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Everything posted by Takato

  1. Yea he has a pretty much fuNNi voice...but i still dont like him....LoL
  2. Suicune is another one of the legendary Pokemon.(the one that looks likes a Blue dog)
  3. I think the person your refering to is UBUU...and i think the other person who fights super 17 is ChiBi-Goku..
  4. THANK YOU very much!!! He still doesnt believe anything I say But hey what Can I do....
  5. Over here in Japan We Have another Movie that has already come out...So yes there is somthing else after Johto. In American you ppl should be up to the Johto League Champion epps
  6. I know that but there a Movie where Gohan fights Bo-Jack and he also goes SSJ2 there Aswell....
  7. I have a problem witha Friend who think he knows "EVERYTHING" about DBZ.We wants to know When did Gohan Actually go SSJ2: Druring the fight with Cell or Druing the Fight with Bo-Jack?? I've tried to tell him time and Time again but he doesn't want listen to me.
  8. the legendary SSJ that went out of control thet Paragus was talking about was Brolli.He just didnt want anyone esle to know that.
  9. OK,if you think that im so called "making this up as I Go" then so be it...think what ever you wanna think..ok? But I know what im talking about.Ill vist you little site or whatever.But you can also think that theres no other levels after the Trunks saga.
  10. Ok Ok OK,for one you dont know WHERE im from so just cut that right there.And I DO know the EXACT power levels after the Trunks saga just not to the end.the truth is that in JAPAN,there are certain little things that they done release for the American Public or what ever you wanna call it. But one thing I do know is that SSJ3 Goku-son is not powerful than SSJ4 Goku-Son.Yu can see it for your self,just go to the power levels section of the dragonball Otaku and have a GOOD look,and yu will most def see what im talking about.
  11. That was the whole reason that Goku-Son and Gohan went into the chamber.So that they could go beyond the stage of SSJ. If I remember correctly,Goku-Son and Gohan only practiced in that chamber in SSj form so that it would feel so weird.And also so that they wouldnt waist any energy powering up because they were already in SSJ form. Do you remeber the part where Krillin,Goku-son,and Gohan were in the field and Goku-son was laying there sleep in SSJ.Krillin thought that Goku-son could feel ever power level from miles away.But when he threw that Rock at Goku-son,he thought that Goku would Zap it,but he didnt and it hit him right in the face:therock:
  12. Yes Brolli is the first SSJ.Although Vegita did say that thing about a SSJ coming along every 1000,but none of them had the absolute power that Brolli and the others have.
  13. you ppl are missing the point of what im saying. I know these are estimates,but me being from japan...I know the EXACT power levels! And be they may estimates...who ever put these power levels up,put them up in the wrong order. What I was pointing out was,how can Goku be stronger in the Buu saga(when he turns SSJ3) than at the end of Dragonball-GT when he's SSJ4?Also the part about Vegitto being Stronger than Gojita?Look all Im wanna say is..Some one let the Admin. know about this..Ok? thats it.
  14. LoL...for the last time I got those power levels off this site!
  15. My info isnt false...the info that I got from the power levels that i got from the section on this is false thats what i was trying to point out....that the power levels are mixed up.
  16. NoOo...What im trying to say is....why is like that in the power levels part of the DragonBall page here in the Site of theOtaku? And yes i know they are estimates...but if they are going to be estimates...they should be out in the right place.
  17. What I dont understnad is the different power levels goku has as SSJ4. And that the fact the SSJ Vegitto has a Higher power level than SSJ4 Gojita Seen Here>> Gogeta SSJ 4: 360,000,000 Vegetto: 600,000,000 Anyone else see the Problem??! And this Right here>> Goku and Vegita Have a mUch much lower power leve than Gohan who is at SSJ2! Son Goku Super 4: 180,000,000 Vegita Super Saiyan 4: 180,000,000 Gohan Super Saiyan-Jin 2: 325,000,000 And SSJ3 Goku is very much stronger than SSJ4 Goku...its about a 270,000,000 power level difference between the two.
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