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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. [i] tallime whiped her face as she stared up at the hot afternoon sun, she had been sweeping the temple's pathways all day. luckily she was almost finished with a final sweep all of the pathways were cleared.[/i] Tallime: finished at last! [i] just then a strong breeze blew up all of the leaves back onto the walkway, Tallime clutched the broom angryly[/i] tallime: that's ok........I'll just sweep some more... [i] at these words rain started pouring from the sky[/i] Tallime: oh forget it!!! [i] later after a change into fresh dry temple robes, Tallime sat on the sheltered deck wtching the rain and surfing the net on her laptop computer.[/i] Tallime: i wonder what mistcheif I can get into today on the otaku boards, he he he......what? oh no not more mindless posts from that twit angelus_necare when will she learn- [i] just then a link poped up on the screen with a bouncing egg on it it read: Click the bouncing gg and win an adventure, being curious Tallime clicked on the egg to see a small creature with a blade sticking out of its head saying: I have been born! my name is darkTsunomon nice to meet you![/i] Tallime: that's cute but what sort of marketing ploy is this? [i] just then a strange device shot out of the computer and landed in Tallime's lap. before she could do anything the laptop pulled her in[/i]
  2. Dane cook definitely....("start your day the holy way with christ chexs")
  3. [i]Ari was growing tired, and she was starting to let abob make hits where she should be able to block.[/i] Abob: what's the matter young jedi?! am I too feirce for you? Ari: no! I will prove myself and defeat you!
  4. [i] ari sensed something to her right, she held her breath and stared into the trees, Jaster turned his head and looked at Ari[/i] Jaster: you sense them? Ari: yes master, I'm going in, it's only his apprentice. Jaster: use caution Ari, I won't always be there to help you.. [i]Ari cast her veiw down, she did get into a lot of trouble and put her master into some tight situations.[/i] Ari: i will be careful master... [i] ari moved torwards abob's location[/i]
  5. it would be like that american movie about a girl who wanted to help her brother to stop taking drugs, it had winnie the pooh, the smurfs, bugs and daffy and many more. I don't remember it too well....maybe someone remembers the name. anyway, It could be done, it wouldn't be a teriffic idae but it could be done.....oh hell I'll get into the animating buissness and make the movie for all of you devoted fans!
  6. yes do talk to transic, you have my support all I can say is that kids are cruel. just keep going...
  7. eah I heard about the thing with the little mermaid movie cover and the thing about the lion king when it was first brought out into the public. the thing with the hung person on the wizard of oz was a bad roumor where a suicidal munchkin hung himself... :rolleyes: I dunno sometimes. I also heard a roumor that some disney movies have satonic meanings in them, yet I haven't had the ambition to see for myself.
  8. [i] Anima looked torwards the sky an sighed, if today was going to be like any other she'd have to watch her back. Anima flipped her short black hair as she perpared to take off on her motor bike. a small man aproached her as she slipped on her helmet[/i] Anima: can i help you? Man: oh, no just admiring your bike. [i] the small man glanced at anima's inner forearm, where a red dragon clan tatoo was placed long go. Anima tugged on her sleve to conceal it, the small man smiled.[/i] Man: anima necare I presume? I have been looking for you for a very long time. Anima: have you been looking for me since the accident? Man: yes, you haven't aged a day since. It would be nice to never die. [i] anima put a gun to the man's throat.[/i] Anima; I can't say the same for you though...you aren't even a part of the clan! those lazy bastards can't even send one of their assasins to kill me! you are not worthy of my life! [i] anima pulled the trigger and drove away[/i] anima: guess it's going to be one of those days...
  9. wow what a weired romour...I heard a new one they say if you stand behind the deku tree sprout and look up at the light source above you can see the triforce. I tried it and if you stare long enough your imagination make up what you see.
  10. yeah i have the movie and rick is right, the obnoxiousnes is toned way down and the movie deals with some pretty dep stuff. even thought it isn't my favorite tenchi movie I watch it every now and then...
  11. Ha! dennis leary's character should eat that damn squirrel! anywho I went to see it last night in a theater filled with loud obnoxious children. I only got the gist of the movie and nothing else..
  12. *sweatdrop* uhh, let's play like nice children...... -------------------------------------------------------- [i]Tallie and abob introduced themselves to ash and misty. ash flashed his badgfes with great pride while misty sighed and roled her eyes, abob and tallie didn't sem the least bit intimidated by ash's glory.[/i]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] Hahahahahah That's bloody halarious. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: How can you possibly run into a tree.....even at night, you're still able to see silluettes (sp?) and even full objects. Ahhh...too funny:D [/B][/QUOTE] two hours of sleep in the woods hiding from your opponet does that to you.....:D
  14. [i]ari trodded throught the forest, she was nervous, but she tried to keep her nerves down. Ari looked at her master.[/i] Ari:[i]he's so brave his expression is unwary I wish I could be like that[/i] [i]her master nodded torwards her again, ari nodded back they were closing in upon Abob and his aprentice[/i]
  15. paintballing is fun but getting a black eye by runing into a tree while trying to get away from your opponet at night isn't......other than that it's fun!
  16. yeah, boba has a father in the new movie, and I think it is going to be some famous actor............by the way I found something extreemly funny that you all have to see...
  17. I was in love once, but he broke my heart.................*looks around* I need a hug.......
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]why doesn't anyone consider the possibility that tenchi could be gay.... [/B][/QUOTE] wow, that could be a posibility......or maybe Tenchi is extreemly shy.
  19. [i]anima awoke to the sun's bright rays and the chirping of birds. she sat up to see that abob was still asleep, and snoring as loud as humanly posible.[/i] Tallie: I swear if i have to spend one more night on the ground. [i]Tallie stood up and stretched, her meouth lay sleeping next to her[/i] Tallie: I guess I'm the only early riser. [i]abob stired and woke up[/i]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Merchant [/i] [B] That series is very cute but also very twisted [/B][/QUOTE] and that my friend is the magic of anime...
  21. Ro: well no arguments here, you wanna go to the resort martue? Martue: meow..... Ro: oh right the bounty thing well... [i] puts on a head band and sunglasses [/i] Ro: there no one will ever know martue: :rolleyes: meow...
  22. I think europe knows what it's doing, I mean they lower the drinking age so there isn't an awe of mystery about it. young people in this country drink underage because it's something you're not supposed to do it gives you a rush because, "he, he we're not alowed".
  23. well trinity has tri in it which means three, so I guess I'd have agree with boba fett, but I don't know mutch because I'm atheist too.
  24. yay! now I can use my pokemon character without being banned from the post!:laugh: :D -------------------------------- Name: Tallie Age: 16 Bio: travels with Abob (if it's ok), she origionaly came from a family of pokemon champions and tries her hardest to live up to their expectations. pokemon: Meouth (lvl.09), jolteon (lvl.10), and pichu (lvl.03)
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