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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. If you were stranded on a desert island, provided with food and water, what else would you have with you? I would have a light up goku acton figure, to scare the naitives and tom hanks with its hellish glow and keep me from going more loony than I already am.
  2. maybe you just intimidate them and make them feel stupid.....
  3. the crazyest one I heard was......(warning don't try this it will only waste a lot of time, I tried it and it didn't work) first you had to make sure you killed mirror link with your sword not the mega-ton hamer (which is almost virtualy imposible). Next, you had to finish the game, then access your game after hitting restart. you have to go back to your house in the kokiri forest using your lens of truth to find mirror link hidding around your ladder. play the song of time then he would take you to some place where you could get the triforce. the bum that told me this kept assuring me that it would work, after much trial and error I tracked him down for him to only say, 'oh yeah, it only works in the japanese version!' anybody else got some interesting stories?
  4. I am, i have two of them, Kutaba the shoryu and ubicabri the Meerca. confused? check it out online at "neopets.com"
  5. I back you up one hundred percent, I have friends like that too. but they understand sometimes, fortunate for me i can close my mind off to the world around me when the topic of "oh my gawd, that dress looks so bad on her." you just have to deal with it man, if your friend doesn't understand you for your intelectual reasons then she's not your friend.
  6. well I spaek a little latin, and my name translated into english is Angel slayer, or slayer angel I forget which comes first.....
  7. I like the DVD's where i can screw with the movie/episode constantly. I like to watch Princess Mononoke in japanese because the japanese is easyer to understand than watching a magical girl anime where their mouths are always running in high pitched, rapid voices.
  8. isn't there a series called pretty sammy already out? I beleive I saw a japanese site showing picture of a "new Series" around.
  9. sounds like your friend is doing something healthy, if she needs to leave for her own mental health (and safety) you should understand, don't tell her to stay, support her for her sake and yours.
  10. the way I see it is that we are just being human, harsh as it may sound we are pretty stupid creatures. we wander around Altering the world around us for our own needs we never stop and think of our actions like taking anothers life or choping down a forest for a minimall. at the rate we're going we will probably get to a piont on no return and not realize it untill it's too late......I got a little off topic but that's what I think.
  11. I thank you all for your help:D ;)
  12. ok I know this is probably an old question but I can't seem to create a good enough team to battle the Eleit four on my N64 pokemon stadium, any suggestions?
  13. I like any of the dirty harry movies and Baz Lurhman's Romeo & Juliet, ah nothing is more relaxing than seeing young men in hawaiian shirts, tooting guns and quoting Shakespear.
  14. oh my gawd! where have you people been that's the funniest sport I've ever watched! (funny to me anyway, but I'm just strange)
  15. my fav would have to be....... vegeta to goku: every time you open your mouth you prove how stupid you really are. I forget where he said that, maybe it was the fight with cell.
  16. hey! that's a cool sport! but instead of using a puck they should use a person just like in those god-awful annoying carrot top commercials.
  17. Hockey? any good fights? i wtch the snwboarding. I thought that guy from finland 9with the mohawk) was pretty cool!
  18. I am a meat popsicle!...........*everyone stares as she declairs her proud race*.......
  19. why post so many? the only doodle man that gets me going is spike from Cowboy beebop.
  20. I'll do it sure..... Name: Anima Ubicabrius age:16 description: anima wears a maroon tunic with balck tights. she has dark short hair and she kes a dagger pendant around her neck. personality:anima is a loner at times, she turned her back on the world when her mother left her to die in the forest. ever since she has lived in the forest learning the wys of nature, she caims to hear the trees whisper to her and the creatues of the forest to be her friends. don't get her md though, she as learned to kill without falter. Weapons: a bow, a machety, and a sling. Creatures: Makabe: a wolf deamon. male element: fire attack: fire whirlwind shyuba: a falcon element:wind Attack: wind pellets.
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