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Everything posted by JJ
[quote name='taperson'][SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue]I just [URL="http://www.zshare.net/audio/707534717e14249b/"]recorded[/URL] it. It's not as bad as I thought it'd be. But it's not as good either =\[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue]Sainthood is going to take a long time =\[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] I am a fan. Keep it up. I love your voice. I also write in epic short sentences. :D
[quote name='taperson'] [SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue]Anyway, so yeah. I'm figuring out an acoustic version of Poker Face on the geetar.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] You should attain sainthood alone for that. Sainthood I say!
Oh goddess of writing, gimme a good story. I want a nice black widow like scene. Fornication and decapitation are always a treat. Is that doable? (Characters don't really matter)
[B][COLOR=darkorchid][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=sienna]Name[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=darkorchid][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=sienna]: Lady of a Hundred Paces (The Lady)[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Birth Name[/B]: MuRong Zhenzhen[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Sex:[/B] Female[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Age:[/B] 30[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Zodiac Sign:[/B] Fire Dragon[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Social Status/Occupation[/B]: Lady of a Hundred Paces, owner of one of the most exclusive brothels run by the Sisterhood, all around mysterious figure[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Affiliation(s)Notable Relationship(s)[/B]: Niece of the Bear General, first cousin of Water Fairy, High ranking member of The Sisterhood of the Serpent, has her fingers in everything she can get them in[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Personality:[/B] One doesn’t receive the title of Lady of a Hundred Paces for nothing. Zhenzhen is a power-hungry, dominant and ambitious woman, only settling for the best. Her climb to the top was all by her rules, as Zhenzhen doesn’t respect those set by others. Her fiery temper and recklessness have also gotten her into a couple of tight spots, but nothing her sheer dominance couldn’t deal with in a quick manner. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Biography/Motivation[/B]: It was a simple start for The Lady. She used her cunning, her beauty and her sexuality to gain entrance into the brothel she now owns and slept her way to the top. Once she made it to the top, Zhenzhen, in an attempt to shed any resemblance with the girl she once was for those that did not know her, began using simple spells to change her looks. Using the glamour and the idea of the Sisterhood, Zhenzhen has given herself a rather demonic look, to strike fear into the hearts of those that oppose her and to remind those that work for her how powerful she really is. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=darkorchid][B]Appearance: [/B]see attchment due to size, her non-magicked appearence of course[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Edit: I hope it's okay that I applied for the Lady, if not, I can change some things. [/FONT][/COLOR]
Beer from Belgium is the best beer there is, hands down. Not even Guiness can top the amazing variety. Oh, and 358/2 Days was worth my $35. I was pleasently surprised.
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]Hmm the time travel one piqued my interest, could you give a bit more info on that one JJ ? We did the zombie one a while back and sadly it just sort of fizzled out because there was no overall plot. [/SIZE][/quote] [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=darkgreen]Yeah, zombies have to have a set plot if you want them to do anything other than try and eat you. Tried that on LJ and that crashed and burned as it became a nasty pot of... yeah. Bad idea. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=#006400]The time travel idea basically revolves around a group of people, sucked into a time hole caused by an evil mage in the past, who had been using magic. The spell backfired and opened up a wormhole, sucking in the group and dropping them in this mage's room. [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=#006400]The group quickly finds out their arrival had been part of a larger profecy involving them saving the kingdom... pretty much standard fantasy fun stuff at the beginning. Of course, twists and turns would be abound and I think it would be a pretty good ride all in all, if just for the promise of being able to use magic. [/COLOR][/FONT]
Well it has been years, literally, since I role played last on the old girl and I figured I'd gauge intrest in something. Problem is, I have a couple of ideas and was curious as to what people are looking for in a RP these days. Are people still looking for the fast paced action packed fantasy adventure, or are you guys into something more? Something different maybe? Ideawise, basically, I've got an idea involving zombies, fire and flashbacks galore. There's one about a group being thrown into the magic ridden Middle Ages and becoming the heroes of olden, etc. etc. pp. So any takers? I'm open to anything, I just want a good game with a good group.
