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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. greek and japanese mythology pretty mutch top the list for me.
  2. Has anyone ever seen Mtv's fear? I've been hooked to the series since they first aried and i'm planing to send in an aplication so i can get the crap scared outta me. Does anybody else feel the same way?
  3. I'd go see it if I were you, but skip the batman part, that peice of crap cartoon has no right to be paired with an anime and- oh, back to the topic, I agree that trigun is a good reason to go...
  4. [i] Shro awoke to another one of those days, the sun was shining, birds were chirping, children were outside laughing and playing. Shro hated it all. she made her way to the window and scowled, she was greeted with the color of pale primary colored houses, children playing hopscotch and jumprope, and old men mowing with red push lawn mowers. it was all very happy, too happy. Shro looked at the clock it was nine thirty, she then continued to get dressed. later shro sat in the garage turned small painting studio. She was munching on a pop-tart and staring at a blank canvas, waiting for inspiration to come. shro glanced at the driveway to see her best friend Marlena Keta, or more formerly known as morgan, rushing torwards her. Shro's expression darkened, whenever morgan came before calling it was bad news, she stood up as morgan entered the garage panting.[/i] Shro: what's wrong? Morgan: Vision......dream......bad...... [i]morgan panted between words[/i] Shro: what did you see morgan? Morgan: bad things, it was hard to tell, look. [i] Morgan handed Shro a polaroid of her tarot cards[/i] Morgan: I didn't want to pick them up but look here, see how the king of swords is upside down? that's a bad sign and look at this one, do you see? Shro: morgan all I see are cards, you're the phsycic tell me what's going on. Morgan: this town is going to bet swallowed in that energy that you and I have both been feeling in awhile. this could be our final battle. [i]Shro cast her eyes down, she knew this day would come. Shro went torwards the back of the garage and pulled out and old garden hoe. good luck charms dangled from the handle and parts were ductaped up over time. Shro nodded at Morgan[/i] Shro: We'll meet this chalange head on if we have to.
  5. my alter ego would have to be evil ken from the digimon series. On a different board I was know as the 'skitzophrenic girl that carries on conversations with a ken voice in her head'. luckyly for you i spare the stupidity..... [COLOR=indigo]Ken: what stupidity foolish woman? I will make you crazy here as well, Bwahahahahahaha![/COLOR]
  6. well yoshi if you're willing to bend some rules you can. you can do anything that you want with D&D, if you have any questions PM me.
  7. I was in that situation once and waiting only made it worse, tell your friend there's plenty of fish in the sea.
  8. you are very right Neil (I was wondering when he was going to crack). I also have great consent for shadow gohan too, Every time I see "1'm gonna Br3ak yur N3ck" I feel like driving an ice pick through my temples.....
  9. you are very right Neil (I was wondering when he was going to crack). I also have great consent for shadow gohan too, Every time I see "1'm gonna Br3ak yur N3ck" I feel like driving an ice pick through my temples.....
  10. so many young people, it makes me feel old, I live in the boonies of central new york and I am *drumroll* [COLOR=silver]16[/COLOR] years old! now you know my age!!!!!
  11. My name is teleptur in elvish, How would you pronounce that anyway? There's a little mark over the U.
  12. well we need two more people, but I'll start it in about a day if no one else signs up..... on second thought I'm just going to start it now, anyone who wants in just post your character, now on with the story!
