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About Goku_sama

  • Birthday 02/26/1986

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  • Biography
    Being a Super Sayian
  • Occupation
    Saving the Wolrd

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  1. Suikoden lll will be coming out in the UK 3rd pd sept if i'm not mistaken. I too am eager for its release i have both the 2 games and they are excellent im very hopeful that suikoden 3 won't let the fans down.
  2. hi i was just wondering that i was just about to buy legacy of goku on gameboy and amazon wouldnt let me i dont know why so id there anywhere likely to sell it online?
  3. yeah suikoden 3 is goin to have a couple of character from number 2 and is set also in harmonia (mentioned alot in suiko 2) but i want to get suikodegaiden coz its based round suikoden 2 my fav suikoden and looks really good but its not leaving japan. :(
  4. Goku_sama


    well i do beleive later in the buu saga before GT after gotenks they wish back vogeta and goku comes alives froget how, and so they fuse together and become vegeto.
  5. The buu saga will take ages though, seeing its practicly the frieza saga x6 thast how long it is and by god its one of the best. i so want it on dvd.
  6. Hi everyone well i'am crazy about getting the Buu saga on DVD the whole box-set and can't find it i was wondering if anyone can help me out in purchasing the box-sets? i've already looked on amazon etc but doesnt have it help please.
  7. answering to zidane jowy is my character i relate to in some ways but he is my fav character and i hope that suikoden 2 characters are in suikoden 3. One question can u help me getting guys in my party after you completed the game or another question can you??
  8. wot i want in suikoden 3 is mainly all the characters from the 2nd suikoden such as Jowy the hero nanami and i would like the knights miklotov and camus also 2 be in it. Have u also heard of suikogaiden thats one is based round suikoden 2 which i really want 2 play but its not coming out of japan so i need my ps2 chipped. [size=1][color=blue]Posts Combined -Crazy White Boy[/color][/size] hey on suikoden 2 at the end once u finish the last boss and you have the coice of two endings well how can you put members in your party because your ment to meet elza at that sajah village but i cant put clive in my team how do you do this?
  9. arrr the second is well good i recommend it totally, bt the thing is i found it a bit easy but very thrilling and entertaining all the way through.
  10. Boring????????? i completed the game in 3 weeks afta i got it and a few yeares have passed and i still love playin it.
  11. but have u heard of the suikogaiden that came out ive looked into it and it looks like a really good game but japan arent goin 2 release it outside japan and thats really annoyin. does anyone know when Suikden 3 is coming out cuase i really want 2 buy it [color=blue][size=1]Sheesh, this has been double posted since before I was a mod even. Ah well, it's fixed now. This is the second case I've seen you do this in the same thread. I've got my eye on you. -Crazy White Boy[/color][/size]
  12. i see coz they cant really make really good graphics in 2D can they?
  13. I'd say legolas because he is sooo fast with his arrows he would finish link in a second, coz by the time link sorts his weapons out legolas would of already destroyed him.
  14. I heard suikoden 3 on the PS2 was gonna be in 3D i mean the graphics are goin 2 be good but the other r in 2D and i think that it shouldnt really change.
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