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  1. Sorry about the long delay, but long story short, my house was torched, by someone who wants me dead, my fire insurance "resurves the right to not pay arson damage" And my dad's computer (The one I'm using now) Is a piece of crap. As soon as I get a new computer I will re-start Anime Worlds, Please send me A PM If you signed up and you read this. Thank you
  2. I went to high school in a paradise. It had 700 people in it, about. All the girls were HOT!!!!!!!!!! It had three gyms, all with Mahogany floors. Brand new computers, that kick ***. The Art teacher kicked ***. The girls outnumber the guys two and a half to one. All the girls were HOT!!!!!!!!! My senior prom ruled, (all the seniors got to submit an idea for the prom theme and mine was picked, Anime) All the girls were HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! There was no dress code. I went to school in Florida. I went to High school in paradise. I dare say I even went to school in the perfect school.
  3. People are probably going to want to hang me for this but here goes. I've seen alot of message boards in my time, but this has to be one of the best. The topics are all decent to excelent. The only real problem is: It's too restrictive. I don't supose anyone knows where I can find a less restrictive message board where I can post anything?
  4. remember if the doc screws up, you have two choices. One, sue him for everything he's got, and beleive me he's got alot. Or two, Have a 'contract' put out on him
  5. Hey if anyone can gat aholod of Chibi trunks do so, his PM isn't working for some reason.
  6. All right we have enough to do this, I still encourage people to sign up between now and Saturday. I'll PM everybody with more extensive rules, etc. hopefully early saturday. I should get around to the actual starting of it, sometime around Monday.
  7. Wow I go away for a weekend and loads of people sign-up, I should go away more often.
  8. I would like about ten people to do this, but I can do it with less. If any people who have already signed up have a freind that would do this, tell them! I would also like at least one person from each of the worlds, and one person from a video game.
  9. DBZman I determined you were insane just by looking at your avatar
  10. few things I forgot in my original Post: 1: for digmon a made-up character is descuraged from using the crest of a real person. 2: also the crest and duelcrest is the same. That's all
  11. I'm starting a new RPG on this thing, it's my first one so bear with me here are the rules: 1. Pick any character from Dragonball Z, Pokemon, and Digimon. When I started writeing this I thought I knew more Animes enough to understnd the rules for that particular universe, so I'll let you use video game characters as well. 2. Regaurdless of who you choose everybody will start at the same relative powerlevel. 3. Dragonball people will have to fight battles and get stronger to use their more powerful attacks. 4. Digimon will need a certain amount of battle experiance to digivolve to the higher levels, Crests will be needed for the Ultimate level, and a new thing called a Duelcrest will be needed for the Mega level. 5. Pokemon, let's face it they are pathetic compared to the likes of Goku, Vegeta, BlackWarGreymon, MaloMyotismon etc. So only the most powerful of Pokemon will be allowed. (Mewtwo, Mew, Celebi, etc.) If you have a pokemon that you really like PM me and I'll see if I could feasibly give it more power for a fighting chance. 6. Have a favorite character you made up and you really like? Bring'em on over. Sample characters: Dragonball: Name:Goku Breif bio: (Tell people not familer with Dragonball who your character is.) Digimon: Name: Tai Digimon: Agumon Greymon Metalgreymon Wargreymon Crest: Courage Breif Bio: (Tell people not familer with Digimon who your character is.) Pokemon: Name: Mewtwo Type: Phychic Breif Bio: (Tell people not familer with Pokemon who your character is) Videogame: Name: Ness Game: Earthbound Weapons: Baseball Bat, Yo-yo Special Abilities: Extraordinary Phychic abilites Breif Bio: (Tell people who not familer with your character who they are what they did etc.) Made-up people can't be too powerful and if I deam them to powerful I'll water them down. Made-up: First Name: Jack Last Name: It's just Jack to you guys. Universe: Digimon Weapons: Two sowrds, one with the Crest of Light on it the other with the Crest of Darkness Powers: The combined abilites of all the digidesteneds digimon, Phychic Abilites, and the ability to pass through demensional vabric. Breif Bio: (Tell a little bit about your character) Jack grew up in an anlternate universe where evil rules. He got his swords from a man known only as Propht. His phychic abilites are natural, and he never speaks of how he got the powers of the digidestineds digimon
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