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Twinzam v

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Everything posted by Twinzam v

  1. I had armoured core 2 But seph sold it and i was stuck on werehound too Damn his legs and machine guns
  2. She and Roshi don't look anything alike so i don't think she's roshi's sister either
  3. I hated the cartoon so why should i see the movie i saw the preview and it sucked Scooby lookes like a Butt
  4. I've played the first one i liked it but it was to easy and the game was too short i hope number two is better
  5. Well here are mine Pigeot= Mr Birdman Bulbasaur= Bulb head Mewtwo= The claw Zapdos= Spikey And a few more
  6. I have played 1, 2, and 3 and the only decent one is tony hawks 1 the other 2 are just rubbish and if 4 is good then i might get it
  7. I got him nothing, its true he never gives me and seph any gifts for our birthdays
  8. I like rap my favourite artists are Emenim, docter dre and a few more Then theres some song i really hate like metal, rock and garage
  9. Well i usualy beat him by casting haste and wall on all my party members and if u have dispel cast it on sephiroth so it would get rid of his wall then i just use summons, comet2, and ultima I hope that i've helped
  10. I still have a couple of weeks 2 go:flaming: well in the summer I'll just be watching T.V and play on my computers
  11. Family guys the best I think stewie is funny as well And my next trick is to turn water into funk:laugh:
  12. My stupid cousin threw me across the room and when i landed i broke my arm It was so funny, but it hurt
  13. Did you get aeris's final limit break and all of her weapons incuding the umbrella
  14. How could someone poison a dog thats just sad and evil I feel sorry for you, well your getting revenge I hope you make those people suffer
  15. Twinzam v

    FInal Fantasy

    I hated the movie i can't believe it was called Final Fantesy:flaming:
  16. Tyson could've had a chance 2 win if he had longer arms
  17. The most embarassing moment was at lunchtime in school i sat at the table talking to my friends then some girl pours banana milkshake down my head my friends were laughing their a**es of at me for ages and i also smelt like banana through the rest of the day
  18. :laugh: Where the hell did you get the toys from its hilarious:laugh:
  19. I like all 3 series its just that i dont like tenci in tokyo as much as the other 2 because of the rubbish animation
  20. I cant remember how many years ago it was but i saw Akira and i thought it was great so i loved anime since then
  21. Most of my family members pizzes me off my little brother and sister always ask me stupid questions which they know the answer to and my big brother beats the hell out of me nearly everyday for no reason :flaming:
  22. I threw the monopely board across the room because i saw my other friends cheating in the dam game
  23. Street fighter is the best i always be akuma in the games and the some of the films aren't so bad:D
  24. They have uniforms in my school and you don't know how strict they are about it the teachers give you a detention if you don't have a tie on:flaming:
  25. Finally i know what really happens i was trying to find this out for ages
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