oh well.... and the director/thinker/pervert for the LOTR skit will be personaly shot repeatedly by me....buy your tickets now!
[i]Faye gave him a dirty look[/i] Faye: you're still going on about that? honestly Spike you need to get a life... Spike: tell me what happened.......[SIZE=1]please[/SIZE] [i]Faye looked surprised[/i] Faye: what was that? did you just say please? to me? [i]Spike stood up and headed for the nearest exit[/i] Spike: I don't need this, I'll find out eventualy, maybe I can put that 10,000 woolong of yours to good use.... [i]He slinked off torwards the docking bay, as faye stood with her hands on her hips[/i] Faye: what an idiot, I think that comma realy did some serious damage to that tiny brain of his... [i]Faye sudden;y remembered that she had left her job money in....the....docking bay where spike was headed! she rushed off to the docking bay[/i] Faye: Spike!!!! you had better not touch that money or I'll- [i]she could hear spike's voice down in the docking bay calling to her[/i] Spike: Or you'll what? [i]She could hear his mocking laugh as she rushed off to the docking bay, flying past anima[/i] Anima: never a dull moment around here....
((nah, just creating tension.....100th post woohooo!!!)) [i]Anima fell asleep as she, spike and jet headed back to the beebop. back at the pub faye sat back down accross the woman and grinned[/i] Faye: alright you caught my attention, but I need proof that I'll be paid for this or.... [i]Faye droped a gun on the table[/i] Faye:...an accident might happen....understood? [i]She had the woman's full attention now, she loved the expressions on first-time assasin hirers.[/i] Woman: y-yes, I understand, I can't pay you in full right now though.... [i]Faye shrugged[/i] Faye: then I'll have to see half of it... [i]The womman placed a handbag on the table and opened it, inside was 5,000 woolongs. Faye grinned as she stood up and holstered her gun[/i] Faye: alright we have a deal...
[i]Anima shrugged[/i] Anima: don't get into too much trouble... [i]Faye just gave her a dirty look as she headed to where her redtail was parked. Spike leaned in close to Anima[/i] Spike: so what [i]were[/i] you two doing here? Anima: what, you don't beleive me? Spike: Faye wouldn't help you out if her life depended on it, I've seen how you two treat eachother, so what were you doing here? [i]Anima shook her head at spike[/i] Anima:....just like your father....anyways it's nothing big, forget about it, there's more important things to worry about...
[i]Anima shook off her thank you irritably[/i] Anima: just make sure it doesn't happen again.... [i]she walked ahead of Faye as theyheaded for the ships, spike sidway-glanced at Anima[/i] Spike: I thought that seto had the two of you I- Anima: you don't need to worry about me. [i]she looked back at faye and grinned[/i] Anima: I think it's her you should be worried about...
[i]Anima rubbed her wrists where the cuffs had once been and walked by the two of them[/i] Anima: I'm fine....what time is it anyway? I'm exhausted.... [i]She continued walking not caring wether anyone answered her question or not. Spike looked at Faye[/i] Spike: so what were the two of you doing out here? [i]Faye absentminedly opened her suitcase proudly and showed spike the money.[/i] Faye: got this for hauling in ani- [i]She stoped abrutply, realizing what she was saying.[/i]
[i]Anima glanced at faye as she walked into the room and grabed the suitcase with her 10,000 woolong reward[/i] Anima: you think you deserve that? Faye: what are you talking about? [i]Anima grinned at the man unconsious on the floor.[/i] Anima: well I doubt your employer was completely satisfied.... Faye: hey, I made the delivery, that's all I get paid for... [i]Faye glanced thoughtfully at the unconsious man as they both left.[/i]
[i]Anima tossed her head back in boredom, as the man gasped for air after having the wind knocked out of him for the sixth time[/i] Anima: look this is really fun beating you up and all, but I have to get going... [i]the man glared at her[/i] ???: not.......yet.....
((anywho, just ignore that entire post and continue with what you've been doing))
[i]Meanwhile back on the bebop.[/i] Spike: I don't like this.... Jet: like what? Spike: they've both been gone too long....I don't like that... Jet: awww, you know faye, she'll come and go as she pleases... Spike: yeah, but neither of them said where they were going, so I'm going to look for them... [i]He stood up and headed for the door.[/i] Jet: wait I'll come with you...just so seto can't corner you if he finds us... [i]Spike nodded and they both headed for the docking bay[/i] Jet: setsuna! watch the ship for me, spike and I are going to look for Faye and Anima. Setsuna: Sure.... [i]setsuna turned his back[/i] setsuna: [i]stay here? you must be joking...[/i] ((DAMN!!! forgot about that I'll edit it later.... thanks for the heads up))
[i]Anima sat back[/i] Anima: so what do you plan on doing with me huh? you're a bit old if you want to do what I think you want to do.... [i]She smirked seeing his reaction, he then inched closer to her face.[/i] ???: you'd be surprised.... [i]Their forheads touched[/i] ???: at what an older man is capable of.... [i]Anima brought up her knee right into his gut, sending him stumbling backwards, she just chuckled to herself.[/i] Anima: [i]thanks for all of this faye, you'll certainly get what's comming to you....[/i]
[i]Back in the room where Anima was being kept trouble was starting. The man edged closer to anima being sure that she could ram into him.[/i] ???: so.... [i]he started brushing his fingertips accrossher cheek, Anima glared at him[/i] ???: how's my clan mistress? Anima: don't you dare call me that! [i]She was loosing her patience with him, she didn't want to play around anymore, she ws ready to get the hell out of there[/i]
[i]back in the bar, faye pressed the gun into him harder[/i] Faye: but I think I do want to know.... [i]the man turned to her and smierked, faye moved back a little[/i] Faye: do I know you?
[i]meanwhile back in the back room, the man laughed at Anima[/i] ???: so that's not funny is it? what's the matter? would you like to harm me now? Anima: you *sshole, what do you want! so help me I'll kill you!
Anima: either way I'm happy where I am now, so if you don't mind I'd like to be leaving... ???: you mean back to that brat of yours? you were always so fascinated watching him. ever since that bum Karasu was ki- [i]he was cut off as Anima lurched forward in his dirrection, yet she was bound to the chair and was thrown back into it[/i] Anima: you leave those two out of this!
Sounds cool, I'll join! Name: Tarrin Age: unknown Affiliation: on of vash's men (or women in this case) Weapons: two long range pistols and a large cannon gun stored on a belt hanging off of her back. Apperance: Tall, short messy black hair, green eyes. She has small markings on her body that of stripes. She wears combat gear that is usualy covered by a long navy blue cloak. background: Tarrin was a failed experiment in where humans were supposed to be geneticaly spliced with felines. She was dumped off in the middle of nowhere to grow on her own. Tarrin hasn't let on to to many people about her condition seeing as how she shows no physical cat-like evidence other than her stripes. Tarrin is usualy lighthearted by nature but getting her to trust you takes time.
[i]She laughed again[/i] Anima: is this what this is about? I thought it was something serious... [i]The man pounded his fists on the table[/i] ???: why does everything have to be a damn joke to you!!! [i]Anima slightly grined, it was dark and almost evil[/i] Anima: just because that's the way I am, but you could never comprehend that...I left because you pushed me away, it's your own fault.