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Everything posted by Chibi-Trunks

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Well I don't know [i]when[/i] they're going to show it, but I did hear that they [i]are[/i] going to show it..... Sorry I couldn't give you any more info or help..... :( [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks :D
  2. Yeah, the movie was pretty cool, with the graphics and all, but ANIME?!?! CN has come to an all time low. What were they thinking?!?! And taking off DBZ?! I heard it was only for one week, but...*shudders to think* There is still the chance.... Anyway, that's just what I think
  3. Hey, I was just wondering how you upload custom avatars? Mine is 57x57. Anyway, thanks for any input.
  4. Lmao, that is all true, I got this e-mail with him singing "have a harry little christmas" and it was freaking hillarious, I lost the link though.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]I actully thought it was pretty cool. Not the BEST anime movie I've seen, but good nevertheless. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, that is what I thought about it.
  6. Thanks for the help, didn't know San was Princess Mononoke. and Amiboshi, is that you ssjL?
  7. Hey, thanks, sorry I didn't respond, my comp. had a virus. Yeah, I have a software store down the street, so I will check there, thanks :demon:
  8. What channel can you see it on? *edit* If there is one
  9. Does anyone know when CN will be coming out with the rest of the Buu saga, or if they will ever come out with DBGT? Thanx
  10. Thanks, but I just meant for the PC, cuz my baby brother broke my PSOne, so...
  11. Lol, listen to this, you will probably get it instantly... If a rooster laid an egg on a roof, which way would it roll?
  12. I thought it was a cool anime, I'm surprised innocent, peaceful, have to edit everything CN actually put it on. Anywayz, I like it, it's a pretty cool anime.
  13. Where can I see Trigun? I have wanted to see it for a long time, and was told it was on the Action channel, but I can't find it, does digital cable have it?
  14. I've seen the movie, but I missed the first like 20 mins, and I still can't figure out why it is called princess mononoke. Any insight would be helpful, thanks :devil: *edit* sorry, I thought I was in the anime general forum
  15. Does anyone know if CN will ever come out with Trigun? It looks awesome, and I know it comes on on the Action channel, but I can't even find the action channel :p Anyway, any help would be nice. :) *edit* sorry, thought I was in the anime general, my mouse is screwed up
  16. lol, almost every night my head hurts because of those kind of questions :therock:
  17. Has anyone played Orphen? It was one of the PS2's first games, but it is awesome. It is an RPG involving a young man and his two friends, one of which is trapped on death isle or something. Anyway, you get a lot of people on the way, and it is really cool. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it an 8. Well, that's about all, cya :devil:
  18. Hey, man, I haven't played any FF games since NO.7. anywayz, I remember that I used to have a demo of it on my computer. Does anyone know where I can buy, or download and FF demo's? Thanx :devil:
  19. Hey, what gif animators do you guys use, and where can I download them? Thanks :)
  20. About time travel (true story) There was this ship full of soldiers and they were carrying some nuclear reactor or something and they were doing some kind of test. All of a sudden the ship disappeared and the soldiers started falling to the sea. The ship reappeared while the soldiers were still falling and when some medics went onto the ship to see what was going on, they found alot of people stuck in the walls.... Wierd, huh?:drunk: :drunk: :eek: :eek:
  21. I agree with Mystical Pan, Deathscythe hell is awesome! Although I like Epyon alot.:rolleyes:
  22. lol, my mind does that all the time thinking about those, I don't have one right now though
  23. Heh, cool. alot better than what I could do. :)
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