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Everything posted by xxxscenekidxxx
Sandwiches, the best thing made WITH sliced bread
xxxscenekidxxx replied to Jabberwocky's topic in General Discussion
i like to make bologna and chese sandwiches then i put barbeque sause and tobasco and cool ranch doretoes on it... its tasty :animeswea (sorry that my spalling is bad) -
tomorrow is the last day that i will have to go to high school!!! i was just thinking about what i am going to do after this... i haven't thought about it much.. i'm thinking about going into game design since i love art and computers are pretty much my life lol my dads a programmer so im around them a lot... so anyways, i was just wondering what all of you guys plan to do after high school...
[quote name='chibi-master'] Oh, I've discovered a new talent that I have! Digging holes! But only with a spade. Not those big ol' shovels that give my hands blisters. But even though I dig with a spade and my bare hands, the holes are enormous. Seriously, you could plant a palm tree in them.[/QUOTE] nice... ..... Party! PARTY!!! WOOT WOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! :animestun: :animesigh
i like them... ther like rele interesting... and colorfull ^^
i want to meet some people who have the same drawing style as me so that i can get cridisism and get better... you can look at my theotaku profile if you want... i think that its in kinda a mix between manga and realistic, sorda neather... i guess... if you dont draw the same as me tho it coments always help!!! thx ppls!!! :catgirl:
'Noob' could be the millionth English word
xxxscenekidxxx replied to Gavin's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]You mean this ? [CENTER][YOUTUBE="What We Were Waiting For"]HY-03vYYAjA[/YOUTUBE] [/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] gross... how did they do that? -
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I have had this headache for four days. It is beginning to impair my ability to avoid dyslexic misspellings. If it turns into a migraine I believe I might go on a rampage and slaughter slamm fury woodland creatures. Um. Slamm. Small. SMALL. And my mother just burned her muffins. I rescued them from being completely inedible, I hope. I like muffins. :([/FONT][/QUOTE] mmmm... muffins oure delicious... I WANT ONE!!! GIMME A MUFFIN!!!
[quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]...Is it okay if I hold you solely responsible for the death of Geocities now?[/FONT][/QUOTE] you hold me responsible? why?
[quote name='Sara'][size=1][url=http://news.cnet.com/now-closing-geocities-a-relic-of-webs-early-days/]Yahoo recently announced the closing of Geocities. (Link)[/url] When I first heard this news, it filled me with some amount of sadness. I was in middle school in the late 90's, which (news articles tell me) makes me part of the first real "Web" generation. There's a lot of nostalgia there, in the annals of the historic 90's internet—and Geocities was at the forefront of that, leading the charge with a certain brand of personal website that the internet will probably never see again. (We should probably all be thankful for that, but there is nevertheless a sadness in its passing.) Anyway, this post is just a long, roundabout way of giving context to the following sentence: [url=http://www.flashpointsocialmedia.com/Area51/Orion/geocities.html][b]Check out this cool link I found![/b][/url] P.S. If anyone still knows where their old Geocities site is, you should post a link for us.[/size][/QUOTE] nooo!!!! i cant believe it!!! i just started a site there!!! heres the link thingy... [url]http://www.geocities.com/loraine1001500/xxxscenekidxxx.html[/url] this saddens me :animecry: :animecry: :animecry:
'Noob' could be the millionth English word
xxxscenekidxxx replied to Gavin's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] Says person with the word "huggles" in their signature.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] lol good point... wait... is woot a word? -
'Noob' could be the millionth English word
xxxscenekidxxx replied to Gavin's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Lrb'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]Although newb could've been considered the "proper" spelling years ago, and everyone knows that the word derives from newbie, nobody says that anymore. Besides "newb" and "newbie" aren't actually words (therefore no proper spelling) either so in choosing "noob" to be a word (if this actually happens) they just used the most popular spelling of the word which is using two O's. Had they given it a few more years it might have been "nub" instead. If this article really upsets someone lulz will be had. It's not like noob is an abbreviation of something (like laugh out loud), it's just an quicker way of saying new or inexperienced player. It's totally legit.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] somebody told me once tho that a newb was a new player that was just learning a game and a n00b is someone who has been playing for long enough but still needs help like a newbe... -
'Noob' could be the millionth English word
xxxscenekidxxx replied to Gavin's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"][url=http://tech.uk.msn.com/news/article.aspx?cp-documentid=16646244][B]Article[/B][/url] *Sits back with umbrella and waits for Allamorph's head to explode*[/SIZE][/QUOTE] what about newbe? and what is Allamorph? -
[quote name='Mr. Blonde']This does sound like a personal ad, and I hate to be "that guy", but unless you're planning on holding this gathering at a butcher shop... I'd change "meat" to "meet".[/QUOTE] lol thats funny hehe i dint notice that till u sed it lol sry it makes me laugh hehe "butcher shop" wow
is it gross were u go to school? cuz it is here... what about your lunch ladies... they are all fat and lazy and a couple of them are dirty and gross...
