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Everything posted by xxxscenekidxxx

  1. [quote name='chibi-master']So the rocks-in-a-box DS and the porno PSP were both bought from different Wal-Marts in FLORIDA. WTF, Florida? And just how is Gavin going to fix this problem, being the CEO of Wal-Mart?[/QUOTE] lol wal-mart does have a lot of issues with weird stuff like this...
  2. i was just wondering what everyone else was doing on prom night... heres what im doing:going to prom... party in the midle of nowere XD... go to jonnys house (my date)... pass out... then wake up with a hangover and go to church!!! propably not exactly that but its our plans... so what are urs?
  3. [quote name='chibi-master']Which reminds me that on the same day as the the hair/bug leg incident, at the same McDonalds, there was a kid peeing in the bushes of the play area...:animedepr[/QUOTE] lol im sorry, but that makes me laugh :animeswea [quote name='Raiha'][INDENT][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]With that, you snap a picture of the offense, then you send it to the health board of inspectors and get their butts shut down. That's so a violation in so many ways.[/FONT][/COLOR][/INDENT][/QUOTE] i did not know that you could do that :catgirl:
  4. well i live in oklahoma... in a very small town... everyone here drinks and smokes on the weekends... it is a very agricultural town and most of us are poor... the most famious brand of cigs here is grands, they were about a dollar for a 20 pac when morbros were around 4... as much as we party that is about all we can afford... becouse we usualy will go through nearly 3 pacs each... :animesigh
  5. i dont understand why the price of tobaco is going up... it wont make people quit it just forces us to pay more... like a couple months ago i could get a pack of grands for about $1.00 now you cant get anything for less that $3.00 it sux!!! who agrees? coments?
  6. [quote name='chibi-master']When I was in Florida, we stopped at a McDonalds for breakfast. Yeah, I know, I'm not so special with a McDonals story, but...URGH!:animedepr Okay, my Dad ordered a Deluxe Breakfast thing or something. It came with a biscuit. So when he opened the box thing it came in, he looked at the biscuit and said, "Well, what do you know? There's a hair or something on my biscuit. Good thing I don't eat those anyway!" ".......Dad, I think that's a bug's leg.......," I replied. Now that I think about it, I should've taken a picture.....[/QUOTE] erk... mcdonalds are so disgusting... one time i went there n when i sat down something fell on the table... it was a cockroach i looked up at the ceiling (i don't know why) to find 3 of then hangin out up there... it was so gross... oh! and they dont serve burgers and fries till noon or so!!! not that i would want to eat there after the cockroach insedence... :sick:
  7. [quote name='Sara'][size=1]I haven't heard a word about tamagotchis since 1997. I inferred that your tamagotchi was over ten years old, and that you were a sad, creepy little person who has carefully fed their tiny pixellated pet every day for over a decade. Actually, I kind of hoped that was the case, because it would make for a really good story.[/size][/QUOTE] lol no i think theres been at least 4 new versions sence 1997... hmmm... that would make a good story tho... :p
  8. [quote name='Sara'][size=1]You still play with your tamagotchi? How is that even possible? Did you name it Methuselah?[/size][/QUOTE] they just came out with a new version... why would i name it methuselah?
  9. [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]Exactly the same as a Tamagotchi I believe. You have a little animal and you take care of it like a real pet. You feed it, play with it, clean up the poo, all that exciting stuff.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] oh, i tink i remember having one of those when i was little... it was big and shaped like a dinosour egg though
  10. [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]I used to have a Gigapet Nano. I was twelve or thirteen at the time. I had it in my jeans and forgot about it, so it went through the wash and that was it. They were just getting popular, and I played with it all the time. I still have it somewhere, but its been dead for ten years, lol. [IMG]http://i2.iofferphoto.com/img/item/909/017/56/e60d_1.JPG[/IMG][/SIZE][/QUOTE] wow tht sux lol what is a giga pet?
  11. i have one ^^ its the music one lol when i first got it i took really good care of it but after a couple of weeks it started to get boring... i still carry it aroun though n play with it n stuff... so who still plays with theres?
  12. [quote name='Kenso'][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm pretty much with Nerdsy on this one. It's just another day. Not everyone is Christian, and the fact that 3/4 of the businesses in the country just shut down for it is pretty freakin' aggravating.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] lol i use to get mad when i was little and i got money in my easter eggs but when i went to the conenient store down the road it would be closed :animesigh
  13. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] Why are 12-year-olds obsessed with chat rooms? They aren't even that exciting? At least, to me?[/font][/QUOTE] when i was 12 i was obsesed with chat rooms too... i dont really know why they was so much fun to me...