Wow. The fact that I'm even sitting here typing this is enough to shock the system into that waking coma of non-sleep. The name's JJ and it's been about forever and a day since I last really was active here on OB. The name hasn't changed, though I hope the person behind it has, at least somewhat. I'm not sure if many people remember me, but I remember most of them. I do have to say it's sad to see how quiet the RP area has become. I'm guessing most of the old troop has moved on, but hey, maybe I'll start a wave. So yeah...hey all. :)
As horrible as this sounds, he did "get" it for being a terrorist. Reading the article sent a chill down my spine as I read what all they had done to him. Some of that is almost unbearable and the fact that he landed in the hospital twice? I honestly think there was justice served here, if he truly is who he's been labeled as.
[FONT=Book Antiqua]Well everyone! It's that day~~~~~ Friday! I've only got another 2 hours until I can pick up my copy and I cannot sit still. Is everyone hyped and ready and stuff? [/FONT]
[font=Book Antiqua]1. One would think, that being in a German school, where English is a foreign language...that I would be best in English...but see, you have to translate from English to German....and yeah...needless to say, my German's noooot that perfect...so yeah, English is not my strongsuit. I'm going to go out on a limb and be reeeal original here. My favorite/best subject is in fact....[b]Chemistry[/b]! Oh, hydrocloric acid, how I love thee~ And all those other acids we use in class, to which I know no English names. Maths are fun too. Here, we get all maths thrown together, so they start Geometry in the 6th grade. ((Guess who didn't start getting Math until the 8th grade?)) So I'm behind in Geometry, but Algebra I can handle. 2. Worst class? Well...grade-wise...it'd be a tie between German, Art and PE...but see, I'll be brave and say PE and Art, because German, there's not a whole lot I can do for grade and I like the class so... Art and PE. Two of the most pointless and useless classes that have ever existed EVAR. Both classes are either, A) You can do it or B) You can't and I seem to fall into the B catagory both times... I just can't seem to draw lines...that are straight...with a ruler. Nor can I run a mile and a half in 12 minutes. Or 100 m in 13.1 seconds... Or throw the 200g ball 60 m... And so on. I never learned, never trained...but hey, a D isn't bad, right? [/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][b]"I haven't had the slightest clue what we should do in a situation like this and I've kept out of this entire thing since the beginning, because I'm new here and don't know most of you well enough to be able to tell who was selling themselves to the enemy, but this accusing one another is not going to help our situation at all."[/b] JJ replied, standing up, [b]"I don't mean to be rude here Agent..."[/b] [b]"Shades."[/b] He replied. [/font][font=Book Antiqua][b]"Shades, I do agree with you that Suspect 3 seems most likely to be the terrorist... but, what solid evidence do you have that Japan was even one of those who was asked? I just don't feel right going on a wild goose hunt and upsetting and insulting various agents, you know?"[/b] He questioned, looking the other agent straight in the eyes. [/font]
After the briefing, JJ retreated to his room. He had alot to process and there was alot on his mind. This was the exact kind of thing one expected from terrorists, but when it really happened, one was still surprised and shocked. JJ did not feel right voting for a team leader, however, because he knew so little about the qualities and actions of those already in the CTU a longer period of time. He was relieved when he heard that a leader had been elected, so relived, in fact, that he felt like he could make a quick trip to the kitchen for some coffee, possibly a glass of something stronger as well. He left his room and made a V-Line for the kitchen, trying to go out of his way to not meet people. As he arrived, he slipped in, headed for the coffee machine and grabbed a mug. He poured some of the Elixer of Life into his cup and noticed it was cold. He shook his head and grinned. There was time to make more, right? The new agent then began to rummage for all items needed for the brewing of the Liquid Gold. He found the coffee and had water, but could not find the filters. He cursed quietly under his breath and looked around to see if anyone was in the area. It was empty, but he heard voices coming from the next room, so he took the risk and walked in, putting on his best fake grin. Two people, a man and woman, sat at the dining table, deep in discussion. JJ was not sure if he should interrupt them, until the woman stood up and looked straight at JJ. [b]"JJ...?"