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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. [i]before Faye could finish anima butted in[/i] Anima: I'm doctor Anima Malus, I came here to monitor you for a while. just to make sure you don't slip back into your comma.... [i]She shot faye a dirty looke before she gave Spike a warm smile.[/i] Anima: and if you wouild be so kind to go lay down I will be in to examine you in a moment... [i]Spike shrugged and walked away with Jet following. Faye glared at Anima[/i] Faye: it would have just been easyer you know... Anima: he'll know in due time right now the most important thing is keeping him alive.... [i]And with that Anima walked in the dirrection that spike went.[/i]
  2. I remeber when I first saw anime I thought "what is this garbage?!" seeing as how the first anime I ever saw was speed racer and let's admit it guys, it can get pretty bad sometimes....when I was young I used to watch a movie called trip through fairy land, that was the first anime I liked. Now I'm hooked on it and runnign two seperate sites dedicated to it and drawing it and DAMIT I'LL NEVER STOP!!!!!!!!
  3. [i]a voice cracked over the radio[/i] Anima:[i]since when is it legal to start opening fire on civilians![/i] [i]Jet winced at her voice[/i] Jet: sorry about that, we got a clan profile from you, but why were you following us? Anima:[i]I'm trying to get into contact with someone on your ship that is need of medical attention.[/i] Jet: you mean spike? he's fine... Anima:[i]I doubt it, those who just come out of commas need to be watched carefully. I'm offering my help so he won't die again.[/i] [i]Jet thought to himself for a moment[/i] Jet: allright, grantimg permission to dock...
  4. [i]Jet frowned as he stared at the sonar system, setsuna stoped to look too as he was heading to bed. There was a small ship following the bebop.[/i] Setsuna: what do you suppose that is? Jet: dunno, but it's been folowing us for about twenty minutes, and it hasn't changed it's course. Setsuna: well, what should we do about it? shoot them down? Jet: give me I minute and I'll see if it's necisary. [i]Jet ran a scan on the ship. The bebop's computers read the ship as enimy and it had an identity with a clan member. Jet read off the info.[/i] Jet: let's see...Anima Malus, female, assasin clan member. age unidentified. member of the clan for 70 years? Setsuna: granny clan member, that's a riot. Jet: that can't be right but I'm taking it down anyway.... [i]Jet set homming misiles on the small speeder. meanwhile on the speeder Anima naped, she had auto pilot on. a Missile flew by her ship, jogging her awake. Back on the bebop jet swore inder his breath[/i] Jat: Damn! the homming devices have gone again....just going to have to trust aim.... [i]Back on the speeder, Anima noticed that her identification system had been hacked into.[/i] Anima: oh crap! I knew I should have changed my ID! [i]She launched a few friendly signal missiles.[/i] Setsuna: should we trust her? Jet: I don't know...
  5. [i]Anima's bullet holes itched. she continued to follow the bebop slowly. she was sure that faye had delivered the news by now, which meant that unexpected visitors wouldn't be welcome.*
  6. I just saw the movie last night and I must say it was pretty freiken cool. I don't know if you have already mentioned it but did anyone catch when obi-wan said to Annikin "how do I have the feeling you're going to be the death of me"? I thought that was great. George Lucas should never stop what he's doing.....
  7. [i]As the three traveled up the road they saw someone, upon getting closer they saw that it was a young woman slumped ove against a tree, she looked dead. Tani shook her head[/i] Tani: when will this stop.... Ryowa: should we at least burry her? Tani: might as well... [i]Ryowa moved in close to the girl and tounched her shoulder, she sprang to life and fliped off of Ryowa's shoulder sending him crashing to the ground. The girl drew her dagger and prepared to fight[/i] ???: back Deamons! Tani: we're not deamons! [i]The girl did a double take, then sheithed her dagger.[/i] ???: sorry about that you startled me. I thought you were deamons, you know it's relly easy to kill them when you catch them off guard like that. [i]Ryowa shakily stood up and rubbed his shoulder[/i] Ryowa: I'd say..... Zamus: you're fighting the deamons as well? who are you? [i]The girl made a small bow[/i] Ari: Ari Matura, Theif extrodinare at your service... Tani: theif? [i]the others stood firm, theives wern't well accepted, but if Ari fought deamons she must be halfway decent...[/i]
  8. [i]Anima shook her head as she watched the ship shoot off[/i] Anima: that's what he wants you to do...... [i]debating wether she should follow or not she stood watching the ship get smaller and smaller. She felt a nagging suspicion in the back of her mind, she turned around to see a man hidden in shadow watching her.[/i] Anima: can I help you? ????: yes, are you Anima Malus? Anima: that I am, listen I'm taking a break from the assasin work, go find someone else to do your dirty deeds... ????: no, I don't want you to kill someone, I want to kill you... [i]Anima raised an eyebrow, but didn't react, doing that would get her killed. She stood firm, noticing a glint of the man's gun.[/i] Anima: so you're seto? [i]She grinned.[/i] Anima: sorry junior, you'll need a lot more than that to kill me... [i]At that remark Seto opened fire, bullets came from other directions too, but anima grinned as she fell, knowing that they could never kill her. She lay still as they walked away laughing, congratulating eachother, it made her want to stand up and do it again. Once they were gone she stood up, the bullet wounds were gone, only her clothing was smeared with blood.[/i] Anima: guess I'll just follow the bebop now... [i]Anima climbed into her pod and took off[/i]