  14. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I know what you were getting at. I was saying that you're placing the blame squarely on one side: the defense of religion. You claim that the starting blocks of becoming off-topic are "religious defense." This is one sided, as it takes both the attack and defense to derail a thread (and ignores how the attackers were the ones who initiated it). And you do it in a very condescending way. And that's what I find disappointing.[/color] [color=deeppink]Why care so much when people defend their beliefs? They believe it is right to defend themselves; if you think it only matters what individuals believe is right, why do you mock them when they act on those beliefs? Or, why are you defending yourself when you know you're right? Or, why is it you're criticizing another person who has no effect on your life because he decides that he wants to respond to an attacker? By writing this paragraph I quoted, aren't you doing [i]exactly[/i] what you say there is no need for? What you have chastised others for doing because it derailed a thread? And turning the other cheek doesn't mean "don't have a dialogue."[/color][/QUOTE] i think its great that y'all have the courage to defend your religion... most people cant in fear of rejection...
  15. [quote name='Axel Alloy']I read them, but I try to avoid the ones in things like magazines and newspapers. I actually, if I'm honest, prefer to do it myself. It's more accurate. Most of the magazine horoscopes are full of generic crap that can apply to anyone anyway.[/QUOTE] how do you do it yourself? if you dont mind me asking...
  16. i read mine every day... someone told me that the only reason they came true was becouse they are so broad that they have to come true in some way i still read them tho and i do whatever they tell me to... do any of y'all read them? what about fortine cookies and palm readings?
  17. [quote name='Stephanie'][size=1]...And I had to. Why? Because, for once, its something I know about. Yes, it was originally a pagan holiday. Axel more or less nailed it. And thanks, Mike. I do like to think she's irked that the Christians were that arrogant. The whole "bunnies and eggs" thing also has to do with birds that nested in the ground, and got scared away by farmers. The farmers would come back and burrow would be occupied by a rabbit - and the eggs would still be there. =].[/size][/QUOTE] wow thats realy interesting
  18. like the people who worship the earth and stuff and they have many difrent gods. and they wanted more animals or something... its why there are bunnies, turtles, and eggs... cuz bunnies ant turtles have a lot of babies at once ant eggs are were babies come from... and its in spring cuz thats when animals have babies coments?
  19. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]I celebrate it by forgetting that it exists and becoming irritable when all the stores are closed.[/color][/QUOTE] you dont like easter at all? why not?
  20. i was just wondering becouse i heard that some people dont hide eggs and hunt for them...
  21. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]This reminds me of something..... [IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2009/4/12/128840038564176315.jpg[/IMG] Yeah, that.[/FONT][/QUOTE] lol thats exactly what i was thinking :catgirl:
  22. so... today is the second Friday the thirteenth. some people aren't superstitious (like me), but we still have some bad luck... so, what kind of bad things have happened to you today? it could be anything at all... here I'll start... well this morning when i was smoking a cigarette i flicked the ashes and they landed in my crocks and burnt my feet... then i tripped on the sidewalk at school and scratched my hands... then i tried to skip the last two hours and got cough... then i fount out that i was prego... ya... its been unlucky...
  23. [COLOR="Magenta"][B][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Black"]i wanted to be a spice girl lol and a graphic designer...[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='2009DigitalBoy'][COLOR=DarkOrange]I think it's been almost a year since our last self-picture thread. That's kinda strange, considering how fast we usually produce these things. There's a lot of new members now who haven't had a chance to show their face, and a lot of us have matured, changed out look, lost weight, gained weight, what-have-you. Lets a reminder what yall look like, eh? As for me, I'm an ugly little bastard for sure... [url=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b269/MetalSonic700/Photo124.jpg]Me[/url] [url=http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b269/MetalSonic700/Photo127.jpg]Hair Up[/url] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [URL="http://s465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/XxSceneGirlsXx/?action=view¤t=l_69af27f213314aabbf2de8d49fcba8-2.jpg"]i think your hott ^^ well... heres what i look like...[/URL] [quote name='Zen'][color=darkred][size=1] Oh how I love showing my beauty on these OBs. Allow me to bless you... [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/MikesNewPics006-1.jpg]The Angry Look[/URL] [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/NewPicsfromLexington010.jpg]The Happy Look[/URL] [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/NewPicsfromLexington006.jpg]The Emo Look[/URL] [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y181/Cybernator/NewPicsfromLexington005.jpg]The REAL O.G. Look[/URL] Notice how the light just spills out of me in the last shot... God-like... Those pics are from three weeks ago, my hair is longer now.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] a bit conceded are we? lol jkjk
  25. hmmm... this is a hard question... ummm... i would wish for... 1) exesive beauty cuz i want to be pretty 2) a lifetime suply of skittles cuz there realy tasty 3) to not have to go to school so that i coud party all day long
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