[/b]She asked, walking towards him. JJ blinked once, before realizing who had in front of him, [b]"It's Agent Treu now, but yeah, it's me. Is that you Ezekiel?"[/b] [b]"Agent Gurt, but it is me. How have you been? Come here!"[/b]She commanded, while smiling. JJ walked over and gave his old friend a quick hug before stepping back,[b] "Doesn't seem like you've changed at all. It's good to see at least one of my old RP buddies is on the CTU."[/b] [b]"Yeah....hey, you know Sandy, right?"[/b] Ezekiel mentioned, motioning to the man behind her. [b]"Yup, hey long time no see." [/b]JJ commented, walking over to the other Agent. They both shook hands and Sandy nodded, [b]"Agent Peacock, at your service."[/b] [b]"So, I was just wondering if you guys knew where the coffee filters were...I didn't mean to disrupt your conversation..." [/b]JJ explained, after a moment of silence. [b]"It's alright, I'm glad you did."[/b] Jamie replied, smiling softly, [b]"They're next to the coffee machine in a sliding drawer."[/b] [b]"Ah, OK, I'll let you guys get back to your conversation, it was good seeing both of you." [/b]JJ answered, walking back towards the door. ((Tag guys. ~_^))
[QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkred][size=1] We aren't asking for the OBs to be exclusive to Hentai fans. We just want the hentai fan to be INCLUDED on the OBs.[/size][/color][/QUOTE][font=Book Antiqua]You have already included yourselves by opening a thread, so I find that argument old. Why do you all need an entire forum for something that can be discussed just as easily in the Anime Lounge? Is that not what it's there for? Instead of demanding change, why not try to improve what's already there? Spoiler tags would be an obvious muss when speaking of the more explicit scenes, but I think it's a much more fathomable solution then needing a subforum or your own forum. [/font]
[B]The One Word That Never Was[/B] ((PG for two curse words)) "Ms Jenkins...we're sorry..." "Don't.." "Ms Jenkins...we..he.." "I said don't! Don't you high-paid pricks understand the four simple letters?" "Ms Jenkins I don't think..." "Shut the hell up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" She stood up and slapped him in the face. "Ms Jenkins, you need to calm down." "I DON'T NEED TO CALM DOWN YOU FUCKING MORON. YOU KILLED MY BABY." The doctor didn't say anything, he just turned and went back into the ward. She was right, like the patient always was. He had killed her baby.
[Font=Book Antiqua]Are you guys still looking for staff members, because I'd be more than happy to take a crack at Creative Works on the permanent staff. Or I can work freelance if that's easier. Whatever I'm needed for, call me you guy. :)[/Font]
[Font=Book Antiqua]All three of the new recruits stood in the middle of the Command Center, out of breath and still trying to process all that Webster had shown them and explained to them. Plus the fireworks always threw one off, if only just a little bit. JJ blinked twice and looked to the others, who were just as dumbstruck as he. Sonic was scratching her chin and Muffin looked as if her jaw might drop at any moment. It was quite a sight to see, three new recruits, all totally speachless. After what seemed like another couple of hours, JJ found his voice, "So...now that we have that..." "Yeah! I'm worried by what comes next from our teammates." Muffin commented, starting to grin. "That reminded me of Sailor Moon somewhat." Sonic remarked, chuckling. "That thought crossed my mind as well, but I wasn't going to be the one to mention it." JJ answered, laughing. The grin on Muffin's face widened somewhat as she quietly began to laugh with, joining the already chuckling Sonic. Soon, all three of them were laughing, if only to wash away the shock effect. Another sight, these three newbies, all laughing. People began to stare and JJ noticed, so he slowly calmed down. "OK, now that we've got that out of our system...what shall we do now?" JJ asked, looking to the other two.[/FONT]
[QUOTE=Copycatalyst]Not if it has both a man and a woman naked. Also, there is no "obscenity" in our sexuality, or the barbarity of our natures that is present in it. It is how it is and if you want to deny it. . .you deny being human.[/QUOTE] It has nothing to do with denying it. It has to do with the fact that not everyone cares, nor do they want to be exposed to it, or have it rubbed in their faces. It's like religion, you can do as you please, but don't force it upon other people.
