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Twinzam v

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Everything posted by Twinzam v

  1. I remember Gargoyles I use to watch it all the time on Disney and i still sometimes watch now it is just so cool. The voice acting was cool as well:)
  2. Finnaly i know when the new dragonball z episodes start again Why do cartoon network always restart the episodes at the most interesting parts it just makes me so mad:flaming: :mad:
  3. Hey I'm happy for you you and your family must be proud and you did much better than me in my tests
  4. Trapping her kids in a car then see's them dead and says to the police that she got raped this women makes me sick she should go to hell but I have to spit on her first
  5. i am definetly getting Final Fantasy 11, Kingdom Hearts, Deus Ex 2, Devil May Cry 2: Devil Never Cry, Onimusha 2, Red Faction 2 ,Oni 2 Maybe Mortal Kombat Tenchu 3 and sonic
  6. Going to summer school on your birthday that truely sucks as for me i never went to summer school because i dont think thay have them here
  7. I'm preety happy of who i am right now i guess i dont want to be anyone else on the boards
  8. the way i beat was to cast hastaga on everyone then have with everyone on their overdrives including the aeons then i made rikku throw fire gems at him i had over 50 you can steal them of the bombs
  9. I hate her i hate her haircuit to me she looks like one of those inocent school girls who always cry I spit on her
  10. I yell at video games all the time either everytime i get really far in a game and then die or when the computer crashes and when ever i get stuck in a game then thats when i start to throw the joypad
  11. I've seen one of them and it looks cool and if they are cool as you say it is as soon as i get a gamecube i am going to get one of them :)
  12. Session 12 is one of my favourites, it is funny as well and the part when spike opened the fridge was about to made me sick. :sick:
  13. I probaly like sailor mars and sailor mercury.
  14. * Wipes away tear in his eye * I am so happy for you.congatulations, I hope that you would be very happy with Mike. But make sure someone films the wedding because i want to see everything that has happened
  15. i heard about the game and i hear it is supposed to be good i have also seen screenshots of the game
  16. I like washu she is a very funny character and i like her height she's a elf
  17. I hate Ayeka so much her attitude her voice her laugh every thing of her makes me want to bang my head against a brick wall
  18. Isnt this kinda like a favourite topic tread which is against the rules, But since im on this i would have to say Ryoko
  19. What about Final Fantasy Anthology that is on the psx i think
  20. Sorry 4 your loss vegitto now i know that i have no pets but i know what it is like to lose a loved one in the family:(
  21. i think washu has the weirdist hair out of everyone
  22. bulmas just a lonely women and wanted 2 wish for a man in her life i would wish for imortality
  23. Twinzam v


    I ain't leveled up steiner that high but he is still quiet strong and i like his nickname... RUSTY
  24. Well i just either watch T.V, play computers, read a book, listen to music, go on the internet and eat lots of food
  25. That was fun, i got 91.2% but i dont know if thats good or bad
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