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Twinzam v

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Everything posted by Twinzam v

  1. I have watched all the austin powers movies so I have to watch this one and there was a thread like this so this one will definetly get closed:)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=darkblue] I can usually kill Anime before she gets to her overdrive, but when she does, I use my aeon. I actually saved Lulu's overdrive for Seymour, but I suck at her overdrive...I just rotate the right analog stick, right? Man, I can't even get the bar to halfway. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] When I said have everyone one their overdrives you did get the aeons overdrives up as well didn't you:)
  3. Sephiroth is around level 30 then and no he does not have mastered manipulate:)
  4. Have everyone on their overdrives and when he calls out anima quickly attack her when her overdrive is nearly full call out a aeon:)
  5. I don't no to either post this in the games forum or this one and I never saw anyone make this thread if there has already been one, sorry Anyone watch this show, they talk about games 24-7. I think the show is ok because they update it weekly. some of the shows are italian which is also why I think its OK and the people who work there sometimes act like fools so how about you guys:)
  6. I read most of it and I agree it was kind of funny:laugh: oh and Mnemolth you have posted three times in a row I suggest you should read the rules:)
  7. rollarcoasters are cool, I aint really got a favourite one though:)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jitoya [/i] [B] Where do you get Valfors second overdrive?[/B][/QUOTE] go to besaid village and there is this women on the left of besaid temple talk to her and she will give it to you, be careful though you fight dark valefor when you go in the village:)
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan Enraged [/i] [B]Ive got a suggestion. FORGET IT!!!! Man, when i found out how to get it, i said screw it. The only people that could do that are extreme hardcore gaming expert. If your bent on getting it, find something that gives you no encounters and then just watch closelty. [/B][/QUOTE] I did the exact same it would take for ever to dodge them oh and gohan enraged you spelt closely wrong:)
  10. There has been tons of * who is your favourite* or * who is strongest* and most of the thread starters are newbies who dont read the rules
  11. Cowboy bebop is the best I think Please no favourite topics, read the rules:)
  12. I agree with james as well playing video games for a couple of hours woudnt make you dumb. Even my parents think that playing games too long would make you dumb
  13. I think the game will go on for ages. All of the games are really interesting
  14. Someone already posted a thread like this The new episodes will be shown in september/october time:)
  15. Finally someone who agrees with me he's acting is quite bad, he was ok in the matrix. But i still think he can act much better:)
  16. I have seen the movie on DVD as well its a good and funny film:) Sorry i cant answer your question
  17. Twinzam v


    I have seen the show and what I think of it you say I laugh at it its a disgrace to Television:mad:
  18. Twinzam v


    I love friends its my favourite T.V show favourite characters are joey and rachel:)
  19. Well I have played and loved every mario games that have come out so i am definetly getting this one:) this one looks cool
  20. I've seen it its a really funny film I just might get it on video or dvd:)
  21. Definetly Kagato he was calm and mean he reminds me of sephiroth(the one in ff7 not my brother)somehow:)
  22. There is a easier way to beat all of the dark aeons let yuna summon Yojimbo and pay him 150000 gil and he will use zanmato which will kill the darkaeon with one hit. I beat both weapons using the magus sisters let them use their overdrive then keep attacking if the weapons killed them be sure to haveyunas nirvana and valefors second overdrive use that and it will do at least 50000:)
  23. I dont really get yugis role either I think she wants to take over the world but then she becomes friends with sasami And no she doesn't die at the end they send her to sleep so all her evil goes away or some thing like that:)
  24. You never see his mom in any of the series Goku is probaly a testube baby lol:laugh:
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