[Color=DarkBlue]When JJ recieved the call to join the CTU, he accepted right away and hastily packed a couple of pictures and a change of clothes into his suitcase and struck out for the HQ. He arrived shortly thereafter and slipped in quietly, showing the doorguard his letter. With his suitcase still in hand, he walked into the Command Center and came upon everyone in a bustle. He stopped the first person he could and grinned, "Hi, I'm JJ, I'm new here, could you direct me to my room or someone who can direct me there?" "Webster's the name. Rooms are down the hall on the right, just follow the hall until you reach them. You can't miss them actually. Welcome to the CTU." Webster replied, pointing to the hall. "Thanks." He replied, waving. JJ moved to the hall and down it, finally finding the room with his name on it. He unpacked his photos and set his clothes in the dresser and plopped onto the bed. The day was already a whirlwind and this was the first time he had sat down and took a deep breath. He was here. It was time to start the fight. He got up off the bed and slipped through the "wooshy" door, into the hall. It was quiet, so he headed back up the Command Center, to see if his help was needed with anything. He came upon Webster again, watching a screen. "Hey, Webster it was? Is there anything I can help with right now?" JJ asked, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. "Not at the moment, we just foiled a huge attack and we're awaiting the next. Oh! You need to come up with a codename, if you would. It's part of the strategy, you see." Webster explained, turning around. "Ah!" JJ replied, stroking his chin. He thought about it for a second and replied, "I believe Treu is a fitting name. So, from here on out, call me Treu." Webster nodded, "Sounds fitting." "Do you think you could show me around, or direct me to someone who could show me around?" JJ asked, still amazed at the size of the HQ.[/COLOR] ((Tag Wondershot. :>))
[Color=DarkBlue][B]What is your element of power?[/B] The power of words! Language! Expression! FEELING! [B]Who taught you how to ride a bike?[/B] It was the man....that man....the one in the trench coat.....No, I kid. I can't remember....maybe that stuffed bear I used to own...? [B]When do[/B] birds suddenly appear? When Karen Carpenter sings that song of course![/color]
[B]Death and Politics Go Hand In Hand Part I[/B] "What do you mean you didn't find him?" Sam shouted into the phone. "Sir, the opposing team..." JJ began. "I don't give a flying fuck if it was Jesus fucking Christ himself agent. You lost the Chief's son. I personally am putting every single last one of you on deskwork until further notice. The Chief will deal with you as well when he returns," the man curtly told JJ before hanging up the phone. Sam lowered his head and began to quietly chuckle. Everything was going according to plan. The boy was in their custody, as were the bones. They only needed the remaining two pieces and they could begin the ritual. Those fools at the Anti-International Redirection wouldn't stand a chance as their, no, his group took over the power and installed their four kings in their rightful thrones. But he shouldn't get ahead of himself. JJ was going to start resenting the CIA and before long, he'll most likely go rogue, which wouldn't be good. Sam would have to use his teammates to convince JJ that the CIA was there to help him, which of course it wasn't. If only the man knew of the dangers sitting in front of him... If only he knew. Sam continued to muse for few minutes. His door opened and he looked up. His eyes met a gun barrel and his heart sunk into his stomach. "What do you want?" Sam received no answer and glanced around. There was nothing he could defend himself with. He closed his eyes and hoped that whoever was holding the gun knew what he was worth. "Get up, you worthless piece of shit," the shadow with the gun said. Sam stood up and got a look at his assailant. He gasped when he glimpsed his face. "Sir... I'm sorry... What have I done wrong?" The shadow just grunted and pointed Sam to the door with the end of his gun. "You know damn well what you did wrong. You're being pulled and we're putting someone else in your place. There's a black limousine outside. Get in and tie your legs with the straps provided. Expect punishment when you get to the end of the ride. You'll be told by the driver when to take them off. From there, you'll know what to do." Sam just nodded feebly and scooted out the door like a dog with its tail between its legs. He was beaten and knew it. Having the boss's right hand tell you to piss off was never a good sign. He was most likely going to die if he did as he was told, and if he didn't, they'd hunt him down until he was dead. So he made a choice then and there. He stood up and headed for the back entrance. He would make a run for it. He didn't know where he'd be going, or how he'd be getting there, but one thing was for certain: he