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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. [i]Anima let out a low laugh, this was ridiculous to her, a shot rang out and her body slumped over. within moments of the bullet's peircing she sat straight up again and "tisked"[/i] Anima: now that wasn't very nice....This jacket's new y'know... [i]The man still held the sdame iron face[/i]
  2. the song you're talking about zero is called "Rain" a truly awesome song I might add, I also like "want it all back" they play it a couple of times for the preveiw of the next show...and i think "Tank" is the best song of the whole show...
  3. [i]The room was entirely dark except for a bare lightbulb hanging from the ceiling that flickered every so offten[/i] ???: Ms. Malus, so nice to see you again... [i]She cringed when she heard the voice, it was him[/i] Anima: wish I could say the same, why don't you come closer and let me get a good look at you? [i]She could see something move in front of her, but then stillness[/i] ???: I'll be the one asking favors around here...
  4. [i]Anima hummed to herself merrily, this wasn't the first time something like this has happened. Faye nudged her with her gun.[/i] Faye: shut up will ya? [i]They came to another corridor this one had a door down at the end, when they reached it Faye knocked three times again.[/i] Faye: this is where I leave you....
  5. [i]Anima chuckled to herself as faye landed her ship[/i] Anima: well, if you were a little nicer to me and didn't ambush me in the middle of the night then you'd have my blessings... [i]Faye yanked both of Anima's arms as she pulled her out of the ship. They continued down a dark alley, faye walked behind anima sticking a gun in her back leading her to where they had to go. They eventualy reached a large iron door, faye knocked three times then stood to wait.[/i] Faye: If you answer his questions or do whatever he wants then he'll let you go.....that's what I'm guessing anyway...
  6. [i]Anima sat quietly for the rest of the way, Faye had binded her with handcuffs for good reason. [/i] Anima: are we there yet? are we there yet? Faye: would you shut up! [i]Anima smiled, she could meak this trip for Faye as miserable as possible. The ship slowed down to enter venuses orbit, Faye turned halfway around to look at anima.[/i] Faye: now look, I have orders to not kill you, but if you give me one good reason to slit your throat I'll do it.....and give up the 10,000 wolongs... Anima: 10,000 wolongs? is that all there asking for me? that's pathetic! [i]Faye jerked the ship to the right as she zoomed down to the surface of venus.[/i]
  7. Sorry QA, I honestly never knew that you use Arianna, I'll change the name if you like....
  8. mist, you and I should start our own "spike-lovers" club, where we can fantasize about him 24-7......and does anyone know the name of the episode where everyone except ed ate the "special" mushroom?
  9. Name: Ariana Shol Age: 19 sex: female Height: 5'7" weight: 130 race: human Class/specialty: Druid/cleric Armour: leather weapons: Ironwood staff, medium sized foil, two daggers. Magic ability: minor heal, light, barrier. Background: Ariana grew up in the english country side near stonehenge and explored it as a child. Her bloodline leads back to the very first druid preists, intensifying her powers. Her proffession now is preforming cleric magic for exorcisms and clensing cerimonies. Personality: understanding, kind, forgiving.
  10. [i]Faye returned with a smile on her face, it was later and everyone had retired for the night, except for one, spike sat in the docking bay, awaiting faye's return.[/i] Faye: kinda late isn't it? Spike: where were you? [i]Faye gave him a dirty look.[/i] Faye: like it's any buisness of yours! [i]She stormed past him and up to her room. once there she grabed a bag of belongings and her bounty equipment, after this little act she wouldn't be comming back. Faye stood by her door and listened for spike to walk by to his room, once she heard his door close and slowly opened hers. She snuck down to Anima's room and listened against the doorway, she could hear her gentle breathing inside. Faye slowly opened her door and looked in, Anima was sound asleep and could be easyly captured.[/i] Faye: [i]this is going to be easyer than I thought...[/i] [i]Faye pulled out a syringe, filled with a syrum that would make anima pass out for a couple of hours. She creeped closer, and deliverd the injection. Anima sat straight up awake and tried to yell but the syrum caught her before she could do anything else. Her body slumped as Faye smiled and picked her up. she slowly made her way into the docking bay and placed Anima into her red tail. Moments later she sped off to hopefully never come back.[/i]
  11. nice choice of words mist :D. I would LOVE to see knockin' on heaven's door on the big screen! because, well that's my biggest fantasy, seeing the tall dark and handsome green fuzzy hair man of my anime dreams on the big screen! ((plus it would be great if this manga scene could be worked into one of the shows.....))
