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About skllngtn

  • Birthday 11/01/1993

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  • Biography
    I love Jack Skellingnton and Anime
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  • theOtaku User Name

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  1. Kingdom Hearts 2 thats for sure i played it so much its childs play to me now.
  2. All I have is my cell phone (The Evy yeah I know I need to upgrade) in my pocket.:animesmil
  3. I think the chicken i think it all started as bacteria and it turned to a chicken then of course the chicken had an egg lol =]
  4. I'm only 15 and my mom does mind at all. I'm pretty much free to watch and/or read as much anime as i please. .......is that a bad thing
  5. Sea Kittens? :animesighOkay the truth is it doesnt really matter if you change the name or not cuz fish is fish no matter what you name it. I support Peta (kinda :animeswea) but Sea Kittens? i think they took it a little to far :smirk:
  6. [IMG]http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/4549/bd54bd191cd4989a3bb28e3ly4.jpg[/IMG]
  7. [COLOR="purple"][FONT="System"]Hello my name is Karla im a female duh hehe :catgirl: Im from C.A whoo Im 15 years old I'm a go-with-the-flow type of person. I'm very flexible and I can cope with change, i picture myself as just the average joe. I don't have too many enemies!I think :animedepr lol I could be a little outspoken sometimes, and I share your opinion with others! ^_^ I can be dark, mellow, and depressing but I can also be bright, hyper, and exciting!!! Im really fun to hang out with and I have lots of friends. I usually know a lot about people because of that... sometimes I can get a little too hyper but it's all good:animeswea... Im also brave, generous, patient, stubborn, hardhearted, determined. I Never quit. Hardly become angry unless provoked.:animeangr I'm Sharp-minded. self motivated, I don't appreciate praises. I'm high-spirited, Well-built, tough, romantic, trustworthy and last but not least unpredictable.:p p.s watch out when i get bored i get a little crazy :animenose lol jk[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [B]Gavin[/B] Why? Because since I'm new to this and he answered my question.:catgirl: So a nominate him for replying and not ignoring my message:animesmil
  9. Well to me "Dork" mean nothing else but a nickname. I dont really use it as a insult or anything.:animesmil:catgirl: I'd even say im a dork. :p
  10. 300 bucks and an awesome Jack shirt yeah-ah im happy with the little stuff
  11. This is called continue the sentence all you have to do is continue the sentence For example: user 1 Kingdom hearts is.... user 2 super cool because.... user 3 sora is good at... ect -Rules *5 words max Okay I'll Start; Today is super....
  12. My top 10 favs:catgirl: Naruto Bleach Code Geass Death Note Inyasha Pokemon Shin Chan Ghost in the shell Fooly Cooly Beep Bop
  13. Yu-gi-yo for sure sucked as well *** One piece, and Big 0 sorry if you like them but im just sharing an opinion.
  14. I would take Lelouch he's smart and would help me to survive:animesmil plus he's super cute hehe :catgirl: :p
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