was going to need money. JJ, steaming from the ears, threw the cell phone up against the wall and, where it broke in multiple pieces. How dared that asshole have a say in his "punishment"! How dared anyone punish him! It wasn't as if he could have done anything. The goddamn third team had fucked everything up. How was he supposed to react if the Intel wasn't complete? For that matter, what the fuck was with this sending him on a mission without backup? Where had his tech support been? He sighed loudly as Kei came out of the bathroom with a bathrobe wrapped around herself. Hugo was out getting something to eat for the three of them. It had been stressful and each of them dealt in their own way. Kei took forever in the shower, JJ threw things around and Hugo drove through the small town they were staying in. "JJ, we're all to blame and we're going to have to deal with the consequences. You knew it when you signed up, and we knew it too." Kei softly said, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah! I really expected the CIA to handle me like I was a two year old child who just stuck his hand in the cookie jar before dinner! Or better yet, a child in school who didn't do his homework! This is fucking ridiculous. I'm not even part of the damn CIA anymore, but here I am, being punished!" JJ fumed. Kei stared at him "They didn't tell you?" she asked. "Didn't tell me what?" he answered, returning the look. She sighed and turned back towards the bathroom. She grabbed some clothes from the bed and closed the door. JJ was about to get up and knock on the door when Hugo barged through the other door, his hands full of food. JJ stumbled backwards and caught himself on the side of the bed. He grabbed some food and set it on the only table space available. He sighed as his friend dropped the rest, splattering drops of something on various papers. "Sorry JJ," Hugo muttered. "Don't bother apologizing. Just don't," JJ sighed sarcastically. "I'm going to go get some fresh air." He left the room in a huff, leaving behind a very upset-looking Kei and a somewhat irritated-looking Hugo. JJ sighed as he left the hotel and entered the fresh, crisp mountain air. It had been a long night and he hadn't gotten much time to just catch his breath and let off steam. After the smoke bomb went off and everyone either crawled away or died, He hadn't been able to think straight. It was one blur after the other and he wasn't sure if he would remember anything else beside the fight he had with Sam and the fight he'd just picked with Kei and Hugo. He knew he shouldn't have said what he had and there was no excuse for it. He would worry about whether Kei and Hugo were mad later. It seemed he would worry about lots of things these days. The shineys, Lancelot, whatever the hell was going on with... him among other things... and Annie all were shoved in the "Later" box of his mind. It seemed that this box was slowly starting to overflow. He was going to need to do some serious mental filing and figure out exactly what he wanted. If he could figure that out, that is. At this point, he wasn't sure what was up or down, so he figured he'd give it a bit of time. Right now, the one thing on his mind was how he was going to deal with the CIA. The question that had been swimming since he got off the phone with Sam was whether this was really where he wanted to be right now. Was the CIA really the only way he could find Annie? He had plenty of contacts thanks to his work, did he really need to put up with someone harping on him about his every move, even thought he didn't even work with them? JJ had his contacts, he knew people. Why force himself through the routine of daily scolding? It was about damn time he did something to further his investigation. "I'm going to go tomorrow, pack up my stuff on the case and give my two week's notice, or in this case, leaving and never coming back notice," JJ said aloud, sounding more and more proud of himself as he thought it. His burst of inspiration quickly died down as he realized that they wouldn't let him continue nor leave the building with the things he had. That meant more sneaking around and rule breaking, which was fine with him; it was all technically a part of his job description after all. Looking up to the sky, the brown haired man sighed. Clear and dark, the only thing he could see was the moon, half-full and bright. This was his life, the life he'd chosen. Sneaking, lies, espionage, it was what he knew he wanted to do. The only question was why was it so hard to go head to head with his twin sister. It was as if she could read his moves, but he couldn't read hers. That was yet another frustrating topic that needed to be dealt with quickly, which seemed to be everything JJ had to deal with. He was not going to catch any breaks from anything and things were just going to spiral out of control even more if he didn't snip this in the bud now. The only question was, what was Annie's next move?
[quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] Rei/Asuka porn? P:[/color][/quote] Still waiting for that. Did anyone catch the release date on the promised stuff?P =
[Size=1][Color=DarkBlue][B]Name:[/B] Hyuuga Junko [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.shadow-dragons.com/characters/kiba.jpg]Here[/URL] Junko usually wears a pair of dark green shorts and a matching shirt. He also wears his protector as a belt, to keep it clean and to protect a secret. A very deep and dark one.... [B]Rank:[/B] Genin [B]Personality:[/B] Junko is a very subtle young man. Although known for speaking his mind, he does not do so in any ordinary situation. His opinions are strong ones that not everyone likes to hear. So in a way, Junko?s a very blunt person. He?s also been known to converse with very few people. He?s come to find that people don?t like listening to him once he points out the obvious, so he just doesn?t talk with many. Many also don't talk with him, so it's not a problem usually. [B]Equipment:[/B] Like every good ninja, Junko keeps a kunai holder, although his sits on his shorts. He really does not have much need for them though, because once he gets started with his Byakugan, it?s all about his hands. He also carries a belt with a pouch of smoke bombs and soldier pills, for when he needs to get away quickly. [B]Main Weapon/Technique:[/B] Being a Hyuuga means, Junko?s main talent is his Byakugan. In easy words, when activated, it increases his vision abilities, giving him 360-degree sight with his only blind spot being right behind his thoracic vertebra. He can also detect anything with a 50-foot radius around him. The most deadly part of the Byakugan is when it combines with charka. It allows Junko to see his opponent ?inner coil? and allows for his most deadly technique, ?Gentle Fist?. With his Cousin Neji and Cousin Hinata, he has concentrated on perfecting his juken (Gentle Fist). At the moment, it?s fairly deadly, although he hasn?t achieved the station that his Uncle was at, at his age. The ?Gentle Fist? technique can shut off an opponent?s charka flow when it strikes the appropriate place on the body. This is where the Byakugan comes in handy. It allows Junko to see exactly where he needs to strike. He can also create a very weak Hakkesho Kaiten (Eight Trigram Palms Heavenly Spin) which creates a shield around him using his chakra. He has not mastered it either, although he hopes to soon. Biography/Writing Sample: ?No Junko! More force behind your thrust! You?ll never accomplish the next step if you can?t fully close the holes with this simple thrust!? Neji scolded his cousin. ?Yes Neji-sensei.? Junko replied, thrusting again at the doll in front of him. Neji looked to his cousin sternly and frowned, ?How many times do I have to tell you that you don?t have to be so formal Junko? Just because?? ?Neji-sensei, you?re the teacher and I?m the student. You know how those types of things go. I cannot be disrespectful.? Junko replied off-handedly, continuing his practice. ?Junko, I?m neither your teacher nor your tutor. I am your cousin, who is trying to teach you how to work with your powers. Nothing more.? Neji replied sternly. ?Neji?-sensei?? Junko started. Neji pulled back his hand and was about to smack Junko, but he did not, instead glaring at him, ?Effective immediately, you will either call me Neji or I?ll refuse to train you and I?ll tell Hinata not to teach you a thing, understand?? Junko just nodded defeated and did not say anything. This was what he wanted, was it not? To finally be respected by his cousin. There was not a thing higher on his list and here he was acting like a stubborn child about it. So was he way and so he would stay, for better or for worse. ?We?re done for today. Go find something to do.? Neji coldly replied turning and leaving the dojo. Junko just walked out the other door of the dojo out into the household, which he practically snuck. He slipped out the main entrance and into the city. Although he was still worked up from the session, he was not in the mood to hang around the house right now. He really did not have any need to go out either. Maybe he would hit the woods and beat up something there. A tree or some random plant. Yeah, that would be fun. Beat up a tree. Junko sighed. He really had no friends and it was hard growing up with mostly cold responses from the people you thought as ?friends?, namely his family. Hinata, his cousin, was of course nice to him and friendly, but that was her nature and Junko never felt himself very close to her. Neji was a different story. Even as a child, he had quietly admired his cousin. He?d watched him rise in the ranks and earn the respect he wanted. After that, he looked to helping Junko, who was a lot slower than his cousin was. Now they trained together everyday and Neji was slowly starting to open up to Junko. It was everything he could ever want, right? Wrong. He wanted other friends too, but he could never keep them long. They always backed off the first time he made a comment and stopped talking to him. He hated it, but what could he do? He watched as other genin he knew from the Academy walked by in small groups chatting. His pride kept him from sucking down his personality and it was his own fault that he was not one of those. He kept walking and sulked a little longer. ?They all are crappy ninjas anyway. They probably aren?t even close to being on level with me.? Junko told himself. That was his excuse anyway. He continued walking through the city, gathering his thoughts. He almost bumped into a couple of people and he bad-mouthed them and gave them dirty look as kept going. Keeping up appearances and all that. He came to forest, hopped into the trees, and went a ways before stopping and leaning into one tree. Here would be a good place to take a break. Yeah, here. He could think and everything. This was Junko, known as an asshole by all, none as friend to none. [B]Extra Notes:[/B] -Related to Neji and Hinata Hyguua -Slightly jealous of Ichiro OOC: Muahahaha. The glorious return of Junko! WHOO![/color][/size]
[Color=Darkblue]Yup, whatever. Good luck everyone. Busy weeks aren't good for this type of thing I notice. D:[/color]