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Everything posted by Furball2k1

  1. my favourite scout is undoubtedly sailor mercury. ^^
  2. yup... 19 of them so far. 38 if you countin japanese ones... but i have no clue if they gonna translate the remaining 19 to english tho [sighs] oh, btw, theres 6 seasons, a set of OAV's and 4 odd movies fur ranma (you know sum1's obsessed... lol) ~Furball
  3. um... anyone know how i can make this pic below into my avataar? oO;
  4. actually, if ya read the manga, Gosunkugi replaces a lot of Sasuke's parts... actually... is Sasuke even in the mange...? :therock: anyhow... like my chibi ranma avatar? made him up myself. his name is Hakujin (Akuji) Shaikimitsu. ^_^
  5. Freshmen, group F. Hikaru Gosunkugi. hehe... that's him. however, i dont like him too much... ^^;
  6. hehe... Genma Soun are quite the pair, aren't they? ^_^
  7. Nihao! :) I'm kinda new here and there was one thing i wanted to know. So tell me... how come no one has made a topic like this yet, hmm...? :therock: No matter... i'll just start it myself. :raspberry Now, tell me... who is [b]your[/b] favourite character of Ranma 1/2? Me? i would have to say Ranchan (Ranma), Ucchan (Ukyo), with Shampoo coming in a close third. Any takers? Bie liao! :wave: ~Furball
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