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Mari DeRoot

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Everything posted by Mari DeRoot

  1. [COLOR=blue]I'm just saying...I'm leaving the OtakuBoards.com. I thank you for the bits of info I did get. But I feel like I'm being treated as an inferior. I'm not pleased with this at all. I am very new to anime and I have mentioned this before many times. But my ?'s have been ignored or answered very indirectly as if I was some waste of time. [/COLOR] :( :cross: [COLOR=seagreen]I really still really want to be an Otaku...but I'm not feeling welcomed by the ppl here. Also, I feel that for me this is a bad atomosphere for my kind of fandom. I can't stand being talked down to by ppl 2-3 years younger than me in age!! I like a ~little~ respect. Anyway...this is just my reason for leaving. [/COLOR] Sayanora fellas!:tasty:
  2. I don't think we're goning into WW3...it's a war against terrorism. Right now...it's a faceless enemy. I agree with the 'eye for eye' comment. That's a good statement. ^_^ I think a lot of us are just sooo p!ssed off right now our thinking is clouded. I don't think rashly bombing ppl or killing will help. But we still can't be marshmellows to be pushed around. We -do- need to defend ourselves. The only way this is possible is prolly military action. I don't -want- it, but it seems there is no choice.
  3. :( It is a time for mourning. I nearly lost some friends. Some ppl *did* lose friends. Let us not us our anger as a weapon!!! That'll only cause more losses!! Our defense is always great enought to fight 2 wars on 2 fronts. That's how much military we are talking about. We will find out who did this. We just need to remain calm. A calamity like this will scar us for life. Like the pearl harbor. (Only this time it ain't Japanese. ;)) I see a lot of you have turned to God for aid. God bless you and may you find comfort in Him. I thank all the ppl here not in the U.S. for your condolences. An attack like this can only unite us and stir up national pride. Our priest, who lived in NYC, said this was caused because of HATE. That is what we're fighting against. "We forgot God..." he said. Not everyone here will agree with me on that. Go ahead...believe what you will...I cannot control your will. My heart and soul goes out to Otaku members who have suffered losses. I was so lucky to not lose anyone and so was my best friend. There's a time to every purpose under heaven. This is a time to weep and console. God Bless the USA and may He have mercy.
  4. [QUOTE]Anyone's views on religion aren't correct. They are opinions...[/QUOTE] That's modernism...you could say Nothing is fact. Anything can be an opinion. Then were'd we be? Back at the beginning chaos!! My opinion could be Gundam Wing doesn't exsist. But you say there's proof. What...I've never seen it. (erk...bad eg.) But the truth is...it does exsist. I can only use physical examples to illustrate my point here. :wigout: ooo! I've read the space trilogy! Well the first two. I luved them!! ^_^ Also...Mere Christianity is a little difficult to understand...'cuz he's british. And some of his points on evoluntion are outdated. ;) Religion is something worth talking about. It makes ppl uncomfy cuz there afraid. Try some of my suggested links.
  5. Found a site with some answers about many of the topics brought up... click one for answers [URL=http://www.catholic.com/ANSWERS/scripture.htm]Scripture/Bible[/URL] [URL=http://www.catholic.com/ANSWERS/god.htm]Is God Real?[/URL] [URL=http://www.catholic.com/ANSWERS/morals.htm]Homosexuality/Morals[/URL] [URL=http://www.catholic.com/ANSWERS/church.htm]Church[/URL] Some are articles...others are radio tracks ya just listen to. Hope this helps!