  9. I'm a dragon too, maybe that means I'm evil......oh well...and by the way son goten, Incubus is the last thing you'd want to be, I'd list the reason but I'll save it for those without weak constitutions.......:D
  10. [i]Anima shifted slightly in her seat, she had been sitting there for two hours now and her butt was fallign alseep. She itched to get out and stretch but that would probably draw attention to herself, something she didn't need at the moment. Out of pure boredom Anima started searching around her vehicle for something to read, everything she owned was in there, she practicaly lived out of her space pod. She pulled out an old paperback book that she had read about twenty times before and leafed through it. Moments later someone rushed by her vehicle, it was a young woman smoking a ciggarett, Anima recognised her and steped out of her space pod. God it felt good to streach[/i] Anima: Faye Valantine? [i]Faye turned around, her ciggaret was almost a stub, but she still smoked it.[/i] Faye: It's you..... [i]Faye didn't look very happy, she flicked her ciggaret butt to the ground[/i] Faye: still hanging around like a vulture huh? Anima: vultures pick from the weak, I'm doing the opposite, why are you here now? [i]Faye didn't answer, she just stared Anima down[/i] Faye: why do you care anyway? you said he wasn't important to you before. Anima: is he important to you? is that why you're here? [i]Anima grinned, and Faye turned[/i] Faye: I don't have time for this. I have to tell them something.... [i]She walked off torwards the bebop[/i]
  11. debating wether I should join or not......ok, I'll be sailor Jupiter...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B]Only vote... Spike from CB. ::sighs:: [/B][/QUOTE] You and me both Mist......I like my men with poofy green hair...:D
  13. [i]Anima had arrived at the beebop as Jet and Setsuna were pulling Spike out of the car, he looked dazed and confused. Anima chuckled.[/i] Anima: poor sonovab*tch....I'll keep watch here I guess.... [i]Anima sat back in her pilot chair and prepared for a long night, she knew they weren't going to take off just yet, so she'd wait quietly always in shadow. Anima glanced at a worn and fadded picture that was taped to her dashboard. It was a picture she had secretly taken of spike when he was about six or seven years old, anima smiled thinking of how mutch he looked like his father but then she shook her head and looked away. She knew she could never love again, the past was behind her she needed to focus on the future. She hated being heartless like that. Anima's head snaped up as something occured outside the beebop[/i]
  14. Name: Ari Matra Age: 19 Specialty: theivery Weapons: Dagger, small crossbow atatched to arm. Magic: yes spells: Disapear-more of an illusion spell, disapear lets the spell caster vanish with a puff of smoke and appear a safe distance from their last location. Snapflash-another illusion used to confuse an enemy with brightly colored flashes and loud poping noises. Hellfire-an offensive attack shoots flames at the target.
  15. [i]Anima grinned as the car accross the street peeled away, followed by a couple of angry doctors. She stood up staight from leaning up against the wall[/i] Anima: very good Jet, you're learning. [i]Anima had been wandering around the hospital for the past few months keeping a close eye on her forgotten son. She wouldn't have cared in the past if he was a bit scraped up, but this had to do with the clan and it was her buisness to make sure he didn't die.[/i] Anima: well, I had better go check up on those idiots... [i]she climbed into her nearby space vehicle, the "angry bee" and sped off to where the Beebop was docked.[/i]
  16. YES!!!! oh joyous and happy day a cowboy beebop RP!!!!!!!! *ahem* I'm done now..... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Anima Malus Alias:Raven Occupation: Assasin, bounty hunter. Weapon of choice: Sawed off shotgun (a personal favorite!) Method of fighting: martial arts Ship: "angry bee"- a small combat vessle than reach up to speeds of mach 5. Equipment: palm pilot. Personality: she can be harsh and heartless when she doesn't know you but a really nice person once on her trusted side. Apperance: young looking, early twenties. Short dark green hair, and redish brown eyes. Wears black all the time, mainly in the form of trench coats. Background: ex-member of the red dragon clan, where she was a scientist and assasin. Anima had an accident when she was twenty one years old, she was running an opperation of blowing up the space gate but a misscalculation killed everyone on her team but her, since then she has been never aging never dieing (sound familiar? check ep. 5). She still worked for the Clan after that but met a new clan member named Angelus who she fell in love with, and had a child with known today as spike speigel. Shortly after spike's birth Anima and Angelus tried to escape from the clan, but the elders wouldn't alow it. Angelus was put to death, and Anima was ordered to kill spike. She didn't, she left him on a door step and ran with the clan for another ten to twenty years. When Spike Joined the clan Anima left, hurt deeply that her own son was choosing a path that would eventualy destroy him. Anima is generaly lighthearted but giving her a reason to kill you won't make her think more that once. Anima has been wandering around the clan lately upon hearing that Spike had destroyed it, she is still debating wether she will reveal hreself to him or not.