  12. [i]Anima turned screws underneith her angry bee when spike walked in.[/i] Anima: shouldn't you be resting? Spike: I feel fine, no need to... [i]Spike looked around the docking bay[/i] Spike: where's the red tail? Anima: faye rushed out of here in a hurry about something. I considered following her but I'll let her dig her own grave. Spike: I can't understand why you two fight all the time... Anima: we just bump heads, she tries to prove who the better assasin is... [i]Anima crawled out from under her angry bee, and whiped her forhead.[/i] Anima: ....plus it doesn't help when she's been ordered to kill me... Spike: what? Anima: nothing, I'm going to take a rest, see ya around... [i]Anima left leaving spike standing alone in the docking bay, he glanced at his swordfish.[/i] Spike: maybe I should figure out what all this is about....
  13. [i]Anima stood in the control room as she watched Faye's red tail zoom of.[/i] Anima: now where is she going? [i]Anima didn't think about it much further than that. she headed down to the docking bay to tune up her angry bee.[/i]
  14. ((use the pic as a desktop? what a wonderfull Idea!!!!I'm glad you like!)) [i]Spike aimlessly wandered the halways of the bebop, he was bored and wanted to get into something. he came across Jet preening his bonsai trees. Spike leaned against the doorframe as Jet looked up at him.[/i] Jet: hey spike, why the long face? Spike: ah, Faye just blew up in my face when I mentioned you-know-who...... Jet: yeah, they don't get along to well do they, not like us men who haven't got strange hormones and the urge to tear each other apart.... [i]Spike laughed[/i] Spike: yeah, I guess you're right, I know faye can be a total b*tch sometime but I don't know about you-know-who.... [i]he turned to leave[/i] Jet: one more thing spike. Spike: yeah? Jet: why do you call Anima you-know-who? [i]spike shrugged[/i] Spike: dunno what to call her, "anima" might not be apropriate, and "mom" kinda sounds wierd...
  15. hell, I'll give it a shot..... Name: Ari Kuartstu Personality: a rather lone person ari rarely if ever socializes with anyone other than her own kind. Weapon: Dark Machetti, whip. Race: sheikan
  16. [i]A knock came upon her door[/i] Faye: Who's there? [i]A muffled voice came through but it was undoubtedly spike's. Faye stood up and opened her door[/i] Faye: what the hell do you want? Spike: whoa, easy there, I was just asking you if you knew where Anima was... [i]Faye's eyebrow twitched angrily[/i] Faye:I don't know and I don't care!!!! [i]She slamed the door in spike's face and planted herself on the floor again. Spike opened her door.[/i] Faye: go away...... Spike: not until I find out what the problem is. Why do you two fight you almost seem jealous of her..... faye: ha! jealousy?! it goes mutch further than that buddy.... [i]Faye's expression changed to that of saddness.[/i] Faye: it's just...nevermind... Spike: what? tell me... Faye: I said NEVERMIND!!!! [i]she stood up and shoved him out of her room, then locked the door behind her.[/i] ((Mist, I know how mutch you and I adore spike, so when I came across this picture you came to mind. Note that he says "do you think I'm sexy?" in this hilarious pic.))
  17. [i]Anima walked into the room and opened her mouth to say something to setsuna but closed it once she saw that faye was in the room. she sat across from her with a cup of coffee[/i] Anima: I trust you slept well? [i]Faye just shot her a dirty look and pulled out a ciggaret, anima shook her head.[/i] Anima: you know those things will kill you.... Faye: and now you have a say? it's not like you're MY mother.... [i]Anima stood up to leave, faye smirked looking pretty proud of herself. the anima stoped at the door way looked at faye and smirked[/i] Anima: no, If you were my child I'd have drowned you the moment you were born... [i]And with that she left, setsuna tryied not to laugh as Faye scowled at Anima's remark[/i] Faye: I hate her..... Setsuna: she's pretty funny you'd have to admit... [i]Setsuna then instinctively tilted his head as a coffee cup flew by his ear as faye stormed out of the room. Setsuna shrugged[/i] Setsuna: women....
  18. [i]Anima didn't go directly to bed, she stood in the sontrol room and stared at the earth, the sun was just comming over it illuminating it nicely, it was almost peacefull. Yet Anima had other things on her mind, she wanted to leave, but that would mean she was running, and she didn't want to give that impression. She sighed and closed her eyes, recalling memories just for the heck of it. some one entered the room silently. It was spike.[/i] Anima: who's there....? [i]her eyes were still closed and she didn't turn around.[/i] Spike: It's just me, I thought you said you were going to bed. Anima: I'm not tired.... [i]Spike moved a little closer.[/i] Spike: so where will you go after all of this is over? Anima: dunno, I kinda see where life takes me... Spike: I guess I get that from you, Faye's always telling me that I shouldn't jump headfirst into things.... [i]Anima, just nodded, she wanted to turn around and look at spike, she wanted to tell him how much she missed him, she wanted to embrace him and tell him that she would be around forever. But she couldn't do it.[/i]
  19. Anima: I can't just sit here and watch this fight unveil.... [i]Anima pulled out a beeper-like device and set her ship to auto pilot, it pulled up to jet's ship and attatched to the door way. Jet spun around.[/i] Jet: you're not serious! you have to stay here or you could be killed! Anima: how many times must I tell you people that I can't be killed easyly! [i]And with that she crawled to her ship and pulled away to the dirrection to Seto's hit-man.[/i]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B] (not holy grail) what is the breed of the deceased parrot! polly wake up polly! [/B][/QUOTE] wasn't it a blue mcoy or something? but I loved that part as well, my favorite Monty python skit is the hell's granies, and the rutles movie.....
