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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare

  1. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1]Canathael stepped from the small dressing niche that had been assigned to him, and gave himself a once over in a nearby reflective surface. He was wearing a white button up shirt covered by a brown cloth vest along with long brown pants held up by suspenders and were tucked into the tops of his leather boots. He also wore a long rawhide duster coat, that resembled the fashion of his robes quite nicely. He held a wide brimmed hat in his hand and was toting two pistols holstered at his hips. He smiled at his reflection, quite liking the way he looked in these outlandish western clothes. The pistols worried him a bit though, as he didn't know how to use them and the last time he tried he ended up nearly putting himself in a comma. He sighed, knowing that he should make the best of the sittuation. Canathael wandered down the corridor, meeting david on his way to controll room, "Ah, Sir David, thank you very much for the clothing, you have been most kind." Canathael generously thanked the the man giving a small bow, David threw his hands up and waved at the air. "Nah, it's no problem, you make a regular Billy the kid." He turned and headed furthur up the hallway, " But Canathael, drop the formalities, This is the Old West, not a teaparty." Canathael stood, slowly taking in the information frowning. He knew that David was right, why should he hold onto such things as his archaic curtousy or even a sense of nobility? It seemed that no one in these worlds valued these things anymore. The wicked thoughts began to strangle frustrated tears from the sorcerer, yet he quickly attempted to swipe them away then place his hat low on his brow when he heard hollow footsteps comming up the corridor.[/color][/size]
  2. Eh, just to give this a little push along [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] "Not exactly..." Dave answered Maya's question accompanied with a frustrated sigh. He glared over the table, making absolutely sure that everyone was quiet again before he went on, "Protosis is making his way to the central north american continent year 1877, more commonly known to some of you as the 'old west'." He pressed a few buttons on a pannel in front of him as hollographic images spiraled above the center of the table. They all looked upon a small town, nestled comfortably amongst the dusty yellow ground, quietly resting underneith a clear blue sky. Dave pressed a few more buttons and the veiw had zoomed closer into the town. People walked this way and that, bustling about on foot, on horse or by carriage. Women walked in pairs along the market dressed in long flowing skirts, men spitting tobacco outside the local tavern were tipping their hats to the women. All seemed calm and normal, quite a quaint place to reside in. The time travelers exchanged pleased glances, perhaps this would be a relatively better trip than the jurrasic age. "What a wonderfull place..." Canathael mused aloud. Sarek snorted from where he stood, the idea that he'd be spending time in a warm and dry desert didn't apeal to him. "Yeah," Dave said a bit sarcasticaly, "just keep watching." The peace of the scene was interrupted when a dozen or so horses came charging into the town, thier riders weilding pistols and longshooters. They hooted and hollared, gunning down anyone in their path and letting their horses trample those who fell. Women screamed and men fired back at the bandits. The scene was so abrupt and violent, that as soon as it started it had ceased. The town proper was left in a cloud of dust, those who survived standing with their expressions of awe. Dave pressed another button, the scene before the equally shocked time travelers vanished from sight, "Well, that's the West in a nutshell." He reached for the stack of papers and began passing them out, "Dangerous and equally unpredictable....so, are there any questions?"[/color][/size]
  3. My wallpaper changes on a weekly basis. This week it's spike, made by E.K. at Big-big-truck.com.
  4. Hurrah! The thread's back on track! Now I have a question, when we arrive at the old west will our characters have to assume proffessions and false identities to fit into the time period? I don't imagine they could just waltz into town together, or most likely interact as a group in most situations. just a thought.
