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Everything posted by LittleFluteSan

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] Ok, let me clear this up. The only sense where Kaioshin even remotly looks lik Tapion is his hair. They both have those thick stranded mohawks. But even then, tapion's is red and Kaioshin's is a light purple. In conclusion, i do not think they look very simalar. [/B][/QUOTE] They do make people look similar all the time... after all, I've seen like 10 different races that all have the same ear holes as Freeza, including Babidi and Pui Pui.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]YOU SUK LittleFluteSan!!!! AND SO DOES FUNI FOR NOT SHOWING US BLOOD, GORE, LANGUAGE, AND...UHH...NUDITY... [/B][/QUOTE] Bite me, retard. Only a deprived, child molesting misanthrope would want to see all that. Hey, you, you don't need to be so mean! Go bite an insect, you toad!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] I was thinkin about that, and i thought that there MUST hav been other companies. But i really don't pay much attention to others because of all the discrimanation that FUNI is getting. Just goes to show how a slip in the dubbing process with just one company can ruin it's popularity. [/B][/QUOTE] There's a couple of things to say about that... One, Even though FUNImation bastardized DBZ, i'm glad they did it, because otherwise, I would have been deprived of ever having seen it... Two, on the other hand, given the popularity of DBZ, some OTHER company would have undoubtably seen the money making machine DBZ was and brought it to America... and most probably would have had to rape it in much the same way to market it as a "kids show."
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B]Also in my opinion i think the only reason shin became the supreme kai was because he killed bibidi and trapped buu, who and to the kai's, buu was the "most powerful warriar in the universe"... [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, Shin was already a Kai... he probably because SUPREME Kai because Buu killed all the other Kai's, giving him the job by default.
  5. My personal apologies to those of you wishign to see some action. Due to the condescending and downright rude content of my original posts, i'm going to request to the moderator to edit my original post, removing all negativity from my argument about Mastermind, thereby making it fun for all ages. Oh, yeah, pass the popcorn... (anyone STILL looking for action, just say something REALLY lame, and I'll rip you to shreds later).
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] What you said cannot be more perfect (probably cause u own all the db, dbz, dbgt episodes/movies in uncut japanese. The only thing is that Future Trunks does not get his sword from Tapion. This is obviously because of the time change and all that good stuff. That was the only thing i found wrong. [/B][/QUOTE] See, that's where I was all confused... none of this could have happened in Trunk's future, so I was wondering how Trunks got a hold of the same sword in both timelines... So, it's obviously not the same sword... Man, I wish I coulda seen the end of that movie...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by -_MaStErMiNd_- [/i] [B]You sir are an idiot....Yes i too was born and raised here in the USA but this has gone way to far...if you apluad funimation for blasting people into the next dimension then that's ok...But the fact is they completely ruined the show. Yes, voilence was removed but at the expense at: "We cant show running or flowing blood only dry blood and scrapes" Anyway i told you not to freakin post if you were going to whine like a baby about it..... [/B][/QUOTE] I haven't taken it way too far, and I'm not whining like an idiot. I'm trying to save you the trouble of pointing out EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE where something was cut from the original Japanese version to make it editable in english. And I'm trying to save everyone the time they're gonna take reading your ridiculous posts. Anyone fanatical enough to be registered to a DBZ website is prolly already aware that the Japanese version is different. But the bottom line is this: FUNimation edits the episodes because that's the only way they can be shown in the States with all this silly american "Violence in TV" nonsense our country is so wrapped up in. And FUNimation does it anyways because they don't give a DAMN about the integrity of the show. THey do it because of another peice of Silly American Nonsense: Blinding, overwhelming greed. FUNimation is making MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars in DBZ marketing, merchandising, etc. I'm sure they lose NO sleep over the bastardizing of what is one of the greatest shows ever. And, the fact remains, ALOT of people in america would never have even heard of DBZ without these edited episodes. So the fact remains, if more people are able to see and enjoy this wonderful show, even if it is editied beyond comprehension, where's the harm in that? Don't get me wrong, I agree with you 100%... it's silly, stupid, and it ruins my favorite show ever. But don't waste our time quoting lines containing silly stupid american overdubs, and don't be selfish... let the general american public enjoy the story. If they like it enough, they'll buy the unedited DBZ DVD's and watch the original (which, i'm sure, is another part of their DIABOLICAL plan to bleed the american public dry and put another Mercedes in their two car garage.)
