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Everything posted by Aurgelmir

  1. Here goes...Hector Berlioz's version of Parsifal. Yes, I'm a classical fan:animesmil
  2. I'm in my home, in the capital of the largest democracy in the world. It's a peninsular nation, and it's so vast it's called a subcontinent. I lived for about three years in a variety of countries: Russia, Saudi, Spain and of course the US. But home is home:animesmil.
  3. Well, I just pace my room like crazy...and talk to myself. Yes, I'm that kind of a person.
  4. Kataritsugu Koto by Hajime Chitose (forgive me for sounding like a Japanese pig): namida ikutsu koborete shingetsu no yoru hitotsu umi ga umareta tooku tsumuida kotoba kataribetachi no monogatari no naka ni mukashi dareka ga koko de harisake sou na mune o sotto hiraita uta ni kanadete zutto donna basho ni mo hazusaette yukeru o kesanaide anata no naka no tomoshibi wa tsuranari itsushika kagayaku kara katari tsugu koto ya tsutaete yuku koto jidai no uneri o watatte yuku fune kaze hikaru kyou no hi no sora o mukezuide sore o ashita ni tewatashite umi ni itai ni kami ni anata no mukou kaima mieru omokage moshi mo toki no nagare o saka noboretara sono hito ni deaeru kono sekai umarete soshite ataerareta arayuru namae ni negai ga aru itoshii egao ni kokoro o ugokashite arashi ni yuraide tachitomaru toki mo mamoritai subete o sasagetemo omoi wa chikara ni sugata o kaeru kara katari tsugu koto ya tsutaete yuku koto jidai no uneri o watatte yuku fune kaze hikaru kyou no hi no sora o mukezuide sore o ashita ni tewatashite [URL="http://www.cherryblossom-garden.com/2/hajimechitose-eng3.html"]English translation[/URL]
  5. Ahh, no, then is that the end of the Bleach series???? NOOOOO!!:animecry: Honestly, though, Ishida sounded like a real prick in the last chapter. After he burned Yummy...oh, sorry, I mean, Yammy, he was just preening around like a peacock. Who does he think will notice? Orihime?
  6. [quote name='Magus']Let's not forget that's what Kishi has been implying as well. And I don't want to sound like a broken record, but as I've stated before, Sasuke is anti-girls and Naruto likes to turn into girls and wants Sasuke to come back so badly...[/QUOTE] So that's what all the fuss was about....:animesmil Does Akamaru deserve to be on any list?
  7. [quote name='Sangome'][SIZE="1"]Given that I'm far more familiar with English VAs than Japanese VAs, I'll start off with those. Apologies if I use any that you all deem "overused" :P [And a majority of them I know through video games, too XD] [B]Scott McNeil[/B] [B]My favorite roles:[/B] Hohenheim of Light [[I]Fullmetal Alchemist[/I]], Ali Al-Saachez [[I]Gundam 00[/I]] [B]Notable roles:[/B] Kouga [[I]Inuyasha[/I]], Duo Maxwell [[I]Gundam Wing[/I]], Piccolo [in the original [I]Dragonball Z[/I] dub] It's SCOTT FREAKIN' MCNEIL, DUDES. COME ON. Seriously though, I'm in love with the man's voice. It's very rugged and sexy, which is weird, since that's not the character type I usually go for, heh. He plays a mean Ali, who, despite being a despicable, deplorable human being [spoiler]and Lockon's murderer[/spoiler], I actually like and is the most believable out of 00's antagonists [since people such as Graham, Soma and the like I don't really consider villains -- they just happen to oppose Celestial Being's ways]. As for Hohenheim, Hohopapa has always been my favorite from FMA, and even though he didn't get much screen time in the original anime [if the sequel is a direct representation of the manga,then he should be getting a lot more], his voice was perfect for him. [B]Kirk Thornton[/B] [B]My favorite roles:[/B] Jin [[i]Samurai Champloo[/i]], Jade Curtiss [[i]Tales of the Abyss[/i]] [B]Notable roles:[/B] Hideo Kuze [[i]Ghost in the Shell SAC: 2nd Gig[/i]], Saix [[i]Kingdom Hearts II[/i]], Kaname Ougi [[I]Code Geass[/i]], and as for others, looking him up is advised, since his resume is staggering. XD Kirk was originally the type to voice the older, grouchy type, but in recent years, he's been voicing the mostly quiet but amazingly awesome badass demographic [which can't really be said for Jade, because when he DOES talk, he speaks a mile a minute so he doesn't have to repeat himself, haha]. His voice is just sexy in the roles I've heard [I better stop using that word or else I'll be beating it into the ground with most of these people >_>], and his normal speaking voice is actually rather pleasant to listen to, as well. But I highly doubt any of you are taking this seriously and are convinced I'm only mentioning him because of him voicing my favorite sexyman, so lets move on... [B]Kari Wahlgren[/B] [B]My favorite roles:[/B] Haruhara Haruko [[i]FLCL[/i]], Anemone [[i]Eureka 7[/i]], Fuu [[i]Samurai Champloo[/i]] [B]Notable roles:[/B] Kagami Hiiragi [[i]Lucky Star[/i]], Tsuruya-san [[i]Haruhi Suzumiya[/i]], Raine Sage [[i]Tales of Symphonia[/i]], Cher Degre [[i]Wolf's Rain[/i]], Robin Sena [[i]Witch Hunter Robin[/i]], Shino [[i].hack//G.U.