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Everything posted by Angelus_Necare
[QUOTE=MehrLicht]hey, you know, go for it! he's your character, do what you will. a sinful priest seems like a very good character to me. FYI, you cant give last rights to a dead person...just thot id put that out there. and in closing, this RP is awesome.[/QUOTE] Lol! I knew about the last rites before I wrote about it, I just thought it sounded good. And if I let Alexander have his way he'd be chasing men around or something silly like that :sweat:
Ok, I posted, and uhhh, thanks for the luck? Not much to do but wander around and observe the carnage, yay! And I'm kinda wishing that Alexander wasn't a preist now, I'd like to see him act like the true sinner he should be :p .
[color=navy][size=1] The next morning was the beginning of a fine summer day, yet a somber air was about the town as the scent of death hung heavy and thick. Alexander strolled through the streets, passing clusters of survivors who stood around gaping at those who were less fortunate. There was even a crowd he had greeted in front of the church this morning, staring at what remained of the pour soul who had actualy left fingernail marks on the grand wooden doors as their last act. Alexander didn't know how much longer his constitution would last among the streets, the carnaige and the stench was begining to overpower him. But he had to remain strong, for those who looked him for comfort. And he had to remain strong for his duty was to give those who had died (and those who were close to it) a blessing and last rites. It was the least he could do. He had just moved away from the remains of a limbless man when a villager had rushed up to him with a desperate look in his eyes. "Father Alexander, you must come with me." he stopped to catch his breath, "It's the Tanner's, one of them is dead." Alexander nodded slowly, He seemed numb now to the deaths that had occured, yet he faintly smiled and touched the villager on his shoulder gently. "Thank you my son" He said softly, "I'll be on my way as soon as I can." "Th-Thank you father." The man stuttered before rushing off to another location. The people in the village were spooked, and more so than they should be. It was a shame too, that such an evil beast was allowed to make men quake. In Alexander's mind he knew that the village wouldn't last for much longer. It seemed that the beast feasted upon fear, and with each passing attack the fear grew more along with the casualties. When Alexander had finaly reached The Tanner household, currious spectators stood aside for him, casting their eyes down as he went. He met eyes with a man he knew fairly well, Jon Schaeffer, who looked as though he had seen better mornings himself. Alexander was a bit surprised that he was out in the village, seeing as how not many saw him after the unfortunate accident with his family occured. "Jon..." Alexander greeted with a small empty smile. "Father..." He replied quietly, lowering his gaze. "I have not seen you in church Jon, i was begining to think you had left town." He bent slightly so he could be in the younger man's gaze again. "No Father, I couldn't" Jon's eyes hardened into a cold stare, "Not after God let that beast tear my family to peices." "Jon, I-" "Father! Thank goodness you're here" He was cut off, by an elderly village woman, "Please, come this way Father."[/color][/size] Bah, that took too long to write, damn talking people on messenger :P
[color=darkslategray][size=1] Regan scuffed the heels of her boots loudly up the streets, The fact that there was some noise comming from her was a bit more calming than her surroundings. She hadn't seen a living soul since she waltzed into town, and didn't have very high hopes that she would be seeing anyone soon. [i]"Maybe I should just move on to the next town"[/i] She thought to herself as she scuffed furthur along the barron street. The empty noise echoed away into the fog, then dully bounced back off the fronts of equaly empty houses. Regan paused for a moment shifting the napsack that hung off of one shoulder and clenched her hands a few times in her jacket pockets, a failed attempt to produce warmth. "Goddamn it's cold" She muttered watching her breath float away into the mist that shrouded the town. As she stood still her mind began to delicately pick over the day's occurences that led to this point. When she was making her way into town the sun was shining, it had to be at least eighty degrees. Treking the whole way wasn't making her much happier either, but it never occured to Regan that the absence of cars comming and going would seem odd. But as she made her way closer and closer to Silent Hill, the events just seemed to become more and more strange. For one, the temperature dropped. A lot. She wasn't sure why she hadn't taken this as a precaution to begin with, not to mention the other signs such as the enormous crack she had encountered in the road and the abandoned cars. Thinking back now she was just currious and desperate to move on. But currious all the same. [i]"Carefull Reag."