  5. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] Canathael and Maya decided to head to the lower levels of the ship to see if they could ask dave about the odd noises comming through their communicators. The two had been standing in a lift when an automated female voice spoke over the speaker system. [i]"All members, please report to the briefing room, I repeat, all members to the briefing room."[/i] Canathael looked up bemusedly, wondering where the voice had come from, or if it had merely been his imagination. He looked to Maya for an answer who appeared equaly confused as to how she could explain a PA system. Before either could react the lift came to a stop and opened its doors to the corridor leading to the briefing room. Somehow the lift had changed dirrections while the two heard the announcement, a "modern" marvel that even surprised Maya. Canathael smiled at the lift as they stepped away from it, his eyes sparkling with wonderment. "What strange magic..." He mused as the lift gave a mechanical sigh and began its ascent to the higher levels of the ship. Maya let out an amused sigh as she halted her steps to look back at the amazed sorcerer, whose eyes were still afixed to the lift. She walked back and swiftly grasped his hand, which caught him a bit off guard. "Come on." She said plainly, pulling him towards the briefing room, "We're going to be late." He nodded slowly, quite amazed at the girl's boldness. Most maids in his time were too timid and distant for such bizzare acts, but not Lady Maya it seemed. Canathael lightly scolded himself for assuming such things of the girl, he knew that not everyone he met would meet his historical standards or cultural similarities. He briefly figured that spending time with Lady Maya would be a good way to start being comfortable with the other travelers. He had to admit he knew little about Sir Sutaru and Lady Li, Sir Sarek seemed a bit distant himself, but a good soul deep down. Canathael felt that he had developed somewhat of a strong bond with Sir Peiter, who had carried him along when he was wounded, something that he had not been exposed to much, as he had never had such a strong ally. Sir David didn't seem fond of anyone, which really didn't bother Canathael that much. And then there was Lady Maya. He had caught up to her pace, but realized she was still holding his hand, he smiled at this. Yes, she was bold indeed, not many in his time would even think of acting this way towards a young man such as himself, All but Elsia. He looked down at her warmly, but held a bit of saddness in his eyes. Maya glanced up at him, somehow feeling his stare, she carefully regarded his look, then addopted an expression of embarassment, dropping his hand and turning her flushed cheeks away. Canathael smiled more at this, almost commenting when the briefing room door slid open before them. The sorcerer jumped back from the black slabs that slid apart before him, he warily frownd knowing deep down that he'd never get used to this. Maya walked along ahead of him into the room, leaving the sorcerer to look over the doorway cautiously. "Hey, Canathael!" Dave barked in a tiresome manner from his seat, "In or out, alright?" Canathael smiled apologeticaly, not really caring for the man's tone, but stepped through the door anyway. He gave a short startled hop forward when they swiftly shut with a clap behind him, receiving an agrivated head shake from Dave. Sarek, who chose to lean against the far wall, wasn't even paying attention. Canathael, strode to the seat next to Maya, and would paitiently wait for the others to make their entrance.[/color][/size]
  6. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] Canathael felt woozy as he started to ascend to the realm of consciousness. He could still feel a dull ache where his chest and back wounds were, but they were very minor discomforts. He could also tell that he was laying down, in a place where the air wasn' t as fresh as it was and also seemed mechanized. The light too, didn't seem as if it was from the sun but a different source, one that shone through his eyelids persistantly. He winced, then slowly opened his eyes, blinking fiercely at the flourescent lights above. He groaned away from the harsh lighting, moving to sit up when he knew it would likely be imposible, yet surprising himself when he was actually able to hold himself upright. He glanced around the empty room, the only thing keeping him company was a row of infirmary beds, a few cabinets and the humming of the flourescent lights above. Canathael sighed in releif that he was back on the ship, he didn't know how much longer he could have tolorated his wounds before going completely mad. wounds? they're gon! He brushed his hand over his bare chest, looking down. The only evidence that he was injured at all were a few faint scars where the dragon's teeth had found him. He shuddered at the thought of not being powerfull enough, and nearly dying when someone entered the room. "Ah, you're awake!" Maya called cheerfully walking back into the room and resuming her post by his bed, feeling a bit sorry that she decided to stretch her legs, "How are you feeling?" Canathael nodded dumbly, still amazed that he was completely healed, he looked at Maya and grinned a little bit, "My wounds, they're gone." He let out a releived sigh, his ivy eyes were sparkling "What Magic is this?" "It's this modern healing Li has been studying," Maya smiled back at him, "I suppose you'd have to ask her." "Indeed." Canathael quirped, realizing that he could fully understand Maya now, and not the bizzare english she had been using before. He then realized that his comunicator was broken, feeling relatively sorry about it. Maya watched with fascination as his face went through several emotions while his inner thoughts raced around. For some reason she felt herself smiling more, completely taken by his innocent charm. "Lady Maya," a look of worry and guilt washed over his face, "Was Sir David angry that the translator was lost?" "No." She let out a short laugh, "Not any more angry than usual." "Ah." A smile replaced the worry on the sorcerer's face, as he shifted into a cross-legged position on the bed "Then I am glad." [/color][/size]