[/i]] Gah, it was all I could do not to list off EVERY role I know her as. XD I think most people will remember her as Haruko [or first encountered her that way]...which is great! FLCL is actually my favorite English dub of all time. But obviously that's not her only role, lol. Her Anemone was dead on and perfect, as well as her work as Fuu. Most of her roles are similar, the cunning, young type. But the one role in which she sounds like a totally different person is her role as Raine. I had no idea it was her until I looked it up [and when I was looking her up just now, I couldn't remember if it was her or not XD]. Definitely a great actress, my favorite female VA. And now, one of the...two, three Japanese VAs I pay any attention to!!! [B]Kamiya Hiroshi[/B] [B]My favorite roles:[/B] Nozomu Itoshiki [[i]Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei[/i]], Tieria Erde [[i]Gundam 00[/i]] [B]Notable roles:[/B] ...I'm too tired to type them out. Just [U][URL="http://myanimelist.net/people/118/Hiroshi_Kamiya"]look at them here XP[/URL][/U] Oh goodness. I first heard him as Nozomu, but I had no freaking idea that he was also the voice of Tieria until it was pointed out to me. Much OMG WTF THAT IS AMAZING was had. But dang, the guy is amazing. I don't pay too much attention to Japanese VAs, even with my watching of subs, but he's one of the few I pay attention to and admire. I could listen to both his Tieria and Nozomu voices all day and never get tired of it. And sheesh, the guy started out looking like a total fop, and now he's...a sexy beast. [U][URL="http://myanimelist.net/people/118/Kamiya_Hiroshi/pictures"]See for yourself.[/URL][/U][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Just to point this out: Kari Walhgren's most notable roles has to include Blood+'s Saya. I mean, come on, she made that girl sound halfway decent!
  8. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]The very thought scares me.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Dude. Ditto that. [quote name='Roxie Faye']Most of the songs by Ayumi Hamasaki. She sounds a lot like a chimpmunk. Why did I like her so much?[/quote] :animesmil That's so right. She [I]is[/I] obnoxious.
  9. Oh yeah, a seiyuu thread!!! I've said it in many threads before, and my favorite seiyuu have never changed. They are: [B]Atsuko Tanaka[/B] Most notable for her voicing of Major Motoko Kusanagi in the GitS: SAC series, this sultry-voiced seiyuu has vocal cords so hypnotic she'll make you fall in love with the character she's playing. She's got a broad range of talent, and I admire her most because she hasn't diversified (you know, the singing track). [B]Koichi Yamadera[/B] My idol! He was Spike Speigel's voice in Cowboy Bebop, and he kills me everytime with his signature "Bangu!". He's got an awesome deep voice, and manages to convey a lot of attitude with it, making the character seem almost real.
  10. Well, I have two at the moment. My anime WORLD's got all sorts of info and articles on it (if you've read the 'ideal hero' article a while back, I wrote that:animesmil). My personal blog's my outlet of expression. I use it a lot:animesmil. I'm going to put up a shrine to my anime wife Saber soon, so then we're gonna have three.
  11. Uhhh, I dunno. Catwoman?:animestun Really dunno....
  12. [quote name='Japan_86'] [YOUTUBE="The Cure - Love Song"]P4SZhumbv0s[/YOUTUBE][/QUOTE] OMG!! That's like sooooo my song! If I had a significant other, that'd be "our" song for sure.
  13. Wow, thanks a lot! I was kinda wondering what was wrong with it :).
  14. Then if you're talking Trinity Blood, let's add Blade of the Immortal to the mix. And also, let us not forget Le Chevalier d'Eon.
  15. My beloved anime wife, Saber!!!
  16. Hello Otakuites!! The name's Aurgelmir, also known as japan.freak (over at theO). I'm a huge animanga fan, and have been a member of theO for around two years now. I'm 19 years old, and live in New Delhi, India. Douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu!
  17. Currently listening to Six Days by DJ Shadow ft. Mos Def, from the Fast and the Furious Soundtrack.
  18. Well, this is mine: [YOUTUBE="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-503kXDeX8g"]Video[/YOUTUBE]
  19. Hello, Sango! love your walies! I'm more partial to Elfen Lied and Hellsing; they're more gory!
  20. But...But, that's Orihime!!!! It was pretty stupid of Ichigo to go leaping after her, though. Dunno what the mangaka was thinking. Yammy's comeback was SWEET! I wanna see what he's gonna do next.
  21. My first manga was Black Cat, which I downloaded off the Net.
  22. Slam Dunk!!! It's just so funnnniiiieee!!
  23. Shounen Onmyouji was pretty bad, though it's by no means the worstest anime in the world.
  24. Subbed is win! It helps me with my Japanese studies, and is faithful to the original raison d'etre of the genre of anime!
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