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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. OOC: I don't know where deathnight is so he'll be left in the bar... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]anima sat impatiently in the bar waiting for Abob to get back, she was starting to get a little woozy seeing as this was her sixth beer.[/I] Anima: where is that little punk? honestly I sit here forever and this is all I get... *checks watch* Anima: and he's late too, probably made a run for it.....
  2. Name: ichijogi Neacare (my evil alter phsyco ego on the harry potter boards) Age:seventeen Year:seventh House:slytherin
  3. *anima pulled out a pocket computer* Anima: what's your name kid? Abob: it's abob.... *anima pressed some buttons* Anima: let's see......you're worth 2,000 semi. A little less for room and food. Abob: heh, you wouldn't send me in I can see you're dessperate and you need me. *anima grabs Abob by the shirt again* Anima: listen punk you pay 2,100 monthly to join the crew and I won't turn you in.....
  4. I particularly like the dubbed cartoon but I read the manga, the volume where Li has to put on a dress for a play is hillarious!
  5. Other than anime I watch, simpsons and spongebob square pants! (I know it's a kid's show but I love it!)
  6. wow, so many people are afraid of clowns......maybe I should start I'm afraid of clowns and proud club........no, maybe not......
  7. [I]Anima walked into the shooting star hoping that today she'd have better luck finding shipmates so she could continue her bounty hunting carrer[/I] *anima pulls up a seat at the bar* Anima:give me a beer please... Bartender: yep..... *slides anima a beer* Bartender: so what brings you here? Anima: Eh, looking for potential bounty hunter partners, by the way aren't you a little young to bartend? Bartender: *laughs* tell that to my landlord....Actualy what kind of people are you looking for? Anima: oh, hackers, mechanics, piolots those kind of people...
  8. Alright three is enough, I'm starting the game if anyone else wants to join just say so......
  9. That would be total incest! it would also be like the star wars between luke and leia (however you may spell her name....)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by safer cloud [/i] [B] he told me i got the job!!Now i get to set around and play Devil May Cry and get paid!! [/B][/QUOTE] you lucky bum.........
  11. This was an idea that was floating around my head for a few days and I just have to vent it. I thought of making an RPG about the time when Link's soul was sealed away for seven years and a group of hero's failed attempts to stop gannondorf. I figured that this game would last for seven years and we would have to come to a demise at the seventh year. I will only accept Seven or so people so get your posts in! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's the stats: Name: Iwa Age (at year one): 16 Race: Hyrulian Weapons: Goron sword Magic: Din's Fire Appearance: Long White hair, red/brown eyes, dark purple tunic, forearm guards, boots. Orrigin: Iwa was addopted by gorons in her youth. she has come to hate Hyrulians because her real parents left her in the mountains to die. Iwa carries a large shell on her back that looks like a goron hump, because she wants to be like them but can't. Iwa was raised by a kind goron by the name Komantu, Komantu tries to calm her Wiley soul and tries to convince her that Hyrulians aren't that bad.
  12. there is a good point expressed in that, I think there are other life forms out there and they all possibly can't act and look and opperate the same as we do. my theorie is that there are billions of other life forms out there but many of them may be at our stage of development where we can only wonder what is out there.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gojay [/i] [B]:( Well as corny as this sounds.....I'm terrified of clowns and Bugs.....they really creep me out!!!:nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] It's not corny, it's called being safe. (who knows what clowns are capable of!)
  14. I find clowns to be extremely creepy......I'm also afraid of high places.
  15. you didn't want to go into a home right? so I suggest maybe moving in with a friend.......that might work....
  16. I went to a toy convention once, I was really cool, they had all kinds of imports from japan and some of the statuets were GORGEOUS! the guy I talked to though was a bit over the edge, he was worse than some otaku's here......:laugh:
  17. I like super tramp too! but my favorite song is "Legs" by zz top, if you consider it an oldie....
  18. If you were subject to a fate of: a)lose the right to watch or read any form of anime. b)being isolated from the rest of man kind. OR c)being known as the biggest dork on the otaku boards which one would you pick? I'd pick b myself.......
  19. Ryoko: well what the hell are we going to do now just sit around and stare at each other? Tenchi: that seems to be all that's going on.... *a radio transmition can be heard form the control panel* ?????: .....reporting to the absol..........toonami characters pleas.....help........we were traped in.......... *every thing goes silent*
  20. I hope I didn't annoy you too mutch when I tried to help Bluetrunks.........I'm just willing to help that's all, I guess I know how it feels.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OutlawDragon [/i] [B] Jim is 11. Yes it is a fact. On one Ep. it showed all the stats of the main Charcters. It said he was 11. He is the genius of the series. By that I mean that most animes have a young genius. IE. Ed-Cowboy Bebop, Kaolla Su-Love Hina, Jim-Outlaw Star, ect... :smoke: [/B][/QUOTE] I read somewhere that he was a prodigy or something.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu [/i] [B][COLOR=red][I]When Planet Vegeta was destroyed, there were a few Saiyans that hadn't been on the planet apart from Nappa, Vegeta, Radiz and Goku and their where abouts were unkown to Freeza. When the group of Saiyans learned about what Freeza had done to their home world they vowed to hunt down and kill all of Freeza's followers then kill Freeza himself. But there are too few of them to take on Freeza's followers. So now they have gone inseach of allies. But be weary of Zarbon and Dodoria and the Ginyu force.[/I][/color] --------------------------------------------------------- Post in somthing like this Name: Age: Race: Height: Weight: Apperance: Bio: Your stats are 100,000 Strength: Defense: Speed: Ki: ---------------------------------------------- Here are the Ginyu force's, Zarbon and Zarbon in monster fourm and Dodoria Zarbon: 32,000 Zarbon (monster): 34,000 Dodoria: 21,000 Captain Ginyu: 120,000 Recoome: 55,000 Burter: 45,000 Jeice: 45,000 Guldo: 15,000 --------------------------------------------- Name: Jin Age: 35 Race: Saiyan Heigth: 6'4 Weight: 210lbs Apperance: Like Vegeta's armour but instead of the blue top and pants he make them black and a black cape. Bio: He was the first to hear what Freeza had done to Planet Vegeta. He was a brother of King Vegeta and an uncle to Prince Vegeta. Stats: 100,000 Strength: 40,000 Speed: 10,000 Defence: 20,000 Ki: 30,000 [/B][/QUOTE] Name:Tallime Age:21 Race:saiyan Height:5' 10" Weight:140 Apperance: short hair, wears sort of a kimono/armor thing (and she makes it look good!):D Bio:Tallime was a stowaway on an export space ship and has been living on another planet for as long as she can remember. stats: 100,000 strength: 30,000 speed: 11,000 Defence: 20,000 Ki: 30,000
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] What's wrong with genies? [/B][/QUOTE] nothing is wrong with geinies, it's just a little farfetched that's all.
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