  7. Is it just me, or does this Rp seem to be slowing way down?
  8. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] Maya rushed forward into the distance at the three membered party a great smile of excitement smattered across her face. She skidded to a halt before Peiter, carefully eying over Canathael, worry overcomming her smile. Her eyes played over the blood seeping through the breast of his robes, his pale exterior and the new bruise forming on his forhead. She glanced accusingly at Peiter, "What happened to him?" She placed a hand on her hip, cradling the egg with the other, Peiter glanced down at her slightly panicked, trying to steady the sorcerer beside him. "Eh?" He shouted, trying to mimick her irritance, "He got into a battle, surely you don't think we did this?" As the two bickered Canathael began to come aware of his surroundings again, somewhat. He groggily lifted his head towards the voices and smiled, eyes half lidded between consciousness and the darkness which still crept over his mind. He heard a female voice, feisty and pure; so familiar... he leaned close to it, reaching out one arm. "Elsia..." He sighed reaching out to Maya, who had since stopped fighting with Peiter to stare bemusedly at Canathael. "Canathael...?" She asked softly, "Are you alright?" There was no doubt in Canathael's hazy mind, this was his Elsia, she had finaly come back to him, he reached furthur, now standing on his own, "Elllllllllsiiiiiiaaaaaa..." He groaned, reaching Maya and going limp again on her smaller frame, she squeeked surprised at the sudden contact, then trembled under Canathael's dead weight. Peiter grasped the sorcerer's arm pulling him back and off of the young girl, who was left looking extremely confused. "Who's Elsia?" She asked Peiter who gave her a sad look. "Someone from his past, he's getting delusional [i]ja[/i]?" Peiter explained hoisting the now unconscious Canathael back upwards, "He wont do much better while we're here..." By this time Sarek and Li had joined the group, then someones comunicator crackled to life, [i]"Are you all done playing down there?"[/i] Dave's voice echoed out of the comunicators that were left.[/color][/size]
  9. Can we get out of this stoneage soon? I think everyone else died while posting :D [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] Cael groggily watched the battle unfold before him, Peiter was making little progress by shooting at the dark figure dashing in and out of veiw. He clutched the weapon in his hand, and held it as Peiter had instructed him and pointed it at the being who had paused to silently mock the soilder from where it stood. Canathael squeezed the trigger as the pistol cracked a shot and recoiled to strike him in the forhead, leaving him to black out again. When Cael awoke again he was being hoisted upright, and lightly hit on the face in attempts to wake him up. His green eyes flicked open to see the releived face of Peiter and Sutaru, "What happened..." He asked slowly, the pain from his newest wound making his head throb. "It ran off." Peiter said with a thick accent, the pulled out the pistol to show him, "You hit." Canathael let out a sigh and grinned with releif. And soon after the three had set out again.[/color][/size]
  10. Angelus_Necare


    [QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]I'm going to have to drop out of this one. Being that I am a college student and I work most of my free time, it was pretty disheartening to see the RPG was already two pages long in about two days. I don't have time to read it all and I definately don't have time to make a good and concise post. I guess I'm just used to the pace of Kill Adam, which is awesome. So yeah. Sorry.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Ditto here, I've been way to busy as of late with all the work they're throwing on me for midterms. I'm sorry Ouka, But I can't post to this Rp.