[/i]She mentaly reminded herself with a grin, [i]"You know what happened when curriosity and the cat were involved."[/i] Having given herself a short break, Regan decided that she might as well take this opertunity to find some food then clear out of town before someone else shows up. That would be a fine mess, indeed, having to explain what happened to this town, even that was beyond her imagination. But before she could take another step she noticed a man to her right with a baseball bat, glaring at her through the Haze...he must have snuck up on her when she was thinking. This would have been all well and fine if she wasn't in a deserted town staring down a man who looked ready to beat her sensless and toss her into a ditch never to be heard from again. Regan slowly turned raising both hands into the air, and donning a slight smile, "Nice day huh?"[/color][/size]
Sign Up City of Angels: Fall from Grace [M]
Angelus_Necare replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
Looks like you put quite a bit of work into this, might as well give it a shot. [color=darkred][size=1] Name: Fenn Hartweather Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Hell Angel Personality: Fenn is quiet and solemn, he keeps to himself, and rarely speaks unless it is important, this is the same with fighting, he will not raise his weapon if he does not have a reason to. His heart is cold and bitter, but this does not always mean he is in a sour disposition, at times, he will avoid a conflict rather than hurting others with his words. In the underworld, he is somewhat of a softy, but he is still feared. Apperance: I didn't feel like writting up an apperance, so [URL=http://gallery.aniwaii.com/albums/DNAngel%20Dark/normal_dna_dark19.jpg]Here.[/URL] Abilities: Hypnosis Invisibility(stealth) Element: Water- Fenn holds an ability over water, and can sometimes transform it into ice, but only on rare occasions. Bio: Fenn Is somewhat the underworld's angel of death. That would be the easyest way to describe him anyway, He is one of many angels who have inherited the duty to escort souls to the underworld to be judged. He doesn't enjoy his job and wishes each day that he was dead. This is where his broody nature comes from. Not much else is known about Fenn, although it is said that he was orrigionaly from Hell. [/color][/size] Alright, I fixed it, let me know if it's ok now. -
[color=darkolivegreen][size=1] Canathael nodded at Sarek slowly, something had suddenly changed in him, he was no longer donning his charismatic smile or his polite demeanor. He stared down the beast placing his staff between them. Before Sarek could comment on the ineffectiveness of a staff, Canathael dashed forward at the creature with a mighty cry. He had slipped underneith its jaw bringing the butt-end of the staff up with a sharp jab where the monster's neck and jawbone came together. Although the attack was not deadly to the beast, it was quite painfull, giving it means to back away several gigantic steps. Canathael didn't back down though, he repeated his attack again and again, knowing that he was much faster and brighter than this large brute. When the Predator seemed to have enough of his jabbing it snapped ferociously at the young mage, nearly catching his head, this was the oppertunity he had been waiting for. With a flick of his wrist, the dagger he had been clutching in his hand flew true and found its home burried in the Great beast's left eye. The creature shreiked and howled, taking several more steps back and retreated back through the deep foliage, groaning with pain the entire way. Sarek was speechless, or more, he had nothing to say in this unexpected show of skill. Canathael straightened again, yet he still held a frown on his face. "I really liked that Dagger..." He muttered, almost forming a pout on his lips. "We'll get you another one, let's try and find the others." Sarek sighed as he turned and began to walk again.[/color][/size] I hate writting fighting scenes..... :p
Thanks Icarus, I was currious as if to that's what you were looking for.
