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About DragonRider11

  • Birthday 11/11/1990

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Gender: Female Age: 18 Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown
  • Occupation
    Part-time librarian and tutor
  • theOtaku User Name

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  1. Well, in my car I have.. 1. A road map. ( I have a reputation for needing it) 2. CDs. Lots of them. 3. Air Freshners 4. Sometimes books 5. A car jack and stuff in the trunk 6. Insurance and other legall junk Thats about it. Everything else I carry with me/clean out when I leave the car.
  2. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][/FONT] Well, to be honest, most of the movies I'm looking forward to are prequal/sequals, and some of them don't come out for a while, while some are in theaters. They include (in no particular order) X-men origans: Wolverine, The new Star Trek, The Hobbit, Iron Man 2, Spider Man 4, etc. I typically don't pay attention to movies until they are already in theaters, but these are series I'm already into. Also, I HAVE been taking notice of The New Moon movie (Twilight 2) but since I think it's not going to be much good, I'm not excited about it.
  3. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Purple"]YUKI YUKI YUKI_KUN! Yes, Yuki is my fav Furuba charachter. He totally PWNS Kyo. Yuki is kind, caring, calm, romantic, beautiful, and interesting. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. I'm a writer, and I'm not half bad at storylines if I do say so myself. I enjoy the manga style, and love writing scenerios for the charchters, or playing with storylines in my head, but my art frankly smells. If there are any artists out there looking for a writer, feel free to contact me. I am friendly, willing to work with people, don't have to have my own way all the time, and can work with most schedules. :)
  5. Wow. You really get in the guys head! Awesome charachter analysis! Your a pretty cool writer!
  6. My and my bast friends' song is "Juanita", by Shania, Twain, and we just can't help dancing to our favorite japanese songs together. Another of my best friends introduced my to P.O.D, and now everytinme I hear "It can' rain everyday", I think of him. Another friend lost his sister in a car wreck, and his song for her was "memories" by Within Temptations. He always used to play it on his phone for me, until it became his song for me, instead of her. Sort of a healing thing, I suppose.
  7. I used to LOVE listeing to the same stuff my mom did. The golden oldies along with her old gospel courtets. But, as I grew, I developed a taste for Rock. I still prefer Christian lyrics, but Christian bands can rock too! The more I developed a musical taste, the more it differed from my moms. until we have very few sartisyts in common any more. I love what I'm listening to now, but when my mom plays one of our old favorites, I sometimes wonder, "How did I ever get into that stuff?"
  8. At the moment, just Fruits Basket and DN Angel, but I've got my eye on Anima+ and a few others. Ther just isn't a very good selection where I'm from, especially with a few local bookstores closeing recently.
  9. This is my favorite manga. It really is more for girls (I think) than guys. It emphasizes the romance and hunor, but has strong fantasy themes. Its about this girl, who has always felt like an outcast, getting accepted by this strange family who turns into animals of the zodiac when people of the opposite gender hug them! I've watched all the anime I can find online and am currently buying the manga. Lots of fun, so worth it!!
  10. My first was a copy of Anima+, I borrowed from my best friend. We were doing homework or something across the table from each other or something I when she turned my book I made a joke about my being able to read upside-down, but not backwards. She laughed and said, "I bet you'd love Manga, though". I asked her what a mange was. Shocked she, immediatly took my tot her bookshelf, and pulled down a couple copies and showed me how to read them. I finished the first one in two hours. When I told her how much I had injoyed it she said. "Wait till you see the anime!" I had to tell her I didn't know what that was either. So, she went on animefuel.com and started showing me the original Naruto. In one day, I had gone from an anime illiterate, to a major fan!
  11. Well, for me it depends on the series. For instance, I liked the Fruits Basket sub better. The english voices just didn't seem to fit well with the action. But for Naruto, I really prefer the dub.
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