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yuuki desu

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About yuuki desu

  • Birthday 01/20/1991

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  1. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Prediction for next week's chapter: Shikamaru: Uh, dad? Are you sure we shouldn't help? Shika's Dad: Nah, he's fine. (Cut to battlefield) [I]"DAMMIT PUT MY SPLEEN BACK!"[/I] (Cut to village) Shika's Dad: See? He's got it all under control.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Purple"]i would laugh so much if this did really happen!!! its getting a bit annoying tho....it would be nice to see a variety of techniques rather than the constant use of dopplegangers and the development of a powerful technique to make naruto even more unbeatable that he already supposedly is and as mentioned earlier (really sorry i cant remember who wrote this >.
  2. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]tbh....i dont agree with the death penelty but i can see its use for a start it does work as a deterent....so hopefully less people would commit less major crimes (well thats the theory anywayz) it does also clear up prisons BUT i do view it as murder and i cant justify murder pretty much ever and there is the potential of killing an innocent person (its happened in the past and its not like you can revive the person and go oops sorry about that)...and yes i do know that they cant sentance to someone to death without unarguable evidence and then theres the whole idea is it better to make them suffer by making them live for the rest of their lives with the knowledge of their actions or just to cut their life short ^^; heh sorry i do philosophy at school and couldnt resist getting into the debate[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Purple"]my first manga was fushigi yuugi....the original one with suzaku and seiryu (although i think the genbu kaiden is waaaaaay better tbh) i still have all 18 books lol xD[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="purple"]hi ^^ im yuuki...just signed up and i have no idea what to do tbh ^^; sad i know he he so yeah nice to meet you all ^^ xxx[/COLOR]
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