  11. [color=darkred][size=1] Fenn glanced down at the young Hell angel, finaly catching his attention. A huge grin was now smattered accross her face and her eyes lit up brightly. "What do you want?" He grumbled, violet eyes flicking away for a short moment. "Well Hello," Corsha quirped cheerfully, "Nice of you to join the conversation!" Fenn snorted turning his attention away once again, he didn't care for the bubbly attention he was receiving and very much wished that it would cease. Corsha however was not impressed by his brushing off. "Hey!" She shouted angrily, once again vying for Fenn's attention, wildly waving her hands in front of his face and extending her wings either side of her. Just before she Gave up The Male Hell angel shot his hand out and caught one of her wrists, Corsha winced in slight pain as his grip grew ever tighter. "H-Hey that hurts," She whinned for a moment, then began tugging violently, "Let go of me damnit!" Fenn grinned wickedly at the irritating creature, now he thought she was getting what she deserved for bothering him, but it wasn't the end of his fun. His grasp suddenly grew cold, small traces of frost began to snake their way up Corsha's arm and fingertips, he was freezing her! "Knock that off you Jerk!" She howled now starting to become very angry, she took a swipe at his head, and clocked him good across the face, a bit harder than she intended. Fenn however had let go of her and allowed a mischevious grin to spill over his mouth, he gingerly touched the tender spot where she had hit him and locked his eyes to her, "I like that..." he chuckled lightly before returning to his cold exterior, then stalked away to the other side of the room as if nothing had happened.[/color][/size] I love torturing my roomate, demonchild. :tasty:
  12. [color=darkred][Size=1] Fenn had been leaning against the wall of the chamber idly as he waited for the others to make themselves known. He sighed tensing his crossed arms and rested his eyes for a bit, the chances of seeing anyone soon was slim. Fenn's mind picked over the events of his day slowly, wondering what it was that he was called in for. He was on his way to the above world of men to deliver the dead to their rightfull places when he recived the message from one of Lucifer's messengers. He glared down boredly at the herald of the message, half listening as it was recited to him, then snorted when it was finished. The messenger flinched when Fenn cast his dark glare down at him. "That's all?" he asked slowly, his voice a smooth tennor. "Y-Yes sir Hartweather, all you need to do is show up on time." The messenger felt very uneasy under the Hell angel's stare, all he wanted to do was leave...To his releif the dark angel turned back torwards the underworld and flitted his wings. "Very well" He responded, making his way back the way he came. And now here he stood, waiting patiently for someone to explain what was going on. His eyes fluttered open when he heard voices comming from the corridor to his left, yet he kept his relaxed pose, and nonchalant exterior.[/color][/size] Edit: I meant to write hell angel instead of death angel, sorry about that :sweat:
  13. Resident evil :laugh: [color=Darkslategray][size=1] Regan sighed comicaly at Christina's newfound ambition to return to the school, she had honestly had enough and was perfectly content not returning there. But she did feel a bit safer now that firearms were involved, and by the looks of the gun shop it didn't seem like these creatures knew how to handle a weapon of that calibur themselves. "alright, so we're going back..." She picked up the .45 and aimed at an imaginary target in the distance, grinning as she noted that Christina was doing the same, hell hath no fury like a woman with a gun. She popped a fresh clip into the firearm, more or less knowing how it was done by watching Tv and movies, "I'll take this if you don't mind, Jason." She gave him a quirky wink, giving the pistol a spin like the cowboys used to do, but nearly ended up dropping it anyway... With a refreshened spirit, and a new weapon to help her, Regan turned torwards the school, ready to blow away anything that stood in her path.[/color][/size]
  14. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] "[i]Ja...[/i]" Canathael mimicked Peiter weakly, seeming to grasp the word's meaning, he left his eyes closed though, and his feet shuffling onward over the soft grass below, "Elsia..." Peiter nodded as continued to help the sorcerer walk, "This Elsia," He began conversation, an attempt at trying to keep Canathael conscious, "Was she someone you left at home?" Canathael let out a short sigh that was somewhere between a snort of amusement and a sob of woe. A small amount of blood escaped his mouth and drizzled on his chin, Peiter's eyes hardened with concern, perhaps it was a cut in his mouth, or something far more fatal. he hoped it was the former. After a few more minutes of walking in silence the soldier figured that Canathael was not going to answer his question, then, "She is...." He paused to open his eyes, and stare blankly at Peiter, "...with God." Peiter nodded, feeling a small amount of sympathy for the man he carried, for he knew this feeling well. After that there was little conversation between the two, not only because of the language barrier they suffered but the amount of strength to speak on Canathael's part. He still walked, slowly but surely, and occasionaly he would open his eyes and give Peiter a small smile of appreciation before slipping back into his dazed state. Little did the travelers know, a tall, dark stranger glared down at the amusedly from a nearby hill.[/color][/size]
  15. How much longer should this chapter go on Vicky? I imagne we're going to be chasing Protosis and Marrek for a while, so nobody can actualy kill them right?