  17. I saw a beautifuly rendered Cowboy beebop video set to "yesterday" by the beatles, it was so sad it nearly made me cry........ I wish I could help Hybrid, my only advice is to check Kazaa you can find lots of stuff there....
  18. dont' sweat it, she'll probably be as nevous as you are and take it from a girl, everything duo said works, trust me...and good luck!
  19. [i]Anima had sat up in bed, she kept hearing noises comming from the boy's rooms[/i] Anima: idiots, cabn never get any sleep around here... [i]she got out of bed and streatched, not being able to sleep she threw on a robe and walked down to the common room. It was empty for the most prt and the fire was almost burnt out, Anima pointed her hand at it[/i]] Anima: Satula Hite.... [i] the fire roared to life as she made herself comfortable in a chair[/i]
  20. Name: Anima Ichijougi Age: 16 Year: sixth House: Slytherin (good to know I'm not the only one, kudos sacred warrior!) Quidditch pos: none... Apperance: Short black/purple hair, green eyes, pale skin. Bio: First and foremost Anima is NOT related in any way to ken ichijougi from digimon, their name is only a coincidence. Anima isn't as nasty as some slytherins seem to be. She is generaly lighthearted and enjoys a good laugh every now and then (even if it means making mischeif). She is very close to being top in her class and she is determined to get there. Specialty: Flying (I mean literaly flying), and Wandless magic.
  21. heh, you'd be surprised how many good DBZ music videos there are out there...I have three DBZMV's on my comp. one set to "intergalactic" by the beastie boys (a must see, very funny!), "a cure for the itch" and "in the end" both by linkin park. If you see any of these three videos GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS ON THEM! it's worth the download time my friend.... And I'm trying to make my own anime music video set to "dude looks like a lady" by arowsmith because I seem to come accross a lot of clips where your favorite anime characters are cross-dressed......
  22. Ari: damnit I can't sleep! [i]Ari shouted sitting up in bed. something was stiring in the back of her mind. she got up and put her temple robes back on, then stood outside, the night air was cool.[/i] Ari: what is keeping me from getting sleep? [i]she sat and started at the moon, it was bigger and brighter than it was earlier. Something snaped in a nearby bush. Ari jumped to her feet.[/i] Ari: who's there?! [i]she reached behind her and grabed the first thing she could find, a broom, and took a defencive stance. whatever was in the bushes kept moving almost in a struggle. Ari inched closer to the bushes and poked the end of the broom into them. All that came was a large yowl and a brown furry figure that launched itself at Ari.[/i] Ari: yah!! stupid cat! [i]but it wasn't just a cat, it was a digimon, mikemon to be exact. Upon never seeing a digimon before Ari stood in wonder as Mikemon tugged at it's gloves, it's back fced to Ari.[/i] Mikemon: darn bushes, almost thought I lost it there for a moment... [i]Ari pointed the broom at it again, ang gave it a poke. Mikemon wasn't to happy about it...[/i] Mikemon: hey! what do you think you're doing human?! Ari: what are you?! and how can you talk! Mikemon: I'm Mikemon, a male cat-type digimon and I'm looking for my partner Ari... [i]Mikemon stated proudly, almost purring. Ari stood dumbfounded and dropped the broom.[/i] Ari: m-my name's Ari, and do you mean I'm a tamer? Mikemon: yep, you and I are going to be partners for life! oh, one more thing..... [i]Mikemon untied a purple digivice that was hanging around his neck and tossed it to Ari[/i] Mikemon: the one thing a tamer should never be without, their digivice... [i]Mikemon grinned, but Ari still looked dumbfounded.[/i] Ari:you mean to tell me that this whole kid's fad s for real!? then why me? I don't beleive in it! I've never shown any intrest! [i]Mikemon waved his paw at Ari[/i] Mikemon: don't have a hairball, ,questions will be answered later, but now you have to follow me to the others... Ari: others?
  23. [i]Ari sat on the temple roof, staring at the moon sipping tea. She was still dressed in her temple atire but sat up awake because she couldn't sleep. She was pondering the strange connections she had been feeling and she felt a great deal of anticipation. She siped her tea slowly...[/i] Ari: Tea went cold again.... [i]She sighed and stood up, her robes blew in the wind. She dove off of the roof and landed perfectly on the ground not a drop of tea lost. Ari stretched and yawned.[/i] Ari: I really need to go to bed...
  24. [i]Ari rushed down the street, but realizing that she was uterly drenched she slowed to a walk, her temple robes grew heavy with rainwater. A man rushed by with an umbrella[/i] Man: is that some sort of shinto ritual? standing in the rain? [i]he laughed, walking away. Ari held a flat expression.[/i] Ari: ha ha, let's all laugh at the miko... [i]Ari spotted a Japanese restaraunt, and walked over under the hangover for shelter. The man behind the counter smiled[/i] Man: little wet huh? [i]Ari tried her damndest not to explode in the man's face, she just smiled, the corner of her mouth twitching.[/i] Ari: yeah, just a little.... Man: so what'll it be? [i]Ari wrinnged her hair out[/i] Ari: green tea please...
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