Let me know if this is ok. [color=navy][size=1] Father Alexander was once again standing in the darkened church, a candle holder gripped tigtly into his trembling hand. It was not only the sudden cold that made him quiver, it was the sense of the beast that stirred him from his sleep. He wore only a thin simple robe and a mop of disheveled hair. His bare feet were planted on the cold stone floor spread before the large wooden doors which the lord's people passed too and from. Tonight however they were closed, and firmly at that. Alexander sighed with releif, turning his back to the guarded doors and returning to his chambers. He was a few steps away when the pounding began. [i]"Please!"[/i] Came a muffled cry through the doors, accompanied by the feirce pounding of fists, [i]"Father Alexander please! Sanctuary! The Beast, the beast is here!"[/i] Alexander stood still, too frigtened to move, there was nothing he could do. [i]"Oh God, please! No! No! Stay back! Sanctuary! Sanct-"[/i] The rest was unintelligible screams of pain and tourture, now Father Alexander had found a place on the floor, he knealt, hands clasped together, the candle holder had tumbled away, casting akward shadows on the darkened walls. The noise had stopped, all was still once again, yet Father Alexander still trembled, Still wept, still prayed....He was there untill the next morning.[/color][/size]
[color=darkolivegreen][size=1] Upon turning around Sarek was now looking up at the king of all predators in the Prehistoric era, the Tyranasorus Rex. It snarled at the man, seemingly a bit hesitant because it had not come across prey such as this before, Sarek however didn't seem afraid, in fact it looked as if he was ready to fight the lizard. "Alright..." He muttered sliding into a stance, "Let's do this." But the next thing Sarek knew he was being swept away away from his fight, someone had caught him firmly by the hand and was dragging him at a great speed torwards a low brushed area. By the time he had been let go and he got his senses about him he looked into the Greatly releived face of Canathael. "Thank goodness you're safe Sir Sarek, I thought that beast would-" "What are you doing...?" Sarek asked calmly, staring at his hapless rescuer. "I-I-I was saving you from th-the beast, he would have s-surely ripped you to peices." He stuttered, begining to sense that he had done something wrong. "You fool..." Sarek growled standing up, "I could have taken it, I'm not weak, I don't run away from my enemies." His words stung Canathael, Who remained silent. "Go back to the others." Sarek spat, heading off into a random dirrection. "I don't know where they are...." Canathael spoke also standing and following along, "So if it's proper, may I come along with you sir Sarek?" Sarek didn't answer as he began to slightly jog off into the distance, off in search of that monster again, perhaps this time he could fight it without any interuptions.[/color][/size]
Sounds like fun, I'll give it a shot... [color=darkslateblue][size=1] Name: Father Alexander Rennoir Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: A tall, lean man, that is pale and frail against the real world. Although he may appear weak, he holds himself with a certain strength, yet retains his humble nature, so as not to show pride. Beneith the feathered mop of platinum hair and soft brown eyes lays a kind and gentle smile. He wears long black robes that reach from his neck to his feet, proper for the house of god. The only other object addorned with it is a simple silver cross that lays accross his chest on a think silver chain. Personality: Humble, kind and forgiving, all traits that are expected of a man of god. Alexander with seldom show displeasure or saddness, he has perfected the means of hiding how he really feels from others, and sometimes even himself. He is trusting and loyal to almost anyone he meets, some may say gullible, he sees it as only accepting. Alexander does not hate, he olny tries to understand his fellow man, and will always try to help with a problem, even if he knows not the perfect solution. Bio: Alexander has lived in the small town of Carcius for a short five years. He arrived as a pupil to the once current preist of the village. Alexander was happy then, he had the opertunity to serve his lord, and become a shepard to god's flock. However, Alexander's dreams became a reality sooner than he had hoped. The former preist had fled the church overnight a few months after the beast had appeared, leaving his young pupil to lead in his stead. The only thing that was left behind was a small vial of red liquid, a sword wrapped in white silk, and a pice of parchment that read: [i]"Oh yeah I call upon high, may the lord spare the curse that has befallen this villlage, and my wretched soul of fear."