  8. I believe (i'm not really sure) Movie # 12 Super Warriors Never Rest is the movie about Tapion, the dude (looking suspiciously like Kaioshin) that gives Trunks his sword. How does that movie end? I have a tape with a bunch of bootleg movies on it, and the last one is that Tapion movie... unfortunatly, the sister of the dude that gave it to me taped her Day's of our Lives over the last half of it, and I've NEVER SEEN IT. How's it end?
  9. (Disclaimer: I am an american. Born and raised here in the good ol' U.S of A. I love my country. But the truth has to be told). The only comment I have is... you're an idiot. OF COURSE THEY HAVE TO CUT AND EDIT ALL THE CARTOON'S DUDE! This isn't Japan. Japenese kids aren't impressionable little idiot hamster's like american kids. They need to edit the cartoons and remove the violence and killing or else everyone from the UN to the ASPCA to Dan Quayle will be screaming for this "violent, polluting image of killing" to be pulled off the air because it'll have "a permanent, detrimental effect on the youth of America." You think ONE episode of DBZ would ever be aired without the editing? Character's openly applauding the death and mutilation of american citizens? Do you know how many American children would be detonating building's within the week? How about Freeza? I've seen the Japanese un-edited versions... what do you think idiot american parents (who raise their kids by sitting them in front of the TV and turning them on to keep them quiet) would say if they heard what Freeza was ACTUALLY saying to everyone, immediatly before he killed them? I'm 23 years old, and even *I* had nightmares about Freeza's brutal ruthlessness. I'm not surprised his voice was so queer, another attempt to deflect the fact THAT HE KILLED THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF A PLANET. Do I disagree with you? No. I think the edited english episodes suck. But is it unjustified? Hell NO. All that editing MUST BE DONE, otherwise, a vast part of America would be saying DragonballWHO?
  10. The Kai's rule not due to supreme power, but just because it's their job to watch over everyone and everything... A few examples: 1) Goku the supremely powerful was fighting Freeza, tyrant of the universe. That was Goku's job. North Kai, as Kai of all the planets in his quadrant, took it upon himself to save the namek's by coming up with his crazy plan to ressurect the nameks with earth's dballs, and wish them back to earth with Porunga... Goku prolly never would have thought of that. The only Z person with that kind of intuition and keen forsight (and most likely candidate for a Kami-like position) would prolly be Bulma. 2) In the first Brolli movie, King Kai sensed the terrible nature of Brolli's power and feared for the safety of his quadrant. As Kai, it's his job to prevent that from happening. So what does he do? He calls Goku, and tells him to go to "New Vegeta" and investigate. So the Kai's have their station, even if it isn't Supreme Fighting Champion.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]nah, buu isn't pure evil. nothing is, really. everything has some good inside. but you're right, it would be impossible for him to split into good & bad sides if he was pure evil, i figured that out a while ago. [/B][/QUOTE] Whereas I'm not being picky or anything, but it was said that Lord Slugg was pure evil... he had some gene that prohibited anything but evil from growing inside him (that's what the original japanese version said, anyways)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gotenssj6_2002 [/i] [B]Hey, If shin is the supreme kai!!!! shouldn't he be strong!!!!!!!!! I mean even a super saiyan(goten or trunks) could beat him up!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Super Saiyans are apparently as strong as Vegeta and Freeza feared. Their "Legendary" status is well deserved. We learned this earlier, when the Grand Kai was surprised at the strength of Pikkon and Goku in the other world tournament... it's not a stretch of imagination to believe that they're all tougher than the Supreme Kai as well (hell, Grand Kai was afraid to TRAIN Goku, much less fight him).