  6. Woah! There is a lot of confusion it sounds like. Lots of you have twisted the REAL TRUTH! So Lemme try and make some points clear. Most of my examples are stuff I got from C.S. Lewis's book Mere Christianity! Which proves why atheism is wrong. and Christianity makes sense. Great book please read it. Also make note that C.S. Lewis was once an atheist too. ;) But he converted to Anglican. (Church of England). Also Eg. from Catecism and religion class. First of all...there is ONE OVERALL TRUTH WITH A CAPITAL "T"!!. Without this there is chaos!! 2. Most of what was said in the posts is a HERESY!!! It is called Modernism and it is KILLING OUR SOCIETY!! Modernism basically is the teaching that religion is anything ya want it to be. Wrongo!! There's that Capital "T" truth there. 3. Look around at Creation, galaxy, etc. Such things could not have happened by chance. The perfect biological conditions of earth...that happening again...huge odds!! Scientist even think there had to be some source. Can get something from nothing. 4. PPL in groups act stupidly. Individually we are geniuses. Also, man is not perfect...if ya haven't noticed...so duh the church is gonna mess up. There's been a lotta corrupt Popes. But that's because...God doesn't interfere with our free-will. 5. There IS a heaven...AND THERE IS A HELL!!! Earth is not hell...it is like an exile from God and our REAL HOME. Earth is not our home...eternal bliss...with love forevah evah evah! Hell is eternal seperation from God. No love. It is real...don't wait till it's too late! America has really screwed up religion and human spirituality. It does matter. PPL need to be organized...that's why we have churches and gov'ts. Don't fall into that passive oh don't know don't care crap. Seek God...how?? You can ask for help...I'm super glad to answer any questions. You can PM me. Or go to my page [URL=http://www.geocities.com/flikgirl_2000/jesus.htm]Mari's Spirit Page[/URL] or one of my links. I know what I'm talking about...I've studied this for ten years...both in school, church, and at home and on my own free time. I apologize to those who have had bad experiences with the church...I've had my share. (My Youth Group is so preachy). But don't feel proud and think you are better. For the proud shall be humbled.
  7. :wigout: :eek: :flaming: [COLOR=red]ACK!! Okay! I drove to every movie store in my city and I couldn't find a single episode of GW or any Gundam series to renT!!!! ARGH!! How could they do this to me?? Anyway...does anyone know where the cheapest place to buy GW series online is?? [/COLOR] Either that or :mad: call in the United Otaku League and harrase my stupid town. :devil:
  8. :babble: Well, eeexcuuuuuse me!! It's not like a check every single post!! I don't have time for that!! :mad: I do free-lance anime. I just enjoy it...not obsessive over it. :cool: But on a different not...I don't quite understand how the zero system works. :blush: :blush: I haven't seen any of the series...completly. Only snips here and there. So...can someone somewhat expand on what zero system is? I've heard of it...I know it controls gundams...and quatre was scared to use it. :flaming: I will see a whole show soon...got me license and me car...I'm going places.
  9. [COLOR=purple]Thank you very much. I got it figured out now. ;)[/COLOR] I was confused why some manga was called doushoo...whatevah! :blush: Can't get that right. :p But I got it now.
  10. :wigout: Gosh I :love: these smilies. ^_^ [COLOR=purple]Anyway...Manga! What are the different kinds? I need some answers this time. [/COLOR] ;) Or else....:flaming: Mwahahahahahaha! LOL! J/king!!:p :laugh:
  11. :wigout: Oh boy, Mari's back with pondering stupid questions that only get 4 replies max. :cross: :rolleyes: Anyway... There's mobile suits...and dolls?? Is that right? Or am I just :blush: hearing things?? And um what's the diff?? Huh huh? :angel:
  12. :rolleyes: Gee...yah guys don't have to get so worked up about it. If ya hate it ya hate it with good reason. If U like it U like it...and that's that. This discussion will just drag on!! Like a SPEED RACER CARTOON!!:eek: aRRRGGHHH!
  13. Holy cow!! More smilies!! :laugh: :devil: :angel: :blush: :cross: :tasty: :smirk: Sorry...I'm addicted to these!! LOL! Yeah I'm with you firemac...drives me nuts when they call 'em gay. 'specially when I can't come up with a good comeback. -.- Although the pink shirt...bike shorts...long hair, may lead some strange ppl to think so. :flaming:
  14. I think GW is a good starter series. It's story is easy to follow, the chars are easy to understand, and it is a good start for those beginning their intro'd with the anime genre. (Since Pokemon and Digimon are meant for a younger audience ;) ) Myself, being a newbie in the genre in general, have enjoyed GW. The animation looks clean and it's colorful, which makes it easier for me to watch. ^_^ The older anime style tends to turn me off. Since I only remember such series like Speed Racer and G-Force being animated like that. It will take me and any newbie some time b4 appreciation for the older style will set in. ;D Because it may enhance curiosity about the history of Gundams in general. Or wanting to see something different. ;) I think once I see a whole episode of GW, I will be able to explore the other series. Since I will go NUTS, if I don't see a whole series. GAH! Die out...eventually yes...when we all die. LOL! Just as other cartoon series become forgotten. Time for such earthly things is the greatest and most undefeatable challenge of all.