[/i] Alexander was frightened, he was inexperienced, but worst of all, he was alone. For the first time in his life, the young preist began to feel despair. A feeling that he had never experienced before, an emptiness than not even his faith could fill. But Alexander carried on, he remained strong, and led his flock. The threat of a beast upon the village would not set his foundations to quake... Weapons: -"Michael": An heirloom sword of the church. It is said to be holy sword, one sent straight from heaven, the very sword that the Angel Michael has used to slay Lucifer. Alexander has yet to unsheath it from its silk wrappings. -Vial of red liquid: Said to be the blood of christ, it can only be used once however. Snipet of writting: Alexander walked through his empty church, accompanied only by the sound of lashing rain and the distant thunder. There were no candles lit, for warmth nor for light, Alexander felt that there was no need. He walked up the center aisle, gently touching the backs of wooden pews as he continued his slow march. His eyes were affixed to the grand cross at the head of the room, and slowly, his mind was searching for answers. When Alexander had reached the first row of pews he paused, then took a seat, folding his hands in prayer. He had forgotten how many times he had done this since the beast appeared, but there was possibly a chance that the lord would hear him this time. "Oh God, hear my prayers," He spoke, the growling thunder was ever advancing, "This Village is in need my Lord, The evil placed upon it is most horrid, surely you could not have forgotten us?" There was a long pause, steady pounding rain, and another rumble of thunder. "I try my best to guide them my lord, but who is there to guide me? I look to you oh God for strength, to calm my quivering heart. I feel despair lord, and I know deep down in my heart that there shall not be a hope for these people, if a solution does not become present." Another pause, a louder rumble and this time sobbing. Alexander was slumped in his pew, his forhead pressed to his clasped hands, tears streamed slowly from his face. "Please Lord," He choked, "Send us Hope, Send us Strength, Send us Saviors..." Overpowering Emotion- Despair, Alexander feels that there is no hope for the Village.[/color][/size]
[color=seagreen][size=1] Name: Orick Lathsfeather Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 20 Description: A tall young man just nearing the end of his full growth. He is lean and sinewy and also quite flexible. He donns a fluffy patch of cornsilk hair that hangs into his shining green eyes. He has a mischeivious smile that means no harm, and a poise of a soon to be great man. Orick wears very common clothes, that are not only plain but functional as well. He normaly wears a thin long sleeved cotton peasant shirt underneith a worn tanned hide vest with wooden toggle buttons. His leggings consist of heavy brown trousers tucked into high leather boots. Weapons: A handmade sword he named "Crusix", and a few small throwing daggers. Personality: Orick will intentionaly show himself off to be a calm and collected gentleman, but he can become quite the babbling quivering idiot.....when it comes to women anyway. Ever since his youth he could not compose himself when he was around pretty young girls, he would stutter over his words, clam up and cease to function. Aside from this, Orick is a feirce fighter, kind soul and an undying flame that would do anything for those he trusts.[/color][/size]
((Yes indeed duorocks...)) [color=darkolivegreen][size=1] Maya looked up to see Canathael warily smiling down at her looking slightly harassed. The large black doors to the Controll room were closed. Canathael had hailed the girl from the entrance of the study, excited, as this was the first time he had seen her on the ship. he thought in the back of his mind that they could perhaps become fast friends, but the look on Maya's face prooved otherwise. "What do you want?" She slightly currled her lip crossing her arms. Canathael gave a strange smile, and hunched a bit as he spoke, but he was gratefull that he could at least understand her. "Ah, Sir David..." He half turned to the black doors, "He has giving me the task of informing anyone I should chance meet to stay away from that chamber yonder. If one were not wary, he shall put a tool in a most unmentionable place." Canathael looked to Maya for approval, hopping that what he had said was understood, he received no response, now hoping that his piose would save him. "My lady" He began, standing a bit taller and donning a more comfortable stance, Then bowing, "I don't beleive we have been properly introduced, My name is Canathael Merrison Mage of The Kingdom Erios."[/color][/size]
[quote name='vicky][SIZE=1][B]Old West* * (A little hint for what I have planned for the second Episode).[/SIZE'][/B][/quote] *Does the Happy dance* Vicky, will you Marry me? j/k lmao. That sounds really cool, cool enough to where I wanna skip through the Prehistoric. Oh and Deimos if you're reading this, Go post!
X a.k.a x/1999 is was picked for publishing by Viz's Shojo comics. I beleive all of the volumes are published and available for purchase now, each, like most manga on the shelves in the US, is selling for ten bucks a pop. So go grab some! One more thing, Viz flipped the artwork so it could be read like a western comic, so it may be easier or harder to read depending on what manga you have read.
It doesn't look like anyone else will sign up anytime soon, Perhaps the Signup curriculum tends to frighten off the casual RPer. Oh well. Less people is more I suppose. And Vicky, what would you like as far as posting material? Since Godmodding other characters isn't really allowed, posting only a short amount of material may occur, is this ok? oh, and i'd like to also say that anyone is free to make long conversation and use Canathael, just as long as you understand his character and you don't change anything drasticaly. Tiff out.
