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About OutlawStar

  • Birthday 05/18/1988

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  • Biography
    I'm 14 and starting High School.
  • Occupation
    I go to school.

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  1. yeah so i keep hearing this on the radio, but they never say who sings it!!! >:( and i really love it so please if anyone can help me with the name of the band and the title of the song i'd aperciate it a lot, I can only remember some of the lyrics "they will see us waving from such great hights come down now, they'll say, but everything is perfect from far away, come down now, but we'll stay..." thats not really much but all i can rememeber :( it has like a good rock/dance beat and reminds me of bubbles lol please please someone help :D
  2. Hi all, I've recently been hearing this new song on the radio which i really like a lot but i always seem to miss the name, so i was hoping if anyone here new the name of the song, band, album or anything site that might help me. This is all that i can describe about the song, it starts off with a guitar that keeps hitting this one high note to make it sound kinda like a ablulance truck. Then the lead singer, who is a female and has kinda of a raspy voice says like a a few song lyrics then she keeps reapeating "wait, they don't love you, wait they don't love you like i love you..." and somewhere in between she starts going Na na na, na na na...Um theres a pretty cool guitar solo lol well if anyone has even the faintest idea of what the heck i'm talking about please respond, thanks.
  3. Life* In air birds fly high They soar till they soar no more Life ends and begins *haiku poems have 5 sllyables in the first line and 7 in the next, then 5 again. **this is my philosophy on life, we work then die, then renew. ***My english teacher was way off what he thought I was trying to say ****I like to use these a lot ^.^
  4. I love the Classic Mobile Suit Gundam and I'm very sad yoou didn't make it one of the voting choices on the pool :( , but if I had to vote I would have to say 8th MS team, cause I love a hapy ending. (I never saw much of Wing, but I do the Mech.)
  5. Couldn't he switch with Freiza when he was sleeping, yes that would be a perfect time...
  6. Could he have switch bodies with the Eternal dragon, then wish that he was the most powerful warior or something like that?
  7. Aren't you suposed to start relationships withs no lies? Besides, I think every reality show is fake and setup.
  8. No, peace on eath is just a dream. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, but I know it would never work. Even if you put the worlds smartest people in charge of the world, as long as people have there own opinions and some power war will always be there.
  9. I would have to guess it is something to check his Blood Alcohol level LOL :laugh:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]I'm rarely bored, there's always something to do. if there's seriously [i]nothing[/i] going on, I take a nap. very refreshing :D.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow! never bored thats amazing! I think I consider myself the king of boredom lol. Well, when i'm bored, about 90% of the time, I try to think of things to do to get rid of my boredom. I play my Guitar, draw, watch tv, or hangout with friends.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zenkai Powa [/i] [B]According to the Viz translation of the manga, Oolong: "Say...[i]um[/i]...A wish like, 'beat up those saiyans and save the Earth'....probably wouldn't fly...Would it...?" Shenlong: "That is an impossible request. I was made by a god. I cannot grant a wish that surpasses the power of a god." I see this to mean that since Kami-Sama didn't have the necceasary physical abilities to defeat the Saiya-jin's, Shenlong couldn't. Yet his other wishes are equal to casting a magic spell. Bringing people back from the dead or granting immortality for example. [/B][/QUOTE] ok couldn't they just wish for Vegita and Nappa to be sent into, or really close to, a black hole or some place were they would have no chance of survival?
  12. WOW 4 months is a long time to wait. Just remember this "The longer the wait, the sweeter the return."
  13. Well first off I didn't really the cartoons. Some where okay, but most were repetitive. Second, I haven't seen the movie yet and even though all, that is to say most of you guys gave it a bad rap, I'm still going to see it when it comes out on DVD. I don't really care that I know who the Villain is before I see the movie since when I saw the previews it didn't look very interesting.
  14. I saw the movie when it came out on Friday. I didn't really like it. And Yes the first scenes really mad me upset. Some parts of the movie were quite funny. But the last parts were predicable.
  15. OutlawStar


    Yeah I love Friends, but I hear lots of people I know say its really bad. I don't care what they say though. I watch it every weekday, and sometimes at night too.
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