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Everything posted by Chibi-Trunks

  1. That can't be true, cuz I watched three episodes on DVD, and there was no ending, it just had a kid screaming in bed, and a guy standing in the corner, while setsuna is in some sort of hell demension looking for his sister, they don't even say who the kid is until you look in the special features. :where did the confused smiley go?:
  2. Sorry, I thought I did, my comp was having troubles at the time. I won't be able to get it until next weekend, because it is on my grandmothers comp, so...
  3. I think I can do this here. Anyway, it is a pic of Vegetto, and since part of Goku is in him, he is supposed to look dumbfounded. There is a little smuding because of erasers, and I am new to drawing so I would like any opinions.
  4. That one's pretty cool, hey, what are all these guys pics on your comp for anyway? :eek: j/k lol anyway, I think this subject is getting old now, especially since we are the only ones here talking about it. *Calls Adam up* Adam: You guys should stop spamming! You're banned! (not trying to diss adam or anything, he's cool) Chibi-trunks: HAH! I got you banned Ami! *SLAP**SLAP* Chibi-Trunks:HEY! Amiboshi: Now who's laughing? :laugh: Sorry, just sort of zoned out there :cross:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Ok, the fact that you called the Offsrping a group shows how little you really care about the subject. Sum*41 and Blink 182? [b][i]NOT PUNK[/i][/b]. Both Greenday and the Offspring are sell-outs, and I have lost all respect/interest in their music. I can't judge NFG, Less than Jake, and Alkaline Trio because I've never listened to any of them enough to do so.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Harsh lol
  6. Just looks naked to me, not into that...SHAME ON YOU!!! j/k :D
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]I like the realfolk blues at the end of cowboy bebop. Though,I can't say that it my absolute fav. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, same for me
  8. What this cat has gone through makes my stomach twist. I can't believe that a human or even animal could do such a thing. It was good of you to take that animal in. Now, I'm not very fond of cats (I've never been around a really nice one), but what happened is truly disgusting. I think it was really great of you to adopt that kitten. Give Gyn-Gyn my regards :)
  9. Exactly, that's what I thought about it.
  10. Lol, yeah, I sort of like their music, but that is true.
  11. Lol, yeah, but think, alot of people wouldn't want to have like a 5-10 year difference or something, think about it lol
  12. So, do we have enough people to start this thing?
  13. Okay, so I guess we should get this started up then.
  14. Heh, and look at tenchi, his 700 year old Great Aunt or something wants to marry him, heh. And a 700 year old alien too. God, sucks to be him :naughty:
  15. Yeah, it does look cool, and gory ^^ Anyway, I don't have any clue when it might come out, so, can't help ya any further.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]Plus, it looks the closest to Amiboshi! Beat that!:D [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah? Well, uhh.... uhh... It looks cool, that's it. Can't beat that one can ya? HAH! I didn't think so. Anyway, I have no clue if they will. I think they already have and I don't know heh. Glad to help:D If I did.....:therock:
  17. Yeah, that is the one I rented, it's pretty cool, but you only get like 3 eps in it. BTW, since when did you steal my avatar? :D
  18. I know the series, but not even sure if there is a movie. Anyway, this guy falls in love with his sister and turns out to be the reincarnation of a woman angel (wierd). Anyway, there are a lot of hell demensions and loads of stuff. Besides the liking his sister thing, it is cool.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Carren Heart [/i] [B]okay .. we have one to many military persons need some citizens [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry, meant to mention that I was one
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B]Sure Tursi, you can be Utena. Chibi Trunks, if you want to see want Utena is about go look in the anime forum were I posted...but the story gets a lot better. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks :)
  21. Name: Setsuna Legato Age: 19 Weapon: AK-47, 2 hidden 9mm Armor: None Skills of Note: Stealth Bio: Setsuna is a young orphan, who lost his family, and town to the Alien virus. He was away at the time, and seeks revenge for his lost relatives. Setsuna will do anything to wipe out this virus, and will take orders without argument.
  22. Made-up: First Name: Setuna Last Name: Legato Universe: The same solar system as Earth. Weapons: Sword of Demons, Oaken bow and arrows Powers: He has the ability to cause, and control the weather, using lightning, and other things as his weapon. Breif Bio: Setsuna grew up in poverty, and was forced to live life as a slave. He escaped his masters and broke laws along the way. He is an outlaw on the run, hoping that his past will not catch up to him.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Well, from what i've read, and I've talked to a few ppl in japan(me contacts/friends), they say that even though it's been awhile, Evangelion is still popular. It might not be on TV, but ppl love that show, and can't get enough of it. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, DBZ is quite old, and pokemon went out of style a while ago, so I would have to agree with Akito, because that is a pretty popular anime, as far as I have heards.
  24. I used to come here a long time ago, and I remember a big post about a website for smilies in your sigs, with a lot of monkey smilies I remember. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone remembered the URL? Thanks
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