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][size=1] Canathael sighed as the lift made its ascent. The whole time he had been here he felt so alone. Seldom did he see the other passengers, and those he met weren't the kindest he's come accross. The man named Dave was always finding something to complain about, and he didn't always have patience with Canathael's missunderstandings. Canathael had made it a point to avoid The man called Dave, at least untill he could present himself in a more appropriate manner as far as knowlege was concerned. The only other resident of the ship that he had come into remote contact with was Sarek, the man from far beyond, as he liked to put it. Canathael was Apprehensive of Sarek at first because of his outlandish apperance, but then rationalized that he himself must look quite strange himself. Thus he has tried to befriend the man, but hasn't received any notion of intrest on the other side. Canathael thought it best though, perhaps none of them were meant to gain strong alliances, just here to do their job. He was intentionaly on his way to the study, the one room he had known well enough to use when he arrived. It seemed a ritual these days, instead of training excessively, he would sit quietly in the study, meditating on his power, creating charms, or studying from the great volume of books that were provided. It was his place of solitude, and he enjoyed the time he spent there. Instead of going right to the Study today, Canathael wandered torwards the Controll room, where he heard griping and groaning. he startled when the large black doors opened at his arrival (he was still trying to get used to it) And took a few steps inside. "Greetings" He spoke softly with a small smile, "Is there anything I can do to help Sir David?" [/COLOR][/size]
why not, one more rpg won't hurt... [size=1][color=darkred] Name: Allie "Marbles" Johnson Age: 24 Gender: Female Character: Street Punk Apperance: Straggly and thin, one wouldn't know that Allie was female unless they were within ten feet of her, and not many partake in that opertunity. She has the Title of a punk, and her appearance delivers. Atop her head where once blonde hair grew is now a riot of green woven into a braid halfway down her back. She'll wear anything that's black and can cover her completely, but what she never Goes without is her leather vest that has the word "REPENT" painted in white along the back, and never anywhere without her deep red shitkickers. Other items of clothing include ripped jeans, long sleeved shirts, or any odd peice of equipment she has decided to attach to herself that day. Bio: Once an innocent Catholic Highschool girl, Allie Johnson, more notoriously known as Marbles, has seemingly strayed from the flock. At first apperance Marbles may seem a harmfull hellian out to cause utter havock, but the damage she does is for the good of the lord... Since she was nineteen years old Marbles has been acting as a medium for righteousness, an extreme straight edge punk who took it one step furthur. She will never kill the innocent, only those who have incurred the lord's wrath. She strikes Rapists, Liars, Murderers and the like swiftly and without warning. She almost always acts alone on her crusades, and has earned many names from those who have caught wind of her. She is known as the Dark Angel, The Cross, God's Judgement, and Crusaider. Although most of these names are appropriate, there is only one that seems most fitting, Marbles. She carries a Marble sack with her anywhere she goes, it is said that she occasionaly beats her enemies to death with them, then leaves one in their throats as a trademark sign. Why she chooses to use this method is unknown, and possibly has no significant meaning at all. Recently she has caught wind of Vampires, the elusive agents of darkness itself. Allie is currious about these beings, and wishes to furthur investigate. What her intentions are to be isn't all that certain. Perhaps she is looking for a fresh kill, a new mission, or just maybe, love.... Hobbies: Spending time on the street, Tourturing the damned, classical music. [/color][/size] Ah, that was fun to write! See ya!
I'll just add a breif bio since it's not required... [color=olive][size=1] Angel signup Name: Haden Callard Age: 17 Gender: Male Human Apperance: A tall lean boy, fair skinned and gracefull. he has short wavy brown hair and charming green eyes. He usualy wears whatever he finds most comfortable. This usualy consists of white long sleeved button up shirts and loose Dark colored slacks. he usualy appears dressy, but in a casual way. Weapon(s): A thin bladed Rapier called "Salvation" Magic: A simple spell that causes things (namely plants) to grow rapidly. Angel Apperance: His hair grows a bit longer and his eyes a bit softer, he has somewhat of an Androgenous quality, but you can still tell he's male. His white wings are not a billiantly white as the others, but they are large and powerfull. Bio: Haden is a shy boy, and doesn't bother getting to know other people well. He rarely has an oppertunity to leave his home for reasons other than school due to his mother's illness. Not much is known about Haden, spare the fact that he is a very distant person, and can come off as quite cold at times.[/color][/size]
what no girl characters yet? Well, I'll have to fix that... [color=darkslategray][size=1] Name: Regan Abaster Age: 24 Appearance: A boyishly built woman with a wiry build. Regan stands at an average height with long lanky limbs. Her unruly straw colored hair sticks out from under a worn wicker cowboy hat of a lighter hue, giving shade to her deep jade eyes. She wears a deep red tank top with the word "GREAT" Printed accross it in white letters. She also wears an old denim jacket, boot cut jeans and thick black hiking boots. Around her neck is a Silver chain with a small bronze lock, she claims it brings her good luck. Bio: Regan Abaster is a twenty four year old good-for-nothing who won't take the time or effort to pay her bills... Thus is her story. Regan has spent the better half of her adult life dodging bill and debt collectors, giving her means to avoid staying in one place for too long. And so she has become (and probably will remain) a drifter. Regan has been triapsing about the countryside for a good six years, always in and out of towns, on the road and off again, ridding her thumb and being the apotheosis of a hitchhiker. She has gained quite a bit of knowlege about what towns were quaint for her hideaway purposes, and the last time she had visited Silent Hill (a good three or four years back), it had seemed the perfect place for rest. Once she had treked into the town howver, the scenery prooved that rest wasn't all that certain... Reason for comming to Silent Hill: Dodging Debt Collectors[/color][/size]
Are the time travels going to be specificaly linear? Or are the "sands" crewq going to hop back and forth? Also vicky, you mentioned aomething about specific character chapters, care to elaborate, it sounds fun :).