  13. sorry I haven't posted in a while... -------------------------------------------------- [i]Anima watched the large cruiser fly by a mile or two off from her. she had seen it before and vaugely knew the pilot, but she couldn't remember from where.[/i] Anima: well it couldn't hurt to check it out, but I wish I could remember where I saw that ship before.... [i]Anima decided to follow the ship as quietly and unnoticed as possible, as far as she could remember that ship had a gundam on it and that would help in her little revolution as well. Meanwhile in the russian ship, prince detected Anima's blood angel fliying behind them.[/i] Prince: what is that? a gundam? [i]prince scaned the gundam to get a closer look, he scowled at what he saw.[/i] Prince: it's her, I'd recognise that gundam anywhere. [i]a voice cracked on the radio[/i] Anima:[i]this is........Maris Antonia...... [i]she lied[/i] anima:[i].....I'm requesting permission to dock for repairs, please?[/i] [i]Prince grinned[/i] Prince:[i] I don't know what she's up to but i'll teach her...[/i] Granting permision, come on in. [i] prince ran down to the docking bay where he awaited Anima's entrance, he placed a hand on his gun. Anima brought her gundam in and climbed out, she smiled when she saw prince.[/i] Anima: oh, thank you! I take it you have equipment to repair gundams? [i]Prince pulled the gun[/i] Prince: dont move, I know who you are, Anima Doroboro. [i]anima placed her hands in the air[/i] Anima: now I remember you, you're the guy I stole a hefty load from a few months ago. Prince: Stupid pirate do you think you could get away from me a second time? Anima:tut, tut, pirate is such a filthy word, I prefer permanant borower. And I wasn't here to steal anything, I wanted to join forces. Prince: why?! do you think I'd use cossack to your use? Anima: listen I want to fight against the G.E.L's just as badly as you do, you have three other gundams on this ship, adding another wouldn't hurt! [i]Prince slowly lowered the gun, then sighed.[/i] Prince: I have a feeling that I'll regret this follow me...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]Erh... This may contain spoilers.. (even if it had plot holes galore. How the heck the Kokiri chlidren get out of the forest?) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I never realy thought of that plot hole! but all and all I felt it was a good ending, but it made me sad, sort of a feeling where I wasn't being chalanged anymore....
  15. Anima: damn..... [i] anima muttered quietly watching the scorpion enter earth's attmosphere. she was so close to encountering this person but lost the chance, was he watching his back? did he detect her gundam on board? the thoughts ran through anima's head untill they touched down in a remote part of a space system preparing to do buissness[/i] ???: lady Doroboro you look troubled.... Anima: oh it's you marquai, yes i'm actualy puzzled... Marquai: how so m'lady? Anima: just anima for now, I was thinking about the short conversation with that gundam piolot. why did he call me comrade? Marquai: I'm not sure m'la- I mean Anima, but here comes our buisness. I'm heading back to the ship I'll lkeave you here with the cargo. [i]two shady looking men approached Anima, they stunk of mobile suit engine fluid. their clothing wasn't mutch to be desired either, if this was what anima had to deal with then their wouldn't be mutch money on her end of the deal[/i] Man1: Anima doroboro? Anima: that's me, can i help you? Man2: we've come to look at your goods- [i]he paused and looked at anima[/i] Man2: and you... [i]anima made a face[/i] Anima:[i]what a couple of pigs, I'll teach them though[/i]. let's keep the conversation on buisness shal we? what do you have to offer? man1: well let's see....we have some young people we could trade off, hard worker they are and- Anima: i'm not interested in slaves only cash, now do you have something to offer me or not? [i]anima was starting to loose her patience, why were these guys wasting her time. something didn't feel right.[/i] man2: well I guess we're off then. [i] the two men walked off rather quickly and desipeared behind a building. anima turned around to descover that her cargo was missing.[/i] Anima: those bastards! [i] chasing them down would be no good, she would just have to return to the ship and give blood angel a run. once back at the ship anima climbed into her blood angel gundam, it's armor gave off a bright sheen as it flew from the ship. luckyly for Anima she was always prepared for this and put a homing device in every one of her shipments. She flicked on the radar system.[/i] Anima: now where are you? ah! [i] she spoted them on her radar then on her screen, the two men from befor and three others were speeding away in a car, anima flew closer to them and started fireing bullets. she hit a wheel sending the car spining then in a rage, unattached the wings and threw them at the car sending it up in a cloud of fire and smoke. Anima sat back.[/i] Anima: well there goes 6,000 bucks worth of cargo, what? [i] a light flashed on her consoleboard telling her that a gundam was nearby, anima called back to the ship[/i] Anima: Marquai, I'm going to check something out we will depart in ten minutes. Now let's see who else is out here.... ------------------------------------------- hope this is long enough.....
  16. Name: Shro Race: sheika Age: 17 Location: Hyrule palace as Impa's apprentice to be Zelda's body guard. Description: shro has black straight hair just below her shoulders, red eyes, and wears a dark blue warrior tunic with fingerless gloves and black boots, she also wears a long waistcoat. Inventory: bow quiver machetti whip dekunuts Weapon: the sheikan sword. spell 1-heal spell 2-barrier spell 3-fire farie: let's pretend that sheikens have their own special dark faries mine's called letat.