  21. I love cowboy bebop! I'm also working on a site for it too. and yes it royaly sucks that spike died. oh well, as kurt vonegut would have said: "so it goes". my favorite ep. would have to be "pierrot le fou" That episode was just so dark, creepy and scary that it made the top of my must see anime list....
  22. [i]Anima sat with her arms crossed and her eyes closed as she rode off with Jet and Spike. Spike watched her carefully out of the corner of his eye[/i] Anima: stop staring at me.... Spike: s- sorry, I'm just trying to make a resemblance of me in you...... [i]Anima sighed and stared the other way, Jet listened closely fascinated with the conversation.[/i] Anima: so now you know, I'm sure you're pretty angry with me because well, I knew you didn't have a good childhood.... Spike: no I'm not mad, seeing the circimstances. If anything you should be angry with me for joining the clan in the old days. [i]Anima tried hard not to think about it, she still looked the other dirrection.[/i] Spike: did you come because of seto? Anima: yes......but he can't kill me so he'll go after you first.... Spike: wow, I should feel special then huh? [i]he nudged her with his elbow, trying to make her smile but all attempts failed.[/i] ((eh, kinda tired right now so I'll stop, by the way hope you guys like the attachment!))
  23. [i]Anima rubbed the side of her face as she headed for the docking bay.[/i] Anima: [i]I'm always having to run. What a waste of time this was, maybe faye was right maybe running isn't the right answer but I'm not ready and neither is he...[/i] [i]As she entered the docking bay Faye stood waiting. Anima walked past her.[/i] Faye: where do you think you're going? Anima: as far away from you people as possible.... [i]Anima steped up to her ship.[/i] Faye: you going to run again? Anima: what other choice do I have? you- [i]Anima just shook her head[/i] Anima: I don't even have anything worth saying to you.... [i]Anima climbed into her ship, as Setsuna walked in with spike's arm over his shoulder supporting him.[/i] Spike: wait.... [i]Anima cringed at his voice[/i] Anima: I have nothing to say to you either.... Spike: all I want to know is how and why.... [i]Anima turned to face them[/i] Anima: a long time ago I was in an accident that kept me and will keep me twenty one my whole life, why I didn't keep you was the clan's fault not mine, and how could I raise a child under the clan's control? [i]Anima started to tear[/i] Anima: so now you know, and i've said my part..... [i]She crawled into her ship, but couldn't bring herself to turn on the ignition, something held her back[/i]
  24. [i]Anima shook her head as Faye called after her....[/i] Anima: damn woman never shuts up..... [i]She found spike sitting on the old yellow coutch, his eyes drooping. She sat down on the table in front of him and reached into her shoulder bag.[/i] Anima: so Spike how do you feel? Spike: like I have a hangover.... [i]He massaged his temples.[/i] Anima: anything else? [i]he shook his head. Anima pulled out a small lap-top and body scanning devices.[/i] Anima: you're going to have to remove your shirt.... [i]she averted her gaze as Spike shrugged and obeyed. Anima then proceded to hook him up to the lap-top. When Anima sat back she focused on her screen and began typing.[/i] Spike: what's this? whyy does this kid look like me? [i]Anima glanced up to see spike looking at her photograph of him, being slight of hand he must have swiped it when she was hooking him up to the machine. She snatched it out of his hands, and stared at the screen again.[/i] Anima: you're just like your father.....very slight of hand..... Spike: you knew him? Anima: yeah, sort of..... [i]she went back to clicking at the keys and looked at spike.[/i] Anima: well you have postal coma syndrome... Spike: and? Anima: it's nothing serious but you'll be having that "hangover for the next couple of days.... [i]Spike just nodded as she stood up to leave, Faye stood at the doorway...[/i] Faye: can I have a word with you?
  25. please do change it to general python! I've only seen the movie a few times but the episodes are clasics to me..... I've also got a question which will probably be really easy for you guys....fill in the blank. "one day my lad this will all be yours..." "what the _______?" "No! not the ________!!!!" that's my favorite part of the movie!
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