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About MobiusOS016

  • Birthday 10/04/1994

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  1. ok...im pretty new at this. i just signed up yesterday:animeswea umm...u guys can call me Brianna.my birthday is October 4 and i luv playing soccer, drawing, + writing. i hope i get to make a lot of friends here:p I am a HUGE FAN of Wolf's Rain by the way. I also like Naruto. thats pretty much it!:catgirl:
  2. Human form Name:Akita Age:20 Gender:Female Eye color: gray Looks: [url]http://narutoluvr13.deviantart.com/art/Akita-106424465[/url] Wolf form Fur: White Looks: ~Coat: Slick and sleek, White. ~Build: Feminine ~Eyes: Gray Bio: Akita doesn't remember much about her past. What she does remember happened within the last three years. ~Personality: Akita is very kind, thoughtful, caring ,athletic, and lighthearted. She is very sympathetic to those who are less fortunate than she is, likes to make new friends, and tries her best to make the most out of bad situations. ~Likes: The outdoors, the smell of flowers, shiny objects ~Dislikes: inconsiderate people, bullies ~Fears: Being surprised, strangers, imprisonment, hunters, nobles
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