  16. *snaps fingers* damn! I mean....uh, okie dokie! heh, it's no problem Mehr, I was just feeling unusualy obnoxious while writting that, I wont torture anyone too much with it. And I like to think that Alan is a man of age not a boy. It just sounds dirty that way :laugh:
  17. [quote name='MehrLicht']no, of course i had no problem with that convorsation! well done.[/quote] Heh, it wasn't the conversation that I thought you'd be worried about, just Alexander's unusual "advances" :D
  18. Yes Duo he's wearing pants/trousers. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] [i]the sky was a deepened crimson, creamy clouds marched over the velvety green hills that streatched as far as the eye could see. The air was thick and ripe with the smell of death, hellish screams of the damned could be heard in the distance... But none of this mattered to Canathael. He was dressed in white linen robes trimmed with red, The heavy hood concealing his earthy mop of hair. His eyes were fixed to the person standing before him in the same garb, someone, who shouldn't be alive. "Elsia..." He called softly, yet his own voice seemed so far away. She turned to face him, Blue eyes alight with happiness. She lowered her hood, letting cornsilk hair loose in the gentle breeze. "Cael." She answered with a small smile, outstretching her arms to him. Without a moment's wait Canathael closed the distance between them, enclosing his long dead lover into a warm embrace, "Elsia, you have come back to me, my love..." He said softly only to have his voice covered by manical laughter, coming from his beloved Elsia. he looked down to find that he was holding a tall thin man who wore a long red coat, and glared amusedly at him through hellish red eyes. "Cael, My love!" Marrek said in a mocking tone, preventing the sorcerer from pulling away from him, "Stay with me here my beloved..." Canathael fought hard to move away from this strange man, He squeezed his tear filled eyes shut, then suddenly felt lips upon his, and a deep kiss that was like poison......[/i] "Nooo!" Canathael screamed bolting upwards from his sleep, nearly colliding forheads with Peiter, fortunately the soldier was too quick for that, he shot his hands out grasping the sorcerer's shoulders to hold him still. "Canathael!" He spoke sternly, "Beruhigen Sie hinunter!" Canathael only blinked bemusedly at him, sweat pouring from his face as the events from the dream slowly replayed in his mind. The dull ache from his wounds also returned, but not as baddly this time. Peiter's grip lessened on his shoulder as he murmured a word in english to him, "Calm" He said slowly in a thick accent, now letting go of him completely. "Calm...?" Canathael repeated dumbly, hands clenching in his lap. "Ja, Calm." Peiter said quietly packing what was left of his first aid kit away. He didn't know what had spooked Canathael so baddly, perhaps it was a nightmare enduced by the pain he was going through, which was common where he came from. He had even seen men go mad from it, "Ja, Lassen Sie uns gehen." He extended a hand to Canathael, motioning that they should leave. Canathael accepted, gingerly getting to his feet, feeling Peiter slide his shoulders under his arm left arm, aiding him in walking. They had to get back to the ship.[/color][/size]
  19. Posted, and a long one I assure you. Appologies in advance to MehrLicht. If none of that conversation was to your liking I can shorten it up and allow a responce, if not, then I'll feel greatly humbled.