It all really depends on why you're contacting this psychiatrist. If it's just something you're doing to make yourself feel better then perhaps it is an ego trip. But if you truly are worried about your friend's well being, and you don't want to see her go furthur down the path she's on, then you are really doing what's best. I think she is lucky to have someone like you who actualy cares, and by the sounds of it, she may be in need of help.
Wow, Vicky you've been busy. Very Cool! ========================= [size=1][color=darkolivegreen] Name: Canathael Merrison Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Human Timeline: Medieval Ages Skills: Canathael is a young master of the magical arts, most of what he does although is more of a mind over matter skill. Using this he can erase pain and summon strength into his mind and those of others by the weaving of charms or words, also gaining him reputation of being a healer. He is also said to be a master of the Wind and Earth, but this is merely speculation. Weapons: Canathael carries with him at all times a large ironwood staff, a leather sling, and a Dagger. Special Items: A pair of self made wire glasses (which he calls "second eyes"), and a satchel of charm materials Weaknesses: Canathael, is human, and being so, he is capable of dying. he knows very little of his surroundings, and being from the medieval ages he has not been exposed to many diseases, making his imune system very weak. This slows him down at times, and eventualy may kill him. Personality: Canathael is incredibly polite and friendly at all times. He posseses a grace fit for royalty and uses it as much as possible. rarely does his angry or bitter nature show through, but it will on occasion when he becomes emotionaly vulnerable or possibly frightened. Canathael has his own system of justice and values that would compare to that of a knight. He gives everyone he meets a chance to earn his trust and once that trust is established he will fight to the death for that person if the means are justifiable. If Canathael is betrayed by someone he places trust in, it can mean serious consequences. He may not outright show his displeasure, but he will be extremely cold and shunning, and may just aid in their own demise. Canathael is seldom forgiving, but it all really depends on how he reacts to any given situation. Canathael may seem violent and harsh to those who have wronged him, but it is no means to fear him, he is very accepting and kind, giving all that he can to help or aid, even if it doesn't profit him in any way shape or form. Description: A tall, lean man, addorned with earthy brown hair and deep Ivy eyes. His skin is clear and pale, smooth to the touch. He wears long deep green robes trimmed with with gold fabric, that reach to his feet, hanging loose from the slender form of his body, and browned at the bottoms holding evidence of long travels. Underneith his layers of robes he wears only a simple cotton shirt, white and worn thin, along with heavy brown slacks tucked into leather boots. (And here's a [URL=http://www.exquisitemodel.com.au/images/Paul%20H%20BR%20ll.jpg]face shot[/URL], I couldn't find any anime image to fit the description I wanted so you get this) Bio: Canathael Merrison (you'll find that he likes the name "Cael"), came into this world alone. His mother had died giving birth to him, and little was known about his father, who had passed through his village one night nine months earlier. His name was given to him by the village midwife, Anna Merrison, a kind old healer who had addopted the boy as her own. Anna Had raised Cael to be the kind charming gentleman he would one day become, and taught him everything she knew about the art of "magic". When Cael had reached the age of twelve he was sent to a neighboring village to treat The wounded from a small battle against a group of bandits. Despite the boy's young age, he was able to treat and save most of the villagers, giving him a small reputation of a great healer. Upon returning to his own village he found his dying foster mother bound to a pole in the village proper. With her last words she had explained to him that a botched delivery had turned the villagers against her, giving them means to accuse her of being a witch. Choked with sorrow and tears Cael had agreed to leave the village to continue his studies, spare finding the same fate as Anna. And Leave he did. Cael wandered from village to village for years, gaining knowlege, healing and doing his land the greater good. Yet his knowlege for this "magic" was insatiable, and everywhere he went little knew about it or refused to speak of it. When he was nineteen years old he had arrived at the Kingdom of Erios, following a rumor of a powerfull