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  • Birthday 06/07/1985

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    NO JOB

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  1. She's just like ryoko but less persistent
  2. I have the moive was great it so much action I cuoldnt beleive it. The girls were some of the cutest girls in anime that I couldnt trust my eyes
  3. Hey SemjazaAzael canyou mail me some I'll mail you the money once I getim. Cause here we dont have suncoast I think.
  4. It's a show about a girl who gets draged into these duls with swords.
  5. After the battel when yugi is sleeping in a cave tenchi is talking to one of the girls(i forget witch one)and the girl "is't sayuya yugis shadow' then tenchi says "yes" the girl "that means she will grow up to look like her" something like that.:D
  6. Yes thier is watch the last episode it'll tell you who yugi will grow up to be.
  7. Yo hunter mail me some of those anmie movies(vhs)ok.
  8. Every thing you said thats what I want ok :D
  9. I just want to find more movies. Oh befoer you tell me wich one has the best selection.
  10. If you seen the movie I think they should sart off when washu made mayuka a baby after she died.
  11. You know how yugi is goning to look like sakuya when she grows up right. well i want to know if she's going to act like her. [SIZE=4][COLOR=skyblue][B]But tenchi dose love her you know
  12. You know how they are all in diffrent galxys right. but you see something rong happens and this truly powerfull evel person will come up. he has traveled all over the univers and seen all thes peopel who he wants to rule. then word gets out all over the univers. and no one could beat him. he kills the nameks first after he gets his internal life. so they cant rive anyone or give someone else iternal life thats how it would work right.
  13. You know how they are all in diffrent galxys right. but you see something rong happens and ttis truly powerfull evel person will come up. he has traveled all over the univers and seen all thes peopel who he wants to rule. then word gets out all over the univers. and no one could beat him. he kills the nameks first after he gets his internal life. so they cant rive anyone or give someone else iternal life thats how it would work right. [SIZE=4]dont read this read the second one[/SIZE]
  14. I need to know ive beenlooking for the longest
  15. I thimk they should because im getin tierd of the seeing them apart. If they do that it would be the perfict movie. It would be longer than the titanic. And it will have every thing you can think of. Drama,action,horror anything you can think of.What do you think
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