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Everything posted by skllngtn

  1. Kingdom Hearts 2 thats for sure i played it so much its childs play to me now.
  2. All I have is my cell phone (The Evy yeah I know I need to upgrade) in my pocket.:animesmil
  3. I think the chicken i think it all started as bacteria and it turned to a chicken then of course the chicken had an egg lol =]
  4. I'm only 15 and my mom does mind at all. I'm pretty much free to watch and/or read as much anime as i please. .......is that a bad thing
  5. Sea Kittens? :animesighOkay the truth is it doesnt really matter if you change the name or not cuz fish is fish no matter what you name it. I support Peta (kinda :animeswea) but Sea Kittens? i think they took it a little to far :smirk:
  6. [IMG]http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/4549/bd54bd191cd4989a3bb28e3ly4.jpg[/IMG]
  7. [COLOR="purple"][FONT="System"]Hello my name is Karla im a female duh hehe :catgirl: Im from C.A whoo Im 15 years old I'm a go-with-the-flow type of person. I'm very flexible and I can cope with change, i picture myself as just the average joe. I don't have too many enemies!I think :animedepr lol I could be a little outspoken sometimes, and I share your opinion with others! ^_^ I can be dark, mellow, and depressing but I can also be bright, hyper, and exciting!!! Im really fun to hang out with and I have lots of friends. I usually know a lot about people because of that... sometimes I can get a little too hyper but it's all good:animeswea... Im also brave, generous, patient, stubborn, hardhearted, determined. I Never quit. Hardly become angry unless provoked.:animeangr I'm Sharp-minded. self motivated, I don't appreciate praises. I'm high-spirited, Well-built, tough, romantic, trustworthy and last but not least unpredictable.:p p.s watch out when i get bored i get a little crazy :animenose lol jk[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [B]Gavin[/B] Why? Because since I'm new to this and he answered my question.:catgirl: So a nominate him for replying and not ignoring my message:animesmil
  9. Well to me "Dork" mean nothing else but a nickname. I dont really use it as a insult or anything.:animesmil:catgirl: I'd even say im a dork. :p
  10. 300 bucks and an awesome Jack shirt yeah-ah im happy with the little stuff
  11. This is called continue the sentence all you have to do is continue the sentence For example: user 1 Kingdom hearts is.... user 2 super cool because.... user 3 sora is good at... ect -Rules *5 words max Okay I'll Start; Today is super....
  12. My top 10 favs:catgirl: Naruto Bleach Code Geass Death Note Inyasha Pokemon Shin Chan Ghost in the shell Fooly Cooly Beep Bop
  13. Yu-gi-yo for sure sucked as well *** One piece, and Big 0 sorry if you like them but im just sharing an opinion.
  14. I would take Lelouch he's smart and would help me to survive:animesmil plus he's super cute hehe :catgirl: :p
  16. [quote name='chibi-master']I choose dogs over cats! And what you said up there is exactly why! I adore anything/person that is loyal!:animesmil Plus, dogs are just plain lovable![/QUOTE] WHAT THEY SAID LOL ;):p:catgirl::animesmil
  17. Hello :catgirl: my name is Karla im new as of yesterday:animeswea oh and i have no friends here so talk to me if you want :animesmil
  18. i really liked the movie best kick butt movie ever:catgirl: i so didnt expect jet li to be the monkey king :animesmil
  19. I like to listen to mostly anything on krock or 98.7 :p
  20. Okay does anyone know what Kingdom Hearts 3 is gonna be about?:confused: From what i heard its called "The key blade wars" or something like that:animeswea
  21. Lelouch can easily beat light for sure for example Lelouch can just use his power on Light making not kill him and make him his slave and since Light has to see his face to kill him he wont be able to cuz of Lelouch's mask :animesmil
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