  17. oh my god! that is not right! I can't exactly say i can pray for your friend but I will keep him in my heart.....
  18. I haven't started an Rpg in a long time so I came up with this. this is an RPG where you and four other people live in a modernday fifties style suburbian town (think Edward Scissor hands). the only problem is that you hate it and it is something you want to destroy, you don't want to harm anyone you just feel the need to escape. You have lately been getting the feeling that something in landerdale (the name of the town) is horribly wrong. You can sense the forces of evil slowly taking over your family and friend's minds. Stop the chaotic evil before you and everyone you know become traped in a world filled with neat lawns, identical pink and blue houses, and plastic flamingos! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this is what you'll need.... Name: Shro Ranke Age:17 Gender:female Bio: Shro has lived in landerdale her whole life and her biggest goal is to escape. shro is an artist and somewhat of a freaky punk. She claims to have sensed the evil since day one and has been "preparing for the end" ever since. shro is generaly easy to get along with but making her mad can make you her next target. Shro beleives that with her trusty garden hoe, she can vanquish evil and eventualy leave Laderdale. ...And that's it! I'll need four more people, I can understand if you don't want to join, I think it's kinda stupid myself but some of you like these things......Happy Rping!
  19. [i] anima smiled as she saw the gundam shoot away into the darkness of space. she stood with her arms crossed looking out of her transport ship at what just happened.[/i] Anima: absolutely perfect... [i]her eyes glimmered as she turned to lookat a young man that stood silently behind her, he handed her a photo with a gundam on it.[/i] Man: this is the picture you requested lady doroboro, that was the same gundam that we saw two months ago. shal we follow it? [i] anima ran her fingers over the picture and eyed the scorpion on the chest of the gundam.[/i] Anima: not yet, we will finish our shipment then I alone will track him down, understood? Man: yes lady Doroboro. [i] the young man turned on his heels and walked swiftly away, Anima turned back to the sight of the short winded battle[/i] Anima:[i] soon warrior you can help us in the revolution[/i]
  20. tom green scares me too, I'd like to personaly go over there and apologise to each and everyone of those people, anyone care to join me?
  21. What?! there are no female piolots? by the way how many people do you need to start this?
  22. I've tried suicide twice, and I've learned that it isn't the best way to get out of a bad feeling, tell your friend to get some help, this is a serious situation that should be handled imeadately.
  23. great opening, here's my character... Name: Anima Doroboro Age: 19 Height: 5'7" Bio: Anima is the leader of a large theif sindacate. the sindacate also doubles as a small rebelion against the G.E.L. corporation. Anima is no pushover as she has been living a rough life since day one. her capabilities with gundams are the best that exist and she kills without mercy. all of her fiollowers are loyal and extreemly precise in thier actions. Description: Short dark hair, green eyes, wears a black tank top, green comando pants, black boots, and has a silvert chain around her neck with her family theif sindacate symbol. Personality: always willing to give you a chance but once on her bad side you stay there. once you gain anima as a friend she is loyal and true to you, do anything to betray her trust and you might walk away with a missing arm. Gundam name: Angel blood Material: gundam aloy Gundam's apearance: mainly a deep blue color, with wings made of energy beams. equipment and design features: self destruct fixed armaments: 2x warhead cannon mounted on shoulders, 2x machine gun mounted on head. opptional armaments: detachable beam wings on back can be thrown like a boomerang, beam rapier stored in left arm. I hope that's enough!
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by safer cloud [/i] [B]Yup.I play baritone. [/B][/QUOTE] Nice to know i'm not alone! I play barritone too, I also play guitar, trumpet and piano (not very well though...)
  25. Name: anima Crest: Virtue Digivice color: Black Age: 16 Type: season one character Digimon: Tsukiemon (it's a purple pattamon baisicly) Bio: anima has been going to the digital world since she was young, it was an escape from her crowded family, the digiworld to her was lie a special place that only she knew about and gave her security. aside from being absolutely abnoious, Anima is generaly protective of her friends and is always there to lend a helping hand or a shoulder ot cry on. Apperiance: tall, short choppy black hair, green eyes, dresses gothic-ish, carries a dagger for just-in-case situations.
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