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gotenssj6_2002 [/i] [B]Hey, Yeha brolly is quite the chara. IM not sure but didnt it take ssj2 gohan, ssj goten and ssj gokou to beat brolly!!!! i havent seen the movies but i think thats what happened. Can someone clear that up? Does anyone know where i can get clear brolly movies with english subtitles? Thanks [/B][/QUOTE] In the first Brolli movie, noone knew about SS level 2... what happened was that Goku fought Brolli alone and needed SS Vegeta, SS Old Trunks, SS Gohan, and Super Piccolo to all lend him their Ki so he'd be strong enough to beat him... one by one they gave it to him, and it wasn't enough until finally (after much protest) Vegeta gave up his Ki as well... think about it... 4 Super Saiyan's and a Super Namek to beat him... and he STILL came back...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]i have a question. it seems that brolli, according to some of the above replys, can raise power levels to ssj and ussj. i would like to know why it was hard for the z fighters to kill him if he only goes to those levels of ss. movie 12 was at a point where fuzing was availible to all of the z fighters, none the less level 3 ss in movie 12 also. is there a time gap in between 11 and 12? what is it? thanks kent [/B][/QUOTE] The reason why everyone has so much trouble killing Brolli even though he's just a super saiyan is because his power level, regardless of what his SS level is, is SO DARN HIGH. Just like there's a power gap between Goku and Vegeta, there's a power gap between Brolli and, well... everyone else. But judging by the way his hair looks, I'd assume that Brolli is normally SS-2
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gotenssj6_2002 [/i] [B]Hey, I hope that toonami goes further than buu. I have seen all of the dbz, and gt episodes but i saw them in ***. with english subtitles, but i really want to see them in english. [/B][/QUOTE] Dude, don't complain... I've seen the all the English version episodes available in America, and I VERY MUCH prefer the original japanese version with the the original. The American english version babies up the dialog too much... and with the exception of like 2 or 3 of Vegeta's lines, EVERYTHING said in Japanese is much cooler (especially the lame-o Ginyu saga... I'm sure friggin' Recoom isn't such a queer doof in Japanese).
  16. There's so many questions we can ask that begin with, "Why didn't Goku use instant transmission to...?" Hell, the end of the friggin world could have been avoided several times over if Goku had used his instant transmission more wisely. Why didn't he grab Cell and instant transmit him somewhere else and then just leave him there? I mean, his range is almost unlimited (he could teleport from Earth, to Kai's planet, to New Namek). Sure, Cell's fast and could fly back or something, but what a time consuming task it'd be...
  17. As Gohan touched on, alot of the movie stuff never happens in the series. In fact, alot of the stuff that happens in the movies is a paradox of the series. Not only Turles being a Saiyan, when all Saiyans were killed, but Brolli as well. Vegeta talks in the series about the last Super Saiyan, the LEGENDARY Super Saiyan, living thousands of years ago, and in the Brolli movies, he and Goku were born on the same day. There's a MILLION paradoxes in the movies, Turles the missing Saiyan being just one...
  18. In addition to the Female Half Saiyan's of Earth, and the Female Saiyan on Bardock's crew, if you ever watch the flashback of the history of the Saiyan's (chronicling their rise and fall and conflicts with the Truffels) when they're talking about "the primitive, Warlike Saiyans" they show pics of Female Saiyans wearing those fur tunics, and pics of female saiyans fighting the truffels. And even though they don't (to the best of my knowledge) show any female saiyans in any of Vegeta or Freeza's flashbacks of King Vegeta or the destruction of planet Vegeta, without female Saiyans, there'd be no such thing as pure bred saiyans. (Although, anyone who's seen the Brolli movies, and has seen those incubation tubes Kakkarot and Brolli were in might raise the argument that perhaps Saiyans are bred, not birthed.
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