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About SuperStorm

  • Birthday 04/18/1994

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New Member (1/6)



  1. [quote name='Lrb'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]But we all know Satan makes the best games. Go play Bible Adventures if you want but I'll stick to Diablo and WoW. :smirk:[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Nice ^^ I got WoW a few days ago and im lvl 53 atm :) I play all day.
  2. Hey all you gamers out there I am here to see what MMOs you guys are playing. I heard there is this one that is all PVP. is it Rakion or Ravienn or something... Anyway I was looking for a good PVP MMO. Can you help me think of the name? Thanks, Pole
  3. Doom 3! It has that "something is gonna get me" feeling :P
  4. If I had the ability to go into a game it would be in any FPS. Because in most of them you can respawn when you die. So its paintball with real bullets and you can respawn!
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