  20. [color=Navy][size=1] Alexander stepped over the threshhold of the small house eyes cast down to the ground, no one needed to see the torment and fear that danced across his face, not from the one man that people were supposed to trust and place faith in. He ducked around a few that still lingered outside the residence, avoiding all eyecontact. He thought he was clear of the crowd when a black haired head and thin frame collided with his own. "Ahh!" Alan cried falling backwards from the impact. Without a second thought, Alexander shot his hand out and caught the young man's arm just above his elbow and pulled him against his slightly taller body to straighten him. Tortured eyes met as the preist's heart began to slow, he was terribly startled by the whole experience. "F-father Alexander..." Alan spoke slowly, looking up at the older man wide eyed. "mmm?" He answered dumbly, trying to place the young man's face. "...My arm father." He winced, trying to pull away from the preist's death grip. With a short sigh Alexander released Alan's arm, then shifted to move around him. Alan however barred his path again, looking hopefully up at the fair haired holy man before him. "Father Alexander," He began, trying to disregard the pain he saw in the older man's brown eyes, "I must speak with you." Alexander regarded him for a moment, any unsheathed emotion that lay in his eyes up to that point had been suddenly hidden away, so only a dull glimmer remained. He then shifted his expression into a comfortimg smile, and his stance a powerfull one. Alexander stood sideways for a moment, and placed a hand on Alan's shoulder. "Of course my son," His eyes brightened a bit as he turned back torwads the dirrection of the church, "Please, walk with me if you would." Alan nodded then, slowly falling into step with Alexander, hand falling from his shoulder. "Now what is it that's bothering you Alan." Alexander had recalled his name, a boy who had arrived the village not too long ago and told him that his father was also a servant of God. "Well father..." He paused, not sure exactly how to present his question. Alexander took advantage of the silence. "Please, just Alexander." He retorted with a small smile and warm glance. "Fa-...Alexander," Alan spoke, feeling strange calling the preist by his first name, but pushed that concern to the back of his mind, "I've been having these strange dreams lately...And in them, I've been spoken to." "Oh?" Alexander tilted his head slightly so he could watch the emotions flowing out of his companion. "Yes," Alan's eyes flicked up to the man he walked next to, then back to the ground, "God has spoken to me, and, another voice...a darker voice." Alexander's hands that were folded neatly behind his back clenched, his step faltered slightly, "And what did God say to you in this dream Alan?" "He.....He told me that a terrible evil is upon us." He glanced at an old woman crying hystericaly on the street as a corpse was carted away, "He said I must fight this evil, an-and that I may not live through it." "I see" Alexander answered, letting this fresh information seep in, "how do you feel about this?" "I'm not sure..." He spoke slowly, his answer a mere sigh, "I felt justifiable, complete, when I heard his voice in my dream, but then....." "Then?" "There was the other dream, the dream with the evil voice," He let out another shuddered sigh, "After that I left my own village." "And you came here..." Alexander trailed off, they had reached the old marble steps of the church. "Yes, but what should I do, fath- Alexander?" Alan stared hard at the back of the preist. "If you are a faithfull soul of our lord's power, then perhaps you should do what he asks of you." He turned slowly, something burned in his eyes, something Alan could not place, and would set anyone to quake in fear, "But look around you my son, there is fear, pain, sorrow, but worst of all, there is sensless [i]death[/i]." His last word was bitter and tainted with hate, one that would never come from a preist. Not in a million years. Before Alan could respond, Alexander had closed the distance between them and grasped both of the young man's shoulders firmly, his intent brown stare inches from Alan's face. "If you're going to act in any way, Alan, act with your heart, not your head." His eyes narrowed, "This village is in no way a part of God's mercy, and there's doubt wether we'll survive this or not..." Alexander suddenly straightened, a horrified look washing over his face. He thusly released Alan and back away several steps. "Alan," He placed a hand on his chest, to calm his beating heart, "I'm very sorry, I should not have questioned my faith in front of you, please, forgive me."[/color][/size] m-m-m-m-monster post! My appologies for setting my preist upon Alan, MehrLicht. But I took your advice as far as making him 'sinfull', lol, he's a very bad boy :p
  21. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] It was a dark, cold, and unusualy empty feeling Canathael felt as he slowly ascended back to consciousness. His eyelids felt so heavy, his head was swimming, and there was a dull ache in his chest. He sloaly blinked against the bright sun hanging above, winking at him through palm leaves growing from thick branches. How did he end up here, wasn't he fighting? Sutaru shouted. He didn't see the other creature comming. He had blacked out before he hit the ground. It was all slowly coming back to him... He blinked again as Peiter's worried face hovered into his line of vision. The soldier sighed at what seemed to be releif, "Sutaru!" He called off to Canathael's left, then looked down at his wounded companion again, "Leben Sie Freund?" Canathael's brow wrinkled in response, Peiter was speaking in a strange tounge he did not understand. "p-pardon...?" he weakly breathed, his brow becomming unfurrowed. Peiter closed his eyes slowly and seemed to nod in understandment, Sutaru had now joined them and looked down at Canathael with a smile, glad that he was conscious. "Sutaru," Peiter said again, grasping the moon being's attention, "Er hat seinen Kasten verloren. Er versteht nicht." Sutaru nodded with a sigh, and responed with a different language that Canathael still didn't understand. Then it dawned on him, he lost his communicator, or it was broken...Now he wouldn't be able to understand his companions, although they seemingly could understand him. [i]"How frustrating...."[/i] He thought before drifting back into the darkness.[/color][/size] Those scentences above roughly translate to, "Are you alive friend?" and, "He lost his box, he does not understand."