in my wallet? ummm... i keep my library card in it... and my id... and moneys are in it sometimes... and a card key (idk why i have tht)... n thts bout it...
[quote name='Knuckles' Girl'][COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Has anyone ever notice that kids really do the weirdest things? I have two boys, a one year old and a 3 and a half year old and wow are they strange...my youngest actually growls at you if you don't give him what he wants, he'll howl (like a wolf kind of howl) and he bares his teeth at you too...he's a weird one, and the oldest is a drama queen, if he trips and falls in the grass he rolls over and holds up his hand for you to pick him up and if you don't within 30 seconds he acts like he dies...yeah, my kids are weird....[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] thats adorable lol i love kids... one time me and a few other people were having a yard sell and the preture's kids were drinking juce becouse they werent allowd to drink pop. i felt sorry for the poor well behaved girls so i "accedentally" left my pop on the table were they could get it... they turned off the lights in the kids room and sat in the corner drinking the pop, it was so funny
[quote name='Flash'][B]MY LIFE ISN'T OVER!!![/B] This is the greatest thing ever to happen!! WOOP WOOP WOOP!! It's all back!! HOORAH!!![/QUOTE] whats back? WOOOOOT WOOT!!!
[quote name='Sangome'][SIZE="1"]The emotes called. They said to stop abusing them. They have feelings, too, y'know. They said they're in pain. :([/SIZE][/QUOTE] oh... i am sorry emotes... i will not hurt you anymore *whipes tear from eye* i din't mean to!!! i promice to chamge my ways!!! just give me another chance!!!
pics would be nice ^^ i want it to be short n my hair is black...
in my purse you will find a... monkey wallet ds notebook pens eyeliner (cant live without it) phone moneys candy pop some crackers with chese on them
:wigout::alcohol::butthead::excited::beer::flush::fart: im going to party party this weekend!!! WOOT!!! its going to be so much fun!!! we are going to a cabin in the middle of nowere with loke 5 30s and lots of other stuffs!!! im exited!!! its a "we are about to graduate from high school woohoo!!!" party... :fart::flush::beer::excited::butthead::alcohol::wigout:
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] Hurray for starting new habits! High five for being a bad influence![/color][/size][/QUOTE] thx lol :catgirl::catgirl::catgirl:
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] Yes and yes, though after about a half-hour (the recommended usage time on the back of the tin) it begins to get that tobacco flavor and it gives you that weird feeling in your throat like normal dip spit, so yeah. After that I recommend either spitting or taking it out and getting a new pouch. The puches are really small, so I dip two at a time like I do with Skoal.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] lol its kinda funny, my freind had some of that today so i tryed it n i rele like it :animesmil its awesome that you dont have to spit so you can do it in class... i think ill do this from now on lol :p :p :p
[quote name='Zen'][color=royalblue][size=1] I'm not a huge fan of smoking, but I do use Skoal and Snus from time to time, very infrequently, so it being slightly more expensive isn't an enormous concern for me, being that I'm such an infrequent user. I might buy one tin and it'll last me like a week or two. It's a terrible and digusting habit (dipping I mean, smoker's don't bother me) so I try to keep it in check. After dipping, smoking just doesn't do it for me, and I don't like the ash-taste it leaves in my mouth.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] snus... i have heard oth tht... someone sed tht it taste like gum n u can swallow it, ive yet to try it myself tho ;)
[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']hmmm the tamagachi's of old were like the kids of old. Feed them, play with them, and clean up after them and they were fine...since kids these day's are more active do you need to by your tamagachi a cell phone to network with other tamagachi's? Or do they do their networking via facebook?[/QUOTE] lol my tamagatchi just ran out of bateries... oh well :animesigh it was fun while it lasted :animesmil