  15. :o I'm so unoriginal...I like Duo and Deathscythe. [COLOR=crimson]*blush*[/COLOR] But i'm a girl...I think he's cute. Which was the goal of the artists I'm sure. ;) But Heero comes second. I can't go beyond GW...it's the only one've seen. :( Sorry. I prolly should broaden my horizons.
  16. :cool: [COLOR=darkblue]Dun worry I'm new too. No one replies much to my stuff either. [/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]But lucky you I've got a bunch of sites up my sleeve. ;)[/COLOR] [URL=http://www.pcola.gulf.net/~ekroll/gundam_wing_realm.htmcom]Gundam Realm[/URL] [URL=http://livingangel.www9.50megs.com/gundamwing/index2.html]Duo's Know-it-all Wing[/URL] [URL=http:/myanimeclips.tripod.com/gw.htm]Gundam Streaming Video clip page[/URL] [url]http://ultiex.terrashare.com/index2.htm[/url] UltiEx Gudame Wing [url]www.Gundamwing.net[/url] Hope this is helpful... :D Mari is only here to help! ^_^ If you want some more links or one of these isn't working you can send a PM or [EMAIL=flikgirl_2000@yahoo.com]email me[/EMAIL]
  17. Oh so they DID mass-produce Gundams at one point. Hee hee. I don't think that the Feds had budget probs...I think the technology of the suits progressed faster than the means to build them. :)
  18. [QUOTE] There are still a lot of Gundam not shown in the U.S. and other countries out there, so Gundam is not yet dead by a long shot. [/QUOTE] That's very true. ;) Also that point about the boy chars. (Sorry can remember a dang Japanese word.) It definately attracted this female as an audience. :D I still think that Gundam still has a good long stretch b4 dying.
  19. I don't think you'd get arrested. They used to show them on CN's website. I know there's another website where they [B]SHOW[/B] the episodes. But I can't find it. :mad: GAH!!
  20. [COLOR=seagreen]Hey guys...anyone know where I can download some GW episodes?? [/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]I vaguely remember someone mentioning that they knew where some were in the old Otakuboards.[/COLOR] :D Please tell me!!
  21. [COLOR=royalblue]Am I the only one who voted what's a gundam?? [/COLOR] :o Aheh
  22. The ppl writing fanfics [COLOR=red]HURRY UP!![/COLOR] so I can read 'em. And if you can [COLOR=blue]Gimme LINKS[/COLOR] to some fanfics that are non-yaoi!! ;) Thank you for your cooperations...please enjoy you day. ^_^
  23. [COLOR=crimson]Dunno who some of these ppl are...so I just randomly picked someone. Not like I'm a homicidal maniac...*grin*[/COLOR]
  24. :rolleyes: And some of us don't got cable so we can't watch any series at all! :eek: Sorry didn't mean to scare you there. The only anime I can really watch is Digimon...I'm sorry not really interested. [COLOR=skyblue]But I think it still has a lot of posts. The Bug's Life forums I go to are practically dead!! It could be a time thing too. *shrug* [/COLOR] I know I'll never get to 500 posts. :( I just don't know enough.
  25. :confused: Oh boy that's a toughie. >.< Uhhh...my fave is Duo, I like his hair...Quatre has that cute innocent look and I like that. Heero, I dunno just looks cool...except his outfit, it's so stupid those bike shorts and tank top are so annoying. :mad: Chang's silent mysteriousness are very cool. And Trowa's silence and mysteriousness is definately attractive...and I like his hair too. ;D Soooo me final decsion would have to be....... :D Duo Maxwell!!! And hey...I like the priest thing. ;)
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