  22. I would have posted sooner Silph, but I didn't really have anything to say :D And I don't really know much about the monsters in silent hill, so the following is made up. [color=darkslategray][size=1] Regan stood ridgidly still in the darkness. She didn't know what they had come upon, but some strange reason she knew it wasn't exactly.....human. She shuddered as she heard the thing shuffling around in the dark before them, making odd snuffling sound. The sound almost resembled someone with a bad head cold, trying to suck the snot back up into their nose. That must be it, it couldn't see them so it was trying to smell them out... Regan shook this thought from her head, as the others around her began to slowly and quietly recede down the hallway, but then another panicing thought occured in her mind, she didn't have anything to protect herself with! She had noticed that Kenny was carying that pipe before, and Jason even had that baseball bat, but she didn't have a damn thing! And who was to say they'd protect her if she was suddenly thrown to the floor and torn to peices, no, they'd run, taking the opertunity to get as far away as they could, bye bye Regan... She clenched her fists angrily. Well that sure as hell wasn't going to happen, she was a survivor not a quiter, and she'd live through this damnit! The creature began to turn around, as far as she could tell, and took deep sucking breaths at the wall. She decided to take this as her chance to retreat with the others, when she backpeddaled onto glass. The creature gave a startled lurch, and swung its body around in Regan's dirrection, stopping only inches from her face. It took everything the hitchiker had not to scream, and try a mad dash in the other dirrection. Yet she stood still feeling the blood draining from her face and gulped weakly as the thing inhaled around her head. This went on for a good five minutes, she wasn't even sure if the others were there anymore, perhaps they had left without her, leave her to die since she was only a bother anyway. Regan began to slowly pray when the creature withdrew from her face and moved backwards sliding back to the room lined with blood. Something then dawned on her, the monsters must be drawn by blood, and not smelling any, it became bored and left. She shakily sunk to her knees, feeling her hands twitch involuntarily, then slowly she turned to see if anyone was still there[/color][/size]
  23. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] [i]"Dragons!"[/i] Canathael's mind screamed at him, although they were a common myth in his own time, he never thought he would encounter one, much less two of them. At first he didn't react, but when a massive scaled tail swung down torwards him he was forced to leap back. The first Dragon was arching and bucking, striving to Peiter off its back. The second was attaching Sutaru and Canathael without mercy. Canathael swung his staff around in a defensive stance, merely dodging the Dragon's attacks. It didn't seem to have any weaknesses, and there was nothing an Ironwood staff could do to harm it. He still fought regardless, swooping, jabbing and striking the armoured beast as best as he could. He had moved around the rear of the creature, striking as hard as he could, when he heard Sutaru's voice, "Watch out!" Before the sorcerer knew it, he was violently ripped away from the Second Dragon's backside and flung into the air. Without his knowlege, the first dragon had taken a moment to help defend its partner by removing the annoyance of a fighter. It had ducked down, snapped Canathael in its jaws and tossed him aside into the underbrush. Now he lay defenseless, slowly bleeding from his shallow wounds.[/color][/size] Bah...
