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Everything posted by UnpredictableEd

  1. Claim! I haven't been on here for awhile. Love the new layout, btw. [b]EDIT:[/b] [img]http://i27.tinypic.com/2nm3se9.png[/img] Let me know if anything needs to be modified.
  2. claim +1. EDIT: small & simple....hope it matches. let me know if it doesn't EDIT: sorry about that...fixed the size.
  3. I'll claim next.:animesmil EDIT: Here it is...kinda simple. let me know if anything should be modified.
  4. Claim.:smirk: EDIT: Simple, this time. I tried to match the purple as close as possible. Let me know if it still doesn't match.
  5. I'll claim next. ---DONE---- Let me know if anything needs to be changed or edited. I know it's kind of busy, but got inspired. I know the end might be a little hard to continue so, below is the brush i used towards the end.
  6. Haven't done it in awhile... so, I'll claim next. Done. Let me know if anything needs to be changed.
  7. Well, i don't read alot of manga. I mostly watch the anime. However, I think the first one that i read was either Gravitation or Girl got Game. My library had just made a shelf with manga so, I picked one up. The artwork looked interesting so, I borrowed it. As much as I was reading the manga, I was looking to find certain characters or panels that I thought I could draw. Of course, once I started reading them, I couldn't stop. But once I did, I'd look through it again and try to draw some of the characters. It actually got me interested in drawing anime. I would go to the library and look through random manga. If I thought I could actually draw something in it, I borrowed it. :animesmil
  8. hi. i'm a new member. Big fan of cowboy bebop at the moment- hence the username. I also like Romeo x Juliet, Air, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, etc. This is actually my first time making signatures and graphics other than icons. I actually became a member because I was interested in the graphic worm. heh. I'm a college student studying medicine so, I don't know how often I will be able to participate and check this site. :animesigh
  9. Hey. This my first time on here and would love to claim next. [B]Edit:[/B] here it is- hope you like it. let me know if anything needs to be changed. [URL=http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o85/CrazyYetSweet/Icons/anime/cowboy%20bebop/inherworld.jpg][CLICK][/URL] [size=1][color=green][indent][b]Boo -[/b] It works fine! The last pixels were all a different shade though, so I just changed them into the most common one of those. (:[/indent] [IMG]http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/8437/2009unpredictableed001xy7.jpg[/IMG][/color][/size]
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