mage offering services inside the castle. The Mage that the stories had spoken of was named Aragog, an ancient fossil of a man who was pleased at the prospect of an apprentice. Although he was not as kind or as warm as his beloved Anna, Aragog taught him much of what he wanted to know. Soon Cael was surpassing his teacher four years later, and at the growth of a fine man also catching the eyes of many maids. But there was one that Cael had wanted to make his own, and her name was Elsia. Not long after they had met the two had started aranging small assignations away from prying eyes, and for a while Cael was pleased with his life, he had his love and he had his gift. Aragog however was not happy, he was displeased at the rate his apprentice was growing, and he was willing to take steps to show who was still more powerfull... Cael had found Elsia dead shortly after, and he knew there was no question as to who had killed her. Aragog had not denied this fact either, he simply stated that celibacy was an important part of being a mage, and that he should become accustomed to it. It took no time at all to strangle the life from that old fool, yet Cael was horrified at what he had done when he finaly regained some sense. He did not take responsibility for Aragog's death, simply stating that the old man had finaly met the end of his days peacefully. For a month after, Cael locked himself away in Aragog's old study, looking for a way to restore his precious Elsia, perhaps he would find something that could help him reverse these events, although he did not find anything. One night while he was pouring through a large book for answers a strange man had entered his chamber, He stated that he was from the future, looking for candidates to save the future present and past, then insisted that Cael come with him, "for the greater good" he said. This thought appealed to Canathael, and he agreed to go, thinking in the back of his mind that maybe the answer that he was looking for could be found in this new journey.[/size][/color]
Way cool! [color=darkolivegreen][size=1]Name: Morgan Foley Age: 13 Gender: Female Items: A baseball bat and a small snack bag of dorritos. Bio: Morgan isn't your typical thirteen year old girl. She really likes to consider herself quite the hellian, in fact. Morgan is an only child and has since plauged her parents since the day she was born with her endless curriosity and bottomless reserve of energy. She's always on the go, either causing mischeif or just having random moments of fun, this was what convinced her parents to put her in as many sports and personal intrest programs as possible. Sports keep her busy, and she has built up an interesting list of accomplishments in the process. This still doesn't keep her from causing as much hell as she can for those around her (just ask her about the frogs in the locker room!). Morgan found out about the haunted house dissapearings from a teammate of hers. She had always regarded the house but was told that she would receive the worst punishment possible if she were to ever set foot on that property. But just passing it to and from practice everyday was just too much tempation! She couldn't help herself! like they say....Curiosity killed the cat! Description: Morgan is a scrawny sprout of a girl, just begining to get the budding growth of girlhood. atop her head is a thatch of straw colored hair, usualy hidden by a backwards baseball cap. She wears a generic white jersey shirt and red shorts, along with her favorite pair of ragged red hightops. Her blue eyes will charm you, but don't let any charm fool you, she's a roughian, i think the scraped knees are proof of that.[/color][/size] edit: made her younger.
I read about this somewhere recently, supposedly Smith is setting the movie ten years after the first one, and instead of the common d*ck and fart jokes the first delivered, this next one is suppoesed to be a bit smarter, and more adultish. I don't know, I'm guessing that this movie is an appology to the fans for Jersey Girl, but I think he could think over the title a bit more. Over all I think it's a wait and see.
I picked up Angel Sancutary the other day and jumped right into it the moment I arrived home. I do admit that the Taboos are quite........interesting. Kaori Yuki mentioned somewhere in the book that incest didn't bother her and she felt like writting it because she doesn't have a brother, which makes perfect sense I suppose... The story line was pretty fascinating as well, it's not offten that you get to see christian mythology picked apart in a manga, which is a breath of fresh air I think. I'd have to say though, Angel Sanctuary is definitey on its own level, and if you haven't read it yet then go buy it!