  24. [color=darkslategray][size=1] Regan moped along the back-end of their little group, hands carelessly folded behind her head as her eyes scanned each of her fellow travelers. They all seemed like they were in the same situation, just at the wrong place at the wrong time...Which was understandable, but what actualy happened to this place? Regan was dying to know what was going on, not out of an understanding to cease fear, but just her currious nature getting the better of her. Her eyes had finaly rested upon the newest memeber of their small survivor club, the man called Kenny. He was shuffling wearily in front of her, seemingly studying the footsteps of Christina who walked in front of him. he rarely glanced up into the distance, and when he did he squinted feircely against the haze. [i]"Maybe he should invest in a pair of glasses"[/i] She mused inside her head, quietly sighing against the echoes of footsteps around them, none of them spoke or even looked at eachother, they all just moseyed along behind Jason who seemed to know where he was going. The silence was killing Regan, and knowing she couldn't take much more of this, was prepared to make someone speak wether they liked it or not. Her eyes again rested on Kenny, the blonde haired man, and then to the pipe he clutched in his hands. She slowly unfolded her hands and reached out to touch his shouler. "Hey Kenny, -" She started but was cut off when that metal pipe swung around in an arc that skimmed dangerously close to her nose. Kenny looked at her with wild blue eyes, slightly panting, no doubt that his heart was thumping in his chest. "Whoa, easy there!" Regan took a step back and raised both of her hands calmly, this being a trademark sign of her lax nature, "What the hell has got you so spooked?" "You don't know?" Kenny let out a short stuttered sigh that sounded something like laughter, "You haven't seen them?" Regan lowered her hands, looking to the others who had stopped at the sudden sound of voices. "No I haven't." Regan spat now, obviously irritated at where this conversation was going, "The only thing I see is a bunch of scared weirdos who have seen too many horror flicks!" They all stared at her silently while she shifted the pack on her back and readjusted her hat, "This has been cute and all, but I'm taking a hike outta here. Maybe the rest of you should do the same." "Alright," Jason said calmly, turning away from the wizened hitch hiker, "But I know that in horror flicks the ones who leave the group always die first." And with that, the paranoid party marched off into the mist, leaving Regan behind. "Good," She muttered under her breath, turning to the dirrection she came from, "See if I give a shit, it's not like I'm going to be caught dead in this town when real trouble shows up. I-" A can clattered down the street startling her baddly, and farther away the sounds of glass being smashed could be heard ringing through the fog. Regan paused a minute, before hiking her pack up on her back and bitting her lip irritably, "Damnit..." She grummbled, turning back to the way the group was headed, then setting off at a light jog, "Hey! Jason wait up for me!"[/color][/size] Wow, I was in a writting mood today...
  25. [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] Canathael and Sarek jogged torwards the hill for several minutes, their eyes both firmly planted on the smoke slowly rising into the clear blue sky. It had occured to both of them that the others might be trying to signal them, it only seemed logical anyway. "Hurry up." Sarek grunted over his shoulder at the lagging Canathael, who only gave a swift appologetic exhale. The young sorcerer hadn't been put through his paces like this in a long while, not since he was a boy anyway. He panted stepping up his pace all the same, now wishing he wasn't burdened with heavy robes. It wasn't much longer before the two were at the bottom of the hill, gazing up at the firebuilders, Peiter and Maya, who peered down at their companions. Maya cupped her hands around her mouth, "Where the hell have you two been?!" She shouted angrily, "Get your asses up here so we can get going!" With that she had dissapeared from the edge of the hill, leaving Peiter gazing down at them silently. Canathael had cringed at the girl's voice. "I don't beleive Lady Maya is very please with our actions..." He spoke slowly looking up quite worriedly. Sarek only shrugged it off, "Let her be mad..." He murmured before making his way up the steep hillside. The climb was long and rough, but soon both Sarek And Canathael had reached the edge, where they met a most perturbed Maya. "It took you two long enough..." She grumbled as Sarek walked right past her without a glance. Canathael swiped at his flushed and perspired face with a thick Robe sleeve before he bowed, "My deepest appologies Lady Maya," he looked up with a small smile, "I assure you It will never happen again" Maya gave no response, not quite used to appologies in this manner. Canathael straightened again, pulling at the robes that were sticking to his sweaty body. This world was much warmer than he had imagined, and thusly he had come overdressed. With one quick motion he pulled the robes over his head and tossed them to the ground, leaving his slender upper body exposed. [/color][/size] I think I'll leave my half naked sorcerer where he is :p
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